Boonstone Wars are one of the many ways your guild can fight against other guilds in a "King of The Hill" style PvP match. You first have to declare which Boonstone your guild wants to attack, after that the game's system selects which guilds are able to attack the various Boonstones around the map. After owning a Boonstone, you'll be able to defend against other attackers. The selections are announced 12 hours before the war. The winning guild is considered the owner of the Boonstone and can receive various stat buffs while owning the Boonstone. Guilds that control the Boonstone also receive resources every hour that guilds can use for various Guild Skills.
Some Boonstones grant access to Cross-Server wars that happen twice a month. For more information about their Cross-Server versions check out our article!
Surrounded by water, there's only one way to get to the Boonstone without swimming and that's the thin bridge Northwest of the Stone.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Hit and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
If the Boonstones that grant Skill Damage Boost aren't available, then any of the Hit or Critical Hit ones are a good "backup" Boonstone to fight for.
Carmine Forest
Set in a notch between two ridges, the key to winning this fight is maintaining control over the ridges.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Skill Damage Boost, but you cannot participate in Cross-Server Wars.
While the stat is very good, you should be trying for Manawastes, Sandworm Lair, or one of the others that grant you access to Cross-Server Wars first because of the potential Lucent and Trait Unlockstone that can be obtained.
Fonos Basin
Aside from gliding, there are only two ways to reach this Boonstone, which means that if you can lock down both chokes, victory is all but guaranteed.
This Boonstone gives you 25 Mana Regen and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
While the stat isn't valuable almost at all, gaining access to Cross-Server Wars means you can obtain additional Lucent and Trait Unlockstone for the guild.
Golden Rye Pastures
Set on top of a small hill, most guilds consider controlling the rooftops and the road that leads to the Boonstone as their major win conditions.
This Boonstone gives you 25 Mana Regen and doesn't offer the ability to attend Cross-Server Wars.
This is one of the least valuable Boonstones to hold. Unless you're avoiding stronger guilds, don't take this one.
Nesting Grounds
While in a very open space, controlling the bridge allows your ranged users to attack anybody attempting to capture the Boonstone freely.
This Boonstone gives you 25 Mana Regen and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
While the stat isn't valuable at all, being able to join in on Cross-Server Wars offers guilds a way to gain additional Lucent and Trait Unlockstone.
Purelight Hill
Set between two cliffs, controlling the high grounds may give you a winning advantage.
This Boonstone gives you 25 Mana Regen and doesn't offer the ability to attend Cross-Server Wars.
This is one of the least valuable Boonstones to hold. Unless you're avoiding stronger guilds, don't take this one.
Ruins of Turayne
Inside of a crater sets this Boonstone. A majority of this fight basically becomes an all-out brawl in an open space.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Critical Hit and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
If the Boonstones that grant Skill Damage Boost aren't available, then any of the Hit or Critical Hit ones are a good "backup" Boonstone to fight for.
Shattered Temple
In the middle of a broken bridge sits this Boonstone. Coordinated guilds that can be patient and let the enemies come to them after gaining control of the Boonstone may find themselves on the winning side of this war.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Hit and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
The strongest guilds probably want to go for the Boonstones that grant Skill Damage Boost, so it's best to attempt these as a "backup" or when you want to avoid fighting the strongest guilds on the server.
Urstella Fields
While pretty much in an open field, this fight requires more coordination than some others since there really aren't any "positional advantages" during this fight.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Hit and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
If the Boonstones that grant Skill Damage Boost aren't available, then any of the Hit or Critical Hit ones are a good "backup" Boonstone to fight for.
Windhill Shores
With its back turned to the water, there are two chokes that guilds must push through to attempt to capture the stone. If you find yourself on the winning side of the initial push, holding the chokes instead of pushing too far away from the Boonstone may give you the highest chances of winning.
This Boonstone gives you 30 Defense and does not let you participate in Cross-Server Wars every two weeks.
This is one of the least desirable Boonstones in the game, so unless you're completely avoiding fights, try for another Boonstone instead.
Stoneguard Boonstones
Abandoned Stonemason Town
Set on top of a platform, this fight mostly consists of a pretty open area fight in front of the Boonstone. Players can grapple up if they should fall off the platform so be cautious of players attempting to flank by using the grapple spots.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Hit and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
If the Boonstones that grant Skill Damage Boost aren't available, then any of the Hit or Critical Hit ones are a good "backup" Boonstone to fight for.
Akidu Valley
In the middle of the Pillar, this Boonstone has 2 pathways as entrances. Ranged users may find success by holding some of the rooftops and walls during engagements.
This Boonstone gives you 30 Defense and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
Since this Boonstone doesn't provide that great of a stat compared to others, you only want to take this Boonstone for the rewards from the Cross-Server War.
Daybreak Shore
Encompassed by broken ships, controlling the entrances near the beach may give you the highest chance at victory. Watch out for players trying to glide down from above.
This Boonstone gives you 30 Defense without the ability to attend Cross-Server Wars.
Since this Boonstone doesn't provide that good of a stat and doesn't grant access to Cross-Server Wars, you should avoid this Boonstone unless you absolutely have no other options.
Greyclaw Forest
This Boonstone is set in the middle of a few houses. While most of the fight is out in the open, there may be some opportunities to use the rooftops as a ranged user.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Critical Hit and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
If the Boonstones that grant Skill Damage Boost aren't available, then any of the Hit or Critical Hit ones are a good "backup" Boonstone to fight for.
Set in the middle of a pillar, most guilds push from the stairs or the grapple spots. Be cautious of some ranged users using the trees to get free ranged damage off.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Skill Damage Boost and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
This and Sandworm Lair are probably the two best Boonstones to take as the stat is useful for everybody and both also give you access to Cross-Server Wars to gain additional Lucent and Trait Unlockstone.
Monolith Wastelands
Set inside a building, there are only two entrances, from the doorway and the windows on the roof.
This Boonstone gives you 30 Defense without the ability to attend Cross-Server Wars.
Since this Boonstone doesn't provide that good of a stat and doesn't grant access to Cross-Server Wars, you should avoid this Boonstone unless you absolutely have no other options.
Maintaining control of the rooftop entrance is just as important as holding the front door choke.
Moonlight Desert
This fight is very open and doesn't really have much in terms of "positional advantages". Coordination, discipline, and a good guild composition becomes the difference between victory and defeat.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Critical Hit and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
If the Boonstones that grant Skill Damage Boost aren't available, then any of the Hit or Critical Hit ones are a good "backup" Boonstone to fight for.
Sandworm Lair
Set on top of a cliff, gaining control of the area early on proves advantageous. Most guilds find that pushing from the bridge or grapple spots is very hard to do and would prefer defending over attacking this Boonstone.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Skill Damage Boost and also lets you participate in Cross-Server Wars every 2 weeks.
This and Manawastes are probably the two best Boonstones to take as the stat is useful for everybody and both also give you access to Cross-Server Wars to gain additional Lucent and Trait Unlockstone.
The Raging Wilds
This Boonstone sits on top of a giant pillar. The only methods of getting to this stone are by using the stairs or grapple hooks.
This Boonstone gives you 50 Hit but does not grant access to Cross-Server Wars.
Skip this Boonstone unless you are trying to avoid stronger guilds. While this Boonstone's stat is better than 30 Defense, you should still opt for Cross-Server enabled Boonstones since the Lucent and Trait Unlockstone are so valuable.
How to Participate in Boonstone Wars
If a guild wants to participate in a Boonstone War, the Guild Leader or an Advisor has to declare which Boonstone they want to fight for within 12-36 hours before the scheduled time of the Boonstone War. 12 hours before the scheduled start, 2 Guilds are selected to participate in the Boonstone War.
Boonstone Times and Resources
You can check what times the Boonstone Wars start by opening your Map and checking the Schedule or hovering over the specific Boonstone in the Map as well!
Guild Selection Process
If the current owner of the Boonstone has the highest ranking among the guilds that want to try and fight for said Boonstone, it becomes a 1v1 between the current owner and the highest-ranking guild that signed up.
If any guilds that signed up to take a Boonstone have a higher ranking than the current owner, then the war becomes a 1v1 between the guild that currently owns it, and the highest-ranking guild that signed up as well.
How to Win Boonstones
#1 Announces whenever a guild attempts to capture, succeeds, or fails to capture the Boonstone. #2 Shows the time left in the capture process if a guild is attempting to capture, or the time before the Boonstone War ends.
Boonstone Wars are similar to King of the Hill in other games. Guilds fight against others, and in order to win you have to control a specific area. Your guild becomes the "controlling guild" of that Boonstone by interacting with the Boonstone in question, and then holding control over the stone for a few minutes. Other guilds must fight their way through the area and interact with the stone in attempts to become the new "controlling guild".
Whichever guild controls the stone at the end of the war is the winner and becomes the official owner for the week. While Boonstone Wars normally last 20 minutes, they can go into overtime if a guild contests just before the end of the war. Overtime lasts as long as a guild is in the process of taking control over the Boonstone. Regardless of succeeding or failing, the Boonstone finishes directly after the capture attempt is finished.
Boonstone Wars are a King of The Hill type of PvP Content for Guilds to fight other guilds.
Owners of Boonstones receive resources and stat buffs.
Guilds can register to fight for a Boonstone 12- 36 hours before the scheduled start of the war.
Only some Boonstones grant access to Cross-Server Wars.