Lost Ark – New Maxroll Website Branch
Last Updated:January 27, 2022|Changelog

Maxroll Lost Ark
Welcome, Lost Ark Community! With Lost Ark launching this February we are thrilled to give you early access to our latest project - one that is very dear to our hearts. After months of blood, sweat and tears, we’re excited to share with you the Maxroll Lost Ark Website! This new addition to Maxroll seeks to be the definitive source for players of all skill levels, from beginners to pros. Our goal was to develop resources that are simple and efficient to use while also providing tremendous depth. This lets players quickly reference Maxroll during a gaming session, but spend hours deep diving to fully master Lost Ark’s mechanics.
This new branch of the Maxroll website will exist alongside our new Landing page, and you can use our Game Selector to smoothly switch between the games we cover. By the time Lost Ark launches on February 11th, our site will be feature complete. In the meantime, we would love your feedback so that we can ensure Maxroll meets all your needs.
We have dedicated Guardian Raids, Abyssal Dungeons, Class Overview and Build Guides, for all 15 Classes as well as game mechanics explanations and many more things to come — you name it, we got it. If we don’t have it, let us know!
01/27 Update: It has just been announced that T3 content will be available at launch. We will update our Class-, Raid-, Abyssal- and Islands Guides as well as our Resources over the next days leading up to the launch. Stay tuned!
Maxroll's Lost Ark Team
Our Maxroll Lost Ark team is a collaboration of content creators and experienced players within the Lost Ark community that have come together to pool their expertise. Their knowledge in creating guides and resources to help players get the most out of the game is second to none.
Whether they are top-end players, incredible sources of knowledge, or can put together a build out of anything, they have you covered. This team has put together some amazing content, and the future looks only brighter with more content to come!






Perciculum - Team Lead
Yaen - Content Creator
Choilicious - Content Creator
Reitear - Content Creator
Starlast - PvP Guides
Saintone - Content Creator
Lost Ark Embeds
Character, Tripods, Engravings and Cards embeds are new invaluable tools we’re excited to share with the Lost Ark community! Head on over to our Build Guides and check it out! You can follow our detailed leveling Builds with a Tripod slider displaying which skills to level up at certain thresholds. Graphics for items, gear, weapons, engravings, etc. are all there for your visual enjoyment. For our Guides, we created interactive embeds for Skills, Items, Sets, Engravings and the entire paper doll (right image). With Lost Ark in-game mechanics rapidly changing during development, we will do our best to keep the tool up to date. Together, we aim to make Maxroll and Lost Ark Tools a one-stop shop for this amazing game, and can’t wait to hear the community’s feedback.
Engraving Embed
We attached a Changelog to all Build Guides. You don't have to scan through the entire article for changes! The Changelog helps the reader to spot the updates in the article faster!
Future Plans
More content will be released over the upcoming weeks, heading up to the launch on Febuary 11th. Furthermore, we will guide you thought the preparation phase before Tier 2 and Tier 3 release with even more articles. Thank you for stopping by to see our resources we've put together and for being part of our amazing community.
The entire Maxroll team wishes you an amazing Lost Ark start. See you in Arkesia!
The Maxroll Team