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Lullaby Island

Last Updated:September 5, 2023


Map Quadrant D 4 V 2
Island Rewards
Lullaby Island Token
Secret MapAdventure: Pirate's Peg Leg
Vitality Increase Potion
Kindness Potion
Rare Battle Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x10
High Seas Coin Chest x12
Legendary - Uncommon Card Pack x6
Crafting Recipe: Rethramis-Style Large Fountain

Island Token Details

The Lullaby Island Token is dropped by RNG from a chest obtained after completing the Island cooperative quest. The cooperative quests Secret Entrance and Magick Melody occurs every 2 hours at 04:22, 06:22, 08:22, etc. To complete both cooperative quests on Lullaby Island, you need Song of Resonance. If you do not contribute towards the quest, you will not get Chest of Sleeping Songs; so if you haven't learned the song, no chest will be rewarded. Song of Resonance can be bought from Peyto for 16,800 Pirate Coins.

Island Quests

Quest GiverQuest Name Rewards
MoyaMoyaThe Forest Where Fairies SingHigh Seas Coin Chest x4
Rare Battle Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x4
Hiding Fairy I Can Hear YouRare Battle Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x3
Silver x40,000
Hiding Fairy It's Okay, Miss FairyForest's Minuet
High Seas Coin Chest x8
Hiding Fairy A Secluded, Secret AreaRare Battle Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x3
Legendary - Uncommon Card Pack x6
Vitality Increase Potion
Eternity Essence
Silver x40,000

After taking the first quest near the entrance of the island from Traveler Eclipse, you're tasked to find hidden fairies. Just like what the quest name hints at, you can track where they spawn by listening to the background song the fairies sing. Getting close to them pops up a over the invisible fairy as well as a dialogue window "La, la, la, la, la, la ...". If you don't want to bother with that, here are the fairy locations.

D 4 Lullaby Quest Npc 1 750

If that wasn't annoying enough, upon meeting each fairy you actually have to choose the dialogue choices otherwise you have to restart the conversation from the beginning. It should be simple enough to read the dialogue yourself and choose correctly, but if you don't want to bother, here are the correct choices below.

To complete the 3rd quest in the chain, you need 3 Voice of the Forest. Only 1 drops per Chest of Sleeping Songs, so in other words, you need to complete the cooperative quest on the island 3 times. After that though, you will receive Forest's Minuet.

Island Quest Dialogue Choices

  • The Forest Where Fairies Sing
    1. Choice 1
    2. Choice 1
    3. Choice 2
  • I Can Hear You
    1. Choice 2
    2. Choice 2
    3. Choice 1
    4. Choice 1
  • It's Okay, Miss Fairy
    1. Choice 1
    2. Choice 1
    3. Choice 2
    4. Choice 2
    5. Choice 1
    6. Choice 1

Una's Task - Future Insect Expert

Each Una's Task completed rewards 10. Once you have completed a certain number of Una's Task, you may receive certain rewards and you move onto the next tier of rewards.

A Boy's Dream

  • Tier 1 30/30
    1. Silver x5,000
  • Tier 2 40/40
    1. Silver x7,000
  • Tier 3 80/80
    1. Kindness Potion
    2. Crafting Recipe: Rethramis-Style Large Fountain
    3. Silver x14,000


D 4 Zone Lullaby Seeds
D 4 Lullaby Seeds 1


Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Facefoot

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