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Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets

Early Access

Last Updated:February 11, 2025|Changelog

The Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets Guide for Path of Exile 2 teaches you the best affixes to roll on Waystones (Tier 15) and your Precursor Tablets. This is important knowledge for every player to understand because:

  • You need properly rolled Waystones for Breach farming, Citadel completion, and many future potential farming strategies!
  • Understanding the correct Precursor Tablet and Waystone (Tier 15) modifiers to use can have extreme differences in loot obtained.

Most importantly, this guide teaches you how to start obtaining much more Currency and Gear to finally get that upgrade you've been looking at!

Early Access

Path of Exile 2 is in Early Access and map affixes, Precursor Tablet types, and even mapping strategies can change rapidly. Pin this article to be notified of any updates!

Why Rolling Matters

Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets Guide
Begin with the basics and learn from there!

You may understand the very basics of improving Waystones (Tier 1) with an Orb of Transmutation and an Orb of Augmentation then using a Regal Orb. But where do you go from there and why would you do anything more?

  • The difference between running a Regal Orb'd Map and a fully juiced and Distilled Greed Map is massive.
  • Your better rolled Maps will generate more monsters, more loot, more experience, and helps progress your build much faster.
  • It doesn't take too much longer to properly roll a map, and is more than worth the time investment with Keystones like Unstable Energies and Notable Atlas Passives like Enigmatic Intensification providing so much reward for such little effort.
  • You want to ensure the correct Tablet modifiers to take advantage of Remnants of Power and the fact that all Maps in the Radius of your Tablet will obtain it's modifier bonuses!
  • You wouldn't want to waste a lucky TEN Breach proc of your Crumbling Walls Map would you?

Learning these skills and applying them to future farming strategies is key to generating more Currency in Path of Exile2!

Learn How to Roll for Breaches

If you're knowledgeable in the basics and want to skip ahead, check out the Rolling for Breach section of this guide to learn how!

Basics of Rolling Waystones and Tablets

Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets Guide
Begin with the basics and learn from there!

Here's a quick refresher for new players on terminology and the Currency's used in Path of Exile 2:

Modifiers: The "Things" that can appear on Waystones (Tier 1) and Precursor Tablets are called it's "Mods" or "Affixes".

  • Magic items can have up to 2 affixes, and Rares typically have up to 6.

Prefix / Suffix: Modifiers are categorized into "Prefixes" or "Suffixes".

  • A Magic item can have only 1 Prefix (the name of which appears before the item's name) and only 1 Suffix (which appears after the item's name).
  • Rare items can (normally) have 3 Prefixes and 3 Suffixes. You can otherwise bypass this limit through the use of Vaal Orbs to obtain as many as 6 Prefixes or 6 Suffixes based on our Corruption outcome (covered later).

Currency for Rolling Waystones:

  • An Orb of Transmutation, Orb of Augmentation and Regal Orb should be used only when just starting to complete Waystones.
  • Orbs of Alchemy should be used on every Waystone (Tier 15). This ensures 4 Modifiers right away, making it much easier to find which maps you should run and which get thrown out.
  • Exalted Orbs are used to fill the rest of your Waystone (Tier 15) Mods out to take advantage of Grueling Journey for running League Mechanics like Breach.

Waystone Tier: Waystones are given a tier based on the Level of the Area it dropped in, and the Rarity of the Monster that dropped it. The tier of Waystones determine what Level the monsters and Bosses are, and thus dictates how much experience you obtain and how good the loot is.

  • In general, a Waystone (Tier 16) generates "better" loot than a Waystone (Tier 1). This is because the Modifiers have larger ranges that can be rolled for them, making the higher tiers more dangerous and valuable as you progress! There are also drops like Breach Splinters and Simulacrum Splinters that are gated behind certain Waystone Tiers before they begin dropping more plentifully (or at all).
  • Waystone Tier determines the Level of the Monsters in Maps, so it also determines the Item Level that your Gear drops at. Some modifier tiers are locked behind higher Item Level Gear, so it's important to run the highest Level maps you can handle to obtain the best Gear possible!

Precurser Tablet Types (Bases): Each Tablet adds a certain mechanic to a number of Maps in radius. Right now the following tablets are available during Early Access, with more to come before the full release:

Implicits: Your tablets have "Implicits", with a number of Maps in Range that gain the mechanic.

  • The Implicits can be an important consideration, but they are not the only thing that determines the value of each Tablet! The modifiers, namely the Prefixes that increase the Quantity/Rarity of items dropped in your Maps, are a larger consideration of value on tablets.

Corruption: Waystones can be Corrupted with a Vaal Orb, just like your Gear. Some corruptions can add a lot of "juice" to your maps:

  • 25% Chance: No Change
    The Waystone remains the same without any modifications.
  • 25% Chance: Increase or Decrease Waystone Tier by 1
    The Waystone’s tier goes up or down by one, and its modifiers are randomized.
    Tip: This is the main method to obtain a Tier 16 Waystone.
  • 25% Chance: Prefix or Suffix Lock and Reforge
    One set of modifiers (prefixes in this example) are locked, preventing them from being removed. The suffixes are cleared and replaced with a new set of prefixes with the same number of modifiers, ignoring normal crafting limits.
    Tip: This is the main method of obtaining 6 Prefix or 6 Suffixes Waystones.
  • 25% Chance: Reforge with Extra Modifiers (Rare Waystones Only)
    Both prefixes and suffixes are locked in place. The Waystone is reforged with a chance to add extra modifiers, up to a maximum of 5 prefixes and 5 suffixes, ignoring normal crafting limits.

Enchantments: A Waystone may receive an enchant from Distilled Emotions like Distilled Greed. This not only adds additional bonuses to your loot, but to the monsters too! The monsters get much tougher the higher your Delirious %, but also drop more Simulacrum Splinters so balance the difficulty and rewards based on your builds power.

Waystone Rolling Example 1 1024 X 513
A breakdown of the tooltip of a Rolled, Enchanted, and Corrupted Waystone in Path of Exile 2. Holding Alt allows you to display the advanced tooltip information. Note the golden lines that separate Enchantments and the Explicit Modifiers, and the separation of Prefixes and Suffixes.

Waystone rolling Tips and Tricks

Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets Guide
I know what the words mean, but now what?

Before getting into the Endgame Map juicing paradise, let's start with the basics:

How to Roll your First Waystones (Tier 1)

  • Your first Maps should be rolled with an Orb of Transmutation and Orb of Augmentation. They ensure extra mods for loot and dropping more Waystones at nearly no cost. Since you get only 1 Life per Map, don't feel bad if you can't handle harder maps yet, just buckle down and farm what is comfortable!

Not Dying and Want More Loot?

  • As you progress your Quests and unlock your Atlas Passive Points, simply add a Regal Orb to your Rolling. This adds 1 Prefix or Suffix, which can make your Maps drop better and more loot, or adds an additional difficult Map mod which gives your Map extra chance to drop additional Waystones.

Later this guide explains how to best filter out mods your build cannot run.

Your First Breach Map

  • As you progress through the Atlas, you encounter Maps with things on them. They can all be run for some solid early upgrades, but the best one to focus on is Breach.
    • Early in your Atlas progress don't spend too much time worrying about these, but consider the bare minimum of using an Orb of Alchemy to add 4 Mods to your Highest Tier Waystone.
    • Keep in mind, you cannot drop Breach Splinters until higher Waystones, so don't invest too much into these just yet!

Max Juicing with Breach is covered Later in the article so don't worry!

Atlas Complete, Time to farm Waystone (Tier 15)

  • Once you reach the point of Waystone (Tier 14) or Waystone (Tier 15) farming, it's time to get serious about rolling your Maps.
    • Every Normal Waystone should be rolled with an Orb of Alchemy, if it's Magic then use an Orb of Augmentation followed by a Regal Orb, and if it's already Rare then you may consider using an Exalted Orb if you have a solid build and want a juicy Breach or Boss Map.

Bulk Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets

  • Fill a Stash Tab (as much as you can) and Roll all at once. This saves so much time, and allows you to search for Mods your build cannot run, or for the juicy Mods to use on those Breach Maps you've been saving.
    • Putting Mods in quotes highlights anything with that exact wording.
      • To highlight the Increased Quantity of Items found affix, simply put in quotes "ntity of item"
    • To highlight your "Bad" Mods:
      • Players have 60% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield simply put in quotes "60% less Rec"
        • Notice you only need to type enough of the mod to separate it from anything else that can show up on the Waystone. (Just putting "ty of item" shows Quantity of Items found AND Rarity of Items found)
    • Putting Quotes around Mods separated with a pipe "|" (the vertical line key above most Enter Keys) allows any of those Mods to be highlighted.
      • To highlight 60% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield, #% increased Ailment Threshold, and -#% Maximum Player Resistances, put them within Quotes and Separated by "|"
        • "ailment th|60% less|player res"

Use these above tricks to highlight any bad and good Mods builds want to avoid or run!

Waystone Stash Regex Example
With "ailment th|60% less|player res" in the Stash Search, all maps with these bad mods are highlighted.

Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets

Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets Guide
Welcome to the big leagues
Early Access Farms

Path of Exile 2 is in Early Access and the best strategies to farm Currency can change rapidly. Pin this article to be notified of any updates to the new best Waystone rolling strategies!

How to Roll Breach Waystones

The ability to properly farm Breach isn't even too complicated if you've mastered the basics from above!

  • The best modifiers for Breach farming are:
    • #% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
    • #% increased number of Rare Monsters
  • The 2nd best are any of the following:
    • #% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
    • #% increased Magic Monsters
    • Rare Monsters have 1 additional Modifier

Next you simply instill your Waystone, depending on what level of Deliriousness your build can handle.

  • Distilled Greed is a great budget option to dip your toes into Delirium with 24% increased Rarity.
  • Distilled Paranoia provides +45% Rare Monsters, but is expensive and should be used only on your best Waystones!
Rare Monster Breach Map Example
A well rolled Waystone with Quantity, Rarity, and very High Rare monsters

This Waystone is the perfect example of a very lucky roll! Most won't look like this, but put the good ones aside for the next step!

Rolling the Correct Precursor Tablets

Tablets are just as important for squeezing out tons of loot from your Breach maps.

  • You can use Breach Precursor Tablet or even Precursor Tablet if you have Breaches on your good layout Maps already. (Good and Bad Layouts are covered below)
  • The best mod you can get on your Breach Precursor Tablet is:
    • #% increased Quantity of Items found in your Maps
  • Some other OK mods you could run are:
    • #% increased Rarity of Items found in your Maps
    • #% increased Rare Monsters in your Maps
    • Rare Monsters in your Maps have a #% chance to have an additional Modifier
    • #% increased Magic Monsters in your Maps
Quantity Tablets Example
Example of Quantity and Rare Monsters added with Tablets

This Map was in the radius of 9 Towers, allowing it to stack up lots of Quantity for a TON of Loot.

Learn How to Squeeze the Juice

This is more than enough to get into some Breaches and start dropping Exalted Orbs and Divine Orbs, but there's still juice to squeeze if you can handle it! Check out the Further Map Juicing section to learn how!

Setting up Towers for Precursor Tablets

Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets Guide
Finding the right spot

Finding Towers through Fog

The first thing you have to do is find some Towers to use all these Waystones and Tablets on. Luckily they're easy to spot within the Fog.

Just head in one direction, using Waystones (Tier 13) or lower if you'd like an easier time traveling. This process can take a bit of time, so it's recommended to set aside a chunk of playtime towards traveling through your Atlas in search of Towers.

Look for 5 or more Towers in the distance, and be mindful of areas with multiple clusters of Towers nearby!

Towers In Fog Example 1024 X 687

Citadel's have bad layouts around them for Breaches. But the Boss drops are very valuable, so make sure to check out the Rolling for Citadel's section below!

Blocking bad Layouts

Augury, Mire, and others have been "Blocked" from receiving Tablet Mechanics like Breach by Attempting them before using up the Tablets.

An important part of getting Towers setup is to try and find a path to each tower than doesn't use up your Good Layout Maps (covered below).

It can be a bit annoying, but getting those Maps completed if they're on the path to your Towers ensures they cannot receive Breaches you would otherwise want on good Map layouts.

  • One last step is to "Attempt" any bad Layout maps around your path to the Towers. This is simple, only requiring a Waystone (Tier 1) to open portals to that area.
    • There's no need to complete the Map to have it Attemped, simply purchase Waystones (Tier 1) from Doryani and open portals to all the bad layouts to block them!

Use Tablets, Obtain Loot

Choosing where to use your good Breach Precursor Tablet and Waystone (Tier 15) is important to achieve the most out of Enigmatic Intensification and Remnants of Power.

On the right is an area with tons of Towers nearby. This is the perfect spot to use all your best Waystones and Precursor Tablets!

  • Bad layout Maps Attempted or Completed ensure Breaches land on the remaining good layout Maps.
  • Towers in Radius used Breach Precursor Tablets with increased Quantity of Items and increased Number of Rare Monsters rolled onto them
A dream Tower placement, with good layout Maps within the radius of many Towers.

This was the PERFECT spot for some very high loot Maps. With 9 Towers and well rolled Waystones and Precursor Tablets, this spot is sure to drop tons of loot!

Good and Bad Map Layouts

Early Access Map Layouts

Path of Exile 2 is in Early Access and the "best" Map layouts and currency strategies will change with additional Maps and League Mechanics added over time. Pin this article to be notified of any updates to the new best Map layouts for the new Meta currency farms!

Further Map Juicing

Rolling Waystones and Precursor Tablets Guide
Other Farms and Bigger Breaches?

Rolling Waystones for Citadels

Farming Citadels for Ancient Crisis Fragment, Faded Crisis Fragment, or Weathered Crisis Fragment is a great way to make Currency. Understand the following to get the most out of Citadels:

  • Waystone Drop Chance affects the number of Fragments the Bosses drop
    • ~300-400% = 2 Fragments
    • ~600-700% = 3 Fragments
    • ~1200% = 4 Fragments
  • To obtain such a high Waystone Drop Chance, combine the following:
    • A Corrupted Waystone that rolled additional Prefixes.
    • Tablets with Waystone Drop Chance
    • Lucky rolls on your Atlas Passive Tree Keystones like Unstable Energies or Corrupted Infusion alongside generic Waystone Quantity.
High Waystone Drop Chance Example
An example of a Waystone that ensures up to 3 Fragments drop from the Citadel Boss.

Keep in mind, your Atlas Passive Tree affects the Citadel! Learn more, check out our Citadel farming article!

Ritual, Delirium, and Expedition

For now, Breach is the king of loot dropping League Mechanics. For any other strategy, you can simply use an Orb of Alchemy and look for Packsize and avoid mods your build cannot run.

For Delirium farming Simulacrum Splinters, you want the Players in Area are #% Delirious to be as high as possible.

  • This can be obtained cheaply by choosing the Get out of my head! in the Delirium Atlas Tree and filling with Distilled Guilt when there's room. \
    • Running Tier 12+ Waystones is OK for dropping Simulacrum, so ensure those are showing on your Filter.
Deli Map Waystone Example
Example of a good Simulacrum farming Map

One last tip for Delirium is to run the Precursor Tower layout Bluff, making sure NOT to complete it at the end! When left uncompleted, you can easily run it again by using another Waystone. This allows you to run a great layout Map over and over again, farming Simulacrum Splinters all night and day.

Further Breach Juicing

Super Juiced Breach
High rolled Prefix Corrupted Waystone

Oops! This exile forgot to Anoint this Waystone with Distilled Paranoia before Corrupting. Don't make the same mistake!

The last steps to take your Breach Waystones and Precursor Tablets to the next level is a combination of the following:

  • Corrupting your Waystones with a Vaal Orb to turn the Waystone into a Tier 16, or add Prefixes for more Rare Monsters, Quantity, Rarity or Packsize.
  • Using a Chaos Orb on Waystones with only 1 good modifier, looking to land 2 good mods.
  • Looking through the modifier rolls for high Rare Monsters or Quantity and ensuring these Waystones are Anointed with Distilled Paranoia.
  • Consider using Orbs of Annulment and Orbs of Augmentation on Breach Precursor Tabletss with 9+ Maps in Range and a good suffix to try and roll for increased Quantity /Rarity of Items or the following:
    • Your Maps which contain Breaches have 8+% chance to contain an additional Breach
    • Your Maps which contain Breaches have 3+% chance to contain three additional Breaches
    • Breaches in your Maps spawn 20+% increased Magic Monsters


  • Roll Waystones and Precursor Tablets to Magic and consider using Regal Orbs or Orbs of Alchemy on your Waystones if your build can handle it
  • Roll increased Quantity of Items and increased Number of Rare Monsters on your Waystones and Tablets for more loot from Breach
  • Find areas with clusters of Towers nearby to use Enigmatic Intensification to further boost your Quantity and a chance for Remnants of Power to proc.
  • Use Distilled Paranoia to add Rare Monsters to your best Waystones or Distilled Greed as a good budget alternative.
  • Run Citadel's with 600% increased Waystone Drop Chance to obtain 3 Fragments from their Bosses

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Written By: Tripolarbear

Reviewed By: Crouching_Tuna

Language Reviewed By: Tenkiei

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