Oreha Preveza Abyssal Dungeon Guide
Oreha Preveza Introduction
Oreha Preveza is the second TIER 3 Abyssal Dungeon and you need to be at least 1325 Item Level to enter the normal mode and 1370 Item Level to enter the hard mode of this Abyssal Dungeon. The recommended Item Level is 1340 though so some of your attacks will get blocked if you enter below 1340. This dungeon drops Tier 3 Accessories, Ability Stones, Engraving Books, Cards and materials to craft the sets Sunset Launcher and Chosen Launcher. After clearing the dungeon, you can pay gold to get additional loot. The recommended Combat Items are HP Potion, Time Stop Potion, Marching Flag and Whirlwind Grenade.
Disclaimer: In this guide, we will only focus on the important core mechanics and attacks of the hard mode bosses. The normal mode has similar but simpler mechanics compared to the hard mode.
This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class.
First Boss
This boss starts off with a 20% attack buff, quickly incapacitate him to remove the buff. Do it by using skills and Combat Items with the Stagger affix. Additionally, he has another buff that stuns a player upon getting hit 3 times. Besides these 2 buffs, he can get additional buffs through his Totem mechanic. The boss himself isn't scary, but he becomes difficult to handle if you don't focus on removing his buffs.
Special Interactions & Patterns
The boss spawns totems frequently. These either increase the damage he deals or reduce the damage he takes. The totems spawn only during his normal phase and disappear once he enters the Fire Phase. But be aware, the totem buff is stackable and increases with each living totem on the field.
Focus on destroying the totem red totem marked on the min map. But don't do it alone! The player who destroys the totem gets a cursed which imprisons him a few seconds later. Your teammates need to attack you to lift the imprisonment.
Fire Phase
The boss rotates frequently between the normal and the fire phase. During the fire phase, the entire battle area is set on fire. The safe spot is close to the boss. Staying outside, deals continuous fire damage. The safe spot limits the space and makes it difficult to dodge some of the boss's attacks.
General Patterns
Continuous Spin
A devastating spin attack, which deals continuous damage to everyone in close to the boss. The spin attack stuns after 3 hits. As soon as you see the red telegraph below the boss, try to dodge out of the safe spot, even if you have to take the fire damage caused by the Fire Phase. If multiple people were caught in the spin attack, they won't be able to avoid the finishing blow, which once again deals massive damage to everyone around the boss.
The difference between this and the normal spin attack is, the boss shouts for a brief moment and spreads his arms before using This attack. It is difficult to notice the difference between the 2 spin attacks. I recommend to use Time Stop Potion, if you got caught in the spin attack or wants to avoid the finishing blow. A well-timed defensive shield or buff of a support class can prevent deaths in this situation.
Counter Stance
The boss drums on his chest and prepares for a counterattack. Once you see this animation, stop dealing damage. If the boss takes too much damage while being on the counter stance, he retaliates with a high damage AoE attack.
The boss strikes multiple times at the ground in specific intervals and summons small cone sized slices which deal damage to players on it. With each strike, the slices get bigger, making it harder to avoid getting hit. If you get hit 3 times in a row, you will get stunned.
Second Boss
This boss has 3 different phases: earth, lightning and enraged. At the start of the fight, he is either in earth or lightning phase on normal mode and enraged phase in hard mode. Similar to the previous boss fight, this one requires high Stagger Damage. If necessary, make use of Whirlwind Grenade.
Special Interactions & Patterns
Thunder Storm
The mechanic is only performed while the boss is on the lightning phase. The boss disappears and summons frequently on each player, a star shaped thunder strike. At the same time, red orbs spawn and start to chase nearby players. On contact, the orbs deal damage and stun. A few seconds after the start of this mechanics, a safe spot appears close to the center. Every player needs to enter the safe spot within seconds. If even one player is dead or couldn't make it in time to the circle, the whole party will be wiped. This mechanic repeats 2 additional times. Once you have managed to reach the end without anyone dying after the 3rd time, the boss crashes back to the ground and is incapacitated for a few seconds. Use this to deal uninterrupted damage.
At the start of this patter, spread out and focus on dodging the thunder strikes and avoiding the red orbs. But always keep an eye on the center to run to the safe spot once it spawns. Use Marching Flag, if you play a slow or low mobility class.
The mechanic is only performed while the boss is on the earth phase. You have to quickly move to the center and memorize the pattern and the safe spots shown. Shortly afterwards, the boss strikes at the spots previously marked with the red telegraph. Using pings and the Combat Item Marching Flag might help you and your team to dodge the strikes.
Stagger Check
The boss channels to prepare for the Enraged Phase. Interrupt it by using skills and combat items with Stagger Damage affix. If you are successful, the boss just changes either to earth or lightning phase, depending on the current phase. If you fail the stagger check, the boss switches into Enraged mode.
Most groups won't have enough Stagger Damage to interrupt the boss. In that case, you can use this pattern to deal damage instead of focusing on interrupting the Guardian.
Enraged Phase
While enraged, the boss gets in specific intervals a stacking attack buff, which makes him stronger the longer the fight lasts. To remove the stacks, you have to incapacitate the boss by depleting the purple bar below the boss's hp with Stagger Damage.
Be aware, on hard mode, the boss starts the fight while being enraged. So your focus should be to incapacitate the boss as soon as possible. Additionally, the boss uses earth and lightning skills during this phase.
Star Pattern
Once the boss reaches the 12th HP bar, he flies to the center and spawns 12 circles around him. The circles have either a 4, 6 or 8-tailed star above them. At the same time, one of the 3 variants appears on the back of the boss. The players need to stand on a circle matching the start shown on the back of the boss. If a player fails to do so, the follow-up attack deals a deathly blow. This pattern repeats 2 more times and after this, the boss enrages automatically. But this enrage is different from the Enraged Phase explained earlier, because the boss won't accumulate the stacking attack buff.
Before you start the fight, assign everyone a position where they have to stay for this mechanic. If a player finds the correct spot but your other teammate did not find one yet, ping the spot to help the remaining players to reach it in time. Each of the three patterns only appears once which means, the last pattern can be easily predicted without looking at the back of the boss.
Guide Video
Written by Perciculum
Reviewed by Facefoot