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Witch Doctor Class Overview

Last Updated:January 7, 2024|Changelog

Witch Doctors are spiritual warriors who summon dead souls and crawling creatures to do their bidding. By surrounding themselves with conjured zombies and vermin, Witch Doctors are free to assault their enemies with exploding skulls, acrid poison clouds, and wasting curses.

Witch Doctors have two strong builds in A Tier or higher for solo pushing. They also have multiple speedy builds that are great for Nephalem Rift farming. Conjured minions and high damage skills make fighting through hordes or enemies a breeze, however the Witch Doctor isn't the most defensive class and often struggles to stay alive. Along with low defenses, the Witch Doctor can only prevent Crowd Control using Spirit Walk, making gameplay a bit more clunky and less forgiving. While not as fast as some classes at Bounties Witch Doctors can still hold their own with some great movement abilities.

In group play Witch Doctors can fill any role other than support. While not the strongest at any of the roles, they are still decent compared to most classes or builds for Trash and Rift Guardian Killing. The META is always changing as Seasons come and go and the Witch Doctor is always a decent fit!


Only a select few among the Umbaru tribes can ascend to the hallowed role of Witch Doctor, for they must possess both a history of battle and a talent for communing with spirits. The latter ability belongs solely to those born with the touch of the Unformed Land – the invisible realm where the Umbaru believe the spirits of the dead dwell once they have left Sanctuary behind.

When a man dies, Witch Doctors feel what they suspect is the breath of life leaving his cooling body. And, when calamity or genocide sends hundreds to their graves at once, Witch Doctors can sense their trembling and shrieking from beyond.

Witch Doctors cannot cover their ears to the voices of the spirits. As the sounds of disquiet grow louder, their choice is made. They must restore the balance between their world and the Unformed Land, or watch the torment of generations past for the rest of their lives… and forever after.

Read the full story of the Witch Doctor here


Maximum Mana: 750

  • +200 from Paragon points
  • +450 from secondary rolls on gear
  • +150 from Stone of Jordan
  • +10% from Spiritual Attunement
  • +50% from Gruesome Feast
  • +50% from Soul Harvest Swallow Your Soul

Passive Mana Regeneration: 50 per second

  • +42 from Primary rolls on gear
  • +7 from Inspire (Kormac Follower)
  • +40% from Vision Quest
  • +10 from Rush of Essence
  • +2% max Mana from Spiritual Attunement
  • +13 from Haunt Draining Spirit
  • +25 from Locust Swarm Devouring Swarm
  • +250 from Big Bad Voodoo Rain Dance

Active Mana Generation:

  • +5 per hit with Poison Dart Spined Dart
  • +3 per hit with Corpse Spiders Blazing Spiders
  • +9 per hit with Plague of Toads Toad Affinity
  • +150 per Firebomb cast from Mordullu’s Promise
  • +55 per enemy hit with Horrify Ruthless Terror
  • +20% from Spirit Walk Honored Guest
  • +5% per enemy hit with Soul Harvest Swallow Your Soul
  • +280 per dog from Sacrifice Pride
  • +12 per hit with Spirit Barrage The Spirit is Willing

Additional Mana sources:

  • Grave Injustice

Witch Doctors' Mana is a deep well of spiritual energy that is vast but slowly-regenerating. Witch Doctors must use their spells wisely to ensure they aren't left depleted and powerless against enemies. To help combat this Witch Doctors conserve Mana by summoning horrific creatures to do their bidding while it regenerates.

Primary attacks don't regenerate Resource like on other classes, instead they are free to cast. Witch Doctors can utilize items that increase Maximum Mana as well as Mana Regeneration, but generally these are not needed. Most builds achieve enough regen through passives alone ,allowing you to skip this roll on your gear and pick up something more beneficial.


Witch Doctors' have 3 class specific items with powerful Legendary Affixes. A Witch Doctor can use most weapons in the game, however with the exception of a few Staves and Scrimshaw, you'll mostly be using a Ceremonial Knife on this Class. While Shields can be worn, a Mojo comes with far better benefits and Class specific bonuses that don't exist on other items. Finally the Voodoo Masks find their way into almost every Witch Doctor Build whether it's part of a Set or just a powerful Legendary such as the Mask of Jeram. Let's take a look at the attribute rolls you can find on each of these item classes and why they're so powerful for the Witch Doctor

Voodoo Masks

Voodoo Masks
Voodoo Masks

Voodoo Masks are unique Witch Doctor helmets that have the same Base stats as a normal helmet, but also roll a few class-specific stats.

  • Primary rolls
    • 12-14 Mana Regeneration per second.
  • Secondary rolls
    • 120-150 Maximum Mana

Ceremonial Knives

Ceremonial Knives
Ceremonial Knives

The Witch Doctor's unique weapon is a 1-Handed Ceremonial Knife. They have 1.4 APS and include class specific Legendary Powers and stats. There are only 2 Legendary Ceremonial Knives that roll 45-60% added damage to specific skills, these are Voo's Juicer and Deadly Rebirth.

  • Primary rolls
    • 12-14 Mana Regeneration per second.
  • Secondary rolls
    • 120-150 Maximum Mana



Witch Doctor's also have a class specific off-hand in the form of a Mojo. Like the other items they can provide major bonuses to Maximum Mana and Mana Regeneration. They can roll added damage to skills like the Voodoo Mask does but from a much larger pool of options.

  • Primary rolls
    • 12-14 Mana Regeneration per second.
    • 10-15% Damage to any Witch Doctor Skill (excluding Big Bad Voodoo, Hex, Horrify, Mass Confusion and Spirit Walk)
  • Secondary rolls
    • 120-150 Maximum Mana

Sets and Builds

Helltooth Harness
Mundunugu's Regalia
Jade Harvester
Spirit of Arachyr
Zunimassa's Haunt
No Six Piece Set

Helltooth Harness

  • (2) Bonus applies Necrosis to enemies hit by primary skills, Firebats, Acid Cloud, Wall of Death, Piranhas, Grasp of the Dead, Gargantuan, Zombie Dogs and Zombie Charger. Necrosis slows enemies by 60% and deals 3,000% Weapon Damage per second for 10 seconds. This bonus is relatively meaningless.
  • (4) Bonus grants you 60% damage reduction for 10 seconds after applying Necrosis.
  • (6) Bonus provides you with a 37,500% separate damage multiplier (x376) to primary skills, Firebats, Acid Cloud, Wall of Death, Piranhas, Grasp of the Dead, Gargantuan, Zombie Dogs and Zombie Charger after casting Wall of Death.

Helltooth Harness is a versatile Witch Doctor set that provides bonus damage to tons of different skills allowing you to use different playstyles. Many builds using this set aren't the strongest in the game but serve as a great starter set when paired with various Legendary Items to gain power.

Helltooth Zombie Bears - Beginner Friendly

This build Combines the power of the Helltooth Harness, Captain Crimson's Trimmings and Endless Walk to give you a huge Damage and Toughness boost. Scrimshaw and Ursua's Trodden Effigy make Zombie Bears deal devastating damage and Ring of Emptiness combined with Locust Swarm add another massive damage multiplier. This build is a bit clunky to play but can hold its own in high Greater Rifts if played properly.

Helltooth Gargantuan - Beginner Friendly

This build uses the huge damage buff from the Helltooth Harness to enhance not 1, but 3 Gargantuans thanks to The Short Man's Finger! These little guys go around dominating everything with the Mask of Jeram and Tasker and Theo equipped. Spite is used for the added Cleave damage from Humongoid and various other damage modifying items help to really juice these guys up. This isn't the strongest Witch Doctor Build, but it does a great job of filling in the classic pet build fantasy.

Mundunugu's Regalia

  • (2) Bonus makes Big Bad Voodoo last twice as long and follow you around.
  • (4) Bonus grants you 60% damage reduction for 30 seconds after entering the Spirit Realm (Using Spirit Walk or proccing Spirit Vessel).
  • (6) Bonus provides 17,500% increased damage (x201) + an additional % equal to 5 times your Mana/sec to Spirit Barrage. The mana portion of the bonus takes your character sheet Mana regeneration, but it's meaningless overall since each Mana Regen roll on your equipment represents roughly 0.3% damage.

Mundunugu's Regalia is similar to Zunimassa's Haunt in that it buffs a specific Skill that must be used to benefit from this Set. This Set has carried Witch Doctors to the top of tier lists since its inception and does exceptionally well in speedy content, as well as when pushing Solo or in a Group.

Introduced with Season 20, Mundunugu's Regalia is the most recent addition to the Witch Doctor's repertoire and despite its funny name, the set itself is no joke at all. It focuses on releasing huge AoE bursts with aspecific setup and timing needed to deal proper damage. This build dominates in solo play and is a can be useful as a Trah Killer and RGK in groups.

Raiment of the Jade Harvester

  • (2) Bonus can critically strike but using non-critical DoT damage as a base. There’s no crit double dipping!
  • (4) Bonus grants you all runes of Soul Harvest and reduces its cooldown by 1 second everytime you cast Haunt or Locust Swarm.
  • (6) Bonus cannot critically strike as DoT damage is already affected by your critical multiplier.
  • Separate damage multipliers like Power Pylon, Convention of Elements or Oculus Rings stay fully dynamic. They are applied at the moment when you consume the DoT with either Haunt or Soul Harvest. If you hit the enemies within the Cold Convention of Elements for example all damage consumed by the Raiment of the Jade Harvester (2) Bonus and (6) Bonus will get the full 3,500 and 26,000 seconds damage bonus with the 200% damage amplification applied.
  • Quetzalcoatl is essentially a 2.0 separate damage multiplier for Jade Bonuses as it makes your DoTs deal their full damage in half their duration only.
Jade Harvester

Raiment of the Jade Harvester was one of the best Witch Doctor builds when Reaper of Souls released and still holds all these years later. It has a unique playstyle revolving around harvesting Damage over Time (DoT) skills to deal instant damage. The primary skill used is Haunt followed up by Soul Harvest to trigger a massive explosion

This is an Area Damage (AD) build, since Jade (2) & (6) Bonuses can both proc it. In its current form, Raiment of the Jade Harvester is playable with both Cold (faster setup) and Poison (higher damage) with almost equal performance. Quetzalcoatl effectively doubles your DoT damage ticks and Ring of Emptiness gives it another 300% damage buff.

Spirit of Arachyr

  • (2) Bonus this bonus is at the core of the build, enabling it to deal great AoE damage.The Spider Queen is commanded to move where you cast Corpse Spiders, so be mindful about where you cast them.
  • (4) Bonus makes the Spider Queen leave webs that last 15 seconds on the ground. These webs refresh the infest duration on enemies and grant you 75% damage reduction. The damage reduction effect lingers for 4 seconds when you leave the web.
  • (6) Bonus grants 11,500% increased damage to creature skills: Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Locust Swarm, Hex and Piranhas.

The Spirit of Arachyr has a flat bonus to damage for it's (6) bonus allowing you to use many different skills to deal decent damage. While many options are available, the strongest builds for this class will always utilize Corpse Spiders since the set is focused on spreading their damage around to infested enemies.

Arachyr Corpse Spiders - Beginner Friendly

This build abuses the (2) Bonus for the set allowing all of the damage from Corpse Spiders to spread to any infested enemy. This is the primary build for this set and is the only one that utilizes all of the Set bonuses. Adding in The Spider Queen's Grasp, Brood of Araneae and Endless Walk lead to some massive damage, especially when fighting singled out enemies like Rift Guardians.

This is the #1 Meme build in Diablo 3. In Season 29 it was lucky enough to receive a massive buff thanks to a rework for Manajuma's Way and Cluckeye. It's strong in speed Nephalem Rifts as well as pushing high in Greater Rifts. It utilizes the Spirit of Arachyr (6) bonus for the 25,000 damage buff to Hex Angry Chicken along with Manajuma's Way to run around at turbo speeds and blow up at will like a grenade! Jumping from the bottom of F Tier to the top of A Tier the Chicken is finally back on the menu.

Zunimassa's Haunt

  • (2) Bonus only affects Fetish Army's fetishes. Thus, Fetish Sycophants will still last 60 seconds regardless of this bonus.
  • (4) Bonus provides you and your pets 3% damage reduction for each Fetish alive, stacking additively with each other. Fetish Army Legion of Daggers is often preferred as it summons 8 fetishes instead of 5 with other runes. Fetish Sycophants, on the other hand, have a 15% chance to spawn a fetish per cast, up to a maximum of 15. This brings us to a total of 23 fetishes, granting us a total of 69% damage reduction.
  • (6) Bonus requires you to hit enemies with a mana spender ability (like Piranhas or Locust Swarm) every 8 seconds in order to benefit from its damage multiplier of 13,000% (x131). This bonus only buffs damage coming from your pets such as Fetishes.

Zunimassa's String of Skulls comes with 20-25% Fetish Army Damage as a fifth primary affix instead of the usual 10-15% affix roll. Zunimassa's Haunt only has one build variation available, but luckily it's one of the strongest Witch Doctor Builds in the game. Hundreds of Poison Darts fill the screen piercing and decimating everything in sight.

Zunimassa's Haunt relies on Carnevil and The Dagger of Darts to deal heavy damage. It is a very squishy build that is also prone to lagging, super fun times will be had! Once assembled properly your Fetish Army will shoot Poison Darts when you do, dealing insane damage to density and single targets alike. Despite its faults, it's a fun build that can destroy any content if played wisely!

Legacy of Dreams/Legacy of Nightmares

For skills which don't have a dedicated Set, there's always an option of making a build around the Legacy of Dreams gem or Legacy of Nightmares set, which provide a 97.5x damage multiplier at 13 Ancient items.

This setup works well as an alternate option to using Mundunugu's Regalia or Zunimassa's Haunt, however both of the Set Builds will be superior options for Solo Pushing in the end game.

Lo D 1

This build Uses the power of Legacy of Nightmares in combination with Carnevil and The Dagger of Darts to make Fetishes to shoot Poison Darts when you do. Use Fetish Sycophants instead of Fetish Army, opening up another Skill slot for Big Bad Voodoo This build is still very strong when compared to the Zunimassa's Haunt version and is easy to put together early in a Season while you gather your Set pieces.

While Spirit Barrage is best used with the Mundunugu's Regalia Set, Legacy of Dreams is an interesting setup choice as it is tankier and allows for more flexibility. Additionally, even though LoN Poison Dart dominates on the No Set leaderboard, you can have decent performances with it due to its exceptional scaling with monster density (which unfortunately requires a lot of Greater Rift fishing).

Legendary Items

Apart from 6-piece sets, Witch Doctors have 46 unique Legendary items, providing bonuses to various skills and in some cases even altering their behavior. Many of these items provide buffs to the same skill from different item slots, allowing you to stack power and decimate your foes.

Ceremonial Knives

  • Anessazi Edge
  • The Barber
  • The Dagger of Darts
  • Deadly Rebirth
  • The Gidbinn
  • Last Breath
  • Manajuma's Carving Knife
  • Rhen'ho Flayer
  • Sacred Harvester
  • The Spider Queen's Grasp
  • Starmetal Kukri
  • Voo's Juicer


  • Cluckeye


  • Scrimshaw


  • Staff of Chiroptera
  • SuWong Diviner
  • Wormwood

Voodoo Mask

  • Carnevil
  • The Grin Reaper
  • Mask of Jeram
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • Split Tusk
  • Tiklandian Visage
  • Visage of Giyua


  • Gazing Demise
  • Henri's Perquisition
  • Homunculus
  • Manajuma's Gory Fetch
  • Shukrani's Triumph
  • Spite
  • Thing of the Deep
  • Uhkapian Serpent
  • Ursua's Trodden Effigy
  • Vile Hive
  • Wilken's Reach


  • Swamp Land Waders


  • Bakuli Jungle Wraps
  • Belt of Transcendence
  • Brood of Araneae
  • Haunting Girdle
  • Hwoj Wrap


  • Coils of the First Spider
  • Jeram's Bracers
  • Lakumba's Ornament


  • Ring of Emptiness
  • The Short Man's Finger
  • The Tall Man's Finger

Below are listed select few items that have mechanics, which aren't immediately obvious from their description.


Witch Doctors have very thematic passives, usually based around their pets or jungle magic - some of which are among the strongest in the game (but very situational). Core passives include Gruesome Feast, Spirit Vessel, Grave Injustice or Swampland Attunement. For more details, check out the list below:


Primary Skills

Corpse Spiders


Plague of Toads

Poison Dart

Primary skills deal little damage on their own but are free to cast. All of these skills have supporting Legendary Items and can find bonuses from various Sets as well. Two of them can be buffed to extreme levels and are the primary form of damage in their respective builds.

Corpse Spiders become incredibly strong when combined with the Spirit of Arachyr, Brood of Araneae and The Spider Queens Grasp.

Poison Dart is another powerful Primary skill, pairing it with Zunimassa's Haunt, Carnevil and The Dagger of Darts leads to a powerful interaction with Fetish Army.

Firebomb and Plague of Toads are underwhelming at best and aren't used in any relevant builds.

Damage Dealing Skills

Acid Cloud

Fetish Army




Locust Swarm

Spirit Barrage

Wall of Death

Zombie Charger

These are the main build-defining skills. Pick one of these, a Set that buffs it, 2-3 supporting Legendaries and you got yourself a build.

Acid Cloud, Gargantuan and Zombie Charger are all decent damage options while using the Helltooth Harness.

Wall of Death is only used to activate the (6) bonus from Helltooth Harness.

Haunt is mandatory for the Raiment of the Jade Harvester build, it allows Soul Harvest to do insane damage and is used to proc Ring of Emptiness as well.

Locust Swarm deals very little damage but is vital for proccing Ring of Emptiness on most builds. It spreads much faster than Haunt especially when using the Pestilence Rune.

Spirit Barrage is one of the Witch Doctor's strongest skills when paired with Mundunugu's Regalia.

Firebats can be used with the Spirit of Arachyr or Helltooth Harness set to deal significant damage.

Fetish Army is a core part of the Zunimassa's Poison Dart Witch Doctor Build, when paired with the right Legendary Items these little guys really dominate!

Utility Skills

All the other Witch Doctor skills can be grouped together. They are used to fill in your remaining skill slots with extra defensive, offensive and mobility buffs, or to proc certain Sets or Legendary Items.

Spirit WalkUsed in every Witch Doctor build as your primary movement skill. Jaunt and Severance are the most used Runes and Shukrani's Triumph is a great item to add in for extra damage.
Soul HarvestUsed in every Witch Doctor Build for its major boost to Intelligence, giving you Damage and Toughness. It's essential while playing Raiment of the Jade Harvester and further increases your Toughness when combined with Lakumba's Ornament.
PiranhasEasily one of the best "pixel pulls" in the game, any Witch Doctor build that relies on Area Damage will be using this with Piranhado to tightly group up monsters.
Big Bad VoodooThis is one of the Witch Doctor's Strongest utility skills and it finds its way into many different builds and playstyles. Boogie Man combined with the Fierce Loyalty passive give a great speed boost to Nephalem Rifts. Slam Dance provides a great damage boost for some Rift Guardian Killer builds. You even use Ghost Trance for Damage Reduction on the quite squishy Spirit Barrage build. A skill with many different benefits that can be worked into almost anything you're doing!
Summon Zombie DogsOften used as a defensive skill in various builds. Life Link provides solid mitigation and the dogs themselves act as a distraction so you can focus on dealing damage.
HorrifyThis skill finds its way into many Speed Farming and Greater Rift Pushing builds, using two different runes. Stalker is one of the best Movement Speed options available to Witch Doctors and Frightening Aspect provides a massive toughness boost for GR pushing.
HexThis skill is only used in the Angry Chicken Witch Doctor Build. It can also provide support to a group using Jinx but this
Grasp of the DeadThis skill has few supporting Legendary Items and isn't useful for any Witch Doctor Builds. It's one of the first skills you'll unlock as a Witch Doctor and can be replaced by stronger options once you level up a bit.
Mass ConfusionMass Confusion is a great name for this skill because you will have no clue how to justify using it. Paranoia used to be somewhat useful in the early days but Damage Reduction is rarely of concern any longer.

Below are listed select few build-relevant skills and their mechanics are explained in detail.


The Witch Doctor is a powerful class when played properly, dealing tremendous damage and providing great buffs. Their class Sets vary in power leading to some of the strongest and weakest builds in the game. They also have many Legendary Items that can be combined with the Legacy of Dreams gem to create different Builds. The Witch Doctor performs well in all content in the game and has been a niche fan favorite since launch.

Stay spooky out there!


Written by Facefoot.
Contributions by Chewingnom, Northwar, Rob, wudijo.
Reviewed by Northwar, Raxxanterax, wudijo.

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