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Longbow / Dagger PvE Build Guide

Last Updated:March 8, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Longbow / Dagger PvE Build Guide! This weapon combination resembles an archer rogue playstyle from other MMOs.

Longbow provides access to high single-target DPS skills including Strafing and Decisive Sniping. Your damage is boosted further with your Dagger passives: Assassin's Instincts, Destructive Fang, and Wrathful Edge.

Coupled with high single-target DPS, you have access to some AoE skills. Flash Wave is a great mass AoE skill to use for clearing mobs. You can reset this skill with Limit Break for even more AoE clearing potential.

T2 End Game Longbow / Dagger PvE Build

If you're interested in PvP, check out our Longbow Dagger PvP Build Guide!

  • Self-Sustain
  • High Single-Target DPS
  • Cooldown Speed Reliant

PvE Gear Progression

If you plan on PvPing in the future, just use the PvP gear shown in our Longbow/Dagger PvP Build Guide for PvE. For higher tiers of Challenge Dungeons, you will want a full PvE set.

For New Players
  • All pre-Talandre builds will be revamped once it releases.
  • They will use T2 Blue gear instead.
T2 End Game
4-Pc Transcendent
T2 End Game
2-Pc Imperial
T1 End Game
Archived Builds

No Field Boss Longbow / Dagger PvE Build

Field Boss Longbow / Dagger PvE Build

Stats and Gearing Logic

  • This build is mainly for a ranged playstyle.
  • Both weapons are chosen for the Species Damage Boost stat for maximum PvE damage.
  • The main stat threshold you aim for is reaching over 80 Dexterity. This enables the Great Killer Dagger mastery.
  • Both builds feature incredibly high Attack Speed.
  • With 528 Boss Heavy Attack from runes, you reach 1000+ Heavy Attack Chance for 50%+ proc rate.

Gear Alternatives

  • Stone Cold Heart Cloak is also slotted if you ever are lucky enough or rich enough to acquire it.

Gear Sources

  • Coming soon. Mouse over the items to see the item drop location.

No Field Boss Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

Field Boss Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

Stats and Gearing Logic

  • Both weapons are chosen for the Species Damage Boost stat for maximum PvE damage.
  • Instead of focusing on 4-Pc Wing Gale Set and damage from range, this build uses 2-Piece Imperial Seeker Set for a full Melee playstyle.
    • Going 2-Pc Imperial Seeker Set for a set allows you to go for the 2-Pc Void Set for higher Max Damage.
  • All stats are virtually the same as in the 4-Pc Wing Gale Set build except with slightly higher Cooldown Speed and Buff Duration.
  • Accessories have the Max Mana trait to gain more Max Damage from Judge.
    • Your Mana Regen is supplemented with Mana Spring.

Gear Alternatives

  • Read the section in the 4-Pc Transcendent tab.

Gear Sources

  • Coming soon. Mouse over the items to see the item drop location.

V1 Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

V2 Longbow / Dagger PvP Build

Skill Builds and Rotations

Full Melee
High HP
  • You spend most of your time in Melee Range with this build.
    • The goal of this skill build is to spam as many skills as possible in the shortest amount of time.
  • Deadly Marker should always be used whenever it's off cooldown because it reduces the cooldown of all your party's skills.
  • Specific boss mechanics disrupt your Thunderclouds combo, so you have to improvise the times at which you cast skills.

Strafing Combo

  1. Nature's Blessing (Optional)
  2. Strafing 3x
  3. Zephyr's Nock
  • Nature's Blessing will cause Strafing to stack 2x the amount of Gale stacks.
  • You can get to 24 stacks this way and then proc the stacks with Zephyr's Nock.

Shackled Combo

  1. Ensnaring Arrow
  2. Decisive Sniping
    • Blitz (Optional)
    • Decisive Sniping (Optional)
  • Ensnaring Arrow should always be used before Decisive Sniping because of the Damage ▲ Skill Specialization.

Thunderclouds Stacking

  • Lightning Infusion
  • Cleaving Moonlight
  • Thunderclouds Bombing
  • Lightning Infusion makes all your skills apply Thunderclouds.
  • Only use one Cleaving Moonlight to keep your Attack Speed ▲ buff active.
  • Consume 20 stacks to use Thunderclouds Bombing as often as possible.

Fatal Stigma

  • Fatal Stigma
  • Other DPS skills.
  • Mad Sword Dance
  • Mad Sword Dance
  • It's hard to weave in Fatal Stigma with Thunderclouds Bombing because Thunderclouds Bombing consumes Thunderclouds stacks.
  • What you can do is use Mad Sword Dance and Lightning Throw after using Fatal Stigma to ensure you get as many stacks as possible.
  • You can then spend all those stacks after Stigma procs with Thunderclouds Bombing.

Deadly Marker Reset

  1. Deadly Marker
  2. Blitz
  3. Deadly Marker
  • Multiple Deadly Marker can be applied to a target.
  • At least Deadly Marker will ensure your skills will always come back ASAP.
  • This build centers around a Ranged playstyle.
  • Always be in range to use Shadow Escape.
    • Shadow Escape won't break your Attack Speed buff from Rapidfire Stance.
  • Deadly Marker should always be used whenever it's off cooldown because it reduces the cooldown of all your party's skills.
  • Specific boss mechanics disrupt your Thunderclouds combo, so you have to improvise the times at which you cast skills.

Strafing Combo

  1. Nature's Blessing (Optional)
  2. Strafing 3x
  3. Zephyr's Nock
  • Nature's Blessing will cause Strafing to stack 2x the amount of Gale stacks.
  • You can get to 24 stacks this way and then proc the stacks with Zephyr's Nock.
  • You can then lead this into the Oppressed Combo.

Oppressed Combo

  1. Ensnaring Arrow
  2. Decisive Sniping
    • Blitz
    • Decisive Sniping
  • Ensnaring Arrow should always be used before Decisive Sniping because of the Damage ▲ Skill Specialization.
  • Nature's Blessing gives you a Whirlpool buff to speed up your cast of Decisive Sniping.

Procing Fatal Stigma

  1. Inject Venom
  2. Fatal Stigma
  3. Shadow Escape
  4. Inject Venom 2nd Strike
  5. Mad Sword Dance
  6. Mad Sword Dance
  7. Brutal Incision
  8. Shadow Escape
  • It doesn't matter how you get to 20 stacks of Poison, just that you do.
  • Use Shadow Escape to get into Melee Range and return to your original position.

Deadly Marker Reset

  1. Deadly Marker
  2. Blitz
  3. Deadly Marker
  • You can use Blitz for Decisive Sniping instead if you want.
  • The primary goal of this build is to farm high HP Open World Dungeon mobs.

General AoE Clear

  1. Flash Wave
  2. Blitz
  3. Flash Wave
  4. Decisive Bombardment
  5. Brutal Arrow
  • Reset AoE clear.

Damaging Stacked Mobs

  1. Lightning Infusion
  2. Thunder Spirit
  3. Fatal Stigma
  4. Frenzied Sword Dance
  5. Cleaving Moonlight
  • This combo ensures you stack as many Thunderclouds as possible before detonating Fatal Stigma.

Skill Prioritization

Active Skills Priority

Passive Skills Priority


Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. These are the recommended Guardians for this class.

  • Shade Revenant Stheno is THE DPS Guardian in PvE. No other explanation is required.
  • Lady Knight Kamarshea is a useful Guardian while you learn new dungeons. It helps in dangerous situations as an emergency button to survive mechanics that deal a significant amount of damage. Not many other situations arise where this is necessary.


  • Longbow provides high single-target DPS at range, while Dagger provides amazing Passives.
  • Decisive Sniping is your highest DPS skill in your arsenal.
  • Stay at range until you need to use Shadow Escape and Thunderclouds Bombing.


Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Tenkiei and Bloo

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