How to Beat the Yaksha King
Last Updated:September 13, 2024|Changelog
The Yaksha King is the final boss in Chapter 5 of Black Myth Wukong, the fight takes place in front of the Bull King after you defeat the Red Boy. This boss is a martial artist who frequently chains attacks together and often ends his sequences by causing blades to erupt from the ground. Learning this fight is relatively straightforward as he doesn't have many complex attacks, but be particularly careful to avoid damage from his spiky finishing moves.

- If you need a weapon upgrade, you can obtain one by beating the Flint Chief, Flint Vanguard, and Mother of Flamlings to craft the Staff of Blazing Karma or enter Bishui Cave and defeat Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast to get the Bishui Beast Staff.
- Pillar Stance is particularly helpful for avoiding many of the sweeping attacks.
- After beating the Red Boy, if you die on the Yaksha King you return to the shrine, use this as an opportunity to switch up your build a bit to optimize for the fight.
The Red Boy Tips and Tricks
Before you can take on the Yaksha King, you need to beat his first form, the Red Boy a highly mobile enemy. While the Red Boy doesn't have a lot of health, he aggressively uses fire attacks, so the Fireproof Mantle is a great choice for the boss. Non-Able is particularly effective here as he has a fast animation and can stagger the boss for a moment. Here are a few tips to get you through the fight.

- The Red Boy is quite agile and wields a flaming weapon. This means you're going to catch fire if you take too many hits, when this happens use consecutive dodges to extinguish the flames. Most of his attack sequences are quite fast, but the individual hits aren't very damaging until the finisher at the end.
- He likes to end his attack sequences with a burst of flame, if you can dodge through the boss at the right time this often presents a good opportunity to deal damage. You can use the Fireproof Mantle to completely negate the damage from one of these finishers if your health is too low, or you can save it for the transition.

- At 50% Health, the Red Boy leaps into the air and summons a plethora of copies. These clones dive down to attack the Destined One in sequence, each exploding on impact. They start attacking one at a time, but as the attack continues more clones jump at a time increasing the damage. You can tank this with a transformation, use Fireproof Mantle to protect yourself from most of the damage or use Cloud Step to take some of the hits. Once you get through this the rest of the fight is the same as before.
Yaksha King
The Yaksha King is a deadly melee combatant, he doesn't use too many special moves but he does have long attack sequences. As his health gets lower he begins using moves with longer reach and wider range making it important to precisely time your dodges. While he is very agile, he's also easily interrupted so you can use a well-timed Charged Heavy Attack to disrupt most of his sequence.

- Many of the Yaksha King's attack sequences end with golden spikes erupting from the ground. If you're near the boss you can't avoid the damage simply by dodging in a direction, you need to time things correctly. After the spikes appear they often explode a second time, (sometimes in a larger radius) so dodge a second time or get away from the boss until after the spikes fade.
Front Arm Blade Sequence

- When the Yaksha King grows additional arm blades, he's about to execute a particularly vicious attack sequence. You need to time your dodges here, most of the attacks are low to the ground so if you have 2 Focus you can hop on your staff with Pillar Stance and then unleash the Heavy Attack at 3 to deal a solid amount of damage.
Blade Throw

- When you're at a distance, the Yaksha King turns his arm blades into projectiles, repeatedly throwing them at the Destined One. You can either keep dodging to the side, or sprint to avoid the attack then move in when it finishes to continue your battle.
Long Blades

- As his health gets lower, the Yaksha King begins generating long arm blades. This leads to a long sequence where he alternates sweeping slashes that cover a large portion of the arena and strikes that cause a line of spikes to erupt from the ground. You can use Cloud Step to bait the strikes, then hop on your staff with Pillar Stance to negate the sweeps while charging a counterattack.
- Sometimes he instead generates a single long blade. In this case, he's going to use something similar to his normal attack sequence, but with extended range.
Special Cutscenes

- There are 2 special cutscenes you can get during the fight. The first happens around 40% health, he rushes towards the Destined One to initiate a grab attack, then unleashes a flurry of blows. Top yourself off because this cutscene comes with a bit of damage.
- You trigger the second cutscene by leaving the Yaksha King at low health without finishing him off. Get him to around 5% then wait for it to trigger.
After you beat the Yaksha King, you obtain the Grieved Body Relic and the Plantain Fan Vessel.
Video Guide
If you want to see the Yaksha King's move set in more detail check out this video guide by Tenkiei.
The Yaksha King is the final boss of Chapter 5, he is an impressive martial artist with a few simple but deadly moves. Master his patterns and focus on interrupting him with your Heavy Attack to achieve victory.
- Beat the Red Boy to fight the Yaksha King.
- Watch out for his fiery finishers.
- Dodge the clones during his transition.
- The Yaksha King ends many of his attack sequences with a field of spikes.
- Because many of his attacks have a wide radius, careful timing is more important than the direction you dodge.
- You can use Pillar Stance to avoid a lot of his attacks.
Written by: Tenkiei