The Trialmaster Boss Guide
Last Updated:January 9, 2025|Changelog
The Trialmaster is one of the many endgame bosses available in the Path of Exile Endgame. The Trialmaster can only be challenged if the player survives past the 10th Wave of the Trial of Chaos and has the three Fate Fragments to access his arena.
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Getting to the boss
At the end of 10 rounds of the Trial of Chaos you have the option to challenge The Trialmaster. You use the 3 fate fragments obtained from defeating the 10th round boss in Trial of Chaos, or trading with other players:
- Cowardly Fate- Drops from Uxmal, The Beastlord during the 10th round.
- Deadly Fate - Drops from the Bahlak, The Sky Seer during the 10th round.
- Victorious Fate - Drops from Chetza, The Feathered Plague during the 10th round.
For a more in-depth look into farming The Trial of Chaos, take a look at our Trial of Chaos Farming Guide!
Loot Table
Along with one of the guaranteed uniques found below, The Trialmaster may rarely drop corrupted inscribed ultimatums which lets you sacrifice currency to gain double the amount on successful run.
Defeat The Trialmaster to loot one of the listed Boss Unique Items:
- Mahuxotl's Machination
- Glimpse of Chaos
- Zerphi's Genesis
- Hateforge
- The Adorned (Exceedingly Rare)
For a full list of boss loot tables, check out our comprehensive cheat sheet here: Boss Loot Table Cheat Sheet
Ability Breakdown
Branching Sunder
Raises his spear in an overhead slam, causing multiple branching sunders to erupt in front of him.
Boss Mechanics
Damage Types: Physical, Lightning, Cold, Fire
Default Attack:
- Performs multiple wide swings with his spear.
Default Attack (No Spear):
- Throws 3 orbs of Lightning, Cold, Fire damage that explode on impact
Special Abilities:
- Branching Sunder
- Raises his spear in an overhead slam, causing multiple branching sunders to erupt in front of him.
- Blood Eruption
- Places his spear in the ground as the avoid sound cue plays, channeling a large explosion.
- Chaos Spear
- Throws his spear at the player, after landing in the ground a slowly expanding physical degen grows around the spear.
- Trialmaster's Tether
- Spawns a heart at a random location in the arena, players entering the circle around it are slowed and tethered to the heart. Moving out of the circle causes the chain to break, stunning the player and causing the heart to detonate.
- Blood Orb
- Creates a fast moving blood orb that bounces off walls, duplicating. Causes armor break on hit.
- Ultimatum
- The Trialmaster either says the voice line "Ultimatum" or "Entropy" before freezing time. Depending on if he has his spear or not, he either performs 3 branching sunders or fires 3 blood orbs at the player.
- Blood Wave Whirlwind
- Occasionally the Trialmaster spreads his arms out in a mocking manner, before swiftly spinning with his spear causing small crescent blood waves to fire from his spear.

The Trialmaster does not scale up in difficulty such as the other Pinnacle Bosses with an Atlas Tree. As such, farming the Trialmaster is relatively easier than other pinnacle bosses.
This guide includes move sets and strategies to help you beat The Trialmaster endgame boss encounter. Either to help you get your final ascendancy or, begin farming the Trial of Chaos.
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Written By: havoc616
Reviewed By: Jerrin, Zen_M
Language Reviewed By: Tenkiei