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UE Multishot Demon Hunter Guide

Last Updated:February 4, 2025|Changelog


UE Multishot Solo Push
View all variants

The Unhallowed Essence Set is a staple of the Demon Hunter class and has been one of the best speedfarming setups in the game for years. It's simple, fast and embodies the core of what DH gameplay is about: incredibly mobile, long-range, heavy damage burst, stutter-stepping and a high mechanical skill ceiling.

This build is very easy to get running and has perks that make it accessible to less experienced players. As one of the top dogs in T16 Rifts, and one of the Bounty builds of all time due to its versatility, damage and high speed, it will always find a place somewhere in the META. It's not the best for pushing the highest tiers, but it can hold up decently against other higher end builds, especially after the most recent buff of +9 GR tiers in Patch 2.7.5 / Season 28.

Multishot is the main skill in the setup. It hits everything on your screen at once and you can fire it multiple times per second. In Nephalem Rifts up to Torment 16 you can even oneshot everything, instantly clearing entire screens as well as a couple of unlucky mobs outside of it.

Many enjoy the build for being easy to play and an effective farmer. For Bounties, there are only very few builds that hold up against it. If you are playing anything except Monk it will cost you approximately 30 minutes and 2,000 Death's Breaths to create it from scratch and you will be able to run Bounties faster than almost anything else.

Beginner-friendly ✔
Top farming build ✔
Huge AoE potential

Very high skill ceiling

Pushing is difficult
❌ Low synergy in groups
❌ Weaker than other push builds
❌ Requires resource management

Core Setup

Core Item Build


  • Unhallowed Essence provides roughly x2339 Multishot damage increase, 60% damage reduction and also allows you to restore your Discipline with your Primary skills.
  • Yang's Recurve is one of two key legendary items, on top of the 200% damage bonus and 50% Attack Speed, it also adds up to 50% Resource Cost Reduction as a free fifth primary roll.
  • Dead Man's Legacy is another huge damage buff of 200% and the double-hit effect, which translates to approximately 43% increased DPS.
  • Dawn will be your cubed weapon slot for permanent Vengeance uptime.
  • Squirt's Necklace can give you up to 100% damage bonus when you don't take damage.
  • Captain Crimon's Trimmings set is used to fit the Cooldown requirements for Vengeance and for great defensive synergy with Yang's Recurve
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur is necessary to get full benefits from both sets. It's placed in the cube in every variant, because of bad guaranteed primary rolls.

Season 34 Sanctified Items

Originated from Season 27, Angelic Crucibles are new consumables that drop anywhere once you're Level 70. Using them on items reforges them into Sanctified Items with Primal Ancient stats, and adds one of three new unique Class Powers listed below. For full details on how they work, check out this Seasonal Guide by Chewingnom!

Let's look at our Class Powers and see how they apply to our build:

  1. The best power for us is the Sanctified Strafe because it allows us to play this build similar to a GoD DH: Spin to Win! This massively increases damage output because of the high frequency of attacks while allowing us to move at all times.
  2. The Sanctified Vengeance power technically does something but not much as we use this skill infrequently and it has a low impact, so go for the one listed above.
  3. The Sanctified Cluster Arrow power doesn't help us, so go for the one at the top.

Since you can only equip one of them, choosing the right item to craft it on matters! Great candidates are Weapons, Offhands, Jewelry or any item with an important multiplier. With that in mind, we recommend Sanctifying one of the following items:

  • Yang's Recurve
  • Dead Man's Legacy
  • Squirt's Necklace

Global Stat Priorities

Especially important for almost any DH build is reaching permanent Vengeance uptime. This is achievable through the 65% Cooldown Reduction effect provided by Dawn (Cubed) and having 37% Cooldown Reduction on your character, which is easy to achieve thanks to Captain Crimson's Trimmings (2) Bonus.

Aside from that, Maximum Discipline is the best stat you can have, which is a secondary roll on Bows, Quivers and Cloaks. Make sure you get as much as possible, but don't worry too much about one or two missing points (1 Discipline is worth roughly 1.2% DPS when you are near the maximum, more if not). Other than that, you want to stack damage stats wherever possible, especially Crit stats, Fire Damage, Multishot Damage, and lastly Area Damage (only for pushing). The rest goes to defense - especially All Resistance on Pants, Boots, Shoulders is important - mixed in with some Vitality rolls and perhaps Elite Damage Reduction on your chest piece. In addition to its regular benefits, Resource Cost Reduction is also a decent defensive option due to the set synergy.


Nephalem Rifts
GR Solo Speeds
GR Solo Push
Echoing Nightmare

The idea here is to keep enough damage to pretty much oneshot anything you can encounter with a single Multishot while adding everything we can to make it faster. Your follower will be decked out with Avarice Band, Nemesis Bracers, The Flavor of Time, Sage's Journey and Cain's Destiny. Meanwhile you will be running with Boon of the Hoarder and Goldwrap, Stone of Jordan and Tactical Advantage. Pride's Fall is a great tool to keep your Discipline up and allows you to vault near-infinitely.

Hunt elites and kill the big trash packs on the way, just make sure you don't starve yourself of Discipline so you still deal enough damage.

If you run into resource issues, you can cube Pride's Fall to help with that.

If you want extra speed, you can drop Dawn for Echoing Fury.

In groups, you will have to drop Rechel's Ring of Larceny for Avarice Band and replace Captain Crimson's Trimmings with Sage's Journey if you still want to gain the extra Death's Breaths from elites. Warzechian Armguards need to be replaced with Nemesis Bracers.

UE MS Bounties

The main objective is to reach your Bounty target quickly while still having enough damage to finish it within a few seconds maximum. We add Wreath of Lightning for 25% Movement Speed, Warzechian Armguards for another 50% Movement Speed as well as the two passives Hot Pursuit and Tactical Advantage for a combined bonus of 80%. Shadow Power Shadow Glide has another 30% when active, which overall adds up to over 300% Movement Speed. Pride's Fall cubed helps with Resource Cost Reduction and makes your life easier.

Keep up your speed buffs, rush to the objectives and clear them as fast as possible with Multishot. Make sure you don't run out of Discipline while spamming or else you can't deal any damage.

If you run into resource issues, you can cube Pride's Fall to help with that.

Select Build Version

Fast AF (Low Tiers)
UE MS Fast Solo Speeds

This version goes for maximum speed, adding Echoing Fury and Krelm's Buff Belt in the cube and extra speed from Smoke Screen Displacement, Hot Pursuit and Tactical Advantage. The target time is 50-90sec per run on a low tier (around GR90-100) to maximize loot.

Activate Vengeance at the start of the run and whenever it's ready again.

Spam Smoke Screen while rushing forward. Due to the high resource costs of your skills, make sure to collect all Health Globes to refill them with Blood Vengeance. If your Discipline drops below 70%, use Preparation and spend less Discipline until it's ready again.

With enough extra Resource Cost Reduction on your gear you shouldn't have any resource issues and can replace Blood Vengeance with Ambush for extra burst damage.

If you want to include Awareness, drop Hot Pursuit for it.

UE MS Solo Push

The solo push version goes for maximum damage, using the Bastions of Will set, Bane of the Trapped, Cull the Weak and Odyssey's End. It's highly recommended to get at least 1 Life per Hit roll for recovery.

We use Multishot Full Broadside, because in solo push you usually gather huge packs of mobs where increased AoE damage is worth more than the rockets.


The main gameplay is still Spin 2 Win, but compared to just holding down Strafe you now have to also include frequent Entangling Shot casts to apply the slow for your multipliers and the Odyssey's End debuff. This is best achieved by permanently channeling and holding down "Force Attack", then tapping your generator roughly once a second.

In addition, you don't have permanent Vengeance uptime, so focus on using it in situations where it matters to get the most out of it, but don't let it sit ready for too long.

A more forgiving version uses Dawn in the cube, which brings back permanent Vengeance but deals a lot less damage in long encounters. This also requires to switch Perfectionist to Thrill of the Hunt to apply the slow, and allows to swap the generator to Evasive Fire Hardened.

Another option is going with Multishot Arsenal and switching Perfectionist to Ballistics. This version is more consistent, can finish off elites much easier and has a significantly shorter bossfight. However, with enough fishing, Physical will beat Fire by about 1.5 tiers.

UE MS Echoing Nightmares

For Echoing Nightmares we are changing a few things from a regular Speed GR build because we don't need as much movement speed or damage. For more information check out our full Echoing Nightmare Guide and take a look at our Echoing Nightmare Build Tier List and META post for the best builds and strategies!

Click Speed Pylon as soon as the challenge starts and all the other Pylons at around wave 90. At wave 122 you can stop attacking and run to the corner to let the timer run out.

Stay at range and use Smoke Screen to keep your Squirt's Necklace buff. Mow down everything with Multishot while staying out of explosions to survive.

Video Guide



  • Reach the necessary Cooldown Reduction for permanent Vengeance (37%) and use it every 20 seconds.
  • Keep up buffs (Wraps of Clarity, Bastions of Will) at all times.
  • Position yourself to hit most enemies with your cone-shaped Multishot AoE.
  • Keep your Discipline high as it directly scales your damage output.

We hope you enjoyed this guide! Unhallowed Essence is an ideal build for both beginners and veterans alike and will bring joy to anyone seeking to mow down enemies with a barrage of arrows.


Written by Northwar & wudijo
Updates by wudijo

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