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MotE Earthquake “Leapquake” Barbarian Guide

Last Updated:January 23, 2025|Changelog


Spinquake Solo Push
View all variants

With Reapers of Souls release, Might of the Earth got introduced to the game and instantly became one of the strongest Barbarian builds out there for T6 farming. In conjunction with its supporting item Lut Socks, the build quickly earned its gimmicky "Leapquake" nickname.

Unfortunately, while offering a very unique and flavorful playstyle, Leapquake has never been the top dog on the Barbarian leaderboards, despite always being a decent competitor with a (6) Bonus granting a whopping 20,000% damage multiplier since Season 16 alongside multiple supporting item buffs like Girdle of Giants.

Most recently with Season 22, Blade of the Tribes 200% Earthquake Damage which was additive became a tremendous 800% separate damage multiplier. Season 23 offered unconditional Leapquake players the chance to shine with the addition of Set specific leaderboards! Finally, Season 30 nearly doubled the (6) Bonus damage multiplier to help out the set be competitive!

This is an Area Damage (AD) build, since Earthquakes, even when they are procced by Blade of the Tribes and Might of the Earth (4) Bonus, can proc it. Earthquake is a Damage over Time (DoT) ground effect buffed by Molten Fury even further that is spammed due to the interesting interactions between Might of the Earth and Blade of the Tribes (see Mechanics). Let's dive into this guide and conquer the Might of the Earth leaderboards!

Flavorful ✔
Easy to Play ✔
Unique Playstyle ✔
Have Fun Leaping Around! ✔

❌ Slightly Clunky
❌ DoT Based Build
❌ Limited Item Options
❌ Band of Might Dependency

Core Setup

Core Item Build


  • The Might of the Earth (6) Bonus is where the majority of our damage comes from.
  • We add to that with Girdle of Giants and Seismic Slam on the skill bar to proc the 250% damage increase.
  • With our Might of the Earth (4) Bonus our Leap procs Earthquake so we take in Lut Socks for even more damage.
  • Blade of the Tribes has been buffed in Season 22 shifting the 200% Earthquake damage from the additive category into a multiplicative 800% damage increase, that can also be used in the Kanai's Cube now.
  • Mortick's Brace provides you with all runes for Wrath of the Berserker.
  • Band of Might is used for its tremendous 80% damage reduction and is procced by using Leap.
  • Istvan's Paired Blades & Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac with Ring of Royal Grandeur and Captain Crimson's Trimmings for the Spinquake variant.
  • Lut Socks and The Furnace alongside Focus & Restraint for the Leapquake variant.

Season 34 Sanctified Items

Originated from Season 27, Angelic Crucibles are new consumables that drop anywhere once you're Level 70 in Season 34. Using them on items reforges them into Sanctified Items with Primal Ancient stats, and adds one of three new unique Class Powers listed below. For full details on how they work, check out this Seasonal Guide by Chewingnom!

Let's look at our Class Powers and see how they apply to our build:

  1. The best power for us is the Sanctified Whirlwind as it allows us to pixelpull everything. It also completely ignores the monster's crowd control immunity and drags them all along, allowing us to deal insane Area Damage while pushing.
  2. The Sanctified Wrath of the Berserker power provides 100% additive damage increase to up to 10 Monsters. While it is useful to increase your damage output Sanctified Whirlwind is still better.
  3. The Sanctified Hammer of the Ancients power doesn't help us as we don't use Hammer of the Ancients, so go for the one at the top.

Since you can only equip one of them, choosing the right item to craft it on matters! Great candidates are Weapons, Offhands, Jewelry or any item with an important multiplier. With that in mind, we recommend Sanctifying one of the following items:

  • Squirt's Necklace
  • Band of Might
  • Convention of Elements

Global Stat Priorities

You want to stack damage stats wherever possible, especially Critical Hit Chance and Damage, Area Damage as well as Fire Damage and Eathquake Damage. Earthquake damage does not scale at all with Attack Speed so we do not need any on our gear.

Cooldown Reduction is nice to have as it allows us to spam Earthquake and Leap more frequently. In the high Greater Rift setups however it is not worth stacking more than the standard 10% from Paragon Points, 12.5% from Flawless Royal Diamond in Helmet, as well as 8% on Shoulders and Gloves.

As we do not have permanent uptime on Wrath of the Berserker, Crowd Control Reduction is a valuable secondary Affix if you can get some on Rings, Amulet and Helmet. Make sure to get the Primary Affixes locked in before attempting to get CCR though.


GR Solo Speeds
GR Solo Push
Echoing Nightmare
Earthquake Solo Speeds

With this setup we maximize Cooldown Reduction to spam War Cry and Threatening Shout to proc our Blade of the Tribes Earthquakes frequently. We achieve that by using In-Geom while frequently killing Elites.

Cast your Wrath of the Berserker as soon as you engage enemies. Spam Leap and both your Shouts to deal damage. Don’t forget to periodically cast Seismic Slam to proc Girdle of Giants and Bastions of Will. Manually cast Earthquake on Elites and keep using the extra Leaps provided by Lut Socks for even more damage output. Focus mainly on Elites as they grant you the In-Geom Cooldown Reduction effect. You can pre-stack a few Earthquakes before clicking a Pylon with your Nemesis Bracers and then cast Seismic Slam. If you notice a Cooldown on Leap immediately use Seismic Slam Rumble to reset with our Might of the Earth (2) Bonus.

Feel free to switch around Ruthless for Nerves of Steel if you are dying too much. For more damage output change to Nemesis Bracers and to Strongarm Bracers and proc them with your Leap Call of Arreat.

Select Build Version

Spinquake Setup
Spinquake Solo Push

In order to deal optimal damage in higher Greater Rifts we focus our Item Stat Priorities on Area Damage. This setup takes advantage of Istvan's Paired Blades and Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac. This setup has the benefit of being more mobile and provides a smoother gameplay as you proc Earthquake by spamming Threatening Shout every second. The setup can also stack Bane of the Stricken faster than the Leapquake setup.

Create huge pulls and stay alive by using Ancient Spear Rage Flip in combination with Whirlwind for mobility. Activate Wrath of the Berserker for the damage. Span Threatening Shout once you position yourself in the pull and follow up with a Seismic Slam to proc Girdle of Giants.

Generally you want to fish for an open map where you can damage Elites and drag them with you slowly to eventually discover a Conduit Pylon (further enhanced by The Flavor of Time) to finish them all off.

Echoing Nightmare Setup

For more information, check out our full Echoing Nightmare Guide and take a look at our Echoing Nightmare Build Tier List and our META post for the best builds and strategies! This build is good for this game mode. This Build utilize the Speed Greater Rift setup with a one tweak.


  • No changes needed.


  1. Click Speed Pylon instantly to boost your mobility and dodge Green Meteors.
  2. Around Wave 90, click Channeling Pylon and Power Pylon.
  3. After Wave 100, use Conduit Pylon.
  4. At Wave 122, stop attacking and run to the corner to let the timer run out.

With In-Geom and Furious Charge Merciless Assault combined we are able to move around quickly! Start by grouping up a bunch on monster with Leap Call of Arreat and use Call of the Ancients Ancients' Fury to regain Fury. Once monsters are grouped up activate Wrath of the Berserker for more damage. Run or Leap out to create some distance for No Escape and Zei's Stone of Vengeance for an additional maximum 2,34x damage multiplier. Now burst them with Seismic Slam Permafrost on your Cold rotation of Convention of Elements.



  • Use Leap as an offensive and defensive skill every time it is available.
  • Keep up your buffs and fry some monsters!
  • Fun and unique Barbarian playstyle with Leap.
  • Decent damage output with the recent buff in Season 22!

The Earthquake and Leap Barbarian build can be fun to play but is still a bit behind the other top Barbarian builds like the Whirlwind Rend Barb. Let us hope for some additional buffs in the upcoming patches that will allow this build to compete.


Written by Rob. Introduction by Chewingnom.
Reviewed by Northwar & Raxxanterax.
Shoutout to Rage for additional insights on mechanics and endgame push variants.
Updated by Chewingnom.

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