Arthetine – Adventure Tome
Last Updated:February 26, 2025|Changelog
This article details the most important aspects of the Arthetine region. The information here covers details about the Adventure Tome, Wandering Merchant appearance times, Hidden Quests and Mokoko Seeds. Maps of each zone in Arthetine and more detailed methods to acquire everything are provided below.
Arthetine Adventure Tome Rewards
10% ➜ Bergstorm
20% ➜ Wisdom Potion
30% ➜ Fine Gramophone
40% ➜ Emote: Advance
50% ➜ Mount: Apostel
60% ➜ Secret Map
70% ➜ Morlo Guild's Invitation
80% ➜ Hoyte Issue No. 289
90% ➜ Structure: Verdantier Model
100% ➜ Ignea Token: Arthetine
Arthetine Zone Maps
Click the names in the Map Legend to go directly to the section for more detailed locations and completion.
Map Legend
Unique Monsters
Field Boss
Another Story
Hidden Story
Wandering Merchant
Play Forest's Minuet

Nox the Wandering Merchant - Spawn Times and Locations
Nox, the Wandering Merchant, randomly appears in 1 of 6 zones: Arid Path, Nebelhorn, Riza Falls, Scraplands, Tottrich or Windbringer Hills. When he spawns, he will be in all channels and stay for about 6 hours.
Rapport Items
Fine Gramophone
Energy X7 Capsule
Bergstrom Card
Stern Neria Card
Krause Card
Cooking Ingredient
Adrenaline-boosting Fluid

Hidden Quests Guide
You must complete the world quest, Verdantier Doubts, before this quest can be taken.

You must complete the world quest, Enter at All Costs, before this quest can be taken.

Unexpected Life is the start of a 4 part quest chain started by interacting with this object here in Windbringer Hills.

Cooking Guide
The cook is an important NPC that is available in all regions of the game. This NPC helps you craft some cooking entries for your adventure tome. The Arthetine cook Cooking Master is located near Neria in Origins of Stern.

X-090892 is bought for 30,000 Silver from Jane in Tottrich.

Cykin Combat Ration Type A is sold by the general merchant in Origins of Stern.

Cykin Combat Ration Type C requires two ingredients to craft at the cook. Both Vacuum-dried Powder X-1 and Vacuum-dried Powder X-3 are located in Scraplands as pictured below.

Pick up Sceptrum Prescription in Heart of Sceptrum dungeon. Use it to craft Sceptrumpam 3mg at the cook.

Boosting Fluid Soup must be crafted at the cook using Adrenaline-boosting Fluid. The ingredient is sold by Nox, the Wandering Merchant. For spawn times and locations please check the Wandering Merchant section of this guide.
Buy exactly 22 Unknown Crystal for 70 Silver each from the general merchant. Please take it to the master cook in town. You need to craft five different cooking ingredients that have similar names. Because it is tricky to find the correct ingredients to make, they are listed below for your convenience.
- Craft 3 IX-IX1X1I12123X1 | Top most of all green ingredients, row 1
- Craft 4 IX-ILIL121lIILI1 | 5th row from the top of all green ingredients
- Craft 5 IX-XX1XX31456XX11 | Out of the 5 names that start with "IX-XX", it's the 4th one
- Craft 6 NMNNNMNMNMNM-vwurnmn | 1st one out of the 3 similar NMNNN names
- Craft 4 II-1I1I11I1I | Bottommost of all green ingredients, last one out of 4 similar names
After crafting all 5 ingredients, you may then craft Boiling Liquid. Leave it for 5 minutes, and then it will turn into Unknown Liquid XD-6353. Consume it for the cooking entry in your Adventure Tome.

Both ingredients needed to craft Bergstrom Drink are in Dr. Bergstrom's Laboratory. Bergstrom's Yellow Potion may be found at the beginning of the dungeon and Bergstrom's Invisibility Potion may be found in the middle of the dungeon.

Vista Guide

To teleport to this hidden section of the map, you must continually use the Sand Vortexes located throughout Riza Falls. The chance is not 100% though, so you will have to continually enter Sand Vortexes for a small chance of landing on the hidden section. To use the Sand Vortexes, you must first complete the Another Story Entry #1 The Sandy Path first.

Unique Monsters Guide

Field Boss Guide
Signatus is a Procyon's Eye Compass spawn.

Another Story Guide
After completing the Arthetine World Quest, The Watcher, this quest will be available from Mercenary Recker. It allows you to use the many Sand Vortexes located around the map. Through multiple entries in the Sand Vortexes, you might land on the hidden section of the map that has Vista #7.

Help the Orphans is a quest received after completing Children's Laughter. Children's Laughter requires the Arthetine World Quest, The Watcher, to be completed first before being given by Tavern Master in Tottrich. Help the Orphans is given by Viltri in Tottrich.

Hidden Story Guide

Rapport NPCs
Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Lexyu
- February 24, 2025
Merchant updated, Cykin Combat Ration Type A, Unknown Liquid XD-6353