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Fallen Sunstar Arc Warlock Build


Last Updated:February 9, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Fallen Sunstar Arc Warlock Build Guide! This build harnesses the raw electrical power of the Arc subclass, supercharging your abilities and movement speed to make you an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

The centerpiece of this build is the Exotic helmet Fallen Sunstar, which significantly boosts Arc ability regeneration and grants additional energy to your allies through the collection of Ionic Traces. With this helmet, Ionic Traces move towards you faster and grant additional ability energy.

An excess of Ionic Traces feeds Delicate Tomb. Once a joke, this Exotic Weapon received a massive buff in Episode Heresy. This Weapon's overcharged shots - which this build has near 100% uptime on - deal double damage and also Jolt enemies.

Jolt and Blind your enemies while zooming around the battlefield, chaining lightning strikes to control the crowd and keep your team ready for action.

WARNING: You must own The Witch Queen DLC to unlock the Fallen Sunstar Exotic Helmet and the Delicate Tomb Exotic Fusion Rifle.

  • High ability uptime.
  • EXTREMELY fast Ad Clear
  • No self healing outside of Healing Rift.
  • Super ability has low damage output and long cast time.

Gameplay Loop

Fallen Sunstar enhances the effectiveness of Ionic Traces, causing them to move significantly faster towards you and grant you additional ability energy upon collection. While the primary benefits go to you, your fireteam also gains 10% ability regeneration when you collect an Ionic Trace. This Exotic helmet enables an aggressive, ability-focused playstyle, letting you frequently use your abilities without worrying about downtime.

  1. Start by Jolting enemies with your Grenade or Melee Ability, killing them activates Electrostatic Mind. This generates an Ionic Trace which Amplifies you while granting a lot of Ability energy and Bolt Charge. This also massively empowers Delicate Tomb.
  2. Use your charged Delicate Tomb or your Abilities to massacre enemies, generating even more Ionic Traces to keep the loop going.
  3. Repeating this loop gradually builds Bolt Charge and a throwable Ionic Sentry. Use these often, they deal substantial damage!

Ability Breakdown


  • We recommend Chaos Reach
    • Charge up and channel a long-range beam of concentrated Arc energy. When damage is sustained on a single target, this Super ability applies Jolt. You can cancel the cast and receive a partial refund of Super energy. The amount of energy you get back depends on how early you cancel your Super. Expend the entire duration on a Boss, or use partial charge to stun and defeat Champions.
  • OR use Stormtrance in content where ad-clear is prioritized over damage output.
    • Casting this Super Ability casts a devastating Jolting bolt of lightning below you before you enter its roaming state. While roaming with this Super, you have massively increased damage resistance, Emperor-Palpatine-style zap enemies with your hands to deal escalating damage over time in a large area, or Blink forwards by using your Sprint input.


  • Healing Rift - When inside of the rift, you and allies are healed for 40hp per second. When you are at full health, it converts the healing into an over shield.
  • Burst Glide - Your jump ability is up to you.
  • Chain Lightning - A short range melee ability that applies Jolt and chains lightning to nearby targets. Being Amplified creates an additional set of chains.
  • Pulse Grenade - This grenade periodically damages targets within its radius and damaged enemies are Jolted with the Spark of Shock fragment.


  • Ionic Sentry - Landing Kinetic and Arc Weapon or Ability kills gradually charges a grenade-override which does not consume your Grenade Ability's energy. One charged, use your Grenade to throw it; the Sentry blinds in a large area on impact before zapping enemies with its own Chain Lightning. Additionally, each hit made by Ionic Sentry gives you Bolt Charge which it can also activate.
  • Electrostatic Mind - Defeating targets with Arc abilities or defeating Jolted targets, creates an Ionic Trace. Collecting an Ionic Trace makes you Amplified.


  • Spark of Shock - Pulse Grenade applies Jolt to damaged targets.
  • Spark of Ions - Create an Ion Trace when defeating a Jolted enemy or an enemy with Bolt Charge.
  • Spark of Resistance - Receive damage resistance when surrounded by enemies.
  • Spark of Discharge - Arc weapon final blows have a chance to create an Ionic Trace, which are enhanced with Fallen Sunstar. Additionally, collecting Ionic Traces gives you a stack of Bolt Charge.


Required Gear and Weapons

  • Fallen Sunstar - Ionic Traces move faster and grant additional ability energy. Nearby allies also gain ability energy when you collect an Ionic Trace.
  • Energy Weapon: Delicate Tomb - An Exotic Fusion Rifle that fires a horizontal spread when shot from the hip. Final blows generate Ionic Traces and collecting Ionic Traces overcharges this weapon's next shot, causing it to deal double damage and Jolt targets.

WARNING: You must own The Witch Queen DLC to unlock the Fallen Sunstar Exotic Helmet and Delicate Tomb Exotic Fusion Rifle.

How to acquire:

  • Focus Exotic Engrams at Rahool in the Tower.
  • Complete the Vex Strike Force Public Event on Neomuna.
  • Spend an Exotic Cipher at the Monument to Lost Lights to unlock Delicate Tomb.

Stat Priorities

  • Resilience > Discipline > Recovery.
  • Resilience is the most crucial stat to focus on. Aim for 100 Resilience to maximize your damage resistance and shield capacity, ensuring better survivability in challenging encounters.
  • Discipline decreases the cooldown on your grenade ability, allowing it to charge faster.
  • Recovery governs the cooldown on the Warlocks class ability and decreases the time it takes to regenerate your health and shields.

Learn more about the Stats available to you in Destiny 2 with our dedicated guide.

Armor Mods

ItemSlotMandatory ModsSupporting Mods
Fallen SunstarHelmetHarmonic Siphon
Harmonic Siphon
Heavy Ammo Finder
Deep Explorer GlovesGlovesImpact Induction
Momentum Transfer
Bolstering Detonation
Deep Explorer VestmentsChestCharged UpHarmonic Resistance
Deep Explorer BootsLegsArc Weapon Surge
Arc Weapon Surge
Deep Explorer BondClass ItemPowerful Attraction
Time Dilation
  • Optional Mods:
    • On your Chest, replace Harmonic Resistance with the appropriate resistance for the activity.

Armor Mods are unlocked by progressing your Guardian Rank. Check out the Guardian Ranks Guide for more information.

Artifact Perks

  • Unstoppable Fusion
    • Gives your Fusion and Linear Fusion Rifles the ability to Stun Unstoppable Champions.
  • Overclock and Load
    • Your Arc Weapons have improved Handling and Reload Speed when you're affected by Arc Elemental Buffs.
  • Dielectric
    • Defeating targets afflicted by Jolt or Blind grants you Bolt Charge.
  • Disruptor Spike
    • Increases the potency of your Sever and Exhaustion debuffs, further lowering enemy damage (Overloading effects Exhaust enemies, lowering their damage).
  • Photonic Flare
    • Defeating Severed and Exhausted enemies with Arc damage creates a Blinding explosion (Overloading effects Exhaust enemies, lowering their damage).
  • Dreadful Finisher
    • Finishing powerful combatants creates Special Ammo for you and your fireteam. More Ammo is generated when Finishing Subjugators, Tormentors, and Champions.
  • Flashover
    • Bolt Charge deals more damage. When Bolt Charge readies, you also become Amplified.
  • Particle Reconstruction
    • Dealing sustained damage to an enemy with Fusion or Linear Fusion Rifles partially reloads them and causes them to deal bonus damage to that enemy.
  • Elemental Supercharger
    • Defeating Severed and Exhausted enemies with an Elemental Weapon with the same affinity as your equipped Super Ability grants you additional Super Energy (Overloading effects Exhaust enemies, lowering their damage).

Recommend Weapons

Kinetic Weapon: Battle Scar - This World Drop Pulse Rifle drops with Shoot to Loot and Kinetic Tremors which work perfectly together to fill your ammo reserves and pick up Orbs of Power on the battlefield.

Energy Weapon: Delicate Tomb - An Exotic Fusion Rifle that fires a horizontal spread when shot from the hip. Final blows generate Ionic Traces and collecting Ionic Traces overcharges this weapon's next shot, causing it to deal double damage and Jolt targets. Delicate Tomb requires access to the Witch Queen DLC to unlock.

Power Weapon: Line in the Sand - with Clown Cartridge or Deconstruct and Bait and Switch is an easy to use Boss dps Weapon that fits in nearly any scenario. This Weapon drops from Episode Echoes activities.


New Light

This Fallen Sunstar Arc Warlock Build is very easy to gear up as a New Light player, assuming you have already acquired the Fallen Sunstar from the Witch Queen DLC.

Gear Swaps

  • Equip the recommended Armor Mods you see on the right if you haven't masterworked your armor yet. These only require 4-5 energy and help with this Arc Warlock build.
  • Swap Delicate Tomb for Coldheart which you can acquire from Xur or Exotic Engrams. This Trace Rifle outputs more damage the longer you hold it on a target and generates Ionic Traces passively.
  • Swap Hullabaloo for Bitter/Sweet, a new Grenade Launcher in Season 25.


This Fallen Sunstar Arc Warlock Build turns you into a high-speed powerhouse, capable of clearing enemies with quick charging Arc abilities and the extremely deadly Delicate Tomb. At the core of this build is the Exotic helmet, Fallen Sunstar, which boosts Arc ability regeneration for you and your allies when collecting Ionic Traces. Apply Jolt and Blind frequently to maintain control of the battlefield.


Written by: AbbyHour, Xtra37

Reviewed by: Tenkiei

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