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More Than Meets the Eye Side Quest Guide

Last Updated:July 24, 2023|Changelog

Learn all about the rewards, starting location, and how to complete the More Than Meets the Eye Side Quest.

Quest Information

Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: Foothills of Saraan
Started by: Rakhaan
Stronghold required: The Onyx Watchtower
Quest-Chain: A Fiend So Familiar (3rd quest)
Quest Rewards and Duration
Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 10:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Rakhaan's Favor

Follow up to Hunting the Relic Hunter Side Quest.

Quest Map and Quest Objectives

  1. Meet with Rakhaan at the Foothills of Saraan
  2. Find and disable the Relic in Saraan Caldera
  3. Redirect the light beams
  4. Return to Rakhaan
  5. Activate the light to dispel illusionary wall
  6. Enter the Relic Chamber
  7. Dispel the illusionary veil to expose Overseer Kafan
  8. Defeat Overseer Kafan
  9. Perform the gesture spell on the relic
  10. Speak to Rakhaan
Click for detailed Quest Objective Map

Quest Rundown

The Side Quest has 10 objectives to complete.

  1. Meet with Rakhaan at the Foothills of Saraan - After picking up the quest, go deep into the Foothills of Saraan to find Rakhaan.
  2. Find and disable the Relic in Saraan Caldera - Enter Saraan Caldera and progress until you end up in a big room.
  3. Redirect the light beams - Head south and click both Ancient Light Devices to redirect them.
  4. Return to Rakhaan
  5. Activate the light to dispel illusionary wall - Interact with the Ancient Light Device near Rakhaan.
  6. Enter the Relic Chamber - Enter the hideout near the gibbet you freed Nizaar from.
  7. Dispel the illusionary veil to expose Overseer Kafan - Activate the 4 devices, slay the monsters spawning.
  8. Defeat Overseer Kafan
  9. Perform the gesture spell on the relic - Click the Malevolent Curio.
  10. Speak to Rakhaan

Key Locations and NPCs

Objective 1Enter Saraan Caldera
Objective 1


Written by Chewingnom
Reviewed by Facefoot

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