Subtlety Rogue Leveling Guide
Subtlety Rogue Leveling Guide
11.1 - Undermine(d)
Last Updated:February 25, 2025|Changelog
Welcome to the Subtlety Rogue leveling guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! In this guide, you find a small overview of good talents to pick, a simplified rotation as well as a shopping list to prepare you for your leveling journey!
If you are already level 80, don't hesitate to check out the Mythic+ or Raid guide instead!
Subtlety Rogue
Deathstalker Level 70
Spec Tree
- Silent Storm
- To ensure all of targets get the Improved Shuriken Storm debuff when you enter a new pull.
- Shuriken Tornado
- Provides extra AoE burst for big pulls.
- Terrifying Pace
- A node not often picked, provides some extra movement speed in AoE scenarios to grab more mobs faster.
- Exhilarating Execution
- This talent will heal you a lot in bigger pulls, making you essentially immortal in your cooldowns.
Class Tree
- Featherfoot
- Together with Improved Sprint, Shadowstep and Shadowrunnerturns you into a mobility machine, making stacking mobs for a big pull very fast.
- Leeching Poison together with the previously mentioned Exhilarating Execution talent in the spec tree heals you a lot in your cooldowns.
Hero Talents
- Both Deathstalker and Trickster are viable choices when leveling, pick whichever you prefer. For this guide however, we are going with Deathstalker.
- Your Shadowstrikes cast from Stealth now applies a Deathstalker.
- When your target dies or your Deathstalker's Mark stacks are consumed, you gain Darkest Night which increases the damage of your next Eviscerate cast at max combo points.
Leveling Talent Points
Milestones: 0 / 10
- Choose Deathstalker as your Hero Talent.
- Pick Clear the Witnesses.
- Pick Hunt Them Down.
- Pick Corrupt the Blood.
- Unspec Clear the Witnesses
- Momentum of Despair and Darkest Night.
- Pick Clear the Witnesses.
- Pick Fatal Intent.
- Pick Singular Focus.
- Pick Lingering Darkness.
- Pick Bait and Switch.
- Pick Shadewalker.
Subtlety Rogue
- Use Rupture on any high health targets, prioritize using this while gathering a pull.
- Use Eviscerate on single target.
- Use Black Powder on 2+ targets.
- Use Secret Technique within your Shadow Dance duration.
- Use Backstab single-target outside of Shadow Dance.
- Use Shuriken Storm with 2+ targets.
- Use Shadowstrike as your single-target and up to 3 target builder inside of Shadow Dance.
Shopping List
Subtlety Rogue
Milestones: 0 / 12
- 20x Phial of Tepid Versatility
- 40x Fried Bonefish
- 40x Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
- 80x Potion of Withering Dreams
- 4x Hissing Rune
- Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
or - 10x Draconic Augment Rune
- 20x Goblin Glider Kit
- Nice to either prevent yourself from dying to fall damage or to fly over small gaps without mounting up.
- 20x Gunshoes
- Use to gain a 200% movement speed & water walking buff for 25 seconds.
- Use the "walk" toggle to slow down if you want to hand in quests.
- Buy 1x Light-Step Hoofplates and use it as your mount equipment.
Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.
- Horde/Orgrimmar: Banner of Cooperation
- Alliance/Stormwind: Banner of Cooperation
Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.
- Horde/Orgrimmar: Standard of Unity
- Alliance/Stormwind: Standard of Unity
Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.
- Horde/Orgrimmar: Battle Standard of Coordination
- Alliance/Stormwind: Battle Standard of Coordination
Written by: Kush
Reviewed by: Perfecto