Corrupting Fever Gladiator
Last Updated:May 20, 2023|Changelog
The Corrupting Fever Gladiator is a league start mapping specialist that excels in clearing packs of monsters in early maps on a moderate budget. You are a ranged attack specialist with a damage over time playstyle that explodes packs of monsters with the Gladiator's Gratuitous Violence Ascendancy power. In this guide we will cover step by step how to progress from Act 1 all the way to End Game Mapping and Currency Farming.
Strengths And Weaknesses
Skills Breakdown
Ascendancy Breakdown
The Gladiator is our choice as it offers many speed mapping enhancements, along with modest defensive bonuses:
- Gratuitous Violence causes all Bleeding enemies to explode bolstering, our Map clear significantly.
- Arena Challenger grants us Challenger Charges that increase our Movement and Attack Speed significantly.
- Blood in the Eyes as well as Outmatch and Outlast offer considerable damage increases to the Physical Damage over Time playstyle we build around.
When playing as the Corrupting Fever Gladiator your primary focus is to keep Corrupting Fever active at all times. Activating Corrupting Fever costs a significant portion of your Life and it should only be activated initially or refreshed when you are not in danger or have your Divine Life Flask available.
While you have Corrupting Fever active each hit from any source applies up to 10 stacks of Corrupted Blood to targets. Maintaining those stacks on all enemies is critical to dealing maximum damage.
When mapping as the Corrupting Fever Gladiator you must rely on your range as your primary form of defense. Keep your distance from monsters and use Kinetic Blast to mow down packs. Whenever taking on weaker monsters stay in Sand Stance to generate Challenger Charges.
When dealing with tougher enemies swap from Sand Stance to Blood Stance and maintain a safe distance from the target you're trying to take down. When dealing with tankier high threat targets always be on the move while maintaining 10 stacks of Corrupted Blood on the target. Make sure Vulnerability is maintained at all times on high Health enemies.
Build Scaling
Corrupting Fever and Exsanguinate are damage over time Skill Gems. Our offensive scaling focuses on increasing these as high as possible with the following, primary stats:
- Increased Physical/Damage over time
- Increase Physical/Damage over time multiplier
- Generic Damage Increases (Frenzy Charges)
- Auras and increased aura effect (Pride, Herald of Purity)
- Curses Vulnerability
These damage multipliers are scarce on the Passive Skill Tree and Gear hence we mainly rely on Jewels and Cluster Jewels to increase our damage.
The Gladiator has a wide variety of defenses on its gear and passive Skill Tree to focus on:
- Armor and Evasion from Gear, Flasks, Skill Tree and Determination
- Capped Elemental Resistances at 75%
- 100% Ailment Avoidance
- Stun Immunity
- Endurance Charges
- Corrupted Blood Immunity
- Life Gain On Hit Life Gain on Hit Support
These defenses grant the build solid mitigation and recovery against one shots and unavoidable ailment deaths. Remember that Corrupting Fever is still a ranged glass cannon reliant on excellent positioning and dodging.
Leveling Section by tytykiller
This build is easy to level, provided that the player understands how to create a good leveling Weapon. Pasting this line, called a regex, into the Search Bar of Vendors selling Armors and Weapons when you go back to town, substantially speeds up leveling. -[
Your Weapon is your most important upgrade! Always keep your Two-Handed Weapon up to date within ~7 levels of yourself. Make sure your Weapon either has % Physical Damage or Flat Damage. Here is an example of a good Weapon at Level 23: Double Axe
When deciding between two weapons to use for your build, you may hover your mouse over your main skill gem (Splitting Steel early on) to see which of two weapon choices provides the highest DPS. Besides picking up an Axe and identifying it, our primary way of getting a weapon is from using an Essence that adds Flat Damage on Two-Handed Weapons, whether its Physical, Fire, Cold or Lightning Damage. This method has the highest probability to create a good Weapon, especially early on.
When this method does NOT work, we use the Rustic Sash Vendor Recipe. When you sell a Rare Rustic Sash with a Blacksmith's Whetstone and a Weapon, the Recipe produces a % Physical Damage Weapon back! You may then use an Orb of Augmentation and pray that you land Attack Speed, a Resistance or a different (hopefully useful) stat.
Campaign Step By Step
Beginner players should follow Enki's Campaign Progression guide.
The levels listed below are based on speedrunning. Always be greater or equal to the levels listed.
Step 1: Level 2
- Kill Hillock. Talk to Tarkleigh and choose Splitting Steel as your reward.
- Splitting Steel gives a new skill called Call of Steel, which grants steel shards. Use Call of Steel to generate shards, cast Splitting Steel a handful of times to spend shards (if available), and then cast Call of Steel to finish enemies.
- Talk to Tarkleigh, click Purchase Items, and copy the following line:
|nne- Paste it in the vendor window in-game and it will highlight four links, movement speed boots, and items with Green-Green-Red (GGR) sockets. This is called a regex filter, and is imperative to finding important items quickly!
- After this, complete the quests Mercy Mission and Breaking some Eggs.
- Upon killing Hailrake, hit escape and press EXIT TO CHARACTER SELECT (or type /exit in chat). This saves you a Portal Scroll. Selecting a different log out option puts you in a queue on a league start. This "Return to Town" method is used many times in this guide.
Step 2: Level 4
- Talk to Nessa and grab: Quicksilver Flask and Onslaught Support.
- Talk to Nessa and Purchase War Banner.
- War Banner is our first aura. Activating it causes monster deaths to store 50 charges. When released, it gives us the Adrenaline buff for a huge damage boost. This is best used on magic packs, rare monsters, or large packs of regular monsters.
- Talk to Tarkleigh and grab: Ancestral Protector and Dash.
- Click Purchase Items from Tarkleigh and paste in the regex:
|nne - Complete the quests Dweller of the Deep and The Caged Brute.
- Note: you only have to reach the Waypoint in Lower Prison to acquire a gem from the quest.
- Ideally you will have a Green-Green-Red (GGR) item for Splitting Steel - Onslaught Support - Chance to Bleed Support.
- If you only have a Green-Red then just link Splitting Steel to Chance to Bleed Support.
- Our rotation on packs is Call of Steel for 12 stacks of Steel Shards, Dash forward constantly, place Ancestral Protector on packs of monsters, and use Splitting Steel until the pack is low.
Step 3: Level 8
- Reach Lower Prison and use the Waypoint back to town.
- Talk to Nessa and grab: Maim Support.
- Link Maim to Ancestral Protector if you have a Red-Red item.
- Talk to Tarkleigh to grab your Passive Skillpoint.
- Click Purchase Items from Tarkleigh and paste in the regex:
|nne - Go back to Lower Prison, complete the Trial of Ascendancy, and slay Brutus.
- Two handed weapons are a substantial DPS increase and help tremendously on Brutus. The recommended weapons here are either a Longsword at 8, or a Jade Chopper at 9.
Step 4: Level 10
- After killing Brutus, return to town.
- Talk to Tarkleigh and grab Leap Slam. This replaces Dash.
- Click Purchase Items from Tarkleigh, then paste in the regex:
|nne - Complete the quests The Marooned Mariner and The Siren's Cadence.
- Note: you do not need to kill Merveil to acquire a gem from The Siren's Cadence.
Step 5: Level 12
- After killing Fairgraves and reaching the Waypoint in Merveil's Caverns, purchase Spectral Helix from Nessa for 1 Orb of Transmutation, OR grab Shattering Steel for free.
- Spectral Helix is better, but many people dislike the playstyle of attacking twice and moving on. It is very comparable to the Hammerdin from Diablo II. A decent alternative to Spectral Helix is Shattering Steel, as it is better than Splitting Steel in almost every way.
- Talk to Bestel and grab the Passive Skillpoint, then complete The Siren's Cadence.
- Look for a Bastard Sword to use at level 12, or a Woodsplitter at level 13.
- Equip a Sapphire Ring for Merveil to nullify her Cold Damage. Kill Merveil and move onto Act 2!
Step 1: Level 12
- After killing Merveil, walk north into The Forest Encampment (Town).
- Talk to Greust, click Sell Items, and sell all items you acquired from Merveil.
- You CAN try to purchase a Green-Green-Red (GGR) item if you have not found one yet, but it will likely cost an Orb of Transmutation.
- If you sell rare items identified they will give you Alteration Shards, while selling them unidentified gives you Transmutation Shards.
- Go to the right of town into The Old Fields and complete The Great White Beast.
- Your ideal weapon at this point is a Woodsplitter at level 13.
Step 2: Level 13
- After completing The Great White Beast, go to the Waypoint at The Crossroads and return to town.
- Talk to Yeena and select the Magic Quicksilver Flask reward.
- At this point, use two Life flasks, one Mana flask, and two Quicksilver Flasks.
- Waypoint back to The Crossroads, and finish the quest Intruders in Black in the Chambers of Sin 2.
- Make sure to complete the Trial of Ascendancy in the Chambers of Sin 2.
Step 3: Level 16
- After killing Fidelitas and getting the Baleful Gem, return to town.
- Talk to Greust and select the gem Blood Rage.
- Blood Rage is a buff that gives attack speed, leech, and has a chance to generate frenzy charges on kill - which give MORE Attack/Cast Speed and damage.
- Talk to Yeena and purchase the gems Herald of Purity and Herald of Ash.
- Herald of Ash is an Aura that gives 15% of Physical Damage as extra Fire Damage, and also helps smooth out clearing packs. This gem takes priority over all other auras at this point.
- Herald of Purity gives us MORE Physical damage, and also summons some minions to help out while clearing or fighting a boss.
- Equip all three auras. In the case that you can only equip 1 or 2 Auras, the priority is: Herald of Ash > Herald of Purity > War Banner. Remember that War Banner's primary usefulness comes from using the stacks, so use it at 50 stacks and/or when fighting a difficult monster!
- Go left from the Town to complete the quest Sharp and Cruel in The Weaver's Chambers.
- Your ideal weapon at this point is a Poleaxe at 18
Step 4: Level 18
- Kill The Weaver, pick up Maligaro's Spike, and return to town.
- Talk to Silk and get the gem Faster Attacks Support.
- It is critically important to link this to Leap Slam as soon as you can at 18.
- Complete the quest Deal with the Bandits.
- Waypoint to the Crossroads, go right to the Broken Bridge, kill Kraityn, and return to town.
- Waypoint to the Riverways, go north to The Wetlands, and kill Oak.
- While in the Western Forest, kill Alira and complete the quest The Way Forward.
- Note that The Way Forward is an Act 1 quest that is only completable in Act 2.
Step 5: Level 18
- Talk to Eramir for two Passive Skillpoints.
- Take the Waypoint back to the Act 1 town Lioneye's Watch. Talk to Bestel for an additional Passive Skillpoint for completing The Way Forward.
- Use the Waypoint to travel to The Wetlands in Act 2. Click the Vaal Ruins to open it if you have not already done so.
- Use a Ruby Ring for this zone, as the monsters casting Explosive Arrow are scary.
- Complete the quest Shadow of the Vaal by killing the Act 2 boss, Vaal Oversoul. After this, return to town and complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Crypt. Once these are done, move onto Act 3!
Step 1: Level 21
- Waypoint to the City of Sarn, kill the Guard Captain, and talk to Clarissa. Complete the quest Lost in Love.
- After completing the Trial of Ascendancy and obtaining Tolman's Bracelet, return to town.
- Talk to Clarissa to obtain the Sewer Keys.
- Talk to Maramoa and choose the gem Poacher's Mark. Use it on bosses to gain Life and Mana back on hit.
- The Ideal weapon at this point is a Double Axe at level 23.
Step 2: Level 24
- Talk to Hargan and select Purchase Items. Paste in the regex -[rgb]-.-|g-g-r|g-r-g|r-g-g|nne
- After level 24, you may find a four-link item. Ideally, it will already be G-G-G-R or G-G-R-R.
- If it is not already these colors, use Chromatic Orbs on either a Dexterity or Strength-Dexterity base. If you find a four link that requires Intelligence in any way, using Chromatic Orbs is not a good idea since they are very likely to roll Blue sockets.
- Green-Green-Green-Red (GGGR) links: Spectral Helix - Onslaught Support - Faster Attacks Support - Chance to Bleed Support
- Green-Green-Red-Red (GGR) links: Spectral Helix - Onslaught Support - Cruelty Support - Chance to Bleed Support
- Complete the quests Victario's Secrets, The Ribbon Spool and The Gemling Queen. Choose the rare Lapis Amulet as a reward.
- Ensure that you complete the Trial of Ascendancy from The Catacombs at some point during this cycle.
Step 3: Level 26
- Complete the quest Piety's Pets.
- Ignore the quest Sever the Right Hand. We do not need to kill Gravicius for this build.
- Aim for at LEAST level 27 before killing Piety.
- Farm in The Docks if you are behind in XP. You can reset a zone by holding down Ctrl and left clicking on either a zone entrance or Waypoint.
- Getting two-stone rings and using essences that give rings flat damage to attacks (like an Wailing Essence of Torment) is amazing here.
Step 4: Level 27
- The Ideal weapon basetype starting at level 28 is a Gilded Axe.
- Try to get your resists close to 75% Fire, Cold, and Lightning.
- The best craft you can make is with the Crafting Bench in your hideout. Use the 16-20% of a single resist craft, which only costs an Orb of Transmutation.
- Talk to Hargan for a Passive Skillpoint (from the quest Victario's Secrets). Then talk to him again and shop for a four-link by pasting in the regex -[rgb]-.-|g-g-r|g-r-g|r-g-g|nne
- Talk to Grigor to get a Passive Skillpoint.
- Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Imperial Gardens.
- While fighting Dominus, avoid getting slammed when he says "The Touch of God!". Kill Dominus and move on to Act 4!
Step 1: Level 28
- Complete the quest Breaking the Seal.
- Farm Dried Lake until at least level 30.
- Act 4 is when the game strains your resistances. Playing with below 75% elemental resists is extremely dangerous. Start to over-cap resists in this Act, as we are aiming for at least 105% by the time we kill Act 5 Kitava.
- Keep identifying rare items and keep chugging along with high Life and resists gear.
Step 2: Level 30
- Complete the quest An Indomitable Spirit
- Reach the Waypoint in the Crystal Veins and complete the normal Labryinth.
- Ascend as a Gladiator, and choose Blood in the Eyes.
Step 3: Level 32
- Do not progress past Crystal Veins without being at least level 32, farm Dried Lake if you need to catch up.
- Complete the quest The Eternal Nightmare by killing Daresso and Kaom.
Step 4: Level 34
- Kill Piety, then complete the quest Corpus Malachus.
- Talk to Piety again, go kill Malachai, and move on to Act five!
Do not switch your build yet unless this is your second character of the league, as Corrupting Fever wand glad requires an extremely large amount of sockets. However, this does not stop us from looking for items with the colors we need! So start looking for the following:
R-R-B-G: Corrupting Fever - Brutality Support - Efficacy Support - Swift Affliction Support
R-R-B-B: Exsanguinate - Brutality Support - Spellslinger - Controlled Destruction Support
R-R-B-G: Kinetic Blast - Lifetap Support - Life Gain on Hit Support - Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
As you can see, fitting these colors in is not easy at this point of the campaign. If you are leveling your second character however, swap over at level 38.
Step 1: Level 35
- Get at least 75% resists in Fire, Cold, and Lightning - but aim for 105%, as you lose 30% from killing Kitava.
- Put every armor and jewelry piece you have into the crafting bench in your hideout to see if it has space for a Fire, Cold, or Lightning resist craft. This is only usable if the item has an Open Suffix (hold Alt on an item to see).
- Complete the quest Return to Oriath and talk to Lani for a ring matching the resists you need the most. Get any of the Two-Stones over the single-resist rings, as they are easier to replace later.
- Complete the quests In Service to Science, The Key to Freedom, and reach the Chamber of Innocence
Step 2: Level 38
- Once you enter the Chamber of Innocence, farm this zone until at least level 40. You can reset a campaign zone by holding down CTRL and clicking on the zone or Waypoint.
- If you are clearing the Chamber of Innocence and are still under level 40, use a Portal Scroll and talk to Lani for a Granite Flask
- Talk to Vilenta for a Passive Skillpoint.
- Complete the quest Death to Purity.
Step 3: Level 40
- Complete the quests The Ravenous God and Kitava's Torments.
- When Kitava closes his fist, he will spawn orbs that close in on your location in an X formation, closing in on the center. Avoid any slams and abilities from the large unique monsters that spawn. Kill Kitava, and move onto Act six.
- After killing Kitava, your resists drop by 30%. This should be easy to overcome, and in softcore your resists should be at least 50% each. Every point of resistance gear from here on out drastically increases your survivability!
Step 1: Level 42
- If you are 42, you don't need to farm any XP past this point until Act 9, just be within 6 levels of the zone.
- Entering this Act without 75% all resists is perfectly fine (in softcore!). The elemental damage you take here depends on which part of the Act you are in. The Mud Flats and the Tukohama fight requires Fire res, the Shavronne fight Lightning res, and the Brine King Cold and Lightning res. Using this, it’s okay if your resists initially look like 75% Fire, 50% Cold, and 50% Lightning (again, in softcore). In hardcore, ensure that all resists equal 75% or more.
- Go to your hideout and throw each piece individually at the crafting bench to see if you can craft a Fire, Cold, or Lightning resist on them for 1 Orb of Transmutation each. Obviously only craft the types of resists you need!
- Go out to The Coast and get the Waypoint, then go to the Mud Flats and complete the quest The Father of War.
- Once at the Ridge Waypoint, take it back to The Coast and complete Bestel's Epic.
- Use a Portal Scroll, complete Fallen From Grace, and return to town.
Step 2
- Talk to Lily Roth for 2x Passive Respec Points. Click Purchase Items and select the following: Exsanguinate, Corrupting Fever, and Spellslinger. Level these in your off-hand weapons.
- Talk to Bestel for either a rare Leather Belt or Citrine Amulet, depending on which slot needs a bigger upgrade.
- Talk to Tarkleigh for a Passive Skillpoint.
- Travel to The Lower Prison and complete the Trial of Ascendancy there.
- Finish the Essence of Umbra by killing Brutus and Shavronne. Grab the Spell Damage craft after the fight.
Step 3
- Kill Abberath in Prisoner's Gate for The Cloven One.
- Grab the Waypoint in The Riverways, then go north to The Wetlands and kill Ryslatha for The Puppet Mistress.
- You may skip Abberath and Ryslatha until late Act 7 if your character is too weak at this point.
- Return to town, then talk to Bestel for a Passive Skillpoint.
- Talk to Tarkleigh for a Fencer Helm and a Passive Skillpoint.
- Complete the remaining questline to defeat The Brine King, then move onto Act 7.
Step 1
- Select the Brine King Pantheon (the Keybind is Y by default)
- Complete the quest The Silver Locket
- Travel to The Crypt for the Trial of Ascendancy and the map for Essence of the Artist.
- Waypoint back to The Crossroads, travel north to the Chamber of Sins, and complete Web of Secrets.
- Do the Trial of Ascendancy while in the Chambers of Sin 2, and complete The Master of a Million Faces.
Step 2
- Optionally, you may travel back to town at this point and talk to Helena for an Amulet reward.
- Gather the seven fireflies for the quest Lighting the Way, and kill Greust for the quest The Master of a Million Faces while in The Dread Thicket.
- Exit The Dread Thicket and travel to The Causeway for Kishara's Star.
- Get to the Waypoint in the Vaal City and talk to Yeena there, then return to town.
- This also frees your inventory of the fireflies!
Step 3
- Select the Pantheon Ralakesh, Master of a Million Faces.
- Talk to Eramir for two Passive Skillpoints.
- Talk to Weylam Roth to select the Quartz Flask and a Passive Skillpoint.
- Talk to Helena and select the Soldier Boots.
- After this, complete the Cruel Labyrinth and choose Gratuitous Violence
- Gratuitous Violence greatly increases your clear speed and damage! After completing your second lab, continue to look for the follows colors:
R-R-B-G, R-R-B-B and R-R-B-G
Step 4
- Finally, Waypoint back to The Vaal City, travel to Temple of Decay 2, and kill Arakaali. Avoid the cone of poisonous bolts, as well as the purple orbs that spawn far away and travel towards the boss. After this, move onto Act 8!
Step 1
- Continue playing melee for your final act, and look forward to the following setup soon:
- R-R-B-G: Corrupting Fever - Brutality Support - Efficacy Support - Swift Affliction Support
- R-R-B-B: Exsanguinate - Brutality Support - Spellslinger - Controlled Destruction Support
- R-R-B-G: Kinetic Blast - Lifetap Support - Life Gain on Hit Support - Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
- Kill Doedre for the quest Essence of the Hag, then go to the right towards The Quay.
- Complete the quest Love is Dead, then travel to the Grain Gate to complete The Gemling Legion.
- Continue to the Solaris Temple and get the waypoint in Solaris Temple 1.
- Complete the quest Solar Eclipse and return to town.
Step 2
- Talk to Clarissa for a Passive Skillpoint.
- Talk to Hargan for whichever Two-Stone ring reward you need the most.
- Talk to Maramoa for a Passive Skillpoint.
Step 3: Level 54
- Go back to Solaris Temple 1, travel to the Solaris Concourse, the Harbour Bridge, then Lunaris Concourse.
- Go to the Lunaris Temple 2 and complete Lunar Eclipse.
- Travel to the Lunaris Concourse and kill the Twins Solaris the Eternal Sun and Lunaris the Eternal Moon. Stand behind Solaris when she throws her Fire Spear, and get move away when Lunaris fires Cold Rain from the sky. After this, continue onwards to Act 9 and the best zone in the campaign for farming - the Blood Aqueducts!
Step 1: Level 54
- It is finally time to swap! Upon entering Blood Aqueduct (At level 54 or above) try to swap over to Kinetic Blast Corrupting Fever gladiator. It is perfectly okay to not have all of the socket links at this point of the campaign! In fact, it is not expected that you do.
- R-R-B-G: Corrupting Fever - Brutality Support - Efficacy Support - Swift Affliction Support
- R-R-B-B: Exsanguinate - Brutality Support - Spellslinger - Controlled Destruction Support
- R-R-G-B-: Kinetic Blast - Lifetap Support - Greater Multiple Projectiles Support - Life Gain on Hit Support
- Taking these down to 3 links makes gearing substantially easier! Remove the last link in every list if you do not have the required 4-link.
- Continually identify rares and use essences on gear.
- This build requires a wand to use the skill Kinetic Blast. For our wand, we only care about identifying either +1 to Physical Spells, or +% Physical Damage over time. A combination of these two would be an insanely lucky find. Your best bet for acquiring one of these is selling a wand to a vendor PLUS enough skill gems with the Physical Tag with quality adding up to 40%.
- Example: Selling a wand with a 13% Cyclone, 10% Divine Ire, and 17% Ethereal Knives (13+10+17=40%).
- This produces a Magic Wand with +1 to level of all Physical Spell skill gems. Use an Orb of Augmentation and a Regal Orb for a 2nd and 3rd affix. Next take it to the crafting bench and craft anything useful on it (Ideally % Physical Damage over time multiplier, % Damage over time multiplier, % Damage over time, or % Attack Speed).
- Your goal is to farm Blood Aqueducts until character level 64 for both gem levels and currency. While farming Blood Aqueduct you might find Humility cards, which sell for approximately 2 Chaos Orb at the start of a league. Sell these, as a 6 link is not needed. Feel free to start shopping for Grimro’s list down below!
- The final goal we have of Blood Aqueduct is to farm gear that has good resistances. We want our resists to be close to 105% when killing Act 10 Kitava, as we get another penalty to our resistances. Mapping with ~60% resists is fine for softcore, but is a definite no-go in hardcore. Continue farming gear, currency, and xp in Blood Aqueducts until 64, then move on to act 10.
Step 2: Level 64
- Go back to the Lunaris Concourse in Act 8 to get the Trail of Ascendancy in the Bath House and complete the Reflection of Terror in the High Gardens.
- Return to town and talk to Hargan for a Passive Skillpoint.
Step 3: Level 64
- Complete the quest The Storm Blade. Return to town, talk to Petarus and Vanja for a Teak Round Shield, Sin for the next quest item, then Petarus and Vanja again. Return back to the Vastiri Desert waypoint and complete the quest Queen of the Sands.
- Return to town and talk to Irasha for a Passive Skillpoint.
Step 4
- Kill The Basilisk in the Boiling Lake
- Complete the quest Fastis Fortuna
- Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Tunnel
- Complete the Ruler of Highgate, then return to town and talk to Irasha for a Passive Skillpoint.
Step 5
- Finish the quest Recurring Nightmare by killing Act 9 boss The Depraved Trinity. Avoid the boss' slam, and avoid getting hit by the scorpion ads that spawn. Next, move onto Act 10!
Step 1
- Kill Plaguewing and complete the quest Safe Passage.
- Place a portal in the middle of the Ruined Square, and go to the waypoint in the Control Blocks (left).
- Take the waypoint back to town and talk to Lani in town for a Silver Flask.
- This flask gives us a buff called Onslaught, which substantially increases our speed.
Step 2
- Don't complete the quest Vilenta's Vengeance in the Control Blocks at this time if your character feels weak. Instead, go through your portal that you placed earlier and go to the right this time towards the Ossuary.
- Complete the quest No Love for Old Ghosts and the Trial of Ascendancy in the Ossuary.
- Complete the Merciless Labyrinth and choose the ascendancy point Arena Challenger.
- Go a bit slower than normal in Merciless Labyrinth, as there is a difficulty spike. Stop for dark shrines, and try to get extra keys if they are along your path. We are looking for currency and gear, and Merciless lab can actually provide a lot of both.
- Arena Challenger gives Challenger Charges, which give you MORE attack speed and move speed. If you find the Labyrinth to be too difficult, take it on later at approximately level 70.
- Put the gem Blood and Sand in somewhere, as this will be how we enter Blood or Sand stance. Use Sand stance while clearing packs, and blood stance while killing bosses or tough rares.
Step 3
- Kill Avarius to complete the quest Death and Rebirth, then return to town.
- Talk to Bannon with the The Staff of Purity in your inventory.
- Talk to Lani for a General's Brigandine.
- Talk to Weylam Roth for 2x Passive Respec Points.
Step 4
- Travel back to the Ravaged Square, talk to Innocence, and complete the quest An End to Hunger.
- Kill Kitava, and move onto the mapping section below - congratulations on completing the campaign!
- Note that killing Kitava reduces your overall resistances by 30%. We prepare for this by obtaining gear with as high resists as possible. Aim for 75% Fire, Cold, and Lightning Resists.
Act 1
- Whenever you are back in town, click Purchase Items on a vendor and paste in
- This highlights four links, movement speed boots, and items with Green-Green-Red (GGR) sockets. This is a regex filter, and is imperative to finding important items quickly!
- Use Longsword at Level 8 or Jade Chopper at Level 9 .
- Use Bastard Sword at Level 12 or Woodsplitter at Level 13.
- Swap Splitting Steel for Spectral Helix at 12, can opt for Shattering Steel if helix playstyle is not enjoyable.
Act 2
- For Bandits, kill all for 2 Passive Skillpoints.
- Weapon Base Type: Woodsplitter at Level 13, Poleaxe at Level 18, or highest tooltip DPS.
Act 3
- Ideal Weapons: Poleaxe at Level 18, Double Axe at 23, Gilded Axe at Level 28, or highest tooltip DPS.
- At Level 24, get Poacher's Mark quest reward and skip Gravicius quest.
- Paste
into vendors starting at level 24 to look for a four-link. - G-G-G-R Spectral Helix - Onslaught Support - Faster Attacks Support - Chance to Bleed Support
- Or G-G-R-R Spectral Helix - Onslaught Support - Chance to Bleed Support - Maim Support
Act 4
- Ideal Weapons: Whatever Two-Handed Axe that provides the highest tooltip DPS.
- Complete the Normal Labyrinth.
- Start looking for these links but don’t swap yet:
- R-R-B-G Kinetic Blast - Lifetap Support - Life Gain on Hit Support - Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
- R-R-B-G Corrupting Fever - Brutality Support - Efficacy Support - Swift Affliction Support
- R-R-B-B Exsanguinate - Brutality Support - Spellslinger - Controlled Destruction Support
- Keep resistances at 75% and keep identifying rares for potential upgrades.
Act 5
- Ideal Weapons: Jasper Chopper at Level 37, Timber Axe at Level 41.
- Get resists close to 105% pre-Kitava.
- Farm Chamber of Innocence until at least Level 40.
Act 6
- Ideal Weapon: Headsman Axe at Level 45 or highest tooltip DPS.
- Purchase Exsanguinate, Corrupting Fever and Spellslinger to level in off-hand.
- Get resistances up to 75%.
- Take Brine King as your Major Pantheon.
Act 7
- Ideal Weapon: Labrys at Level 49 or highest tooltip DPS.
- Take Ralakesh as your Minor Pantheon.
- Complete your Cruel Labyrinth after collecting all Act 6 & 7 Passive Skillpoints.
Act 8
- Ideal Weapon: Labrys at Level 49 or highest tooltip DPS.
- Ensure that you are at least level 54 before entering Blood Aqueducts
Act 9
- Take Garukhan as your Minor Pantheon.
- Swap over to using a wand and shield and use the following setup:
- R-R-B-G Kinetic Blast - Lifetap Support - Life Gain on Hit Support - Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
- R-R-B-G Corrupting Fever - Brutality Support - Efficacy Support - Swift Affliction Support
- R-R-B-B Exsanguinate - Brutality Support - Spellslinger - Controlled Destruction Support
Act 10
- Complete the Trials for the Merciless Lab and run it.
- Continue gearing for 105% to All Resistances (75% post Kitava).
Mapping Preparation
You're done with the Campaign and are ready to take on the Path of Exile Endgame. Priority 1 is to ensure your Elemental Resistances are capped (75%) and you have sufficient Attributes to continue leveling your Skill Gems. Use Essences you have gathered on any items that are not Magic or Rare already. Items with an open modifier slot can be crafted on. Head to the Crafting Bench and craft Life and Resistances wherever possible according to what you need.
Recommended Farming Content
After completing the campaign the first step is to progress through the Atlas following our Atlas Progression Guide. As a mapping character, focus on the mechanics listed below depending on what level of content your character can complete. If you're struggling in higher tier content it is always recommended to step back and farm up more Currency and Gear. Clicking the League Mechanics below takes you to either a full Explanation Guide or a detailed Currency Farming Guide based around maximising your profits from that mechanic or content.
Early Game
- Alchemy And Go
- Endless Heist
Mid Game
- Alchemy And Go
- Low Investment Expedition
- Harvest
- Legion
- Blight
- Expedition
- Eldritch Altars
- Alchemy And Go
Map Modifiers
Always re-roll or avoid running the following modifiers when they appear on your maps.
- Monsters reflect x% of physical damage
Consider re-rolling or avoiding the following modifiers when they appear on maps:
- x% Monster physical damage Reduction
- Players have x% reduced effect of Non-Curse Auras from skills
For information on the Pantheon read our Pantheon Guide!
For Major Pantheon, select Brine King to gain Immunity to Freeze and Reduction of Chill Effect. This bonus is not baseline and needs to be acquired with a Divine Vessel.
For Minor Pantheon, select Abberath and upgrade it. This grants you defenses but most importantly Immunity to Burning Ground.
Skill Gems
Gems are a fundamental part of your build, and getting the correct link setups and levels before entering Maps is your main goal. This is how your Gem setup will look throughout the different stages of progression.
Early Game Gem Setup
In the early game having all your Gem Links correct and ensuring you are able to maintain the correct colors is your priority. The colors on your wands can be difficult to achieve through standard use of Chromatic Orbs, so it is recommended you use the crafting bench to color them more reliably.
Mid Game Gem Setup
In the Mid Game you'll acquire your 6 link which should be used to beef up your Kinetic Blast utility. Due to the steep cost associated with including additional links on Corrupting Fever and Exsanguinate it is our only option.
Before you can reserve Determination you will need to level your Spellslinger gem to level 16, ensure you have all aura reservation nodes listed, Charisma annointed and Conqueror's Efficiency Socketed. Use Determination in place of Herald of Purity until End Game.
End Game Gem Setup
After purchasing a Vulnerability on Hit Ring replace your Vulnerability Skill Gem with Molten Shell. Adjust your sockets to include Cast when Damage Taken Support.
In the end game after acquiring an Eldritch Helmet you can reserve Herald of Purity at the same time as Determination. This change requires re-organizing your links in order to facilitate this swap.
Skill Tree Progression
Levelling to Early/Mid Game Tree Swap should be performed as soon as you have been able to transition from the levelling setup supplied in the campaign walkthrough over to corrupting fever. Removing the extra points on your tree used for the melee portion of levelling allows you to re-allocate the points into more damage or defense.
Transition To Endgame Tree should be completed as soon as the last Mid Game milestone has been completed, remember to allocate the required skill points necessary for Inspired Learning to function if you purchase it.

Large Stat Nodes can and should be picked up as you need them to level up your Skill Gems or equip gear, the final end game tree accounts for them so don't be afraid to spend a couple passive points picking up +30 intelligence or dexterity while progressing.
Cluster Jewel Sockets on the edge of the passive tree should only be allocated after you have acquired the jewels to socket within them. After socketing clusters ensure you allocate all points needed to fully unlock all jewel sockets and relevant notable passive nodes.
Character Progression
Early Game Goal
Throughout our early game progression we focus on having the necessary defenses to complete white and yellow maps.
The rest of our attention is on getting as much damage and clear speed as possible to allow us to farm currency. This accelerates our upgrades and grants us access to higher tier content. Most of the purchases and crafts throughout the early game are affordable and accessible, even for beginners.
Milestone 1 - Flasks
Flasks are a significant defensive upgrade and are our next pickup. The flask bases we run are:
- Silver Flask
- Quicksilver Flask
- Granite Flask
- Jade Flask
- Divine Life Flask
We craft our Flasks by first using an Orb of Transmutation on White Flasks and then alternating between using Orb of Alteration and Orb of Augmentation until we hit the following mods on your Silver Flask, Granite Flask and Jade Flask (any of the below mods can be on any of the flasks you're rolling):
- Increased Evasion during Flask effect.
- Increased Armor during Flask effect.
- Reduced Effect of Shock on you during Flask effect.
Roll your Quicksilver Flask using the same method as above for the following modifier: Increased Movement Speed during Flask effect.
When rolling your Divine Life Flask look for the following modifier without any negative modifiers: Grants Immunity to Bleeding if used while Bleeding. Flasks have modifier tiers just like items. Make sure to upgrade these as you gain access to higher level flask bases to gain better utility and defense.
As you pick up Glassblower's Bauble, use them on your flasks until they hit 20% quality. After picking up enough Instilling Orbs, check the Crafting Bench and craft the following enchant on each of your Utility Flasks: Used when charges reach full.
Milestone 2 - Weapon + Shield
Next we upgrade our damage by acquiring a wand and shield with a focus on amplifying our physical damage abilities. Prioritize purchasing a wand with at least one of the following modifiers:
- +1 to level of all spell skill gems.
- +1 to level of all physical spell skill gems.
If you can get a wand with at least one of the above also try to get one or multiple of the mods below:
- % Increased Damage over Time Multiplier.
- % Increased Physical Damage over Time Multiplier.
- % Increased Attack Speed.
If these are too expensive, you can use the following vendor recipe to create some lower power wands for now and upgrade out of them later on. To create a Wand you need the following components:
- A Carved Wand (Can be purchased from act 1 or 2 Wand vendor).
- Skill Gems with the "Physical" tag with quality totalling 40% or higher.
Sell these components to the vendor and then use an Orb of Augmentation and then a Regal Orb on the resulting Wand. Finish your Wand off using an Attack Speed craft using the Crafting Bench that you can afford.
Prioritize purchasing a shield with the following modifiers:
- +1 to level of all physical spell skill gems.
- An Open Suffix
Also try to get one or multiple of the mods below seek shields with additional mods as you progress:
- Maximum Life
- % Increased Spell Damage
- % Chance to Block Spell Damage
- % Chance to Block
Craft the following modifier to finish the shield as soon as you are able:
- 25% chance to avoid elemental ailments
Milestone 3 - Cluster Jewel Bases
Complete this step at the same time as Step 5. Cluster Jewels are the first big purchase of the build. In total the build requires the following jewels in order to function in end game and we recommend picking them up at this stage of progression:
- 8 Passive Physical Damage Large Cluster Jewel (Item Level 50+) x 3
If you can't afford 8 passives physical clusters, 9 passive cluster jewels can be used in the meantime.
When purchasing your Large Cluster Jewels (Trade Link), keep an eye out for Jewels with 1 - 2 of the following mods if possible:
- Battle Hardened
- Master the Fundamentals
- Iron Breaker
- Force Multiplier
- Furious Assault
If you have available currency and could not get any of the above modifiers you can begin crafting your Large Cluster Jewels early using Jagged Fossilss in 1 Socket Resonators or Harvest Physical Reforges settling for two of any of the above mods.
Milestone 4 - High Life, Attribute and Resistance Gear
While saving and farming for your cluster jewels, prioritize upgrading your armor pieces to ones with higher Life, Resistances and Attributes. We want to invest heavily in Resistances and Attributes because we’ll need them later on.
For your Helmet, Chest, Gloves and Boots prioritize Armor/Evasion Hybrid Bases for crafting on. Have these bases on your filter or purchase them off of trade to craft on. Once you have your bases ready, you can begin crafting. To craft your Helmet and Chest spam any combination of the following Essences on the item until you hit satisfactory Life and total Elemental Resistances:
- Screaming Essence of Greed
- Screaming Essence of Hatred
- Screaming Essence of Anger
- Screaming Essence of Wrath
- Finish the item by crafting Life or Hybrid Elemental Resistances with the Crafting Bench.
To craft your Boots spam the following essence and then finish with a bench craft:
- Shrieking Essence of Zeal
- Bench craft Life or Hybrid Elemental Resistances.
To craft your Rings spam one of the following essences depending on which attribute you require on a base with the Elemental Resistances you lack. Do the same for your belt on the Leather Belt Base, finish them with a bench craft:
- Screaming Essence of Spite
- Screaming Essence of Sorrow
- Bench craft Life, Hybrid Elemental Resistances or Intelligence/Dexterity.
Milestone 5 - Damage Jewels
After you have your clusters secured, begin searching for damage jewels and allocating all the sockets on the tree. Jewels cannot be efficiently crafted, so you must purchase them (however 2 mod jewels are very cheap). Buy jewels (Trade Link) with at least 2 or more of the following mods:
- % to Physical damage over Time Multiplier.
- % to Damage over Time Multiplier.
- % Increased Global Physical Damage.
- % Increased Damage.
- % Increased Damage over Time.
Jewels with life offer greater defenses, but are expensive. Early on in your character's progression pick up double or triple mod damage jewels to keep things affordable and effective.
Milestone 6 - Damage Multi Amulet
Look for amulets on Lapis Amulet, Jade Amulet or Turquoise Amulet bases or alternatively ones that have really high attribute rolls. The stats we want on our amulet are the following:
- 25%+ damage over time multiplier
- High Max Life
- High Intelligence And/Or Dexterity
Keep an eye out for Amulets that are close to usable, but have an open modifier on them for you to craft one of the stats above that is missing. Anoint Acrimony on the amulet using the following Oils at Cassia:
Clear Oil
Black Oil
Black Oil
Milestone 7 - Delirium Gloves
The next upgrade is crafting a pair of Essence of Delirium Gloves that significantly increases your overall damage. Purchase a high Item Level, but affordable pair of Apothecary's Gloves and use a Essence of Delirium on the gloves looking for the following modifiers;
- Life
- Resistances
- Attributes
- Attack Speed
Getting any of these stats on your gloves alongside the Essence of Delirium mod is acceptable, but feel free to use a few Essences if you can afford it to get better Gloves. As always if you have any open mod slots craft any of the above stats that you can. After crafting your gloves ensure you socket your Corrupting Fever into the Gloves for the damage boost.
Mid Game Goal
In the mid game we focus on pushing our character’s damage to farm red map content with favorable league mechanics for our build. We need high value jewelry as well as an Inspired Learning.
After these acquisitions your character is ready to farm Legions in Yellow or Red Maps, or alternatively try its hand at Blights and Expeditions. All of these activities take your Currency earning potential to the next level.
Milestone 1 - Wand Upgrade
In order to challenge the endgame of Path of Exile you need an upgraded wand. Unfortunately these are not easy to craft and will need to be purchased. As with earlier in the guide we are looking for similar stats, but we need more of them to boost our damage. Purchase wands with at least 2 of the following modifiers that have at least 1.5 attack speed or higher:
- +1 to level of all spell skill gems
- +1 to level of all physical spell skill gems
- % Increased damage over time multiplier
- % Increased physical damage over time multiplier
If your wand has an open suffix you can craft an end game craft that can be acquired from unveiling veiled weapons : % Increased Physical Damage over Time Multiplier. Alternatively craft Attack Speed. This step should net you a 2 damage mod wand but hopefully 3 mods after Bench crafting.
Milestone 2 - Stygian Vise
Moving forward we replace many of our existing pieces that give us a lot of our attributes and resistances. To compensate for this we are going to purchase or craft a Stygian Vise. Stygian Vises are one the most crafted items in the game, so check the trade site for one with the following stats:
- 80+ to maximum life
- 80+ to total elemental resistances
- An open Suffix
If you can't find any affordable belts that fit the above description craft one yourself. Pick up a Stygian Vise belt base and use either of the following essences until you satisfy the above requirements:
- Shrieking Essence of Hatred
- Shrieking Essence of Anger
Next use the crafting bench to apply the hybrid Attribute craft that gives both Intelligence and dexterity. This craft comes from veiled jewelery that drops from the Betrayal mechanic. We also need an Abyssal Jewel for our Stygian Vise with a combination of the following stats prioritizing what your character needs most this must be purchased and cannot be crafted:
- Additional Dexterity
- Additional Intelligence
- Additional Life
- High Elemental Resistances
If possible and in place of 1-2 of the stats above you should look for a corrupted abyss jewel with the implicit modifier corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you. Alternatively at the cost of a skill point this can be allocated on the Passive Tree as a Resistance and Ailment Protection Mastery.
Milestone 3 - 6 - Link Chest
Next we purchase a 6-Link Chest piece that we can use now and re-craft later into something even more powerful.
Purchase one of the following Chest bases (Item Level 86+ is preferred but not Mandatory) ensuring that it is not Fractured, Corrupted or Influenced (split is fine):
- General's Brigandine
- Triumphant Lamellar
- Full Dragonscale
Craft this Chest in the same way you crafted your old one in the early game milestones with essences. Do not invest too much as this is only a temporary craft we will redo this later on. You now have two additional sockets for Skill Gems. Consult the Skill Gem Section on how to utilize these and how your Gem Setup should look from this point forward.
Milestone 4 - Amulet Upgrade
The next upgrade is acquiring a more powerful damage Amulet, after equipping it and socketing a Conqueror's Efficiency you can now swap Herald of Purity for Determination. The combination of mods we are looking for is quite difficult to craft, so we will purchase it. Purchase an Amulet ensuring it has the following stats:
- +1 Physical Skills Gems OR +1 to all skill gems
- Damage over time Multiplier OR Physical damage over time multiplier
If possible also try to pick up or craft some of the following stats on your amulet:
- Life
- Resistances
- Attributes
It is also possible to acquire synthesized Amulets or other influence types to gain modifiers such as Mana Reservation Efficiency on all or specific skills. This alleviates the need for other high investment forms of this stat, but should only be done by experienced players. After purchasing your Amulet, annoint Charisma on it using the following Oils :
Opalescent Oil
Golden Oil
Golden Oil
Milestone 5 - Large Cluster Crafting
Our next step is to recraft our large clusters so we can either save skill points or acquire additional good notables. In order to achieve our best in slot Cluster Jewels we are looking for the following exact modifiers:
- Master the Fundamentals
- Battle Hardened
- Furious Assault OR Force Multiplier
To craft the above use jagged fossils in 1 socket resonators or Reforge Physical Harvest Crafts. It is easier to craft on lower Item Level Cluster Jewels for this combination, the odds for success are the following using fossils:
- Item level 84+ Cluster 1/99
- Item level 50 Cluster 1/28
Milestone 6 - Better Jewels and Gems
The next biggest upgrade is improving our jewels across the board, using the same logic as our earlier Jewel purchases. However now we want a minimum of 3 modifiers between the following:
- % to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
- % to Damage over Time Multiplier
- % Increased Global Physical Damage
- % Increased Damage
- % Increased Damage over Time
Prioritizing jewels with life alongside 2 of the above mods is certainly not a bad idea as you continue to progress into the end game and ultimately will be the best pick for best in slot Jewels.
Purchase a level 21 Corrupting Fever and Exsanguinate, these dramatically increase your single target damage potential.

You can also pick up and Anomalous Kinetic Blast granting your Kinetic Blast pierce for free. This allows you to remove your Poacher's Aim unique jewel and replace it with a far superior rare jewel. Beware this skill gem can be incredibly expensive and should only be purchased if it is a reasonable price compared to other purchases you've made at this point.
Finally it is recommended that you pick up an Inspired Learning jewel and socket it into your tree. This one jewel dramatically increases your survivability, clear speed and damage when tackling mapping content. If you plan to farm Legion (which is recommended) this Jewel is mandatory and makes your life far easier.
Milestone 7 - Endgame Jewelery
Purchase the unique Circle of Guilt. This ring has variable modifiers, so get one with the following modifiers:
- % Increased Physical Damage While Affected By Herald Of Purity
- Herald of Purity has % Increased Buff Effect
If you are unable to acquire both the mods due to high cost, you can settle for just one of the mods but it is recommended you upgrade to a 2-mod one later. Apply 20 Noxious Catalyst to your Circle of Guilt. If the mods on it are extremely poorly rolled you may use a Divine Orb on it.
Purchase a Synthesized Ring with the Vulnerability on Hit Implicit Modifier. If this is too expensive you can purchase a non-synthesised version, but it cannot be crafted further. Apply Intrinsic Catalysts or Prismatic Catalysts while your ring is white and un-crafted depending on if you need resistances or attributes. The desired stats on your vulnerability ring are the following:
- High Intelligence or Dexterity (whichever you are missing or need)
- High Elemental Resistances
- High Life
This slot is similar to your belt as it is incredibly flexible. It is a perfect place to fix up your resistances or grab some much needed attributes. If you managed to acquire a Synthesized Ring, craft it using the following depending on what you need:
- Shrieking Essence of Spite
- Shrieking Essence of Sorrow
- Orb of Alchemy + Orb of Scouring Spam (Resistances)
End Game Goal
End game focuses entirely on defense and quality of life, with options to build even more damage if desired. The focus of this section is high end crafting with the goal of achieving Ailment Immunity, and a considerable amount of armor and evasion.
These upgrades position your character as one fully ready to power farm red tier maps without issue. You can exploit all of the most profitable mapping league mechanics at speeds unmatched by other league starters. The upgrades from this point forward are more expensive and may require crafting or game knowledge in order to complete.
Milestone 1 - Eldritch Helmet
An Eldritch Aura Helmet is our first large craft. The materials you will need for this craft are:
- A Helmet Base with the enchant (Pride has 30% Increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)
- Grand Eldritch Ichors
- Deafening Essences of Loathing
The first step is selecting the correct base type to craft on. Ensure your base is not Corrupted, Influenced or Fractured. Any of the following bases are suitable:
- Nightmare Bascinet
- Pig-Faced Bascinet
- Fluted Bascinet
- Lacquered Helmet
- Lion Pelt
- Sinner Tricorne
- Silken Hood
- Ursine Pelt
If you are looking for the best odds when crafting and the highest potential for a good item, ensure your base item is item level 85+. If you absolutely cannot find a suitable base then 76+ is acceptable.
To Craft your Helmet use the following short explanation:
- Ensure your enchanted helmet is 20% quality using Armourer's Scraps.
- Spam Deafening Essence of Loathings on your helmet until you achieve a Life Roll of 80+.
- Spam Grand Eldritch Ichors until you hit "9% Increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills".
- If you have an open suffix finish the helmet with a crafted Resistance prioritising the Resistance/s that you are missing.

After completing the helmet you can now reserve Herald of Purity at the same time as Determination.
Milestone 2 - Eldritch Chest
The Eldritch chest piece is a big part of the defensive and offensive puzzle for the End Game. The materials you need for this craft are the following:
- Your 6L Chest From Earlier
- Grand Eldritch Ichors
- Grand Eldritch Ember
- Shrieking Essence of Wrath/Shrieking Essence of Anger/Shrieking Essence of Hatred
To Craft your Chest use the following short explanation:
- If you are satisfied with your crafted chest piece from earlier and it has high total resistances and life skip to step x
- Ensure your Chest is 20% quality using Armourer's Scraps.
- Spam Shrieking Essence of Wrath/Shrieking Essence of Anger/Shrieking Essence of Hatred on your Chest until you achieve the following:
- 100+ Life
- 80% Total elemental Resistance
- An open Prefix
- Spam Grand Eldritch Ichors until you hit "Pride Has 25-27% Increased Aura Effect".
- Spam Grand Eldritch Ember until you hit "13-14% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills".
- Craft "25% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments/25% Chance to Avoid Being Stunned" on your Chest.
- Use the harvest Swap resist craft to manipulate the resistances of the item to what you need.

Milestone 3 - Eldritch Boots
Purchase one of the following bases (Item Level 84+ If possible) with the enchantment 80% Chance to avoid being Stunned if you have Killed Recently ensuring they are not Fractured, Influenced or Corrupted:
- Two-Toned Boots
- Dragonscale Boots
- Hydrascale Boots
If you are unable to find a pair of Boots with the enchant already on it, lab and enchant it yourself (or hire a lab runner). You need the follow materials to complete the craft:
- Your Boot Base
- Lesser Eldritch Ichors
- Shrieking Essences of Zeal
To Craft your boots use the following short explanation:
- Ensure your boots are 20% quality using Armourer's Scraps
- Spam Shrieking Essences of Zeal on your boots until you achieve the following:
- 70+ Life
- 40% Total elemental Resistance
- An open Suffix
- If your item does not have an open suffix use an Orb of Annulment to achieve the required mods above. If you remove a desired Mod continue using Essences.
- Spam Lesser Eldritch Ichors until you hit "15-17% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments".
- Craft "25% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments" on your boots.
- Use the harvest Swap resist craft to manipulate the resistances of the item to what you need.

After completing and equipping these boots, your chest from a step earlier and ensuring you have all the necessary Ailment Avoidance Passive Points allocated on your Tree you will now be Stun and Ailment Immune. You can Re-spec Unwavering Stance and change your Major Pantheon from Brine King to Solaris.
Milestone 4 - Eldritch Gloves
Purchase one of the following bases (Item Level 84+ if possible) ensuring it is not Fractured, Influenced or Corrupted:
- Dragonscale Gauntlets
- Hydrascale Gauntlets
You need the follow materials to complete your craft:
- Your Glove Base
- Grand Eldritch Embers
- Essences of Delirium
To Craft your gloves use the following short explanation:
- Ensure your gloves are 20% quality using Armourer's Scraps
- Use a Essence of Delirium on your gloves looking for the following modifiers:
- Life
- Resistances
- Attributes
- Attack Speed
- Getting any of these stats on your gloves alongside the Essence of Delirium mod is acceptable, but feel free to use a few Essences if you can afford it to get better Gloves.
- Craft any of the above mods you are missing if you have any open mod slots.
- Spam Grand Eldritch Embers until you hit "+11-13% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier"

Milestone 6 - Awakened And Alternative Quality Gems
The final purchases of this guide is Alternate, high Quality, Corrupted and Awakened Gems. Purchase the following gems at appropriate prices, level and quality them (using Gemcutter's Prism) to the specifications below (try to save money where you can e.g. don't buy a level 5/20 Awakened Gem level it yourself).
- Awakened Brutality Support 5/20
- Awakened Swift Affliction Support 5/20
- Divergent Efficacy Support 20/20
- Lifetap Support 20/20
- Life Gain on Hit Support 20/20
- Molten Shell 21/20
- War Banner 20/20
- Blood Rage 12/20
- Pride 21/20
- Determination 21/0
Socket these into your gear where appropriate.
Path of Building
For users of Path of Building you can use view the build in it's finished state using the Pastebin below:
Upon completing this guide you will have an outstanding mapper capable of farming some of the most profitable mapping content in the game. This currency can be used to reroll into another even more powerful end game focused character.
Written by Grimro.
Reviewed by Raxxanterax.