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Greatsword / Crossbow PvP Build Guide

Last Updated:March 8, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Greatsword / Crossbow PvP Build Guide. At first glance, Greatsword / Crossbow synergies seem non-existent. However, with the added Skill Damage Boost and Heavy Attack Chance gained from Greatsword skills like Vital Force and Cold Warrior increases the damage of the Gale explosions with Annihilation Barrage Shot substantially!

If you ever wanted to play an off-meta Assassin build, this may just be the weapon combination for you! With the ability to engage from over 24m away, Greatsword / Crossbow can leap into fights with an AoE stun and spin around the battlefield like a Beyblade! Annihilation Barrage Shot gives stacks of Gale which explodes at 10 stacks. Against a single target, Gale Explosions may not do much, but when many people are grouped in a small area, each player takes damage from all nearby Gale Explosions. This damage can also be increased exponentially!

End Game Greatsword / Crossbow PvP Build

If you're interested in PvE, check out our Greatsword / Crossbow PvE Build Guide!

  • High Hit
  • High AoE
  • High Mobility
  • High Survivability
  • High amounts of CC
  • No Stealth
  • Predictable Engage
  • Lower Base Critical Hit
  • Lower Base Critical Damage

Gear Progression

If ever there's a chance to obtain Tevent's Despair Blade or Queen Bellandir's Annihilation Crossbow, get them and use no matter what.

If you're interested in PvE Gear Progression, check out our Greatsword / Crossbow PvE Builds!

  • There is no "Best Build", Talandre Gear allows for a wide variety of builds leading to different metas depending on your Server.
  • Use the builds as a base, and swap different pieces around to fit the stats needed to combat your Server's meta.
  • AGS is limiting gear availability for the launch of Talandre so Loot Tables may not be fully correct at during the first month of Talandre in Global Servers.
T2 Epic Builds
T1 Epic Builds
Archived Builds

T2 Early Transition

  • This is an easy to obtain build for the first couple of weeks during the release of Talandre.
  • The Dawn Mist Set comes from Pre-Talandre content so there's no waiting for Milestones.
  • The chest piece comes 2 Star Dungeons.

T2 Spin Focus Build

  • This build focuses on Spinning as your primary damage.
  • The most important stats for Spinning are Hit and Bonus Damage.
    • The % Weapon Damage on Annihilation Barrage Shot is very low, so to increase the damage per hit, Bonus Damage is integral!

T2 Ranged / Magic Evasion

  • This build focuses on maintaining high Ranged / Magic Evasions.
  • The Forgotten Assassin Set allows an additional 220 Ranged/Magic Evasion as you get 110 for wearing 2 pieces, and then another 110 to you and your party members.
  • This build results in the following Defensive Stats
    • 2394 Base Ranged Evasion
      • 2894 - 3904 Potential Evasion after buffs.
    • 2580 Base Magic Evasion
      • 3080 - 4090 Potential Evasion after buffs.
  • This build results in the following Offensive Stats
    • 2400+ Hit
    • 700+ Heavy Attack Chance
    • 1600+ Critical Hit.

Melee Evasion
Greatsword / Crossbow PvP Build

Ranged / Magic Evasion
Greatsword / Crossbow PvP Build

  • Both these builds can work however, Melee Evasion builds tend to require sacrificing additional damage from Gear Sets such as the Critical Damage from the Death Set or additional Bonus Damage from the Ghost Wolf Set.
    • Melee Evasion builds also sacrifice Hit.
  • The Ranged / Magic Evasion build can work as an Endurance build by swapping the traits around however, Endurance is hard to stack alot of without having a Longbow due to their passive skill.
    • Evasion only works when higher than the enemy's Hit.
      • Detection's tooltip has been bugged for over a year and only has a 10% chance to proc.
  • Most users prefer Melee Evasion builds in Arenas.

Melee Evasion
Global Launch Version

Ranged / Magic Evasion
Global Launch Version

Melee Evasion
No Field Boss Alternative

Ranged / Magic Evasion
No Field Boss Alternative

Skill Builds, Rotations, and Mastery


The greatsword mastery, Power Grip, has a bad translation. It lowers HP gained from the passive by half and adds Weapon Damage based on the passive's skill level.

Large and Small Scale PvP

Greatsword / Crossbow has multiple different ways of securing kills. Your playstyle doesn't change between Large Scale and Small Scale PvP. The only real difference is that in Large Scale you can take advantage of the chaos and land an AoE stun with Devastating Smash easier.

In Small Scale PvP it's a bit easier to spot the animation for the AoE Stun so you tend to be more successful using other engages like Precision Dash.

Ranged AOE Stun Engage

  1. DaVinci's Courage
  2. Devastating Smash
  3. Nimble Leap
  4. Annihilation Barrage Shot
  • For Large Scale, move Skill Specialization points from Detonation Mark to Devastating Smash for additional Stun Chance.
  • You can increase the engage range by using Precision Dash before Devastating Smash.
  • You can save DaVinci's Courage and use it defensively if need be.
  • Damage from Gale Explosions scale with the amount of players in the area.
    • For example, If 5 people get hit and proc an explosion of each person, that's 5 explosions worth of damage dealt to all the users in that area.

Single Target Combo

  1. Mortal Mark
  2. Quick Fire
  3. Nimble Leap
  4. Quick Fire
  5. Precision Dash
  6. Ascending Slash
  7. Guillotine Blade
  • Devastating Smash can be used instead of Precision Dash and Ascending Slash.
    • However, it's easy to see coming so there are higher chances of the enemies Perfect Blocking it.
    • Alternatively, use Devastating Smash as a follow-up CC after Guillotine Blade.
  • Lightning Arrow would do higher single target damage compared to Gale Arrow.
  • Nimble Leap has great utility as it can be used to reset Quick Fire or be used as a short burst of CC Immunity.
    • Use Nimble Leap based on what the situation calls for but keep in mind you only have 2 charges.

Skill Prioritization

  • This is a general list of skills used across all forms of content that's recommended to upgrade.
    • Should there be a skill here that you don't ever plan to use in your build, skip it.
  • Use Quality Skill Growth Books to upgrade your skills from Green to Blue in the order shown below. Once all skills below are Green, use the rest on other skills used in the builds above.
  • Use Rare Skill Growth Books to upgrade your skills from Blue to Purple in the order shown below. Once all skills below are Blue, use the rest on other skills used in the builds above.
  • Prioritize getting all these skills to blue first before getting them to purple. These are universal skills you always use.
  • Upgrade the rest of your skills as you play the game.


Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. These are the recommended Guardians for Greatsword / Crossbow.

  • Lady Knight Kamarshea is a useful Guardian that gives you a shield on engage.
    • Perfect for times that require more survivability!
  • Shade Revenant Stheno - This guardian launches projectiles every second and can Crit and Heavy Attack! The projectiles also synergize well with Mother Nature's Protest because each projectile launched also shoots another with this skill!


  • Greatsword / Crossbow allows you to Dive Bomb groups of enemies with an AoE Stun followed by a "Spin to Win" type of move attacking all enemies in the area!
  • Greatsword's skills and passives allow you to stack high amounts of Heavy Attack Chance, Hit, and Skill Damage Boost!
  • Stacking HP not only gives you increased survivability but also grants increased damage!
  • While having high offensive stats, you feel pretty tanky with the amount of HP and Evasion/Endurance you gain with these builds.



Written by Bloo
Reviewed by Dredscythe

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