Forge of Fallen Pride Abyssal Dungeon Guide
Forge of Fallen Pride Introduction
Forge of Fallen Pride is the second TIER 2 Abyssal Dungeon and you need to be at least 840 Item Level to enter this Abyssal Dungeon. This dungeon drops Tier 2 Accessories, Ability Stones, Engraving Books, Cards and materials to craft the set Marvelous Earth Bow. After clearing the dungeon, you can pay gold to get additional loot. The recommended Combat Items are HP Potion, Panacea, Taunting Scarecrow and Time Stop Potion.
Compared to the previous Abyssal Dungeons, this one is much simpler and less cooperation reliant. Most boss mechanics are easily understood within a few tries.
This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class.
First Boss: Avadon
Avadon alone is a simple boss to slay, however if you don't shift the focus to his summons or react fast enough to avoid damaging your teammates, the difficulty increases.
Special Interactions & Patterns
Curse of Ember
The boss applies a curse on a random player in frequent intervals. The player is immediately surrounded by a red circle and red orbs appear above the player's head. Once the player has 3 orbs above the head, an explosion occurs and deals damage to nearby players. To prevent this, move away from your teammates as soon as you get cursed.
Summoning Wyverns
Avadon summons 2 Wyverns at the 4th and at 8th HP bar. These Wyverns have their own set of skills that deal decent damage and apply a Burn Debuff. Make sure to shift the focus from the boss to the Wyverns as soon as they spawn. If you don't kill the Wyverns fast enough, Avadon gets a buff which greatly increases his Defense . Movement and Attack Speed.
Use Taunting Scarecrow or the Gunlancer's taunt to group and kill the Wyverns faster.
Once the boss gets buffed, you can remove it by incapacitating him with Stagger Damage skills and Combat items.
General Patterns
The Boss targets a player and slashes 4 times with his sword, in a straight line. The first 3 hits stagger and the last one has a bigger AoE and knocks up. If you are targeted by this attack try not to stay close to your teammates.
Big Jump
The boss Jumps and disappears from the player's field of view (FoV). After a short delay, he smashes back to the ground, causing 2 shock waves. There are safe spots between the shockwaves and far away from the boss.
Flame Shurikens
Avadon summons 3 big shurikens in front of him and throws them forward in a fan shapes area. The shurikens return to the boss after a brief moment and pass through him. Be aware, if you are behind the boss you might get hit by all 3 shurikens on return. Each of the shurikens apply a burn debuff.
Jumping Slash
Avadon jumps towards a player and slashes towards the ground.
The boss throws a chain towards a player which imprisons the player on hit. While imprisoned, the player won't be able to move or use skills. Teammates should auto attack the player to lift the imprisonment.
Rain of Swords
Three parallel red telegraphs appear on the ground, followed by a rain of swords following slowly the path of the telegraphs. This is an easy to dodge skill and only does damage if you stay below the rain.
Second Boss: Kaishur
Kaishur has a possible wipe mechanic in his arsenal, which requires a swift change of focus and enough damage to succeed. Besides from that, the boss is agile and some of his skills will be enhanced once he reaches low HP.
Special Interactions & Patterns
Kaishur summons 2 phantoms at the 16th and 8th HP bar while channeling for a devastating attack. Pay close attention to the orb's color on boss's hand. Kill the phantom with the wing color matching the orb's color. If you kill it fast enough it drops a safe zone on the ground. Stay in it to avoid getting one shot by the follow-up attack of Kaishur. If the party's damage is too low or focused on the wrong phantom, you might not make it in time to prevent a team wipe.
The summoned phantoms have their own set of attacks which deal damage, stun and freeze the player. Make sure to avoid these attacks to prevent a damage loss.
Counter Attack
Kaishur takes the counter-attack stance and is surrounded by a shield. Once this happens, everyone needs to stop dealing damage to him. Otherwise, the boss counter-attacks and deals high damage.
Stagger Check
Kaishur channels energy to unleash a powerful attack. Interrupt this attack by using skills and Combat Items with the Stagger affix. If you fail to interrupt the boss, he sends out a shockwave which does high damage to everyone.
General Patterns
Ki Wave
The Boss shoots 2 Ki waves towards a target, or summons 2 phantoms at random locations that shoot multiple Ki waves towards a target. If the boss summons the phantoms, focus on dodging the waves as they deal a decent amount of damage.
Lightning Strikes
Kaishur summons lightning strikes around him that last a few seconds and deal continuous damage. A follow-up attack can summon lightning strikes at random locations. Be aware that this attack will be enhanced once the boss has low HP, dealing more damage.
The boss charges towards a target and knocks up everything in his path. While enhanced, he shoots swords in a cone-shaped area in his charge direction.
Backwards Jump
The boss jumps backwards to reposition himself. Once the boss has low hp this attack gets modified, adding a phantom above his head which send multiple Ki waves towards the boss's location. These waves deal AoE damage on impact.
Homing Swords
Kaishur shoots 6 swords in a 180° fan shaped area. These swords will return and target one player after a short delay. It is recommended to keep moving to avoid getting hit by all swords.
Phantom Slash
The boss summons 2 phantoms who immediately unleash a slash attack towards a player that staggers on hit.
Gameplay Video
Written by Perciculum
Reviewed by Facefoot