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Class and Subclass Overview

Last Updated:February 15, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Class and Subclass Overview. Destiny 2 lets you create a character for each Class and can switch between a character's subclasses on a whim. Learning what each Class and each of the 18 Subclasses do helps you figure out what you want to play.

Resurrected and given the paracausal light by the Traveler, Guardians are powerful fighters divided into three classes: Hunter, Titan, and Warlock. In the vast and ever-expanding universe, you and your fellow Guardians stand as the last line of defense against the humanity and its allies.

Each class possesses unique abilities, strengths, combat styles, and fashion; together, they form a formidable Fireteam capable of slaying Gods.

Destiny 2 Classes with prismatic Subclass appearance.
From left to right, Warlock, Titan, and Hunter.

The Classes

Each Class has 6 Subclasses, one for each Element and a Prismatic Subclass which borrows from the other 5 - Arc, Solar, Void, Stasis and Strand.

When creating a new character, you only have access to one Subclass and most of its components are locked. All Subclass components and the other 5 Subclasses have to be unlocked - learn more about this process with our First Steps in Destiny 2 Guide.

Subclasses dictate your role on the battlefield and are the bulk of any build's combat specialization. They're made up of Subclass-exclusive Super Abilities, Melee Abilities and Aspects.

  • Each Subclass uses up to 2 Aspects to massively enhance or modify their Abilities. Aspects dictate how many Fragments can be used.
    • Fragments provide minor enhancements and ability modifications. All Subclasses of a particular Element can use that Element's Fragments.
  • With the exception of Prismatic Subclasses, all Subclasses from a particular Element can use any one of that Element's Grenade Abilities.
  • Super Abilities are extremely powerful and can turn the tide of any battle. The drawback is that they have to first be charged. Charge them through dealing damage, killing enemies, and collecting Orbs of Power - a lot of different effects generate these. Supers also passively recharge, but they do this extremely slowly.

Each Class has their own set of Movement and "Class Abilities" which are extremely important. When making your first Character, keep these in mind. You cannot use multiple Movement and Class Abilities at the same time.

  • Movement Abilities are how you move across the battlefield and are constantly used - if you're not comfortable using them you won't be comfortable while fighting.
  • Each Class has two core Class Abilities that are shared with each of their Subclasses. These Abilities are often built around, they are a distinct and often integral part of any Build's kit.


Hunters embody the classic fantasy trope of a Rogue or Ranger.

While they tend to specialize in their Weapons, they aren't afraid to use knives, shurikens, explosives, and martial arts to take their opponents down.

Their fast-paced-lethality pairs well with their agile and evasive Jump and Class Abilities.

Click or tap the buttons below to learn about each Hunter Jump and Class Ability.

Hunter Class with Prismatic Subclass appearance.

This Article's Hunter Class and Subclass sections were written by Xtra37.

Movement Abilities

Hunters move around with Double Jumps. These Movement Abilities are extremely easy to use, and you're probably already familiar with how these work unless Destiny 2 is your first video game.

Triple Jump is favored by the vast majority of Hunters, and the reason is clear:

  • It covers a greater distance and reaches larger heights than the other options, albeit over a longer period of time - its slower.
  • Triple Jump has the best control of Hunter's Jump Abilities. It allows you to easily course correct while in the air, making treacherous terrain traversal very forgiving.

Class Abilities

Hunters have access to Dodge Abilities. These tactical-tumbles briefly make you more evasive towards enemy fire while providing an instant offensive benefit.

Gambler's Dodge has a medium duration cooldown and instantly refills a Melee Ability Charge if used while near an enemy.

  • This Dodge is core to many Hunter builds, allowing extremely high uptime on Subclass Melee Abilities.
  • Gambler's Dodge naturally recharges faster than most Melee Abilities.

For a variety of meta and endgame build options, check out our Hunter Build Guides.


Titan fulfills the fantasy of those who want to do one thing and one thing only: punch everything. This is the class for those who want to be the tank of the team while being in the thick of it all the time.

Now Titan has some of the strongest abilities in the game from Banner of War, Consecration, and Knockout to absolutely decimate targets around you. With constant access to damage reduction, melee damage, and health regeneration you can tank anything thrown your way.

Finally this class is unique in the fact that it has access to exotics that are usable on any subclass you pick. Some examples of these multi-class exotics are Heart of Inmost Light, Synthoceps, Hazardous Propulsion, and Armamentarium.

Click or tap the buttons below to learn about each Hunter Jump and Class Ability.

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This Article's Titan Class and Subclass sections were primarily written by Byrdman.

Movement Abilities

Titans Movement Abilities are closer to what a jetpack would feel like in other games. This is a consistent movement tool that allows for easy and predictable flight, but can be a detriment when falling. Remember when jumping off a cliff to activate your jump about 10 meters before you hit the ground to avoid fall damage.

Strafe Lift is a perfect option for those looking to have the best of all worlds. This gives great directional control, height, and movement for your Titan while in air. You might not get the highest or fastest boost from this, but this is the best for someone looking to get a little bit of everything.

Class Abilities

Titans take advantage of their barricade ability for defense in aggressive situations. Either take advantage of a large barricade with Towering Barricade or a small efficient one with Rally Barricade. On Arc or Prismatic Titan take advantage of Thruster to dodge while on the ground for efficient movement.

Rally Barricade is the most popular option among Titans for it's fast cooldown and boost to reload, stability, and range stats. It doesn't provide as much cover, but the boosts it provides are worth it.

For a variety of meta and endgame build options, check out our Titan Build Guides.


The Warlock class embodies the classic fantasy of a powerful Sorcerer, wielding arcane forces to protect their fireteam and dominate enemies. Warlocks provide crucial healing and support unmatched by any other class.

Beyond support, Warlocks deal devastating damage by weaving spells and summoning elemental companions, making them a versatile force on the battlefield.

The Warlock Class Ability supports this playstyle by casting a Healing or Empower Rift for you and your allies, or Curing them with Phoenix Dive.

Click or tap the buttons below to learn about each Warlock Jump and Class Ability.

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This Article's Warlock Class and Subclass sections were primarily written by AbbyHour.

Movement Abilities

The Warlock's Movement Ability is a glide and your selection dictates the movement of that glide. These Movement Abilities take a bit of experience to master, especially during jumping puzzles, so experiment with each one to figure out what works for you.

Burst Glide is the recommended Movement Ability for PvE players due to its strong initial boost of speed. This jump propels you forward quicker than any other and can be paired with Icarus Dash for speedruns.

Class Abilities

Warlocks have access to Rift Abilities and a Healing Dive. These class abilities allow you to hold your ground and continue the fight without retreating.

Conjure a Healing Rift at your feet to continuously heal yourself and allies while inside it.

  • This class ability is the standard pick for most Warlock builds because it provides easy survivability.
  • If you're full health, the Rift grants an Overshield while you are inside its radius.
  • Requires you to stand still while casting, so make sure you're in a safe location. Even though you receive minor damage resistance during the cast, it won't entirely protect you.

For a variety of meta and endgame build options, check out our Warlock Build Guides.

Hunter Subclasses


Flow with the current, Hunter. Arcstrider is Hunter's Arc Subclass. It focuses on dealing devastating close quarters Melee damage while being extremely agile.

This Subclass focuses on the Amplified, Jolt, and Bolt Charge Elemental Mechanics - learn more about these here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Flow State: It's easier to get Amplified and the Buff is upgraded. With it, your Dodge Ability comes back faster and you are harder to kill when using it, while your Weapons reload significantly faster.

Melee Abilities

  • Combination Blow: Arcstrider's core component, punch and kill an enemy to heal yourself and gain a stacking punch-melee damage buff. Killing an enemy with this also instantly recharges your Class Ability.

Super Abilities

  • Gathering Storm: throw your electrified staff, impaling targets directly hit before causing an explosion and dealing massive damage over time. Great for bosses.

Grenade Abilities

  • Skip Grenade
  • Pulse Grenade
  • Arcbolt Grenade
  • Storm Grenade
  • Lightning Grenade
  • Flux Grenade

Using the Spark of Shock Fragment allows Arc Grenades to Jolt targets.

Warning: the Ascension Aspect and the Storm's Edge Super Ability can't be used without ownership of The Final Shape Expansion.

Basic Gameplay Loop

The most common Arcstrider build archetype utilizes Combination Blow, Lethal Current, Flow State, and Gambler's Dodge to create the "Top-Tree Arcstrider Loop" It's called that because that's what it was called in 2017 when the game came out - this gameplay loop is the ONLY gameplay loop unchanged all this time later, it has only gotten stronger.

  • Punch and kill an enemy with Combination Blow to gain a stack of a melee damage boost and heal. Gambler's Dodge to get Combination Blow back. Keep doing this for as long as enemies are alive.
  • Lethal Current's explosions help you clear out low-tier enemies faster.
  • Flow State makes you agile with Amplified and makes you even harder to kill while using Gambler's Dodge.


Sling incendiary armaments, Hunter. Gunslinger is Hunter's Solar Subclass. Gunslingers are glass cannons that focus on throwing knives and enhancing your Weapons.

This Subclass focuses on the Radiant, Scorch, and Ignition Elemental Mechanics - learn more about these here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Knock 'Em Down has two effects: it passively enhances certain parts of your Super Ability, and your Melee Abilities refund themselves if they kill a target while you are Radiant. Synergistic with the Ember of Torches Fragment.

Melee Abilities

  • Knife Trick: throw a fan of 3 low velocity Knives that apply high amounts of Scorch to enemies hit by them.

Super Abilities

  • Blade Barrage: throw a massive spread of exploding knives with mediocre tracking. Great for bosses.

Grenade Abilities

  • Fusion Grenade
  • Firebolt Grenade
  • Solar Grenade
  • Thermite Grenade
  • Incendiary Grenade
  • Swarm Grenade
  • Tripmine Grenade

Excluding Healing Grenade, all Solar Grenade Abilities apply Scorch.

Basic Gameplay Loop

The most common Gunslinger build utilizes your choice of Throwing Knife, Knock 'Em Down, and Ember of Torches to create a "Knife-Loop" where a Throwing Knife kill is a Throwing Knife earned. Provided that you don't miss, you can theoretically throw knives endlessly.

  • Gambler's Dodge serves as a backup, recharging your Melee Ability in the event that the Knife-Loop ends. If you're using Knife Trick, using the Ember of Singeing Fragment massively increases Class Ability uptime.
  • Only one Aspect is needed for this. You're free to choose between Gunpowder Gamble and On Your Mark for more emphasis on Ability damage or Weapons.
  • Ember of Torches ensures that you are always Radiant, making your Weapons more lethal.


They won't see their end, Hunter. Nightstalker is Hunter's Void Subclass. It focuses on manipulation, with the ability to go Invisible and Debuff enemies.

This Subclass focuses on the Invisibility and Weaken Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Stylish Executioner: killing a target affected by any Void Debuff gives you Invisibility. While affected with the Invisibility gained from this Aspect, your next Melee Attack deals massively increased damage - unpowered Melee Attacks also gain increased lunging range and Weaken enemies hit by it. This Aspect has a short cooldown before it can be triggered again.

Melee Ability

  • Snare Bomb: throw a highly versatile explosive. It attaches to its impact location, detonating if enemies approach or shortly after directly striking an enemy. Once triggered, it deals damage over time while Weakening and Disorienting enemies.

Super Abilities

  • Shadowshot: Deadfall: draw a Bow of Void Light and fire a projectile that leaves an anchor where it lands. It lays dormant until an enemy goes near it, causing it to tether to in its large radius enemies for a long duration. Tethered enemies are significantly Weakened and Suppressed. Great for supporting your team.

Grenade Abilities

  • Magnetic Grenade
  • Vortex Grenade
  • Void Spike
  • Scatter Grenade
  • Void Wall
  • Axion Bolt

Using the Echo of Undermining Fragment allows Void Grenades to Weaken enemies.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Nightstalker doesn't actually have a base-gameplay loop. Invisibility is an extremely powerful Buff that's borderline impossible to get on other Subclasses. Nightstalkers build around their Exotic Weapons and Armor, with their easy access to Invisibility and team-supporting Abilities serving as the backbone. Check out our Nightstalker Builds for more information!


Show them a cold end to their brittle existence, Hunter. Revenant is Hunter's Stasis Subclass. It mixes crowd control with high damage output, sustaining itself through combat.

This Subclass focuses on the Slow, Freeze, Shatter, Stasis Shard, and Stasis Crystal Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Winter's Shroud: your Class Ability now emits a non-damaging Slowing blast, and Slowing enemies briefly massively increases Class Ability cooldown speed. Using your Class Ability gives you potent damage resistance for 4 seconds.

Melee Ability

  • Withering Blade: throw a shuriken that Slows targets and has two Ability charges. Shurikens ricochet on impact, tracking nearby enemies. Enemies hit by two shurikens Freeze.

Super Ability

  • Silence and Squall: throw Stasis Kamas, Silence and then Squall. Silence creates a massive Freezing blast on impact. Squall creates a Stasis Tornado that follows enemies, dealing massive damage over time while rapidly Slowing, Freezing, and Shattering enemies caught in the storm. The Whisper of Durance Fragment makes Squall last longer. Great in any situation!

Grenade Abilities

  • Duskfield Grenade: thrown Darkness creates a Slowing sphere-shaped field. Though it deals non-existent damage, enemies inside rapidly Freeze and can be Shattered. Whisper of Durance makes this Grenade last longer.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Revenant is a highly versatile Subclass, able to specialize into its Melee Ability, Grenade Ability, and survivability with its multifaceted Aspects.

  • Grim Harvest, Winter's Shroud, and Gambler's Dodge combine to give you extremely high Withering Blade uptime in addition to potent damage reduction and minor healing.
  • Touch of Winter combines with the Whisper of Shards and Whisper of Fissures Fragments to have high uptime on your choice of deadly crowd-controlling Grenade.
  • Shatterdive is core to an immensely popular advanced movement technique called Shatter Skating. If you're into games with extremely fast movement, you should look into this. Many guides for it exist on YouTube.


Weave your desires into their unmaking, Hunter. Threadrunner is Hunter's Strand Subclass. It's a high octane ad-destroying machine, though it often lacks in the boss-damage-per-second department.

This Subclass focuses on the Sever, Tangle, Suspend, and Unravel Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.

WARNING: Threadrunner requires ownership of the Lightfall Expansion.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Whirling Maelstrom: your thrown and detonated Tangles turn into spinning balls of death that track enemies, rapidly dealing damage to them for a long duration. It creates infectious Unraveling projectiles whenever it kills an enemy. Like normal Tangles, you can freely Grapple onto spinning balls of death.

Melee Ability

  • Threaded Spike: throw a rope-dart that Severs targets on hit and ricochets between many enemies. Each enemy hit by this Ability refunds a portion of your Melee Ability energy - the rope-dart returns to you shortly after, use your Powered melee input to catch it and refund a larger portion of energy. This Ability is capable of fully refunding itself.

Super Ability

  • Silkstrike: this roaming Super flings itself across the battlefield with unlimited Grapple charges. Its light attack swings your rope-dart, dealing massive damage in a very small and precise area - killing with this causes an explosion. The heavy attack twirls the rope-dart around, dealing significantly less damage in a massive area while flinging you into further into the air if you were already airborne. High total damage, low damage per second.

Grenade Abilities

  • Grapple: form a grappling hook of Strand matter to propel yourself forwards and gain access to the Grapple Melee Ability override.
    • Use your Powered Melee input while Grappling or while affected by Grapple's momentum to use a powerful Melee Strike that Unravels targets it hits. This Ability counts as both a Grenade and a Powered Melee Ability.
    • Grappling onto Tangles doesn't consume your Grapple Ability charge, letting you use this Ability's mobility and its Melee's power freely.
    • Cancelling Grapple shortly after using it refunds half of the spent Ability Charge.

The extremely popular Thread of Generation Fragment ensures extremely high uptime on Strand Grenade Abilities.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Most Threadrunner builds are centered around Grapple. Pairing it with Widow's Silk and Whirling Maelstrom gives you tons of opportunities to use Grapple for free, amounting to an endless loop of high-mobility Spiderman-like combat.

  • Use Grapple and then immediately cancel it to create a Grapple-Tangle for only half of one of your two Grenade Ability charges. You can now freely Grapple onto this, allowing you to spam Grapple-Melee to take combatants out.
  • Killing with your Abilities creates a Tangle. These can be Grappled to and then thrown and then Grappled to again, creating a deadly Whirling Maelstrom that can also be Grappled onto.

Prismatic Hunter

Take the lessons gathered from each Element and Transcend into something new, Hunter. Prismatic Subclasses borrow Aspects and Abilities from the other Subclasses, their combination is potent and versatile and the Transcendence mechanic further increases that power.

Transcendence is a Super-lite Ability that must be charged up by dealing damage with Light and Darkness Elements - Arc Solar Void are Light Elements, while Stasis Strand are Darkness Elements - using it gives you passive damage and survivability buffs, an overriding Grenade Ability, and massively increased Melee and Grenade Ability uptime. Learn more about this here.

WARNING: Prismatic Hunter requires ownership of The Final Shape Expansion.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Stylish Executioner: Killing a target affected by any Elemental Debuff gives you Invisibility. While affected with the Invisibility gained from this Aspect, your next Melee Attack deals massively increased damage - unpowered Melee Attacks also gain increased lunging range and Weaken enemies hit by it. This Aspect has a short cooldown before it can be triggered again.

Grenade Abilities

  • Arcbolt Grenade
  • Swarm Grenade
  • Magnetic Grenade
  • Duskfield Grenade: thrown Darkness creates a Slowing sphere-shaped field. Though it deals non-existent damage, enemies inside rapidly Freeze and can be Shattered.

Super Abilities

  • Silence and Squall: throw Stasis Kamas, Silence and then Squall. Silence creates a massive Freezing blast on impact. Squall creates a Stasis Tornado that follows enemies, dealing massive damage over time while rapidly Slowing, Freezing, and Shattering enemies caught in the storm. Great in any situation!

Melee Abilities

  • Combination Blow: punch and kill an enemy to heal yourself and gain a stacking punch-melee damage buff. Killing an enemy with this also instantly recharges your Class Ability.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Prismatic Hunter is highly versatile and can run dozens of different builds, though the most popular one mirrors Arcstrider's "Top-Tree Arcstrider" gameplay loop. Combination Blow and Gambler's Dodge are paired with Stylish Executioner and Winter's Shroud.

  • Punch and kill an enemy with Combination Blow to gain a stack of a melee damage boost and heal. Gambler's Dodge to get Combination Blow back. Keep doing this for as long as enemies are alive.
  • Winter's Shroud grants lingering potent damage resistance when using Gambler's Dodge. Its Slowing effect Freezes enemies after using your Class Ability twice, the resulting Shatters help you quickly clear out low-tier enemies.
  • Stylish Executioner procs when you kill an enemy that was Debuffed by Winter's Shroud, making you Invisible and making your next Melee do significantly more damage and allowing it to Weaken targets.

Titan Subclasses


Smash your enemies with the Striker Titan Arc subclass. Focused on healing you with every punch, you can make some devastating blows with this subclass.

This Subclass focuses on the Amplified, Jolt, Bolt Charge, and Blind Elemental Mechanics - learn more about these here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Storm's Keep enhances your Class Ability, causing it to generate multiple Bolt Charge stacks for yourself and nearby allies whenever it's used. Your Barricade Abilities gain the added effect of passively giving allies behind it stacks of Bolt Charge passively, and allows this buff to Discharge through Weapon damage rather than exclusively Ability or Melee damage. This Aspect provides invaluable offensive Support to your team.

Melee Abilities

  • Thunderclap lets you charge up a devastating thunder punch that increases in damage the longer you wait. You have potent damage resistance while using this Ability and for a short period after.

Super Abilities

  • Thundercrash is for those who want to turn themselves into a living missile to damage enemies. What's great about this super is its a quick activation and does massive damage to a target. Combine this with exotics like Cuirass of the Falling Star to increase its damage and be a top DPS member of your fireteam.

Grenade Abilities

  • Skip Grenade
  • Pulse Grenade
  • Arcbolt Grenade
  • Storm Grenade
  • Lightning Grenade
  • Flux Grenade

Using the Spark of Shock Fragment allows Arc Grenades to Jolt targets.

Basic Gameplay Loop

The gameplay loop for Striker Titan might be the most simple of the 3 classes: punch everything. The best thing to do is constantly be moving and take advantage of the benefits you get from Amplified. The most popular Arc setup uses Cuirass of the Falling Star and this loop below:

  • Play around your Weapons and generate Super energy. We recommend saving your Thundercrash for Cosses or Champions, though it's still incredibly useful for clearly large groups of enemies.
  • Use your Pulse Grenade that is boosted by Touch of Thunder to gain more energy from Ionic Trace to enjoy high Ability uptime.


Throw a flaming hammer and constantly heal yourself with the Sunbreaker subclass. This is a classic setup that has carried many Titans in endgame content. Take advantage of big super damage exotics like Pyrogale Gauntlets to eviscerate enemies in a single slam.

This Subclass focuses on the Radiant, Scorch, and Ignition Elemental Mechanics - learn more about these here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Sol Invictus is a top tier aspect for Titan giving the class healing and damage at the same time. Killing targets with your Abilities or those affected by Solar Debuffs creates a Sunspot, enemies within take damage and Scorch over time. Entering the Sunspot gives you Restoration to heal, improved ability regeneration, and longer lasting Super Abilities. Standing in a Sunspot makes it last longer. This is an absolute LOCK on every Solar Titan build.

Melee Abilities

  • Throwing Hammer is the most unique Titan melee. Throw a flaming hammer from a distance to knock out enemies and pick it back up to regain the entire melee charge. Once you pick it back up you gain Cure making it great for being in the thick of it.

Super Abilities

  • Hammer of Sol is great for those looking to constantly Scorch targets and do damage from a distance. This is a roaming super so you have plenty of time to run around and throw hammers. If you stand in your sunspots from Sol Invictus your super lasts longer as well giving you more time to do damage.

Grenade Abilities

  • Fusion Grenade
  • Firebolt Grenade
  • Solar Grenade
  • Thermite Grenade
  • Incendiary Grenade
  • Swarm Grenade
  • Tripmine Grenade

Excluding Healing Grenade, all Solar Grenade Abilities apply Scorch.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Right now the strongest setup for Solar Titan utilizes Pyrogale Gauntlets in conjunction with Burning Maul, Consecration and Sol Invictus.

  • Most of the time you can run around and melee enemies with Throwing Hammer to create sunspots and gain Cure and Restoration. This keeps you tanky and healthy while you gain super energy.
  • When large crowds are in front of your take advantage of Consecration to nuke entire areas. With Pyrogale Gauntlets secondary ability your Consecration creates a small Solar cyclone that continues to damage targets.
  • When against bosses activate your Burning Maul to create a devastating slam that creates a massive Ignition and 3 Solar cyclones that continue to damage the target.


Defend your fireteam and tank insane damage with the Sentinel Titan subclass. Constantly heal and defend against enemy fire with Ward of Dawn or cut targets in half with Twilight Arsenal.

This Subclass focuses on the Overshield, Volatile and Weaken Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Offensive Bulwark is an Aspect that most Void Titans should always have on. While having Overshield or are inside Ward of Dawn you gain increased grenade energy, melee range and damage, while your basic Melee attacks now count as Powered Melees. Additionally, your melee final blows replenish Overshields and extend them. This is perfect to constantly stay healthy while gaining great passive benefits. Also while you have Sentinel Shield active you gain another shield to throw which is fun for that Captain America fantasy.

Melee Abilities

  • Shield Bash is for those looking to do big melee damage to a single target. Charge forward for a short time to ready this Ability and use to strike the target with a devastating bash that Suppresses targets and gives you a Overshield.

Super Abilities

  • Sentinel Shield has multiple uses depending on how you want to play. Throw your Shield to damage numerous enemies as it ricochets between them before bashing enemies once you close the distance while roaming around. Guarding with the shield creates a wall that blocks incoming fire and also allow teammates to shoot through. Note that when allies fire through this shield their damage is massively boosted.

Grenade Abilities

  • Magnetic Grenade
  • Vortex Grenade
  • Void Spike
  • Scatter Grenade
  • Void Wall
  • Axion Bolt

Using the Echo of Undermining Fragment allows Void Grenades to Weaken enemies.

Warning: the Unbreakable Aspect and the Twilight Arsenal Super Ability can't be used without ownership of The Final Shape Expansion.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Void has the unique ability of having many solid builds that goes with any of its Supers. Below are some options that include the exotics that make them shine above the rest.

  • Now Sentinel Shield has two different setups that you can use. If you want to constantly roam with your super and throw shields then use Doom Fang Pauldron. You constantly gain more super energy while using Sentinel Shield and even gain Void weapons boosts when out of your super. If you want to defend teammates and be a support role use Ursa Furiosa. You can hold up your Void wall longer and move around more efficiently with it. This also boosts Unbreakable as well with the same abilities.
  • Use Mask of the Quiet One to constantly boost your Void abilities and gain Devour on rapid final blows.


Shatter targets with Stasis damage using the Behemoth Titan subclass. This subclass creates and destroys Stasis Crystals that do large AoE damage on targets. Use exotics like Hoarfrost-Z to create large walls of Stasis Crystals or Cadmus Ridge Lancecap to boost the ability of your Diamond Lance Aspect.

This Subclass focuses on the Slow, Freeze, Shatter, Stasis Shard, and Stasis Crystal Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Tectonic Harvest is a key aspect for those looking to have constant access to Stasis Shards and Frost Armor. By shattering Stasis Crystals or Frozen targets you create a shard. Collect them to gain Melee Ability energy, a small chunk of healing, and the damage reduction from Frost Armor. This typically is a lock on all our Stasis builds.

Melee Ability

  • The one and only Stasis melee is Shiver Strike. This is a fun one for its high mobility and ability to freeze targets. Activate this melee ability to close the gap between you and target hitting them and placing a Stasis explosive. This knocks them back and create a delayed explosion that Freezes targets.

Super Ability

  • Glacial Quake is a devastating roaming super that creates many Stasis Crystal to shatter. You can then close the gap and melee these crystals to do even more damage. This is a great Super for large targets or large groups of mobs.

Grenade Abilities

  • Glacier Grenade: throw a cluster of Stasis matter, creating a wall of large Stasis Crystals. These have multiple uses: they Freeze nearby combatants as they form, block enemy fire to serve as a makeshift barricade, are usable as platforms for platforming-puzzles, and can be Shattered to deal devastating damage to nearby enemies.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Behemoth Titan is simple in the fact that the one and only thing you should be doing is shattering Stasis Crystals to do massive AoE damage.

  • Use the Exotic chest piece Hoarfrost-Z to create a massive wall of Stasis Crystals. This is great because it turns a typical defensive ability and gives it an offensive use. In conjunction with your Glacier Grenade this is a great build setup.
  • If you're wanting to sit back and take targets out then try Cadmus Ridge Lancecap with Diamond Lance. This increases the effect of your Lance and creates more Stasis Crystals.


What could be considered the strongest Subclass for Titan is Berserker. Take advantage of the insane healing and melee effects of Banner of War and constantly shred targets with your Frenzied Blade.

This Subclass focuses on the Woven Mail, Sever, Tangle, Suspend, and Unravel Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.

WARNING: Berserker requires ownership of the Lightfall Expansion.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Banner of War is the crowned jewel of Strand Titan and a must on every build. Scoring a Melee, Sword, Finisher, or Super-Ability-Swipe Kill raises the stackable Banner of War, giving yourself and nearby allies myriad buffs: deal more Melee damage, Sword damage, and heal periodically automatically. Killing an enemy adds more time to the buff. Gain more stacks of the Banner by defeating multiple enemies who are either nearby or killed by nearby allies. Each stack increases how often the Banner pulses to heal yourself and allies - with the maximum of 4 stacks, the Banner heals every second!

Melee Ability

  • Frenzied Blade is incredibly unique for Titan allowing you 3 charges of this Ability. Use it to slash and dash forwards, damaging and Severing targets in front of you. This Ability has massively improved regeneration speed based off of its current charge count, restoring the slowest when fully empty and the fastest while having two charges.

Super Ability

  • Bladefury is one of the strongest roaming Supers for titan allowing you melee at incredible speeds. This Sever targets and does increased damage to targets affected by Suspend. Use your heavy attack to send out a Suspending blast that does damage plus afflict targets with the debuff.

Grenade Abilities

  • Grapple: form a grappling hook of Strand matter to propel yourself forwards and gain access to the Grapple Melee Ability override.
    • Use your Powered Melee input while Grappling or while affected by Grapple's momentum to use a powerful Melee Strike that Unravels targets it hits. This Ability counts as both a Grenade and a Powered Melee Ability.
    • Grappling onto Tangles doesn't consume your Grapple Ability charge - letting you use this Ability's mobility and its Melee's power freely.
    • Cancelling Grapple shortly after using it refunds half of the spent Ability Charge.

The extremely popular Thread of Generation Fragment ensures extremely high uptime on Strand Grenade Abilities.

Basic Gameplay Loop

They key gameplay loop for Berserker Titan is going heavy into you Melee Abilities. Having constant access to Frenzied Blade and Banner of War it huge for high melee damage and healing in mobs of enemies.

  • Equip Banner of War and Into the Fray to have constant access to your melee ability and damage. You have Woven Mail at all times for damage reduction and plenty of healing as well.
  • Consider using Grapple for more mobility on your Titan while also being able to access increased damage with its Melee Override. This is great for builds that use Exotics like Wormgod Caress or Synthoceps.

Prismatic Titan

Prismatic Titan takes highlights and undervalued items from each of the 5 Titan Subclasses and puts them together. You have the ability to choose how you play with this amalgam of a Subclass with either melee, distance, or even a combination of both. Lets go over some of the key features of this unique subclass first.

Transcendence is a Super-lite Ability that must be charged up by dealing damage with Light and Darkness Elements - Arc Solar Void are Light Elements, while Stasis Strand are Darkness Elements - using it gives you passive damage and survivability buffs, an overriding Grenade Ability, and massively increased Melee and Grenade Ability uptime. Learn more about this here.

WARNING: Prismatic Titan requires ownership of The Final Shape Expansion.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Consecration has become a staple of Prismatic Titan for it's excellent Ad-clear capability. Combining this with Frenzied Blade grants you 3 charges of this devastating Igniting attack. This is also huge for those who want to crutch on their Transcendence with having those charges consistently recharge.

Grenade Abilities

Super Abilities

  • Twilight Arsenal throw out 3 Void axes that Weaken targets and do massive damage. Then pick back up those axes to either use multiple swings or one massive AoE damage throw.

Melee Abilities

  • Frenzied Blade is for those looking to combo aspects like Consecration with it for multiple charges. This has the added utility of allowing you to Sever targets, causing them to do less damage.

Basic Gameplay Loop

If you're wanting the best setup currently for Prismatic Titan would be one that works with high ability regeneration and dealing big damage with Consecration.

  • Equip both Frenzied Blade and Consecration to constantly run around unleashing these massive Ignition waves. Like I said above this gets even better when using Transcendence so you have almost instant ability regeneration.
  • Knockout is great as well for this since Consecration activates its defensive and speed-enhancing effects.
  • Of the many Exotics that would be great for this setup, a large portion are the various combinations available to the Stoicism Exotic Class Item. We recommend Spirit of Inmost Light with either Spirit of Synthoceps or Spirit of Severance. If you don't have this class item then Heart of Inmost Light or Synthoceps are a perfect alternative.

Warlock Subclasses


Feel the Lightning at your fingertips as Stormcaller, Warlock's Arc Subclass. Charge yourself with Arc energy and unleash destruction on surrounding enemies.

This Subclass focuses on the Amplified, Bolt Charge, Ionic Trace, and Jolt Elemental Mechanics - learn more about these here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Arc Soul: Modifies your Healing Rift to summon a ball of Arc energy that fires projectiles at nearby targets. Allies can pass through your Rift to gain an Arc Soul. While Amplified, your Arc buddies are supercharged and gain an increased rate of fire.

Melee Abilities

  • Chain Lightning: A short range melee ability that applies Jolt and chains lightning to nearby targets. Being Amplified creates an additional set of chains.

Super Abilities

  • Chaos Reach: Charge up and channel a long-range beam of concentrated Arc energy. When damage is sustained on a single target, this Super ability applies Jolt. You can cancel the cast and receive a partial refund of Super energy. The amount of energy you get back depends on how early you cancel your Super.

Grenade Abilities

  • Skip Grenade
  • Pulse Grenade
  • Arcbolt Grenade
  • Storm Grenade
  • Lightning Grenade
  • Flux Grenade

Using the Spark of Shock Fragment allows Arc Grenades to Jolt targets.

Basic Gameplay Loop

The most common Stormcaller build archetype centers around generating Ionic Traces to supercharge your abilities and maximize uptime.

  • Cast your Healing Rift to activate Arc Soul, which summons a ball of Arc energy that automatically targets and fires at enemies. Allies passing through your Healing Rift gain an Arc Soul as well.
  • Each defeated enemy generates an Ionic Trace—a bolt of seeking Arc energy. Collecting these traces provides a substantial boost to ability energy for your grenade, melee, and class ability, while also making you Amplified, increasing your movement speed.


Emerge from the ashes like a blazing Phoenix, unleashing a storm of fire upon your enemies. Dawnblade is Warlock's Solar Subclass. This class is best at healing and supporting your fireteam but can also output devastating damage.

Dawnblade focuses on the Restoration, Cure, Scorch, and Ignition Elemental Mechanics - learn more about these here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Touch of Flame: Useful in almost every Solar Warlock build because it enhances certain Grenade Abilities: Healing Grenades have increased healing strength. Firebolt Grenades target significantly more enemies in a larger area. Solar Grenades last longer and emit Magma Orbs, dealing even more damage. Fusion Grenades explode a second time.

Melee Abilities

  • Incinerator Snap: A short range melee ability that sends out a fan of 5 burning sparks. These sparks explode, dealing damage and applying Scorch. Inflict all 5 sparks on one target for a guaranteed Ignition.

Super Abilities

  • Song of Flame: This Super makes you Radiant, providing 90% damage resistance for you and 30% for nearby allies, while allowing Solar and Kinetic weapons to Scorch targets on hit—benefiting your teammates as well. When activated, Song of Flame replaces your grenade and melee with supercharged Solar versions of these abilities.

Grenade Abilities

  • Fusion Grenade
  • Firebolt Grenade
  • Solar Grenade
  • Thermite Grenade
  • Incendiary Grenade
  • Swarm Grenade
  • Tripmine Grenade

Excluding Healing Grenade, all Solar Grenade Abilities apply Scorch.

Warning: the Hellion Aspect and the Song of Flame Super Ability can't be used without ownership of The Final Shape Expansion.

Basic Gameplay Loop

The most common Dawnblade build easily Scorches enemies, triggering Ignitions to clear the room, whether through weapons, melee abilities, or grenades. Provide Radiant to your allies and boost their weapon damage while keeping them alive with Healing Grenades and Well of Radiance. The Solar Warlock can focus on both damage and support.

  • Phoenix Dive and Heat Rises work together to Scorch your enemies and heal your allies granting Cure x2 and Restoration x2.
  • Touch of Flame enhances your Solar grenades, improving the strength of Restoration from Healing Grenades and increasing the damage of others.


Harness dark energy to control the battlefield, using abilities like Nova Bomb for devastating explosions and Devour to sustain themselves with constant healing. Voidwalker is Warlock's Void Subclass.

This Subclass focuses on the Devour and Weaken Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Feed the Void: Defeating targets with a Void ability activates an enhanced version of Devour. Every kill while under the effects of this buff heals you to full and returns a large chunk of Grenade Ability energy!

Melee Ability

  • Pocket Singularity: This is the only Void melee ability for Warlocks. Fling a tracking explosive which pushes enemies away, dealing damage and inflicting Volatile.

Super Abilities

  • Nova Bomb: Cataclysm: The slower moving, tracking Nova Bomb. Upon detonation, Void seekers are released which track other nearby enemies.

Grenade Abilities

  • Magnetic Grenade
  • Vortex Grenade
  • Void Spike
  • Scatter Grenade
  • Void Wall
  • Axion Bolt

Using the Echo of Undermining Fragment allows Void Grenades to Weaken enemies.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Most of the popular Void Warlock builds focus on maximizing Devour uptime. Devour keeps you alive and provides grenade regeneration for every kill while under its effect.

  • Throw your Vortex Grenade into a group of enemies. This Void Grenade pulls targets towards the point of impact, lingering longer thanks to Chaos Accelerant. The cooldown is shortened significantly while Devour is active.
  • Lean further into grenades with your Void Warlock fragments. Echo of Undermining causes your grenades to Weaken targets, while Echo of Instability grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons after a grenade kill.


Wield abilities that Freeze and Shatter enemies. Shadebinder is Warlock's Stasis Subclass.

This Subclass focuses on the Slow, Freeze, Shatter, and Stasis Shard Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Glacial Harvest: Freezing targets creates Stasis Shards. Collecting Stasis Shards grants melee energy. Collect Stasis Shards to gain up to five Frost Armor stacks.

Melee Ability

  • Penumbral Blast: Sends out a short-range projectile that Freezes targets on impact.

Super Ability

  • Winter's Wrath: Conjure a Stasis staff. Your primary attack unleashes a burst of Stasis projectiles that Freeze enemies on impact. The secondary attack of this Super ability shatters all surrounding enemies afflicted with Freeze. Great for ad control but not for boss damage.

Grenade Abilities

  • Coldsnap Grenade: throw a Stasis Seeker that activates after impacting the ground, it tracks enemies and creates a small instantly-Freezing explosion on contact. The Seeker reforms itself if it successfully hits an enemy, a chaining effect that can occur twice.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Shadebinder Warlock is great in many situations, including endgame, with its ability to lock down spawns with freezing turrets and generate lots of Stasis Shards. The gameplay loop revolves around Freezing and Shattering groups of enemies to create devastating chain reactions.

  • Start the gameplay loop by throwing your Coldsnap Grenade to freeze enemies on impact or charge it to throw out a Bleak Watcher turret if that Aspect is equipped.
  • When heavily damaged, Frozen targets Shatter, dealing damage around them. Whisper of Fissures increases the damage and size of the burst.
  • Use Stasis-specific weapon perks like Headstone and Chill Clip to freeze more enemies and further increase your Shatter potential.


Strand Warlock weaves Threadling minions to do their bidding, Suspending and Unravel enemies in their path. Broodweaver is Warlock's Strand Subclass.

This Subclass focuses on the Threadling, Tangle, Suspend, and Unravel Elemental Mechanics - learn more about them here.

WARNING: Broodweaver requires ownership of the Lightfall Expansion.


Two can be used at a time

  • Mindspun Invocation: All 3 grenade types have enhanced functionality: Grapple's Melee override spawns 3 Threadlings. Threadling Grenade Hold the Grenade input to generate 5 Perched Threadlings. Shackle Grenade Hold the Grenade input to gain Weaver's Trance for a long period of time, any kill you make with this Buff creates a Suspending blast - this is the most popular use of this Aspect.

Melee Ability

  • Arcane Needle: Strand Warlocks have 3 melee charges of Arcane Needle that recharge faster that more you have charged up. These thrown needles seek targets within range, dealing damage and applying Unravel.

Super Ability

  • Needlestorm: Conjure a hail of deadly woven needles that embed themselves in the environment, transforming into a swarm of supercharged Threadlings. This Super ability is perfect for clearing out unruly groups of ads or hurling at a Boss for a powerful burst of damage.

Grenade Abilities

  • Shackle Grenade: throw a Bola of Strand matter that creates a Suspending detonation on impact, dealing mediocre damage. It also creates erratic submunitions which deal reduced damage that also Suspend enemies.

The extremely popular Thread of Generation Fragment ensures extremely high uptime on Strand Grenade Abilities.

Basic Gameplay Loop

Most Broodweaver builds focus on spawning Threadlings to attack enemies for you. The Strand Warlock excels at spreading Unravel across entire rooms of enemies while Suspending them, leaving them immobilized for a period of time. Many of your Strand Fragments support this playstyle by improving Threadling damage and travel distance, or spreading Suspend to more enemies.

  • Cast your Arcane Needle to start Unraveling enemies. Enemies defeated when Unraveled unwind into a Tangle.
  • Throw Tangles at enemies to deal damage and detonate a Suspending burst with The Wanderer aspect.
  • Equip the Mindspun Invocation aspect and consume your Shackle Grenade to activate Weaver's Trance which creates a suspending detonation on final blows.

Prismatic Warlock

Prismatic Subclasses borrow Aspects and Abilities from the other Subclasses, their combination is potent and versatile, and the Transcendence mechanic further increases that power. In many cases, the Prismatic subclass improves existing Warlock builds, allowing you to dip into other elemental mechanics.

Transcendence is a Super-lite Ability that must be charged up by dealing damage with Light and Darkness Elements - Arc Solar Void are Light Elements, while Stasis Strand are Darkness Elements - using it gives you passive damage and survivability buffs, an overriding Grenade Ability, and massively increased Melee and Grenade Ability uptime. Learn more about this here.

WARNING: Prismatic Warlock requires ownership of The Final Shape Expansion.


Two can be used at a time.

  • Feed the Void: Defeating targets with your abilities activates an enhanced version of Devour. For the Prismatic subclass, this means kills from Volatile, Shatter, or destroyed Tangle explosions. Every kill while under the effects of this buff heals you to full and returns grenade ability energy!

Grenade Abilities

  • Vortex Grenade
  • Storm Grenade
  • Healing Grenade: Throw healing Light that attempts to track allies. It creates a collectible healing orb when impacting a surface which grants yourself and allies Cure and Restoration. Throw it at your feet for instant healing!

Super Abilities

  • Song of Flame: This Super makes you Radiant, providing 90% damage resistance for you and 30% for nearby allies, while allowing Solar and Kinetic weapons to Scorch targets on hit—benefiting your teammates as well. When activated, Song of Flame replaces your grenade and melee with supercharged Solar versions of these abilities.

Melee Abilities

  • Arcane Needle: Strand Warlocks have 3 melee charges of Arcane Needle that recharge faster that more you have charged up. These thrown needles seek targets within range, dealing damage and applying Unravel.

Basic Gameplay Loop

The Prismatic Warlock offers many different builds suited for endgame activities, with one of the most popular centering around elemental summons: the Bleak Watcher turret to Freeze enemies and the Hellion Solar mortar to Scorch them.

  • Consume your grenade to throw out a Bleak Watcher turret in front of you to Freeze nearby enemies.
  • Activate Phoenix Dive to heal yourself and nearby teammates while calling forth your Solar summon, the Hellion Mortar. Facet of Balance accelerates the recharge of Arcane Needle through rapid kills with Hellion, while rapid kills with Arcane Needle recharges your grenade, enabling more Bleak Watcher turrets.


This Class and Subclass Overview introduces new players to what characters are available in Destiny 2. Hunters are precise marksman with subclasses that focus on precision and accuracy. Titans are the tank class that can withstand as much damage as they put out. Their Subclasses focus on burst damage and shields. Warlocks are knowledgeable, powerful beings, whose subclasses offer support and high damage. Choose well, Guardian! Humanity is counting on you...

To learn more about how to get started in Destiny 2, check out our First Steps guide.


Written by: Xtra37, AbbyHour, Byrdman

Reviewed by: Tenkiei

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