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Early Access

Last Updated:January 3, 2025|Changelog

This Farming Guide covers the basics of farming Ritual in the Path of Exile 2 Early Access. It also shows how to challenge the pinnacle encounter, The King in the Mist. This includes the best Atlas Passive Nodes to take for optimized currency generation.

How It Works

Path of Exile 2 Early Access

Whilst completing Waystones on your Atlas you encounter maps with the Ritual mechanic on them. When this happens, 3 or 4 Ritual Sites spawn on the Map requiring you to clear the monsters inside before beginning the encounter.

Once activated, the Altar respawns any enemies previously slain within the Ritual Site. Defeat them again to gain Tribute. This is a special resource that can be spent to take items from the ritual pages. Your Tribute DOES NOT carry over to the next Ritual Map so make sure you spend it.

The exclusive rewards from Ritual include: Omen of Dextral Annulment, Omen of Dextral Erasure, Omen of Sinistral Annulment, Omen of Whittling and many more Omens. Some of these are extremely valuable to other players and can be sold for a large amount of Divine Orbs.


Favour Rewards

Path of Exile 2 Early Access
Ritual Page featuring a deferred, An Audience with the King

After completing all the Ritual encounters, click the Ritual icon (you can also click the League Mechanic key on PC, default "V"). You are met with a page of rewards ranging from completely useless items all the way to valuable Omens, An Audience with the King or valuable Currency.

Here are the 3 ways you can spend your Tribute;

  • Takeitems from the Ritual Page.
  • Defer rewards.
    • This requires you to spend a smaller amount of Tribute to lock the reward. It's price is reduced the next time you see it within the pages, this can be done any number of times until you choose to take the item. Reserve this option for expensive items you aren't able to immediately take.
    • Deferring an item guarantees it appear in one of your future rituals for a lower price.
  • Reroll Rewards
    • It is crucial to see as many Ritual pages as possible due to range of quality in loot on most of the pages.
    • IMPORTANT: Try to have at least 1000 Tribute remaining after your final reroll so that you may defer even the rarest of items. The likelihood of this happening is of course very low and you should still re-roll rather than waste your tribute on junk, but be mindful of your tribute count especially on early pages. (Don't be like me and miss out on a mirror because you ignored this step!)

How To Run

Path of Exile 2 Early Access
Ritual Icon 1024 X 579
Look for a map with the Ritual hand icon to find Ritual encounters!

Maps have a chance to naturally contain a Ritual encounter as indicated by the icon shown above.

Use a Ritual Precursor Tablet on a Watchtower to guarantee a Ritual encounter in nearby maps. This adds a Ritual encounter to the number of maps stated on the implicit modifier of the item. Any explicit modifiers apply to all uncompleted maps within the towers radius.

Pinnacle Boss

Path of Exile 2 Early Access
The King in the Mist
Ritual 1024 X 576
The King in the Mist

Ritual, like all of the Atlas Mechanics in the Path of Exile 2 early access has a Pinnacle Boss encounter. Whilst completing Ritual Encounters and seeing the Favour Rewards, you may find An Audience with the King. This item can then be placed into the Realmgate at the centre of your Atlas to open a portal to The King in the Mists realm.


The King in the Mist encounter is similar to that which you encounter in The Freythorn during Act 1. Here are the most dangerous mechanics you should look out for;

Purple Orb
The Maze

The King of the Mists afflicts you with The Ritual of Meditation. Whilst afflicted, do not move too much. Doing so for too long results in you character being stunned for a long duration.

Ritual Of Meditation Img 1

The King in the Mist afflicts you with the Ritual of Dance. Whilst afflicted, keep moving. Standing still for too long results in your character being stunned for a long duration.

Ritual Of Dance Img 1

The King in the Mist briefly glows red, meaning this move cannot be evaded. Move away from him to avoid the large area of effect slam.

Vine Slam King Img 1

During Phase 2, the King in the Mist channels a purple orb at a targeted location. After a duration the orb flies towards the player and explodes dealing massive damage. Bait the Orb to your location and the run out of it's radius.

Explosive Spore Img 1

After reducing the King in the Mists to 25% health, you are sent in the Wildwood Maze. Follow the Wisps to find the Portal back to the his arena to continue phase 2 of the fight. If you take too long, you are taken by the swarm.

Atlas Passives

Path of Exile 2 Early Access

The Atlas Passive nodes are acquired by defeating the King in the Mist on different levels of Difficulty, with 2 being awarded for each kill.

Promised DevotionReduces the price of deferring rewards. It also causes them to reappear sooner. This node is fairly useless, but can be allocated into if you have a lot of favours deferred.
From the MistsAdds 2 packs of Wildwood Monsters. These add a lot of tribute and also seem to be a good source of Ritual Precursor Tablets.
Reinvigorated SacrificesMassively increases the amount of Tribute you get in your Rituals. Due to the lack of rewards you actually want to take out of the Ritual pages, this node is currently not very strong.
Spreading DarknessGuarantees 4 Ritual Altars in each of your maps containing a Ritual encounter. This node much like From the Mists adds a lot of Tribute and the potential for more Ritual Precursor Tablets.
Ominous PortentsIncreases the chance to receive Omens in your Favour Rewards. This is a great node as Omens are the big ticket items you are looking for to make additional profits.
He ApproachesThe best node on the Ritual Atlas Tree. The increases rarity of monsters increases the amount of Tribute and loot dropped at the end of the encounter as well as increasing the chance to receive An Audience with the King.
Tempting OffersDue to the lack of good rewards in the majority of Ritual pages, this node is mandatory. Seeing more pages is almost always better than taking low value rewards from previous pages.
Path of Exile 2 Early Access
Ritual Atlas Tree

Allocate the nodes in order of importance;

  • Ominous Portents
    • Increases profitability by granting more Omen rewards.
  • He Approaches
    • Increases profitability by increasing your chance to see An Audience with the King in the Ritual pages. It also improves the amount of loot and tribute you get from each Altar completion.
  • Tempting Offers
    • Allows you to see more ritual pages. This is very important as most pages have nothing of high value and it's better to see more pages in the hopes of a big ticket item. As opposed to taking out low value items constantly.
  • Spreading Darkness
    • This can be exchanged freely with From the Mists. (Requires further testing)


Path of Exile 2 Early Access


Path of Exile 2 Early Access

Written by: Milkybk_

Content Reviewed by: CPT_Garbage
Language Reviewed by: Tenkiei

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