Protection Paladin Mythic+ Guide
Welcome to the Protection Paladin Mythic+ guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!
Hero Talents
- Both Lightsmith and Templar are very competitive choices. The new tier set has more synergies with Templar and it outperforms Lightsmith on big AOE. Therefore, for Mythic+ as Protection Paladin we recommend Templar.
- After casting Eye of Tyr, it is then replaced with Hammer of Light for 12 seconds. Hammer of Light costs 3 Holy Power and is a big damage nuke that hits up to 4 enemies.
- Essentially, you want to cast Eye of Tyr off cooldown and use Hammer of Light off cooldown as well. This changes Eye of Tyr to be more of an offensive spell.
- Shake the Heavens causes you to bring down a Empyrean Hammer on a nearby target every 2 seconds, for 8 seconds after casting Hammer of Light.
- Shake the Heavens gets extended by 1 second every time you cast a Blessed Hammer / Hammer of the Righteous, Hammer of Wrath and Judgment.
- Hammerfall causes your Shield of the Righteous and Word of Glory to call down an Empyrean Hammer on a nearby target. While Shake the Heavens is active, this effect calls down an additional Empyrean Hammer.
- You can cast Hammer of Light for free through Light's Deliverance which is gained through having as many Empyrean Hammer casts as possible.
- Eye of Tyr becomes a Holy Power generator through Undisputed Ruling, granting 3 Holy Power. Furthermore, it gives 12% haste for 6 seconds and grants Shield of the Righteous.
- You gain 5% damage reduction for 8 seconds to enemies hit by Shake the Heavens when it critically strikes, through Wrathful Descent.
- Unrelenting Charger fixes a lot of mobility issues for Protection Paladin by providing a 2 second longer Divine Steed and increasing your movement speed by an additional 30% for the first 3 seconds.
- As Lightsmith you recieve Holy Armaments, which is split between Holy Bulwark and Sacred Weapon.
- Holy Bulwark is an absorb shield for 15% of the Protection Paladin's health. It gives an additional 2% absorb every 2 seconds and lasts 20 seconds.
- Sacred Weapon is a damaging buff that has a chance to deal Holy damage or heal nearby targets. The effect is increased when Sacred Weapon strikes 1 target and is reduced above 5 targets. It also lasts 20 seconds.
- Holy Armaments has 2 charges and rotates from Holy Bulwark to Sacred Weapon.
- Holy Armaments are something that you can either bestow upon yourself or an ally. However, with Solidarity if you give them to an ally you also gain its benefits. Furthermore, if you bestow an Holy Armaments to yourself, a nearby ally also gains its benefits.
- Blessing of the Forge lets casting Avenging Wrath / Sentinel summon an additional Sacred Weapon. During Avenging Wrath / Sentinel your Sacred Weapon casts spells on your target and echoes the effects of your Holy Power abilities.
- With Divine Inspiration you can proc a Holy Armaments for a nearby ally.
- Divine Guidance makes your next Consecration do big initial damage and healing for each Holy Power ability casted, stacking up to 5.
- Rite of Sanctification is a buff to armor and primary stat that replaces weapon oils.
When to use this spec
This is the default loadout for Mythic+. You have to adjust the class talent tree based on the utility needed for the encounter. To make your life easier, dungeon-specific talent loadouts are available in the Dungeon section.
Gameplay Altering Talents
Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.
Spec Tree
- Righteous Protector
- Allows for higher uptime on your strongest defensive Guardian of Ancient Kings, while also granting an increased uptime on Avenging Wrath.
- Blessing of Spellwarding
- Used to completely immune magic damage on yourself or your allies .
- Sanctified Wrath
- Increases duration of Avenging Wrath to 25 seconds. Additionally, gives Judgment increased Holy Power generation by 1.
- Zealot's Paragon
- Extends the duration of Avenging Wrath with each cast of Judgment and Hammer of Wrath.
- Shining Light
- Makes your Word of Glory free after 3 Shield of the Righteous and has a maximum of 2 stacks. This talent is integral to playing Protection Paladin!
- Barricade of Faith
- You want to use Avenger's Shield at least once every 10 seconds to keep this potent defensive buff active.
- Light's Revocation
- Allows you to use Divine Shield even when you have Forbearance debuff.
Class Tree
- Sanctified Plates
- Increases your armor by 10%, Stamina by 10%, and reduces damage taken from area of effect attacks by 6%. This is an incredibly strong passive defensive talent.
- Resolute Defender
- Allows you to use Ardent Defender and Divine Shield a lot more often, which makes for higher uptime on some of your strongest defensive cooldowns.
- Divine Toll
- Instantly casts Avenger's Shield on up to 5 targets within 30 yards. Generates 1 Holy Power per Target hit.
- Divine Resonance makes it so that after casting Divine Toll you instantly cast Avenger's Shield on your main target every 5 seconds for 15 seconds.
- Instantly casts Avenger's Shield on up to 5 targets within 30 yards. Generates 1 Holy Power per Target hit.
- Greater Judgment
- Judgment causes the target to take 40% increased damage from your next Shield of the Righteous.
- Cavalier
- This talent gives Divine Steed 2 charges, which makes planning movement much easier.
- Divine Purpose
- Holy Power spending abilities can make your next Word of Glory or Shield of the Righteous free and deal 15% increased damage and healing.
When to use this spec
This is the Lightsmith version of the Mythic+ build.
To make your life easier, boss-specific talent loadouts are available in the Raids section.
Talent Adjustments
Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.
Spec Tree
- Added
- Moment of Glory
- Bulwark of Righteous Fury
- Removed
- Eye of Tyr
- Inmost Light
Hero Talents
Changed to Lightsmith. For more info visit the Hero Talent section above.
Tier Set
- 2-Set: Each time you take damage you have a chance to activate Luck of the Draw! causing you to cast Guardian of Ancient Kings for 4.0 sec. Your damage done is increased by 15% for 10 sec after Luck of the Draw! activates.
- 4-Set: While you have Luck of the Draw! Shield of the Righteous refunds 1-3 Holy Power and extends the duration of Luck of the Draw! by 0.5 sec, up to 10 sec.
- The goal of your opener as a Protection Paladin playing in Mythic+ is to get aggro of all enemies as fast as possible by doing a lot of AoE damage, while also making sure you're standing in Consecration all the time.
- Cast Eye of Tyr always off cooldown to be able to cast Hammer of Light off cooldown as well.
- To optimise damage for Single Target you bascially dont want to cast Avenger's Shield at all as Templar.
- On 3+ targets and for survivability ignore this and use Avenger's Shield frequently.
- Important thing to note when using Sacred Weapon is that it cannot stack. This means that the Sacred Weapon that spawns from Avenging Wrath / Sentinel should be used first and the normal cast one used later after the first one has run out.
- This can also occur with Divine Inspiration, so be careful and make sure you track this buff well.
- Other than the above, use Holy Armaments off cooldown.
Priority List
- Always stand in Consecration for damage reduction, aiming for 100% uptime.
- Use Avenging Wrath on cooldown.
- If talented, use Bastion of Light on cooldown.
- Use Judgment if you have 2 charges.
- Use Hammer of Light after using Eye of Tyr or with 60 stacks of Light's Deliverance
- Use Shield of the Righteous at 3-5 Holy Power.
- Use Eye of Tyr
- Use Avenger's Shield if it will kick a cast or to maintain Barricade of Faith.
- Use Hammer of Wrath on single-target.
- Use Divine Toll.
- Use Judgment.
- Use Blessed Hammer on 8+ targets.
- Use Hammer of Wrath on 8+ targets.
- Use Blessed Hammer whenever you cannot press anything else.
- Refresh Consecration.
- Always stand in Consecration for damage reduction, aiming for 100% uptime.
- Use Avenging Wrath on cooldown.
- If talented, use Moment of Glory on cooldown.
- Use Judgment if you have 2 charges.
- Consume 5 stacks of Divine Guidance by replacing Consecration
- Use Shield of the Righteous at 3-5 Holy Power.
- Use Avenger's Shield if it will kick a cast.
- Use Sacred Weapon if the remaining cooldown on Avenging Wrath is more than 20 seconds; you don't already have a Sacred Weapon active, or it's remaining duration is less than 6 seconds.
- Use Hammer of Wrath on single-target.
- Use Divine Toll.
- Use Avenger's Shield.
- Use Judgment.
- Use Blessed Hammer on 8+ targets.
- Use Hammer of Wrath on 8+ targets.
- Use Blessed Hammer whenever you cannot press anything else.
- Refresh Consecration.
Defensive Cooldowns
- Ardent Defender
- This as your main defensive in Raiding, pressing it almost on cooldown, especially at the start of a pull. With Unbreakable Spirit and Resolute Defender, its low cooldown makes it ideal for frequent use. It also has a cheat death component, allowing survival against extreme hits.
- Eye of Tyr
- Used to smooth damage intake or for large tank hits, this ability is a debuff on enemies within 8 yards. In AoE with Inmost Light, spam it on cooldown for damage and survivability.
- Note that it does not work on environmental damage.
- Guardian of Ancient Kings
- Use Guardian of Ancient Kings for extremely large tank hits or to smooth very high damage intake.
- Sentinel
- Use this spell almost off cooldown. The health and damage reduction bonuses decay over time, so ideally enter Sentinel with 5 Holy Power to keep it up as long as possible.
- Blessing of Spellwarding
- Use this spell for large magic damage hits or to preemptively prevent powerful magic debuffs from applying. Remember, it can be used on others as well as yourself. Occasionally, this spell can "bug" and cause certain mobs to target the second highest threat instead, but this is rare.
- Divine Shield
- With Final Stand talented, this becomes the most powerful defensive ability in the game, making you immortal for 8 seconds. Utilise it around very hard hitting tank abilities or to immune and prevent a debuff.
Offensive Cooldowns
- Avenging Wrath
- Use Avenging Wrath almost off cooldown due to high cooldown reduction from Righteous Protector, allowing you to spend a lot of Holy Power and get the cooldown back faster. Occasionally, hold it briefly to align with better cooldown windows, which is very boss or dungeon-specific. In progress raiding, you can talent into Sentinel if you feel unsafe.
- Divine Toll
- Use Divine Toll almost off cooldown. Hold it briefly only if delaying for boss add spawns offers more value.
- Bastion of Light
- 2 minute cooldown that makes your next 5 casts of Judgment generate 2 Holy Power extra. Basically use off cooldown inside Avenging Wrath if possible.
- Eye of Tyr
- Using Templar, Eye of Tyr becomes an offensive cooldown that you want to use off cooldown as much as possible.
Deep Dive
Holy Shield and Block
- Block is a mechanic exclusive to Protection Warriors and Protection Paladins. Block is more random since there isn't a 100% block chance active mitigation spell. It's good to know whether a tank mechanic is blockable to determine how threatening it is. Holy Shield for example allows using fewer defensives for spell-blockable tank busters compared to other tanks.
Consecration and Movement
- Keep Consecration up 100% of the time and stay inside it when possible for passive damage reduction. Don't press it off cooldown without thinking, or you lose Holy Power from abilities like Judgment and Blessed Hammer. Optimizing movement is important since it frees up globals for other abilities. With Sanctuary talented the Consecration buff lingers for 4 seconds after you leave it, allowing you to min-max Consecration more easily. I recommend using a Consecration WeakAura to track its duration, as tanking outside of it can be dangerous.
Shield of the Righteous and Word of Glory
- Shield of the Righteous is your main active mitigation, it costs 3 Holy Power and grants a 4.5-second armor buff based on Strength. Don't use Shield of the Righteous past 13.5 seconds duration of the buff, as it's capped at that amount. The only reason to keep on using Shield of the Righteous is for more damage or if you‘re otherwise overcapping your Holy Power.
- Word of Glory costs 3 Holy Power and heals up to 250% of your missing health. With Hand of the Protector it heals up to 100% of an ally's missing health.
- Make sure to cast Word of Glory with Shining Light procs.
- Use Word of Glory when you are at around >60% Health and have 9 or more seconds left of Shield of the Righteous.
- Get ready to cast Word of Glory if a big hit is coming and you need to be topped beforehand.
Utilizing Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection and Blessing of Spellwarding
Properly utilizing Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection, and Blessing of Spellwarding allows you to break certain fights and mechanics.
- Using Hand of Reckoning can be min-maxed where even inside Blessing of Protection or Divine Shield you can keep threat while the 3 seconds duration of Hand of Reckoning are in effect.
- You can then use a cancel aura macro, such as:
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
/cancelaura Divine Shield
in order to cancel the immunity when the 3 second fixate is about to end.
- The idea is that you're invulnerable during the 3 second fixate of Hand of Reckoning. However, don't cancel too late as you lose all threat when inside Divine Shield and Blessing of Protection without the fixate.
- Remember that both Blessing of Protection and Blessing of Spellwarding have a shared cooldown.
- Blessing of Spellwarding prevents the application of many magic damage associated debuffs and Blessing of Protection does the same for physical damage debuffs, such as bleeds.
- Note that while Blessing of Protection removes any already existing physical damage debuffs, Blessing of Spellwarding does not remove existing magic damage debuffs.
- Blessing of Protection can be very useful for making a player that is fixated by enemies immune to their damage which allows them to minmax their DPS/ healing.
- Often times you can save someone with clever use of Blessing of Spellwarding and Blessing of Protection, which can make progressing a boss much faster than usual.
- An important thing to note with both Blessing of Protection and Divine Shield is that it can allow you to bypass a mechanic completely if used at the appropriate time, eliminating the spell cast entirely. For example; Divine Shield and Blessing of Spellwarding can be used before Mortal Stoneslam, which prevent Stoneslam Detonation from happening at all.
Understanding Mechanics
Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.
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Boss Tips
Brew Master Aldryr
- Keg Smash is the tank mechanic. It does physical damage and leaves pools of Hot Honey on the ground.
- In the intermission Happy Hour make sure to bring the Cinderbrew infront of the boss to the Thirsty Patrons across the room.
- This fight contains two mechanics you'll have to pay attention to as a tank. Firstly Bottoms Uppercut does physical damage and knocks you back.
- Secondly, when the boss starts casting Spouting Stout you should try to move him away from any Brew Drops.
- Be careful to not get knocked into the direction of any Brew Drops, as the boss will follow you and most likely consume a Brew Drop, resulting into an immediate wipe.
Benk Buzzbee
- As a tank you will be targeted by Honey Marinade, make sure to place the residual Flaming honey on the edges of the room, so you and your group have an easier time guiding Ravenous Cinderbee's through these Flaming honey pools.
Goldie Baronbottom
- Aim the Cash Cannon towards barrels on the ground, make to only hit one volatile barrel at the time, but feel free to hit multiple barrels without a glow.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Venture Co. Pyromaniac - Boiling Flames
- Royal Jelly Purveyor - Honey Volley
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Venture Co. Patron - Mean Mug
- Stacking bleed debuff, make sure to start kiting early enough.
- Worker Bee - Final Sting
- If too many are being casted on you, make sure to use a defensive cooldown.
- Venture Co. Patron - Mean Mug
Boss Tips
Ol' Waxbeard
- Rock Buster is the tank mechanic. It does physical damage and leaves a 25% increased physical damage taken debuff for 6 seconds.
- This boss is very simple, just make sure to always be in melee range of the boss, otherwise he will start casting Blazing Storms dealing groupwide fatal damage.
The Candle King
- Make sure to interrupt Paranoid Mind.
The Darkness
- On this fight it is important to always stand in Candlelight but make sure to not pick the candle up as a tank as it makes you unable to perform any action while lifting.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Blazing Fiends - Explosive Flame
- Shuffling Horror - Drain Light
- Royal Wicklighter - Flashpoint
- Sootsnout - Flaming Tether
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Rank Overseer - Overpowering Roar
- This cast will knock you and any enemies without it's radius, spreading out the pull, make sure to leave beforehand.
- Corridor Creeper - Eater of the Dead
- Do not tank these mobs near enemy corpses, as they will devourer them and gain a stacking damage increase.
- Rank Overseer - Overpowering Roar
Boss Tips
Captain Dailcry
- Before engaging this boss, you and your group have the choice to make which mini-boss to fight alongside the boss. Depending on which mini-boss you decide on, this fight will contain different mechanics.
- The boss itself will always have his abilites, that will not change depending on which mini-boss, but the mini-boss themself have different abilites to deal with.
- Pierce Armor is the bosses tank mechanic, it does phyiscal damage and leaves behind a bleed for 10 seconds.
- The boss will cast Battle Cry make sure to interrupt it.
- Elaena Emberlanz alive:
- Casts Repentance, make sure to interrupt.
- Adds another tank ability with Divine Judgment.
- Holy Radiance deals groupwide AoE damage.
- Sergeant Shaynemail alive:
- Make sure to dodge Brutal Smash on the ground as it stuns you and does fatal damage when hit.
- Do not stack with other people because of Lunging Strike.
- Taener Duelmal alive:
- This mini-boss adds a lot of additional kicks to the fight, firstly Cinderblast and secondly Fireball.
- On top he starts casting Ember Storm, watch out and dodge fire swirlies on the ground.
- Elaena Emberlanz alive:
Baron Braunpyke
- Make sure to interrupt Burning Light.
- While the boss has Vindictive Wrath active, make sure to counter with defensive abilites as he has increased physical damage done.
Prioress Murrpray
- During the bosses Blinding Light cast, make sure to stand with your back towards the boss so you do not get disoriented.
- Use your interrupts against Holy Smite.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Devout Priest - Inner Fire
- Devout Priest - Greater Heal
- Forge Master Damian - Heat Wave
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Guard Captain Suleyman - Shield Slam
- This ability knocks you back and does huge amount of physical damage.
- Ardent Paladin - Consecration
- Make sure to always move the mobs out of Consecration.
- Sir Braunpyke - Blazing Strike
- Guard Captain Suleyman - Shield Slam
Boss Tips
- Dodge Grounding Bolt on the ground.
Stormguard Gorren
- Run away from the boss while he casts Dark Gravity.
- After the boss has casted Chaotic Corruption make sure to stand close to the player that has been targeted by this ability, so its debuff jumps to you at least twice during its existence.
Voidstone Monstrosity
- This fight contains two tank mechanics. Firstly Oblivion Wave which is a frontal so make sure to not aim it towards your group and secondly do not leave the bosses melee range as he will start casting Entropy dealing fatal groupwide damage.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Cursed Thunderer - Lightning Bolt
- Unruly Stormrook - Energized Barrage
- Cursed Rooktender - Lightning Surge
- Void Ascendant - Feasting Void
Boss Tips
Big M.O.M.M.A.
- Electrocrush is the tank mechanic. It deals nature damage and leaves a debuff for 10 seconds dealing additional nature damage every 1 second.
- Make sure to dodge Sonic Boom as it drags you further away from the boss and silences.
- Use your interrupt against the Darkfuse Mechadrone's cast Maximum Distortion.
Demolition Duo
- Use defensives against Bront's Wallop.
- While targeted by Barreling Charge make sure to hit as many Bombs on the ground as possible.
- Sludge Claws does a small amount of magical damage on top of a huge amount of physical damage. It also leaves a big healing absorb on you, so make sure to use a defensive.
Geezle Gigazap
- This bosses tank ability is Thunder Punch, knocking you back and inflicting you with a huge amount of physical damage over 4 seconds.
- While being fixated by Leaping Sparks make sure to kite it through Dam Water pools on the ground.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Mechadrone Sniper - Trickshot
- Venture Co. Diver - Harpoon
- Disturbed Kelp - Restorative Algae
- Darkfuse Bloodwarper - Blood Blast
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Shreddinator 3000 - Shreddation
- Make sure to start moving at the end of this cast so you do not get hit by the blades spawning.
- Disturbed Kelp - Jettison Kelp
- Use Incapacitating Roar to interrupt this cast.
- Shreddinator 3000 - Shreddation
Boss Tips
An Affort of Challengers
- Dessia will occasionally cast Mortal Strike which deals physical damage and leaves a dot behind reducing healing taken by 50% for 5 seconds.
- Use your interrupt against Sathel's Necrotic Bolt.
- Dodge green swirlies on the ground caused by Paceran's Noxious Spores cast.
- Hateful Strike is the tank mechanic. It deals a large amount of physical damage, make sure to use a defensive against it.
- Do not get caught by Meat Hooks crossing the arena.
Xav the Unfallen
- This boss will cast Brutal Combo as its tank ability, it's a 2.5 second long cast inflicting multiple physical damage hits in a short time.
- During Might of Maldraxxus the boss will cast 3 different abilities that you should dodge.
- Make sure to not aim this bosses tank abilty Necrotic Eruption towards your group and use a defensive for it.
- While afflicted by Draw Soul stack up with your group to spawn all Lost Souls together.
Mordretha, the Endless Empress
- Reaping Scythe is a huge tank buster, make sure to have a defensive up or be ready to purify the stagger after.
- Divine Toll is a great tool to interrupt Death Bolt casted by Deathwalkers.
- After the boss reaches 50% HP, he will occasionally summon Ghostly Combatants which cast Ghostly Charge, running from one side of the room towards the other, make sure to dodge them.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Blighted Sludge-Spewer - Withering Discharge
- Maniacal Soulbinder - Necrotic Bolt Volley
- Bone Magus - Bone Spear
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Putrid Butcher - Devour Flesh
- Use a defensive for this ability to reduce the Butcher self healing.
- Putrid Butcher - Devour Flesh
Boss Tips
Tussle Tonks
- While being targeted by Platinum Pummel try not minimize movement and use a defensive ability.
- When The Platinum Pummeler gains a stack of Platinum Plating bring him near a Piston Smasher and make sure you active it when the boss is underneath, so it smashes and removes the stack of Platinum Plating.
- When Gnomercy 4.U. reaches 100 energy make sure to aim his Maximum Thrust towards a nearby wall.
- The boss will occasionally spawn B.4.T.T.L.3. Mine, feel free to move away from mines when too many have spawned.
- Before the boss casts Venting Flames make sure to move him towards a box to stand behind.
Machinist's Garden
- When the boss spawns a Inconspicuous Plant, make sure to move him on top, meanwhile try to dodge the rest of the boss abilities.
King Mechagon
- In Phase 1, make sure to dodge Plasma Orb.
- While the boss is casting Take Off! make sure to not stand directely underneath him as it does fatal damage.
- In Phase 2, if targeted by Mega-Zap make sure to use a defensives.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Bomb Tonk - Detonate
- Mechagon Tinkerer - Giga-Wallop
- Mechagon Mechanic - Tune Up
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Waste Processing Unit - Puncture
- Physical damage taken hit and leaves a bleed for 6 seconds dealing damage, make sure to use a defensive.
- Waste Processing Unit - Puncture
Boss Tips
Coin-Operated Crowd Pummler
- While the boss casts Coin Magnet make sure to not be near any coins on the ground.
- Make sure to tank the boss near Earthrager.
Rixxa Fluxflame
- Do not stand in front of the boss while he casts Propellant Blast.
Mogul Razdunk
- In the intermission while being targeted by Drill Smash make sure to stand next to a Drill.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Refreshment Vendor - Iced Spritzer
- Hired Assassin - Toxic Blades
- Venture Co. Earthshaper - Rock Lance
- Stonefury - Furious Quake
- Venture Co. Alchemist - Transmute: Enemy to Goo
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Azerite Extractor - Puncture
- Physical damage taken hit and leaves a bleed for 6 seconds dealing damage, make sure to use a defensive.
- Hired Assassin - Fan of Knives
- Use Blinding Light and Hammer of Justice to interrupt this cast.
- Azerite Extractor - Puncture
The Affix system got changed going into The War Within Season 1 retiring most Affixes as well as introducing new kiss-curse ones while also changing on which key level these appear.
- +4 Affixes -- Rotates on weekly basis
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Pulsar
- +7 Affix -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis
- Tyrannical
- Fortified
- +10 Affixes -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis, is always the opposite of the +7 Affix
- Tyrannical
- Fortified
- +12 Affix
- Xal'atath's Guile -- Replaces the +4 Affix
Following you get some useful tips for handling different Mythic+ Affixes as a Protection Paladin.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
- Blinding Light as many orbs as possible.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
- The Void Emissary follows you, keep it close to cleave and target it whenever its up.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
- Cleanse Toxins yourself whenever its applied to yourself.
Stat Priority
Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Dungeons as a Protection Paladin. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.
Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.
All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!
- Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
- Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing.
- Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. This makes managing certain mechanics a lot easier.
In general, Leech is really strong for tanks in Mythic+. It can be by far the best stat you can have and allows you to Word of Glory yourself less, which frees up more globals for other things and allows you to do more damage!
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Fullthrottle Facerig | Vexie and the Geargrinders |
Neck | Semi-Charmed Amulet | Rik Reverb |
Shoulder | Aureate Sentry's Roaring Will | Tier / Catalyst |
Cloak | Undercircuit Racing Flag | Vexie and the Geargrinders |
Chest | Aureate Sentry's Encasement | Tier / Catalyst |
Wrist | Everforged Vambraces | Crafting |
Gloves | Aureate Sentry's Gauntlets | Tier / Catalyst |
Belt | Venture Contractor's Floodlight | Operation: Floodgate |
Legs | Aureate Sentry's Legguards | Tier / Catalyst |
Boots | Everforged Sabatons | Crafting |
Ring 1 | Miniature Roulette Wheel | The One-Armed Bandit |
Ring 2 | The Jastor Diamond | Chrome King Gallywix |
Trinket 1 | Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker | Operation: Floodgate |
Trinket 2 | Chromebustible Bomb Suit | Chrome King Gallywix |
Weapon | Rail Rider's Bisector | Darkflame Cleft |
Shield | Titan of Industry | Chrome King Gallywix |
Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Waxsteel Greathelm | Darkflame Cleft |
Neck | Strapped Rescue-Keg | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Shoulder | Skyscorcher Pauldrons | The MOTHERLODE!! |
Cloak | Cloak of Questionable Intent | The MOTHERLODE!! |
Chest | Slashproof Business Plate | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Wrist | Fuzzy Cindercuffs | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Gloves | Jumpstarter's Scaffold-Scrapers | Operation: Floodgate |
Belt | Venture Contractor's Floodlight | Operation: Floodgate |
Legs | Galvanized Oxxein Legguards | Theater of Pain |
Boots | Sabatons of Rampaging Elements | The MOTHERLODE!! |
Ring 1 | Wick's Golden Loop | Darkflame Cleft |
Ring 2 | Bloodoath Signet | Theater of Pain |
Trinket 1 | Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker | Operation: Floodgate |
Trinket 2 | Ringing Ritual Mud | Operation: Floodgate |
Weapon | Rail Rider's Bisector | Darkflame Cleft |
Shield | Barricade of the Endless Empire | Theater of Pain |
Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the Raid boss.
Active Trinket alternatives
- Ringing Ritual Mud
- A great alternative to Chromebustible Bomb Suit.
- House of Cards
- Provides you with a massive mastery buff for 15 seconds which can be used in combination with Avenging Wrath and Moment of Glory since they share an almost similar cooldown.
Passive Trinket alternatives
- Cinderbrew Stein
- A defensive trinket that will passively give you absorb shields, as well as primary stat to you and your allies. Comes with a downside of giving a lot less primary stat in comparison to other trinkets of the same item level.
- Eye of Kezan
- A good passive trinket that loses a lot of value in mythic+ because its stacks drop of from leaving combat which often occurs in dungeons.
- Tome of Light's Devotion
- Passive trinket that has its biggest value offensively, make sure to always have the "The 50 Verses of Radiance" buff up.
- 2x Dawnthread Lining.
- Craft preferred on Wrists, Boots, Waist or Cloak depending on your available gear.
A good option for early season is crafting a 675 weapon with Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis and a 675 Shield with Writhing Armor Banding. As soon as you get access to a 678 weapon and shield this option loses value compared to 2x Dawnthread Lining.
- Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis
- Passive secondary stats with almost 100% uptime.
- Has to be crafted on a weapon.
- Writhing Armor Banding
- Empowering your Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis.
- On Wrists, Boots, Waist or Cloak depending on your available gear.
Remaining Sparks
- Crafted items are 675 item level and regular items are 678 on max item level, therefore, it's a small loss to equip crafted items outside of your 2x Embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.
To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.
- Phials
- Flask of Tempered Swiftness -- less DPS but more survivability.
- Food
- Feast of the Divine Day
- Combat Potion
- Tempered Potion
- Potion Bomb of Power -- group potion, this is a DPS loss for you.
- Health Potion
- Algari Healing Potion
- Weapon Stone/Oil
- Rite of Sanctification -- as Lightsmith in every situation
- Ironclaw Whetstone -- as Templar if you have a bladed weapon
- Ironclaw Weightstone -- as Templar if you have a blunt weapon
- Augment Rune
- Crystallized Augment Rune
- Sockets
- Deadly Emerald
- Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem colour to enhance your Blasphemite.
- Quick Onyx
- Quick Ruby
- Quick Sapphire
- Culminating Blasphemite is the best raw output option but using Elusive Blasphemite can help you maintain uptime and dodge mechanics easier. This is an extremely minor dps gain in exchange for a valuable 10% movement speed.
Head | S.A.D. |
Neck | Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Cloak | Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace |
Chest | Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance |
Wrist | Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Leech S.A.D. |
Belt | S.A.D. |
Legs | Stormbound Armor Kit |
Boots | Enchant Boots - Defender's March |
Ring 1 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Ring 2 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Weapon | Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power |
You buy S.A.D. from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists and Belt.
or min-maxing a Protection Paladin in Mythic+ Dungeons, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your characters. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.
- Stoneform -- Dwarf
- Might of the Mountain gives 2% crit damage and healing, which is very strong for Protection Paladin.
- Valuable due to the fact that you can dispel yourself or remove dangerous bleed effects.
- Gives 10% physical DR which can be like a small extra personal as a tank for 8 seconds.
- War Stomp -- Tauren
- Strong AoE stun that can be used as a stop that lasts for 2 seconds.
- Brawn gives 2% crit damage and healing
- Arcane Torrent -- Blood Elf
- Strong racial to dispel or purge enemies, the value is very limited but sometimes can come in handy.
II almost always play Dwarf since they are the overall strongest offensive (tied with Tauren) race, as well as being the strongest defensively because of Stoneform ability to remove nasty debuffs.
Discover recommended macros for Protection Paladin for Mythic+ and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.
Taunt at Mouseover --- Mouseover macro for Hand of Reckoning (Taunt) that allows you to get aggro easily from targets that just come into view or spawn without having to change target. If you have no mouseover it taunts your primary target.
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Hand of Reckoning
Boss 1 Taunt --- Casts Hand of Reckoning on Boss1
/cast [@boss1] Hand of Reckoning
Boss 2 Taunt --- Casts Hand of Reckoning on Boss2
/cast [@boss2] Hand of Reckoning
Blessing of Freedom Mouseover --- Mouseover macro for Blessing of Freedom to use on allies (do not use this on yourself as it's less efficient than the next macro)
/cast [@mouseover] Blessing of Freedom
Blessing of Sacrifice Mouseover--- Mouseover macro for Blessing of Sacrifice that allows you to external someone quickly.
/cast [@mouseover] Blessing of Sacrifice
Word of Glory Mouseover --- Mouseover macro to use Word of Glory on allies, as with Blessing of Freedom, do not use this on yourself as it is less efficient.
#showtooltip Word of Glory
/cast [@mouseover] Word of Glory
Lay on Hands Mouseover --- Mouseover macro to use Lay on Hands on allies.
#showtooltip Lay on Hands
/cast [@mouseover] Lay on Hands
Cleanse Toxins Mouseover --- Mouseover macro to use dispell on allies.
#showtooltip Cleanse Toxins
/cast [@mouseover] Cleanse Toxins
Focus Target Macro --- This is one of my favorite macros that puts a target in focus on mouseover and also marks the target as "Cross" (red). This is a very very good macro to have for high level play and it also comes with an easy way to clear focus as well.
/focus [@mouseover,exists]
/run if not GetRaidTargetIndex("focus") then SetRaidTarget("focus",7) end
/clearfocus [@mouseover,noharm]
Focus Interupt --- This macro casts "Rebuke" or interrupt on your focus target. It also interrupts your main target if your focus target is out of range or if you do not have a focus target. Very solid macro for general use play.
/cast [@focus,harm,nodead][] Rebuke
Focus Avenger's Shield --- Macro that puts your Avenger's Shield on focus target if you need to kick or silence your focus target
/cast [@focus,harm,nodead][] Avenger's Shield
Cancelaura macro --- Here is a very important macro that you want to fill with any buff that is an immunity that you would need to cancel in a given scenario. For example; Divine Shield Taunt fails and doesn't taunt so you need to cancel Divine Shield, or you used Blessing of Protection to get rid of a debuff quickly and need to cancel so that you can continue being the primary aggro target before your allies are tanking instead. In the case of Blessing of Spellwarding, sometimes certain mobs fail to do their primary threat ability on the tank if you are protected by Blessing of Spellwarding, although this is rare.
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
/cancelaura Blessing of Spellwarding
/cancelaura Divine Shield
Casting Divine Shield --- Essentially this lets you have less delay on casting Divine Shield, if you are for example casting a mechanic in the Raid, or a trinket that has a cast time or pressing flash of light etc.
#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield
Word of Glory at Self--- This macro casts Word of Glory on yourself which is very efficient when you want to use Word of Glory as a self heal. I recommend using two binds for Word of Glory, just like Blessing of Freedom.
#showtooltip Word of Glory
/cast [@player] Word of Glory
Blessing of Freedom on Self --- This macro puts Blessing of Freedom on yourself instantly, which is more efficient in terms of pressing faster than if you used a mouseover macro for yourself. In general, it is good to have two binds for Blessing of Freedom, one for mouseover and one for player (self) as it is a lot more efficient.
#showtooltip Blessing of Freedom
/cast [@player] Blessing of Freedom
Lay on Hands Self --- This macro you should use in order to use Lay on Hands as a "self heal".
/cast [@player] Lay on Hands
Cleanse Toxins Self --- This macro you should use for dispelling yourself as it is more efficient.
#showtooltip Cleanse Toxins
/cast [@player] Cleanse Toxins
Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Protection Paladin, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ to make your life easier.

- Shadowed Unit Frames (SUF) -- Full User Interface replacement
- Addon to replace your Unitframes and other UI Elements with a more clean look. Takes quite some time to configure but there are plenty of pre-done profiles that you can easily import and check out.
- BigWigs -- Generic Boss Mod
- BigWigs is a boss encounter add-on. It consists of many individual encounter scripts, or boss modules; mini add-ons that are designed to trigger alert messages, timer bars, sounds, and so forth, for one specific raid encounter.
- Weakauras -- Jack of all trades
- WeakAuras is a powerful and flexible framework that allows the display of highly customizable graphics on World of Warcraft's user interface to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant information. This addon was created to be a lightweight replacement for Power Auras but has since introduced more functionalities while remaining efficient and easy to use.
- Plater -- Advanced Nameplates
- Plater is a nameplate addon with an extraordinary amount of settings, out of the box debuff tracking, threat coloring, and support for scripting similar to WeakAuras and + the WeakAuras-Companion for Mod/Script/Profile updates.
- Details -- In-depth Damage Meter
- Most powerful, reliable, handsome, damage meter for World of Warcraft.
- MRT -- Notes, Raid cooldowns, and more
- Helpful addon for raiders, especially for raid leaders and officers.
- Echo Raid Tools -- Notes, Raid cooldowns, and more
- Echo Raid Tools is a World of Warcraft addon designed by Echo Esports to enhance raiding efficiency. It offers "Echo Approved" WeakAuras for each raid boss accessible through an in-game Dungeon Journal interface, allowing easy import and customization.
- Bartender -- Action Bar Changer
- Bartender4 is a comprehensive action bar replacement addon for World of Warcraft. It allows full customization of action bars, including scaling, alpha settings, and visibility based on macro conditions.
Divine Resonance
This aura shows how many Avenger's Shields you have left from Divine Resonance and when they are triggering.

Changes this Patch
- Seal of the Crusader healing reduced by 50%.
- Lightforged Blessing now heals 1% of health (was 2%).
- A Just Reward now has a more just reward, its healing increased by 140%.
- Blinding Light and Repentance now break on a damage threshold instead of breaking on any damage.
- Templar
- Empyrean Hammer now prefers player targets over creatures/summons.
- The Hammer of Light implementation has been revamped to resolve issues such as casting delays, tuning difficulties, and the limited scalability of its infrastructure.
- Hammer of Light now displays the correct amount of damage done by its secondary target damage effect for Retribution Paladin.
- Hammerfall internal cooldown reduced to 0.1 second.
- Lightsmith
- Tempered in Battle: Sacred Weapon’s health redistribution may only occur once per cast.
- Strength in Adversity reduced to 3% parry per enemy struck (was 5%).
- Strength in Adversity now displays with stacks.
- Cooldown reduction from Uther’s Counsel reduced to 15% (was 30%).
- Refining Fire damage reduced by 30%.
- All ability damage increased by 15%
- Templar
- Undisputed Ruling has been updated – Hammer of Light grants Shield of the Righteous, erupts a Consecration beneath its target, and increases your Haste by 12% for 6 seconds. Additionally, Eye of Tyr grants 3 Holy Power.
- Lightforged Blessing now affects 2 additional allies (was 4).
- Flash of Light healing increased by 20%.
- Seal of the Crusader healing increased by 50%.
- Shield of the Righteous increases your Armor by 160% of your Strength (was 170%).
- The Dusk buff from Of Dusk and Dawn reduces your damage taken by 4% (was 5%).
- Sanctified Plates’ armor increase no longer applies to bonus armor from Shield of the Righteous.
- All ability damage increased by 15%.
- The damage reduction effect while standing in Consecrate of Mastery: Divine Bulwark is reduced by 20%.
- Improved Holy Shield increases your chance to block spells by 8% (was 10%).
- Sentinel’s duration reduced to 16 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Eye of Tyr’s duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 9 seconds).
- Righteous Protector: Holy Power abilities reduces cooldowns by 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Word of Glory healing increased by up to 300% based on your missing health (was 250%).
- Bulwark of Order now shields you for 60% of your Avenger's Shield damage (was 50%).
- Retribution Aura was removed for all Paladin Specs in the Class Tree.
- Sanctuary has been changed. It allows you to keep the defensive benefits of Consecration for 4 seconds after leaving. This talent has now swapped positions.
- Soaring Shield and Focused Enmity are no longer on a choice node and can be taken at the same time.
- Light of the Titans is on a choice node with Tirion's Devotion which now scales based on how much healing Word of Glory does. Additionaly, both Light of the Titans and Bulwark of Order are 1 point talents instead of 2.
- Shining Light now stacks two times.
- Strength in Adversity now grants more parry change per target hit. This talent has swapped positions.
- Bastion of Light has been redesigned. It now increases the Holy Power generation of your next 5 Judgment casts by 2. This talent has swapped positions.
- Crusader's Resolve reduces melee swing damage from debuffed targets. This talent has also now swapped positions.
The biggest tip I can give is to always figure out why you died in any given scenario and how you can improve. Tanking is tough, with constant opportunities to better use your externals, rotation, and defensives. Recording your gameplay and reviewing Warcraft Logs are great methods. Being good at tanking requires cognitive flexibility—focus on what you could have done better instead of blaming others. This mindset is more rewarding and healthier for becoming a better tank!
Written By: Tief
Reviewed By: Miniaug