How to Find the 5 Skandhas and Beat Giant Shigandang
Last Updated:September 19, 2024|Changelog
The 5 Skandha's quest requires that you gather the Skandha of Form, Skandha of Feeling, Skandha of Thought, and Skandha of Choice, before doing battle against Giant Shigandang to obtain the Skandha of Consciousness. After completing this task, you get a special one-time stat boost from Xu Dog in the form of the Five Skandhas Pill.

If you see or hear this guy, that means a Skandha is near!
Skandha of Form
First up, the Skandha of Form is found in Chapter 1, Forest of Wolves. Begin from the Front Hill Shrine.

- Head left across the bridge.
- When the opportunity presents itself, turn left again and head down to the river.
- You find the Skandha of Form by interacting with the statue.
Skandha of Feeling
Your second Skandha is a boss drop. Once you get to the Fright Cliffs in Chapter 2, complete Shigandang's quest. You get the Skandha of Feeling after beating the boss, for more information on how to do this, check out our dedicated guide!

Skandha of Thought
Start from the Village of Ecstasy, Mindfulness Cliff Shrine in Chapter 3.

- Head across the wooden bridge and look for a tree with a white trunk.
- At the tree, jump down onto the hidden platform below.
- Jump off the midpoint of the platform onto the pillar, and use it to bridge the chasm.
- Proceed through the caves, while you're at it, grab the Fiery Gourd from a chest.
- The Skandha of Thought is at the end of this linear area.
Skandha of Choice
The fourth Skandha, Choice is found in the Webbed Hollow near the Purifying Spring Shrine.

- Go through the split in the rock.
- Head up the stairs, and follow the platforms along the right side of the area.
- When you reach the end of the lake, jump down to find the Skandha of Choice.
Giant Shigandang
After you collect the first 4 Skandhas, you can beat Giant Shigandang in Chapter 6 to obtain the 5th and final Skandha. Fighting this massive rock Guai feels like going up against a mountain. Start from the Mantis-Catching Swamp Shrine in the Foothills.

- Jump on your Cloud, and fly up toward the rocky area in front of you.
- Head to the right, aiming for the gap in the rocks.
- Follow the linear path down until you encounter a large open area with Giant Shigandang.
Boss Tips
- Giant Shigandang's attacks hit hard, but he can't move so you can stand out of range to avoid most of his attacks.
- A few of his moves generate shockwaves, you can jump over these, time your dodges, or hop onto your staff with Pillar Stance to avoid damage.
- After some attack sequences, the boss becomes exhausted and temporarily rests his gigantic arms on the arena floor, this is your opportunity to attack!
- Target the blue crystals, each one you destroy does massive damage to the boss.
- When his Health reaches 0 he unleashes a flurry of shockwaves, use a Transformation to tank these or time your dodges to avoid death!

Skandha of Consciousness
After you beat the boss he collapses allowing you to run up his arm and claim the 5th Skandha. After this, travel to Xu Dog and give him all 5 to obtain the 5 Skandhas Pill. This boosts your Health, Stamina, and Mana. If you do this quest again in future cycles you don't gain additional stats, instead, the Pill is converted into Will.

Video Guide
Check out this video guide by Tenkiei to learn more about where to find all 5 Skandhas and beat Giant Shigandang.
Our Giant Shigandang quest walkthrough has the location of all 5 Skandhas, along with some tips and tricks to defeat the boss at the end.
- The Skandha of Form is located in Chapter 1, near the Front Hill Shrine.
- Complete Shigandang's quest and defeat him to get the Skandha of Feeling.
- Find the Skandha of Thought in Chapter 3, near the Mindfulness Cliff Shrine.
- The Skandha of Choice is located in Chapter 4, just past the Purifying Spring Shrine.
- After collecting the first 4 Skandhas, find Giant Shigandang near the Mantis-Catching Swamp Shrine and defeat him to obtain the Skandha of Consciousness.
- Return all 5 Skandhas to Xu Dog to get the Five Skandhas Pill and receive a one-time stat boost.
Written by: Tenkiei