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Early Access

Last Updated:January 9, 2025|Changelog

This Farming Guide covers the basics of farming Expedition in Path of Exile 2, its rewards, and how to challenge the pinnacle encounter by completing Expedition Logbooks. This includes the best Atlas Passive Nodes to take for optimized currency generation.


This guide assumes you know the basics of farming currency. Click here for a refresher.

How it Works

Path of Exile 2 Early Access

Whilst completing Maps on your Atlas you encounter maps with the Expedition mechanic on them. Generate valuable loot by placing explosives at dig sites and killing the monsters that get unearthed. Utilize the special currency you gather to craft items at Rog, Gwennen, Tujen and Dannig. Don't feel like crafting? Simply sell them to other players in the Currency Exchange.

These are your goals when doing an Expedition:

  1. Unearth as many Runic Monsters as possible, indicated by the large flagpoles scattered across the digsite
    • Logbook Drop Chance Remnant Modifiers and Detailed Records only apply to Runic monsters so prioritize Runic Monster Spawns.
  2. Empower them by blowing up Unearthed Remnants along the path, each grants an upside and a downside to the monsters you unearth afterwards.
    • Always pick up modifiers that increase Rare monster spawns and Logbook Quantity
    • Path to these first if possible as they do not work retroactively: Runic monsters unearthed before the Remnant do not gain Remnant bonuses that are later in the detonation chain!
    • In general, prioritize as follows: Runic Monsters are Duplicated -> Quantity of Logbooks -> Increased number of Rares -> Quantity of Items dropped -> Rarity of Items dropped
  3. Reveal Excavated Chests by blowing up signs with the Expedition Icon on them.
    • Icons indicate normal, magic and rare chests
    • Do not heavily prioritize these but try to pick them up along the way when convenient
    • Chests can drop Expedition Logbooks

A common mistake: Prioritizing low value Remnants over Flagpoles that spawn Runic Monsters.

Remnants mainly serve as a way to increase the loot from Runic Monsters. Simply beelining for as many Remnants as possible is the equivalent of running a Waystone that has 1000% increased Item Rarity but no monsters in it!

Expedition Flagpole
Red Flagpole (left) indicates Runic Monsters, Black Expedition Banner (right) indicates a Chest
Expedition Example
Example of an Expedition
  1. Click the UI element (or assign a hotkey in your settings) to the left of your Skillbar to place your Explosives. The number shows you how many explosives you can still place.
    • Create a fuse line that sequentially detonates
    • Unearths Remnants, Runic Monsters and Chests within the green circle around your cursor
    • Be Careful: Yellow Remnant Modifiers have the potential to make the Expedition impossible for your build. Skip mods that you cannot deal with!
    • Undo placing an Explosive by clicking the back arrow on the UI in case you aren't satisfied with the placement.
  2. Click the Detonator (generally in the center of the Expedition and next to the NPC) in order to begin the Encounter.
    • Defeat all the monsters that get unearthed
    • Expedition monsters can be very dangerous so make sure to not get overconfident!
    • Tip: If your build thrives against large packs of monsters (e.g. Herald of Ice builds) you can walk away and wait for all the monsters to be unearthed first before clearing them in one go.
  3. Click all the Excavated Chests and loot the area

The Rewards

Path of Exile 2 Early Access

The exclusive rewards from Expedition include: Black Scythe Artifacts, Broken Circle Artifacts, Order Artifacts, Sun Artifacts, Exotic Coinage and Expedition Logbooks.

Expedition also generates a lot of Waystones and regular Currency by spawning a lot of extra mobs in your maps.

How to Run

Path of Exile 2 Early Access
Example Atlas
Look for a map with the Expedition icon to find Expedition encounters!

Maps have a chance to naturally contain an Expedition in them as indicated by the Icon shown above.

Use an Expedition Precursor Tablet on a Watchtower to guarantee a Ritual encounter in nearby maps. This adds an Expedition encounter to the number of Maps stated on the implicit modifier of the item. Any explicit modifiers apply to all uncompleted maps within the tower's radius.

Pinnacle Encounter

Path of Exile 2 Early Access
Expedition Logbook
Logbook UI

Bring your dropped Expedition Logbooks to Dannig and select "Show Expedition Map" in order to run them. Logbooks are effectively one massive Expedition and grant a sizeable amount of loot. Alternatively you can sell them to other players instead.

Expedition, like all of the Atlas Mechanics in Path of Exile 2's early access has a Pinnacle Boss encounter. Defeat Olroth inside a Logbook in order to acquire Expedition Atlas Passive Points. Olroth requires a Logbook with an Area Level of 79 or above in order to have an estimated 20% chance to spawn. Once inside the Expedition check your Minimap for a Skull Icon, this indicates Olroth's position. Path your explosives towards the skull until you blow up the Boss Encounter marker. This allows you to go down into the Crypt to fight him afterwards.

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Skull Icon indicating Olroth's position


Olroth has 2 Phases and possesses a mix of different basic attacks and dashes as well as the following special attacks:

Sword Slam
Boomerang Attack
Carousel Degen
Charge Stab
Arena Hazards

Olroth lifts his sword into the air before slamming it into the ground, leaving an area of pulsing aftershocks.

Expedition Sword Slam

Olroth throws out his weapon that returns shortly after. Olroth casts a cold damage AoE around him upon catching the weapon. The AoE has no telegraph so make sure to keep your distance when he throws his weapon.

Expedition Boomerang Attack

Olroth creates rotating pillars that deal damage over time

Expedition Carousel Degen

Olroth stands still to charge up a damaging dash. His weapon glows during the charge. He sweeps his sword from right to left at the end of the dash so keep a medium distance from him.

Expedition Charge Stab

In Phase 2 a star shape constantly circles the Arena. It shoots 3 different hazards into the Arena that should be dodged:

  • A tracking cold beam that slowly follows you
  • Cold projectiles that shoot at your current position and explode in a small area
  • A massive beam which goes through the middle of the Arena and leaves Chilled Ground afterwards
Tracking Cold Beam
Tracking Cold Beam

Atlas Passives

Path of Exile 2 Early Access
Timed DetonationsMore Artifacts and faster detonations.
Legendary BattlesMore Rares and Exotic Coinage.
Frail TreasuresGrants additional Chest Markers. Loot chests quickly however as they despawn after 5 seconds.
Weight of HistoryRemnants empower nearby mobs more.
Unearthed AnomaliesRemnants drop more loot but become harder to kill.
Extreme ArchaeologyMassively speeds up placing Explosives but gives less control over which mods to pick.
Disturbed RestIncreases Runic Monster Markers. Causes Expeditions to be harder but more rewarding.
Detailed RecordsLogbooks drop more often and have special implicit modifiers.
Path of Exile 2 Early Access
Expedition Atlas Tree + Logbook Atlas Tree to raise your Logbook Area Level

Allocate the following Nodes in order of importance:

  1. Disturbed Rest
    • More Runic Monsters means more Loot. Simple.
  2. Detailed Records
    • More and better Logbooks.
  3. Timed Detonations
    • Gives you more Expedition specific currency and speeds up the Encounter.
  4. Legendary Battles
    • More Rares for increased generic loot, logbooks and a boost to Exotic Coinage drops.

You may use the Logbook Atlas Tree in order to raise your Logbook Area level to 79+ in order to be able to spawn Olroth despite lower area level Logbooks.

Expedition Crafting

Path of Exile 2 Early Access

Black Scythe Artifacts, Broken Circle Artifacts, Order Artifacts allow you to craft Gear by talking to Rog (Armour pieces), Gwennen (Weapons) and Tujen (Jewellery). Exotic Coinage lets you reroll their offerings. Use Sun Artifacts with Dannig to convert them to another type of your choosing.

Expedition Bases
Crafting Base Selection

Here you may pick any promising base to begin your craft. Can't find anything promising? Use an Exotic Coinage to reroll the Vendor's selection. The item level (ilvl) of the bases increases based on your own Character's level upon rerolling, scaling up to ilvl 80 at Character level 90.

Expedition Craft

The crafting process is very straight forward. You have 3 available options:

  • Upgrade your item with the given changes for an upgrade price.
    • Affected mods are highlighted in Orange.
    • Potentially affected mods are highlighted in Yellow, meaning it may pick one or the other but not both.
    • Options may target: All prefix or suffix modifiers, Modifiers of the highest or lowest tier or pick a single modifier at random.
    • Reroll Modifiers: Removes all highlighted modifiers and adds an equivalent amount of new modifiers to the item
    • Reroll Modifier Values: Changes the numeric values of the specified modifiers within its tier. Equivalent to the effect of a (targeted) Divine Orb
    • Add Modifier: Adds a mod to your item. Equivalent to the effect of a (targeted) Exalted Orb.
    • Remove Modifier: Removes a mod from your item. Equivalent to the effect of a (targeted) Orb of Annulment
  • Skip the current Upgrade if the effect is not desirable
    • You cannot skip two consecutive crafts.
    • Skipping causes the cost of the next craft to be 50% higher.
  • Take your Item when you run out of good options or the item is not worth crafting on anymore
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Skipping an undesired effect

Loot Breakdown

Path of Exile 2 Early Access

Artifacts and Exotic Coinage


Pinnacle Boss


Path of Exile 2 Early Access

Written by: Cptn Garbage

Content Review by: Ventrua

Language Review by: Tenkiei

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