The War Within Pre-Patch Hotfixes: July 24, 2024
The War Within Pre-Patch Hotfixes: July 24, 2024
11.0 - The War Within
Here you'll find a list of pre-patch hotfixes from July 24, 2024 that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: The War Within. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.
Beast Mastery
- Season 3 Class Set - Bestial Wrath summoning a Dire Beast no longer grants a stack of Huntmaster's Call.
- Season 3 Class Set - Bestial Wrath Dire Beast duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Huntmaster's Call - Fenryr and Hati attack damage reduced by 20%.
- Huntmaster's Call - Fenryr Haste increase reduced to 8% (was 10%).
- Huntmaster's Call - Hati pet Damage buff reduced to 6% (was 8%).
- Grenade Juggler procs will now only apply 1 Explosive Shot to the primary target (was primary and secondary targets).
- Players who had a Wildfire Bomb override from Wildfire Infusion previous iteration have had them removed.
- Decimation can now only trigger from critical strikes dealt by your direct damage abilities.
- Addressed an issue where newly created Evoker cannot queue for legacy content.
- Fixed a bug where a player may have been unable to fly if they had not previously unlocked Skyriding/Dragonriding. Any player-characters in this state will now automatically turn on Static Flight mode when they log in.
- Using a Character Boost, Race Change, or Faction Change no longer disqualifies the character from doing Heritage Armor quests.
- Eadwaerd has remembered where he placed his notes and has set them back out for players, allowing them to complete "Handling It".
Written by: Xerwo
Reviewed by: Rycn