How to Beat Black Bear Guai
Last Updated:September 10, 2024|Changelog
Black Bear Guai is the final boss of Chapter 1 located at the peak of Black Wind Mountain. This imposing black bear attacks with a bestial ferocity and shrouds himself in flames when challenged. Luckily, this boss doesn't have too many mechanics to learn, just be careful of his transition at 50% health and the extra Scorch damage he does in Phase 2. The boss is quite large, so it's sometimes difficult to read his moves due to the camera distance, keep this in mind and try to have spare health.

- Complete Elder Jinchi's quest to obtain the Fireproof Mantle. This Vessel makes the second half of the fight much easier. It is possible to complete the fight without this but you need to deal with more mechanics.
- The Fireproof Mantle makes it much easier when Black Bear Guai reaches 50% health and begins his fiery transition!
Learn more about how to find and beat Elder Jinchi with our dedicated quest guide!
Black Bear Guai Move Set
As he attacks you, Black Bear Guai typically chains multiple attack sequences together. Most of the time he swipes at you with his claws and then ends in a stomp or overhead smash. The boss's size, combined with a lock on camera can make it a bit difficult to see his attack telegraphs, but if you move back he is likely to use his charge attacks which are more dangerous than the regular sequences. Here are some of his most common moves and how to counter them. Your Light Finisher and Heavy Attack are both effective tools for staggering the boss, but you need Immobilize to interrupt some of his combos.

Basic Moves
- Black Bear Guai almost always opens with a charge move, where he runs away from the Destined One transforming into black wind as he does. He then rushes back towards you and reappears to do a body slam. This is one bear hug you do not want! Time your dodge after the boss appears to avoid the damage and get some free hits in on him as he stands back up.
- Later on in the fight he uses a slashing variant of this with multiple strikes that are much harder to dodge and do not leave the boss vulnerable after. Dodge to the side to avoid this, and use your Gourd to heal up if you get hit.
- Most of his basic attack sequences are a mix of claw swipes, stomps, and big overhead smashes. However, when he begins his attack sequence from a distance this becomes much more dangerous! Because of the swipe's wide reach and the distance he covers it's very easy to get caught by the attack sequence before you realize. Try to stick close to the boss when you can to prevent this from happening.
Suplex Move
- If you move to his side, or behind Black Bear Guai, he jumps into the air to do a suplex attack. Once you get the timing down this is quite easy to dodge, he hangs in the air for a moment before crashing down. It takes him a bit to get up after the attack so this is a great way to force him into a situation where you can freely do damage.

Phase 1 ends when Black Bear Guai reaches 50% health, if you want to shorten Phase 2 as much as possible you can freeze him with the Immobilize Spell right before he phases, then burn his health down with a Light Attack combo into charged Heavy Attack.
Phase 2
At 50% health, Black Bear Guai is wreathed in flames and transforms into a black wind, heralding the start of Phase 2. When you see him burst into flames, use the Fireproof Mantle to make the transition easier! If you don't have the Fireproof Mantle, you need to be very careful during his transition!

- To survive the transition, you need to dodge the boss in his black wind form as he charges at you several times. Before each charge, he flashes and makes a little popping sound this is your cue to dodge. Depending on how long the fight goes on he may use this again, watch for the flashes, and dodge accordingly.
During the rest of the phase, his attacks follow the same pattern as they did before. However, now he's on fire so all of his attacks cause Scorch buildup (if you aren't immune). Should you catch on fire you can dodge repeatedly to put out the flames. If you built up good dodging habits in Phase 1, now's the time to put them to use.
Key Items
After beating the boss, you obtain the Craving Eyes relic. This is one of the Relics of Sun Wukong that you need to gather along your journey. It provides the Destined One with a permanent bonus which you need to select and activate. If you change your mind or want to change up your build you can do so in the Reignite Sparks menu.
Video Guide
If you want to see the Black Bear Guai's move set in more detail check out this video guide by Tenkiei on how to defeat the boss without using the Fireproof Mantle.
Do battle with Black Bear Guai at the peak of Black Wind Mountain, an imposing foe who wreathes himself in flames when threatened. Defeat him to gather your first relic and continue your journey in chapter 2.
- Prepare to battle Black Bear Guai by obtaining the Fireproof Mantle from Elder Jinchi.
- If you stand in front of him, the boss uses a sequence of claw strikes and stomps. When you move to the side, or behind him he leaps in the air in an attempt to suplex you.
- Watch out for the charge attacks where the boss becomes a black wind and then appears to deal damage.
- At 50% health, Black Bear Guai enters Phase 2. During the transition, he becomes a black wind wreathed in flame and charges at the Destined One repeatedly. Use the Fireproof Mantle to make this part of the fight much easier!
Written by: Tenkiei