Amazon Games recently announced Smilegate's Lost Ark game will release on February 11th (3 days earlier with a Founder's Pack purchase) with an updated Tier 3 content patch. Before the announcement was made, the Maxroll team had only included Tier 1 content in their articles. We have been hard at work updating all relevant articles and adding new ones to prepare for the upcoming launch.
Updated Articles
Newly added articles
Coming soon
- Adventure Tomes for Tier 3 content
- Tier 3 Raid Guardian guides
- Remaining Tier 2 & 3 Abyssal Dungeon guides
- Map Tool to easily search for islands and collectibles
- Additional Tools
Thank you for stopping by to see the resources we've put together and for being part of our amazing community. We will have more content and new tools coming up leading to the launch next Tuesday!
The Maxroll Team