September Balance Patch – KR 09/25

This article covers the changes that came with the balance patch released on the Korean Live Servers in September.

Lance Training



Combat Readiness

Empower Efficiency

Lone Knight
3 Levels
+5/10/15% +6/12/18% Damage for Gunlance skills.
Battlefield Shield is disabled.

Skilled Tactician

Tactical Training

Lance Master

Lance Strike Stance


Tactical Maneuver

Gravity Release Skills
- Damage increased by 1.1% in PvE.

Gravity Armor

Gravity Shock

Sharp Hammer
3 Levels
After using a Gravity Release skill, +1/3/5% +2/4/6% Crit Rate per Core used..

Gravity Charge

Enh. Gravity Release

Rage Hammer
3 Levels
After using a Gravity Release skill, +6/12/18% +7/14/21% Crit Damage per Core used.

Gravity Training

Enhance Mode

Gravity Conversion

Gravity Release

New Core

Gravity Acceleration

Tireless Strength

Endless Fury

Enhanced Skill



3 Levels
+8/16/24% +9/18/27% Damage during Burst Mode.
-50% Burst Mode duration.

3 Levels
+13/26/40% +16/32/48% Crit Damage during Burst Mode.
When you exit Burst Mode, decrease the duration of Exhaust based on your Fatigue stacks.

Combat Instinct

Overwhelming Terror

Unstoppable Fury

Deepening Fury

Ruthless Strike

- When Punish skill hits, Piety Meter gain +100%.
Holy Explosion
- Cooldown changed from 30s to 24s.
Heavenly Blessings
- Weightlessness
Atk. Speed +15/16.2/17.4/18.6/19.8% for all party members within 24 meters for 8s.- Increases the duration of the Damage reduction effect by 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4s.
- Absolute Blessing
- MP recovery Speed +40.0/42.4/44.8/47.2/50.0% and Atk. Speed +8% for all party members within 24 meters for 8s.
- Punishment Damage +15/22.5/30%.
When Punish skill hits, Piety Meter gain +100%.Duration of Sacred Executioner +100/125/150%.
Martial Artist

Strong Martial Arts

Strong Esotericism

Energy Recovery

Increase Orb

Critical Martial Arts

First Intention

Esoteric Skill Enh.

Elemental Combustion


Origin of Element

3 Levels
Esoteric Skills consume +1 Esoteric Orb.
Esoteric Skill Damage +27/36/45% +24/33/42%.

Esoteric Preparation

Energy Overflow I

Robust Spirit

Energy Forbiddance

Energy Activation

Natural Body

Energy Overflow II

Enhance Robust Spirit

Sharp Energy

Full Power Arrangement

Energy Combust

Limit Breakthrough
3 Levels
All Hype Buff Effectiveness +10/20/30% +11/22/33%.
Normal Skill Cooldown -50% and Outgoing Damage -50% during Normal or Hype Recovery State.

Rebound Control
5 Levels
Outgoing Damage +0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3%.
You can exit Hype with X.
Deactivating Hype reduces Cooldown by 50% 10/20/30/40/50% of remaining meter.

4-Headed Dragon
- Stagger increased to Low.
Thrust of Destruction
- Stagger increased from Mid to Mid-High.
Starfall Pounce
- Stagger increased from Low to Mid.
- Concussion increases stagger to High.
Red Dragon's Horn
- Stagger increased from Low to Mid.
Consuming a Dual Meter bar and performing a swap grants you the following effects:
Entering the Flurry stance
- +15% Attack Speed
+20%+25% Damage
Entering the Focus stance
- +15% Movement Speed
+50%+60% Crit Damage


Pinnacle I

Flurry Movement

Pinnacle II
3 Levels
Crit Damage +16/32/50% +20/40/60% during Flurry.

Critical Cut

Flurry Strengthening

Pinnacle III
3 Levels
Damage +7/14/20% +8/16/25% during Focus.

Powerful Stab

Yeon-Style Mark

Yeon-Style Technique

Yeon-Style Compact Atk.

Flurry Conversion

Falling Blossoms and Windwaves
- Damage reduced by 12% in PvE.

Brawl King Storm

Asura’s Path

Hypogastric Breathing
3 Levels
Outgoing Damage +2/8/14% +2/7/13%.
Gain 5 Stamina and Shock energy every second in Brawl King Stance.

Fatal Fist

Internal Energy

Falling Blossoms


Head On

Self Defense Spirit


In the Zone
3 Levels
Number of basic attacks during Asura Destruction increases by 6.
Gain In the Zone every 8 basic attacks.
In the Zone: Asura Destruction Basic Attack Attack Speed +5% gradually increases to 44%.
Outgoing Damage +0/6/12%.

Enhance Fighting Spirit

Esoteric Flurry


Step by Step

Orb Increase

Surprise Ambush

Esoteric Concentration

Deathblow II

Critical Esoteric

Martial Art Strength
5 Levels

Flurry Enhancement
3 Levels

Blessing of Beads
3 Levels
Esoteric Skill Damage -27.5/25/22.5% -20/17.3/14.5%.
When an Esoteric Skill is used, reset all other Esoteric Skills' Cooldown.
After consuming 16 Elemental Orbs, next Esoteric Skill’s Damage +35/57.5/80%.

Full Charge
5 Levels

Barrage Enhancement

Firepower Enhancement

Load Barrage

Firepower Sustain

Swift Barrage

Barrage Power Enh.
3 Levels
Barrage Skills Damage +5/12/20% +4/8/12%.
Barrage Skill Crit Rate +20/30/40%.
Disables Overheat

3 Levels
Gain Overdrive when Firepower is Level 1 or higher.
Overdrive: Normal Skill Damage +12/20/28% 15/25/35%.

Firepower Longevity

Teleportation System

Call A.C.T.
3 Levels
Outgoing Damage +4/8/12% +2/6/10%.
Summon 1/2/3 Arthetine Combat Turret(s) around the character when entering Barrage Mode (video).
Can summon up to 6 turrets.

Gunfire Strike


Enhanced Weapon



Brilliant Footwork

Arthetine's Cavalry

Critical Bullet
3 Levels
Enhanced Weapon: Grants an additional +4/9/14% Crit Rate and +2/5/8% +8/11/14% Crit Damage.

Handgun Enhancement

Quick Draw

High Explosive Bullet

Strategic Equipment
3 Levels
+1 Shotgun Skill slot.
Outgoing Damage +3/9/16% +4/12/19%.

Secret Weapon

Glowing Bullet

Peacemaker Handgun

Time to Hunt

Peacemaker Shotgun

Weakpoint Shooting
3 Levels
Crit Damage +5/10/15% +9/18/27%.

Secret Bullet

Peacemaker Rifle

Rifle Proficiency

Weakpoint Expert

Gun Swap Tech


Assault Sniper
3 Levels
Outgoing Damage +4/6/8% +8/10/12%.
Gain the Assault Sniper (X) skill (video).
Assault Sniper Cooldown -0.5s upon using a Handgun Skill, -1s upon using a Rifle Skill.
Assault Sniper Damage +0/45/90%.

Sniper’s Will

Death Strike

Loyal Companion

Hawk Gauge Recovery

Hawk Support
3 Levels
Attack Power +3/6/10% +5/10/15% when Silver Hawk is summoned.

Pale Note

Final Target
3 Levels
Apply Final Target to targets hit by Last Rush or Silver Hawk Assault.
Final Target: Damage from Sharpshooter +10/20/30% +9/18/27% for 8 seconds.

Target of the Storm
3 Levels
Apply Target of the Storm to targets hit by Wings of Storm and Silver Hawk Basic Attacks.
Target of the Storm: Damage from Sharpshooter +5/10/15% +6/12/18% for 8 seconds.

Hawk Reinforcement

Mana Recovery

Silver Hawk Assault

Storm Hunter

Deep Learning

- Specialization scaling of Magick Enhancement and Arcane Torrent reduced from 2.15 to 2.0.
- Magick Amplification
- On hit, outgoing Damage +50/57/64/72/80%. When in Magick Enhanced State or Arcane Torrent State, additional outgoing Damage
- On hit, outgoing Damage +50/57/64/72/80%. When in Magick Enhanced State or Arcane Torrent State, additional outgoing Damage
Punishing Strike
- Magick Amplification
- On hit, outgoing Damage +55/63/72/81/90%. When in Magick Enhanced State or Arcane Torrent State, additional outgoing Damage
- On hit, outgoing Damage +55/63/72/81/90%. When in Magick Enhanced State or Arcane Torrent State, additional outgoing Damage
- Doomsday
- On hit, outgoing Damage +55/63/72/81/90%. When in Magick Enhanced State or Arcane Torrent State, additional outgoing Damage
- On hit, outgoing Damage +55/63/72/81/90%. When in Magick Enhanced State or Arcane Torrent State, additional outgoing Damage



Embers of Igniter

Energy of Reflux

Firepower Charger


Enhanced Reflux

Amplification Seal

Blink Explosion

Mana Feedback
3 Levels
Doomsday, Explosion, and Punishing Strike Damage +5/10/15%.
Gain Mana Feedback when you exit Arcane Rupture.
Mana Feedback: Attack Speed +8% (30s duration). This effect ends when you cast Arcane Rupture.
Outgoing Damage +4/8/12% +3/6/10% during Arcane Rupture.

Magick Charge


Empress’s Grace

Order of the Emperor

Empress’s Trick

Emperor’s Bestowal

Empress’s Greed

Empress’s Banquet
3 Levels
4-Stack Ruin Damage +10/20/30% +5/10/25%.

Feast of the Emperor
3 Levels
Restores 0.7/1.4/2.1% of Max MP upon Normal Skill use.
Normal Skill Damage +20/35/50% +14/28/43%.

Emperor’s Mercy

Empress’s Knight

Empress’s Whisper

Another Emperor

Emperor’s Judgment

Comm. Overflow

Master Summoner


3 Levels
Normal and Ancient Elemental Skills Damage +6/13/20% 5/10/15%.

Enhance Communication

Elemental Comm.
3 Levels
Summons Damage +11/23/35% +13/26/40%.

Ancient Power

Ancient Energy Enh.

Wrath of Spirits

3 Levels
Summons have their basic attacks improved.
Summons Damage +13/26/40% +15/30/45%.

Ancient Blessing
3 Levels
Ancient Energy naturally recovers 0.4/0.7/1.0 orbs over 10 seconds.
Normal and Ancient Elemental Skills Damage +26/33/40% +21/28/35%.

Whisper from the Past

Demonic Impulse

Perfect Suppression

Improved Instinct

Encroachment Control

Chaos Training

Enhanced Chaos

Weapon Smithing
3 Levels
Normal Skills Damage +12/24/36% +8/20/32%.

Encroachment Absorb


Blood Piercing

Storm Grinding

Enhanced Encroachment

Surge Enhancement

Rapid Strike

Orb Compression

Remaining Energy

Orb Control
5 Levels
Orb Consumption Speed -15% and Outgoing Damage +0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3% +0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4% during Death Trance.

Limit Breakthrough

Firm Will
3 Levels
Gain Attack Power for 30 seconds after using Surge, based on the amount of Death Orbs consumed.
1 Orb: +9/18/27% +10/20/30%
2 Orbs: +12/24/36% +13/26/39%
3 Orbs: +15/30/45% +16/32/48%

Strong Swordsmanship

Enhanced Energy

Energy Compression
3 Levels
Gain a stack of Energy Compression after using Surge.
Energy Compression: Surge Damage +6/12/18% +7/14/21% (60s duration). Max 2 stacks.


Orb Circulation

Lunar Voice


Phantom Dancer



Shadow Stepping
3 Levels
Movement Skill Cooldown is reset when going into Persona Mode (Z).
Lunar Voice: Swoop Skills Damage +108/126/145% +115/136/157% (replaces previous Damage effect).

3 Levels
Attack Power +7/14/22% +9/18/28% when Chaos Meter is full.

Assassin’s Handiwork


Vital Point Detection
3 Levels
Gain a stack of Weakness Break after landing a Swoop Skill as a Back Attack in Persona Mode.
Weakness Break: Gain Shadow Blade at 3 stacks.
Shadow Blade: Next Swoop Skill Damage +24/47/70% +28/55/80%, and it will be considered a Back Attack regardless of where it lands.

Killer Instinct
3 Levels
Persona Mode is replaced with Fatal Step (Z) (video).
Fatal Step: Teleport to your mouse location and perform a slash. Gain Killer Instinct after use.
Killer Instinct: Dagger, Shadow, and Swoop Skills Damage +17/33/50% +20/40/60% for 10 seconds.

Chaos Enhancement

Soul Society

Night’s Edge

Full Moon Executioner
3 Levels
Deathlord Skill Cooldown resets when you enter Deathlord Mode.
Deathlord Skills Damage +5/10/15% +3/6/9% in Deathlord Mode.

Death Forging
3 Levels
Soul Gauge Gain +20/40/60%.
Deathlord and Ghast Skill Damage +12/24/36% +18/30/42%.

Soul Amplification

Enhanced Execution

Sunken Edge

Enhanced Soul

Soul Guide

Soul Resonance

Soul Execution

Soul Control

Wind Fury



Rain Shield

Natural Flow

3 Levels
Crit Damage +30/60/90% +40/80/120% of Bonus Attack Speed.
Crit Rate +10/20/30% of Bonus Move Speed.

Sunny Day


Path of the Wind

Dividing Space

Dazzling Day

Vapor Charge
Written by Perciculum