Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide

11.1 - Undermined(d)

Last Updated:February 25, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Enhancement Shaman leveling guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! In this guide, you find a small overview of good talents to pick, a simplified rotation as well as a shopping list to prepare you for your leveling journey!
If you are already level 80, don't hesitate to check out the Mythic+ or Raid guide instead!


Patch 11.1 - Undermined(d)
Enhancement Shaman
Stormbringer Level 70
Stormbringer Enhancement Shaman leveling talents

Spec Tree

  • Molten Assault
    • To spread Flame Shock and set up a Primordial Wave which should kill the targeted mobs.
  • Primordial Wave
    • Lightning Bolt hits all targets with Flame Shock for a large amount.
  • Crashing Storms
    • Makes your Chain Lightning hit 5 targets.
  • Sundering
    • AoE in a line in front of which incapacitates mobs for 2 seconds and deals damage.
  • Elemental Assault
    • This talent makes sure you never run out of resources.

Class Tree

  • Wind Shear
    • 12 seconds cooldown interrupt, which is very nice to constantly interrupt mobs that cast on you.
  • Thunderstorm
    • If you pick Thundershock, this becomes a nice disrupt to stop mobs from casting on you.
  • Refreshing Waters
    • Increases Healing Surge healing on yourself by 25%.

Hero Talents

  • Stormbringer performs better as it has a lot of nice passives and Tempest almost kills mobs instantly.
  • Your Lightning Bolt turns into ‍Tempest after either
    • You spend 40 Maelstrom Weapon
    • You get 3 stacks of ‍Awakening Storms.

Leveling Talent Points

  • Talent point allocation
    • 1. Level 71
    • 2. Level 72
    • 3. Level 73
    • 4. Level 74
    • 5. Level 75
    • 6. Level 76
    • 7. Level 77
    • 8. Level 78
    • 9. Level 79
    • 10. Level 80
Milestones: 0 / 10
1. Level 71
  • Stormbringer as your Hero Talent.
  • Pick Stormcaller.
2. Level 72
  • Pick Arc Discharge.
3. Level 73
  • Pick Conductive Energy.
4. Level 74
  • Pick Awakening Storms.
5. Level 75
  • Pick Shocking Grasp.
6. Level 76
  • Pick Rolling Thunder.
7. Level 77
  • Pick Unlimited Power.
8. Level 78
  • Pick Supercharge.
9. Level 79
  • Pick Voltaic Surge.
10. Level 80
  • Pick Nature's Protection.


Patch 11.1 - Undermined(d)
Enhancement Shaman


If you have a Single-Target on-use trinket such as Manic Grieftorch, it is very strong for leveling as it means you can use all your cooldowns on AoE and still be able to kill a high health mob quickly.

Below you can find a short priority list of which spells you want to prioritise on Single-Target while leveling.

  1. Cast Feral Spirit.
  2. Cast Primordial Wave.
  3. Cast Lightning Bolt if you have Primordial Wave active.
  4. Cast Elemental Blast.
  5. Cast Lava Lash.
  6. Cast Ice Strike.
  7. Cast Frost Shock.
  8. Cast Sundering.
  9. Cast Stormstrike.


While leveling and doing AoE pulls, Enhancement Shamans, have a bunch of spells that deals a lot of damage instantly, but you are target capped to 5 mostly. If you have good gear you kill mobs very quickly in the first few levels so you don't have to use everything on every pull.

Below you can find a short priority list of which spells you want to prioritise on AoE while leveling.

  1. Cast Feral Spirit.
  2. Cast Primordial Wave.
  3. Cast Lava Lash to spread Flame Shock.
  4. Cast Lightning Bolt if you have Primordial Wave active.
  5. Cast Chain Lightning.
  6. Cast Sundering.
  7. Cast Crash Lightning.
  8. Cast Ice Strike.
  9. Cast Frost Shock.
  10. Cast Stormstrike.

Shopping List

Patch 11.1 - Undermined(d)
Enhancement Shaman
  • Consumables
    • 1. Phial
    • 2. Food
    • 3. DPS Potion
    • 4. Heal Potion
    • 5. Augment Rune
  • Utility
    • 6. Goblin Glider Kit
    • 7. Gunshoes
    • 8. Mount Equipment
  • Experience Gains
    • 9. Banner of Cooperation
    • 10. Standard of Unity
    • 11. Battle Standard of Coordination
Milestones: 0 / 11
1. Phial
  • 20x Phial of Tepid Versatility
2. Food
  • 40x Fried Bonefish
3. DPS Potion
  • 40x Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
4. Heal Potion
  • 80x Potion of Withering Dreams
5. Augment Rune
  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • 10x Draconic Augment Rune
6. Goblin Glider Kit
  • 20x Goblin Glider Kit
    • Nice to either prevent yourself from dying to fall damage or to fly over small gaps without mounting up.
7. Gunshoes
  • 20x Gunshoes
    • Use to gain a 200% movement speed & water walking buff for 25 seconds.
    • Use the "walk" toggle to slow down if you want to hand in quests.
8. Mount Equipment
  • Buy 1x Light-Step Hoofplates and use it as your mount equipment.
9. Banner of Cooperation

Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.

  • Horde/Orgrimmar: Banner of Cooperation
  • Alliance/Stormwind: Banner of Cooperation
10. Standard of Unity

Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.

  • Horde/Orgrimmar: Standard of Unity
  • Alliance/Stormwind: Standard of Unity
11. Battle Standard of Coordination

Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.

  • Horde/Orgrimmar: Battle Standard of Coordination
  • Alliance/Stormwind: Battle Standard of Coordination


Written by: Clickz

Reviewed by: Nicememes

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