Unholy Death Knight Leveling Guide

11.1 - Undermined(d)

Last Updated:February 26, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Unholy Death Knight leveling guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! In this guide, you find a small overview of good talents to pick, a simplified rotation as well as a shopping list to prepare you for your leveling journey!
If you are already level 80, don't hesitate to check out the Mythic+ or Raid guide instead!


Patch 11.1 - Undermined(d)
Unholy Death Knight
Rider of the Apocalypse Level 70
Rider of the Apocalypse Unholy Death Knight Leveling Talents

Spec Tree

  • Plaguebringer
    • Causes your diseases to tick at double the normal rate after using Scourge Strike for 10 seconds.
  • Dark Transformation and Infected Claws
    • AoE cooldown every 45 seconds and has a chance to put up Festering Wounds on any target hit.
  • Bursting Sores
    • Festering Wounds now explode for some AoE damage on nearby enemies when burst.
      • They also explode when mobs die so don't worry about wasting them!
  • Raise Abomination and Unholy Assault
    • Your main cooldowns every 1m30s for any Elite or high health mobs.

Class Tree

  • Abomination Limb
    • Pulls mobs within 20 yards to you every second, this is useful for the casters that are pulled but don't want to come all the way in to melee.
  • Death's Echo
    • Gives you an extra charge of Death's Advance or Death Charge allowing much better mobility.
    • Death Grip also gets an extra charge allowing you to grip 2 mobs instead of just 1.

Hero Talents

  • Rider of the Apocalypse performs better than San'layn while leveling due to the fact that it has no ramp time and allows you access to Death Charge immediately, enabling you to pull more mobs considerably quicker.
  • Your Runes have a chance to summon 1 of 4 Horsemen that all do good damage, helping you kill mobs faster.
  • Apocalypse Now causes Raise Abomination to summon all 4 Horsemen allowing you to kill any elite mob extremely quickly.

Leveling Talent Points

  • Talent point allocation
    • 1. Level 71
    • 2. Level 72
    • 3. Level 73
    • 4. Level 74
    • 5. Level 75
    • 6. Level 76
    • 7. Level 77
    • 8. Level 78
    • 9. Level 79
    • 10. Level 80
Milestones: 0 / 10
1. Level 71
  • Choose Rider of the Apocalypse as your Hero Talent.
  • Pick Death Charge.
2. Level 72
  • Pick Pact of the Apocalypse.
3. Level 73
  • Pick Trollbane's Icy Fury.
4. Level 74
  • Pick Mawsworn Menace.
5. Level 75
  • Pick Apocalypse Now.
6. Level 76
  • Pick Mograine's Might.
7. Level 77
  • Pick Nazgrim's Conquest.
8. Level 78
  • Pick Whitemane's Famine.
9. Level 79
  • Pick Hungering Thirst.
10. Level 80
  • Pick A Feast of Souls.


Patch 11.1 - Undermined(d)
Unholy Death Knight


  • Put up diseases with Outbreak.
  • Keep up Plaguebringer with Scourge Strike.
  • Cast Death Coil if you get a Sudden Doom proc.
  • Cast Festering Strike if your target has no Festering Wounds.
  • Cast Death Coil if you are going to overcap on Runic Power.
  • Cast Scourge Strike if there are Festering Wounds on your target.


  • Put up diseases with Outbreak.
  • Cast Death and Decay if it is not down while mobs are stacked.
  • Keep up Plaguebringer with Scourge Strike.
  • Cast Epidemic if you get a Sudden Doom proc.
  • Cast Epidemic if you are going to overcap on Runic Power.
  • Cast Scourge Strike if Death and Decay is down.

Using Cooldowns

  • Dark Transformation
    • This can be used whenever you get to a pack of mobs as this can apply Festering Wounds to all targets hit with Sweeping Claws allowing Bursting Sores to do a lot of work.
  • Apocalypse
    • Generally used on mobs that will live more than a couple seconds, notably on mobs that are 1 of's at the end of quests as they regularly have higher health than normal mobs.
  • Raise Abomination
    • Used on Elite or high health mobs that scale up considerably with the amount of players hitting him.
  • Unholy Assault
    • Can be used on AoE to put up 4 Festering Wounds and allow Bursting Sores to start up right away.

Pulling Mobs

  • Putting Outbreak on a mouseover macro allows you to put your cursor on their nameplate and cast Outbreak without having to click on it. This allows you to quickly put up diseases on many targets with minimal clicks and is especially useful when you are tagging really low health mobs as not having to do that extra click can save you a good amount of time not waiting for respawns!

This macro casts Outbreak at your mouseover if it exists. If it does not, it instead casts it at your target.

/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm][@target,exists,harm] Outbreak
  • Death Grip is not able to be casted on mobs that are already tagged by someone else. Once you hit the tagged mob or if it is not yet in combat, you can Death Grip it.
  • Dark Command is an off global cooldown ability that is good to use if you are not able to cast Outbreak because of Runes or Death Grip because it has already been tagged.
  • Death and Decay can be used to tag enemies in range as well if it is needed.

Shopping List

Patch 11.1 - Undermined(d)
Unholy Death Knight
  • Consumables
    • 1. Phial
    • 2. Food
    • 3. DPS Potion
    • 4. Heal Potion
    • 5. Weapon Rune
    • 6. Augment Rune
  • Utility
    • 7. Goblin Glider Kit
    • 8. Gunshoes
    • 9. Mount Equipment
  • Experience Gains
    • 10. Banner of Cooperation
    • 11. Standard of Unity
    • 12. Battle Standard of Coordination
Milestones: 0 / 12
1. Phial
  • 20x Phial of Tepid Versatility
2. Food
  • 40x Fried Bonefish
3. DPS Potion
  • 40x Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
4. Heal Potion
  • 80x Potion of Withering Dreams
5. Weapon Rune
  • 4x Howling Rune
6. Augment Rune
  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • 10x Draconic Augment Rune
7. Goblin Glider Kit
  • 20x Goblin Glider Kit
    • Nice to either prevent yourself from dying to fall damage or to fly over small gaps without mounting up.
8. Gunshoes
  • 20x Gunshoes
    • Use to gain a 200% movement speed & water walking buff for 25 seconds.
    • Use the "walk" toggle to slow down if you want to hand in quests.
9. Mount Equipment
  • Buy 1x Light-Step Hoofplates and use it as your mount equipment.
10. Banner of Cooperation

Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.

  • Horde/Orgrimmar: Banner of Cooperation
  • Alliance/Stormwind: Banner of Cooperation
11. Standard of Unity

Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.

  • Horde/Orgrimmar: Standard of Unity
  • Alliance/Stormwind: Standard of Unity
12. Battle Standard of Coordination

Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.

  • Horde/Orgrimmar: Battle Standard of Coordination
  • Alliance/Stormwind: Battle Standard of Coordination


Written by: Miniaug

Reviewed by: Xerwo

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