Shigandang Quest Guide
Last Updated:October 1, 2024|Changelog
Shigandang is a Golem boss located in the Fright Cliffs near the Rockcrest Flat, if you don't have that Shrine you can start from the Rock Clash Platform Shrine instead. To fight him, you need to collect 6 Buddha Eyes from statues around the Fright Cliffs. Shigandang is located in the same arena as the Stone Vanguard, and uses many similar moves. This guide focuses on completing Shigandang's quest, including the location of each Buddha Eye and a few tips to make the boss easier.

You can activate the Shigandang encounter before defeating the Stone Vanguard, if you do the bosses battle against each other!
Gathering the Eyes
Begin the quest from the Rockcrest Flat Shrine in the Fright Cliffs, the first Buddha Eye is just to your right. Whenever you approach one of the statues, you begin hearing a chant. This is how you know you're on the right track.

Second Eye

- Proceed into the cave behind the Rockcrest Flat Shrine to continue the quest.
- Pass through the cave, defeating enemies as needed.
- The head is in a small alcove on the right side of the cave.
Third Eye

- Starting from the second Eye location, exit the cave and take a left, or right.
- Take the first exit down to the base of the cliff.
- Head along the cliff base until you find the third Eye around the middle of the cliff base.
- The Man-in-Stone is located right near this Eye, learn more about his quest with our guide!
Fourth Eye

- If you turn around right after collecting the third Eye, you can see the fourth Eye up on some wooden platforms.
- Head right following the riverbed until you can cross.
- Ascend to the top of the platform defeating enemies along the way. You find the fourth Eye at the end of the platforms.
Fifth Eye

- Travel back down the platforms, then cross the river and head left.
- Keep going until you find the Squall Hideout Shrine, this is a good time to rest if you're low on Mana or Gourd charges.
- The fifth Eye is directly behind the Shrine.
Sixth Eye

- Return to the Rockcrest Flat Shrine.
- This time enter the cave and immediately turn right.
- Continue up the path until you find the large room with the Mother of Stones, turn right, and head to the outside balcony.
- At the end of the balcony, you find the sixth Buddha Eye.
After you collect all 6 Buddha Eyes, it's time to take on Shigandang. He is located near the Rockcrest Flat in the same arena where you fought the Stone Vanguard. Make sure to rest and prepare your Spells, allocate Sparks, and upgrade your Armor before challenging the boss. Keep an eye out for glowing elements in the fight, these usually denote additional AoE components. Thrust Stance is a great way to get additional range on your Heavy Attack, Smash Stance allows you to See Through attacks, avoiding damage, whereas you can use Pillar Stance to avoid some of his shockwave moves.

Boss Tips
- Shigandang uses a lot of slow, powerful attacks. Unfortunately, they are difficult to read due to his size. If you're struggling to read boss moves during his combos, retreat for better visibility.
- His attacks shatter the earth around him, sending out shockwaves. Dodge left or right to avoid damage but pay close attention to the timing because some of his attacks deal damage in an AoE around him.
- The larger shockwave attacks have a delayed component where the earth explodes shortly after the initial strike. You can jump over the initial shockwave, and then dodge the aftershock. Alternatively, use a transformation to tank the damage, Cloud Step away, or deflect it with a well-timed Stone Form.
- After defeating Shigandang you get materials to craft the Cloud-Patterned Stone Staff which gives both defense and attack.
- If you haven't defeated the Stone Vanguard yet, you can use Shigandang to defeat him for you!
You need to beat Shigandang to obtain the Skandha of Feeling which is needed to complete the 5 Skandhas quest!
Video Guide
Check out this video guide by Tenkiei to learn more about where to find all 6 statues and beat Shigandang.
Our Shigandang quest walkthrough has the location of all 6 Buddha eyes, along with some tips and tricks to defeat the boss at the end. This is an optional quest in chapter 2 which rewards you with a powerful weapon.
- The first Eye is located near Rockcrest Flat Shrine.
- Enter the Cave near the shrine to find the second Eye.
- From the second statue, exit the cave then find the third Eye at the base of the cliff.
- Follow the riverbed to access the fourth Eye on the wooden platforms.
- The fifth Eye is located near the Squall Hideout Shrine, at the mouth of the dry river.
- Return to the Rockcrest Flat Shrine, then enter the cave and travel up the path on the right, you find the sixth Eye on the balcony at the end.
- Return all 6 Eyes to Shigandang, then defeat the boss.
Written by: Tenkiei