Temple of Slaughter Dungeon Guide
Last Updated:August 22, 2024|Changelog
Temple of Slaughter is reminiscent of the level 30 dungeon, Temple of Roar. Most patterns and mechanics feel similar if you've done the level 30 dungeon.
The only place where you can skip mobs is from the part between the 1st and 2nd boss. You can do the same thing in Cursed Wasteland or Butcher's Canyon and have the tank aggro all mobs away from the boss. Players must only kill the 2nd boss to proceed to the final boss.
Ahzreil, an Elder of the Sylavean Order, put a stop to the experiments and abandoned the monsters under the temple, sealing it away for good. Trapped with no others to prey upon, the monsters turned on each other, but King Chimaerus made short work of them all. According to one Shadowmancer's records, if King Chimaerus absorbs greater mana, it could transform into an even deadlier beast called Rex Chimaerus.
Boss - Rex Chimaerus
At the beginning of the fight, four players should be assigned one of the four statues and one player to the chandelier in the middle.
Attack Pattern
Tail Poison ➔ Slash + Tail Swipe ➔ Tail Poison ➔ Fury Attack ➔ Fireball Mech ➔ Tail Poison ➔ Slash + Teal Swipe ➔ Frenzy
- Rex Chimaerus shoots out a single poison marker on a target. Three puddles of poison are immediately shot out at 3 random players.
- After a short amount of time, this player becomes paralyzed. These paralyzed players take 2x damage from the Fireball and explode if killed. This can be cleansed with Purifying Touch.
- The boss proceeds to fire three fireballs at this player. The boss sprays poison from its tail to its left or right side during each fireball.
- The player with the marker should immediately move as far away as possible in the direction of the tank.
- The tank should be able to tank 2-3 shots with buffs and healing. If not, you can line up behind the tank but do not stack.
- Wand users can preemptively use Blessed Barrier on the player who is tanking a shot. Depending on how geared a player is, this buff can potentially allow you to tank all three shots.
- If the tank has a dagger offhand, they can shadow step behind the boss and have the marked player always stand in line with the tank.
- A voice line occurs in another language.
- Blue pitons appear in the air. One player must use the first lower piton and then the second higher piton to land on the chandelier right above Rex Chimaerus. After landing, this player must pull the lever.
- After pulling the lever, the latches in front of the 4 statues can now be disabled by grappling. Naturally, 4 players must grapple and disable the 4 latches.
- If you take too long, the mechanic wipes all players.
Temple of Slaughter Mini-Bosses
Ancient Berserk Dark Enforcer
The 1st mini-boss you encounter in Temple of Slaughter has a very simple mechanic.
- The mini-boss periodically applies a burn debuff on players that lasts 20 seconds. This debuff stacks, make sure to deal with the debuff before it outpaces your healing.
- Going into the water reduces the duration of the debuff.
Ancient Berserk Shade Wizard
This mini-boss periodically summons Zombie Dogs who fear you upon a successful Fury Attack. Make sure you block these fury attacks for more uptime. There is no point in killing the Dogs as they just respawn.
- A voice line occurs: "Suffer endlessly!"
- Block the 1st Fury Attack right after the voice line.
- Puddles appear underneath the player. Avoid them.
- Block the 2nd Fury Attack.
- He can be stunned right after the voice line to prevent him from doing all of the above.

Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Nymphellas