Mythic+ Dungeon Tier List

Last Updated: September 10, 2024

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11.0.2 - The War Within

This Tier List outlines the difficulty of each dungeon in a Low - Mid level Mythic+ setting. Higher-ranked dungeons are expected to be cleared with more ease. In general, the difficulty of a dungeon can vary significantly depending on its level, as certain enemy abilities and mechanics scale much more harshly at higher levels.

If you're curious about the ranking and difficulty of High Mythic+ Dungeons click here.

Dungeons are ranked from top to bottom, left to right within tiers.

S Tier

iconMists of Tirna Scithe
iconThe Necrotic Wake

A Tier

iconSiege of Boralus

B Tier

Ara-Kara, City of Echoes

C Tier

The Dawnbreaker
The Stonevault
iconGrim Batol

F Tier

City of Threads

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