The Best Unique Items to Chance
Last Updated:January 18, 2025|Changelog
The Orb of Chance Orb of Chance in Path of Exile 2 allows you to have a chance of turning a Normal Rarity Item into a Unique Item! You can use Chance Orbs to turn many different items into Uniques — ranging from low value but useful and common Uniques, as well as rare, powerful and extremely valuable ones. In this Orb of Chance strategy guide learn how Chance Orbs works, strategies for using them and what are some of the best Uniques options for Chancing.

Path of Exile 2 is in Early Access and the available Unique items, their balance and Orb of Chance mechanics are all subject to changes. Pin this article to be notified of any updates!
How the Orb of Chance Works
The Orb of Chance (often colloquially referred to as "Chance Orb") converts a Normal Rarity Item (not Magic, Rare or Unique) into a Unique Item — or it destroys it.
- How to Get Orbs of Chance:
- Orbs of Chance can be obtained as random drops, by trading with other players, or by Disenchanting Unique Items at an NPC in town or your hideout to produce Chance Shards.
- How to Chance Unique Items:
- The Normal Rarity item must have a Unique item associated with the specific item base type. In order to create a Ryslatha's Coil with a Chance Orb you must Chance a Normal Rarity Ornate Belt belt specifically (not just any belt).
- You cannot chance "Advanced" and "Expert" bases into Uniques because they are considered distinct from the normal bases. This is only an issue while Cruel Difficulty and limited bases exist. In the future, more distinct base types will replace Advanced and Expert bases.
- There are currently some Uniques that are on base item types that currently cannot be obtained, such as the "Solid Mask" for The Three Dragons. This is also going to change with the addition of Acts 4, 5 and 6 and the new bases associated with those Acts.
- You Cannot Chance Boss Drops:
- You can only chance items that have a normal bases available that are also "global" drops, that is, random drops that aren't tied to a specific boss or encounter.
- The Chance of Success Depends on the Rarity of the Item:
- Bases that can produce multiple Unique items result in you chancing more of the more common Unique — this should have no impact on chancing the rarer Unique.
- Drop rates (and Chance Orb Rates) are based on a secret rarity tiering system, which is not revealed to the public directly. Tier 0 and 1 are the rarest, with Tiers 2+ being more common. There may also be Rarity adjustments for specific items within these tiers.
- Market price also accounts for demand, not just rarity. While you may have the same odds of Chancing two different Tier 0 Uniques , they might have vastly different prices. This means it may not be economically wise to Chance for extremely rare (but low value) Uniques when more valuable options exist (with the same or lower rarity).
Chance Orb Strategy
The Perfect Orb of Chance Strategy Requires Perfect Knowledge
In theory, there is an economically "correct" Unique that you should always target with Orbs of Chance when trade is available — because you can always sell the profitable result and purchase the Unique you actually want. This theory only works if you have perfect knowledge of the chances of success of each item to compare with the prices they sell for (along with the cost of Chance Orbs) — and this perfect knowledge does not exist.
Instead, you should choose a Unique that is going to be profitable based on a rough idea of it's rarity compared to it's trade value. You should also consider the value of the base Normal Rarity items. Uncrafted Stellar Amulets, for example, may be more valuable if sold in bulk or crafted into Rare items (instead of being deleted by Chance Orbs). As prices of Uniques and Chance Orbs (and drop rates) can change, this guide aims to help you find your options and provide rough guidance on the likely most profitable targets.
Consider your tolerance for risk and your budget. If you only plan on using Chance Orbs sporadically you may find it fun to produce a "win" every so often, making more common (but mid-value) Uniques a better choice.
If nothing else, consider this a guide to Normal Rarity Items to pick up and keep in your stash to Chance later.
Prices of Unique Items and Chance Orbs
At the time of writing (January 2025), Orbs of Chance are trading for around 7 Exalts in bulk. Only items that are worth well over 10 Exalted Orbs in trade value at this time are considered for the list.
Uniques are categorized as the following values, based on their typical trade prices (subject to change):
- Insane Value: Over 50 Divine Orbs.
- Very high Value: 10 to 49 Divine Orbs.
- High Value: 2 to 9 Divine Orbs.
- Moderate Value: Around 1 Divine Orb.
- Low Value: 10 Exalted Orbs to 1 Divine Orb.
- Very Low Value: 1 to 9 Exalted Orbs.
Treat these prices as a guideline and be sure to confirm prices for your current game mode before making any large economic decisions. This guide is going to receive regular updates to reflect major market shifts and patches, but the prices for Unique Items and Chance Orbs can vary hourly in Path of Exile 2.
The Best Orb of Chance Unique Items
Stellar Amulet
- Astramentis - Insane Value.
- Fixation of Yix - Very Low Value.
Astramentis is one of the most prized chase Uniques in Path of Exile 2 and makes a naturally attractive Chance Orb target. Stellar Amulet is valuable on it's own at high item levels, so you should consider the opportunity cost of deleting them with Chance Orbs (instead of selling the bases or crafting them into Rares). It has extremely high rarity and there are no attractive consolation Uniques to offset costs making it a true long-shot gamble.
Final Rating: Risky longshot mega-gamble.
Sapphire Ring
- Dream Fragments - Insane Value.
- Polcirkeln - Low to Moderate Value.
- Whisper of the Brotherhood - Very Low Value.
Sapphire Rings are are an attractive gamble option thanks to a decent set of consolation prizes that can offset the cost of Chance Orbs. However, availability on trade suggests Dream Fragments is likely Tier 0 rarity — making Sapphire Rings a long-shot gamble as well (just with slightly lower risk than Stellar Amulets).
Final Rating: Slightly less risky longshot mega-gamble.
Heavy Belt
- Headhunter - Very High Value.
Headhunter is a classic Path of Exile chase unique and Chance Orb target. Zerphi's Genesis is a boss drop and cannot be chanced, despite also a Heavy Belt. It's also difficult to judge if it's Rarity is Tier 0 or Tier 1, but given market numbers it's likely more common than Astramentis (which is surely Tier 0).
Final Rating: High risk gamble.
It may take 1000s of Chance Orbs on average to produce one Tier 0 Unique such as Astramentis. If that concept is unappealing to you then look to the items below. These may have more realistic odds, needing closer to 10s or 100s of Chances.
Emerald Ring
- Thief's Torment - Moderate to High Value.
- Death Rush - Low to Moderate Value.
Thief's Torment is a popular and valuable leveling unique that's good enough to use at endgame. The consolation prize of Death Rush also holds some value, especially in fresh market resets as a leveling item. Death Rush is the more common of the two and Thief's Torment appears to be significantly more common than Tier 0 or even Tier 1. Emerald Rings are a very solid midrange choice for Chance Orbs thanks to both Uniques having good value and the higher likelihood of success. Emerald Rings are also bad bases for crafting conventionally (Accuracy Implicit), making the opportunity cost of Chancing them low as well.
Final Rating: Moderate risk, moderate reward.
Gold Ring
- Ventor's Gamble - Very low to Insane Value (Modifier Dependent).
- Andvarius - Moderate Value.
- Perandus Seal - Very Low Value.
As it's name suggests, chancing for Ventor's Gamble is a true gamble. While it's relatively common, the huge range on each of it's modifiers (including negative values!) makes it's value entirely dependent on rolls. The Range is 1 Chance Shard at the Vendor to 100s of Divines (or even priceless) for top rolls. Perandus Seal is strangely rare but has little to no value as a consolation prize. Andvarius maintains moderate value and is a bit more common, making it a solid consolation prize to offset Chance Orb costs. Ventor's Gamble is likely more common than Andvarius, but the latter gives a more consistent currency return. Ultimately Gold Rings are an economically solid (and fun) gamble.
Final Rating: For those who love gambling while they gamble.
Ornate Belt
- Ryslatha's Coil - Moderate to High Value (Roll Dependent).
Ryslatha's Coil is a fairly rare and decently valuable belt that can become very valuable with good rolls. It's not quite the pure gamble of a Ventor's Gamble, but it's a similar idea of Chancing for the chance at getting a Unique that then has the chance to become very valuable. Ryslatha's Coil's value is also more prone to price fluctuation based on build popularity as it is very powerful in specific circumstances (like Lucky Damage setups — see: Lightning Rod).
Final Rating: Gamble your gambles, but not quite so much.
Azure Amulet
- The Everlasting Gaze - Low to Moderate Value.
- Ungil's Harmony - Very Low Value.
Everlasting Gaze is a decently valuable Amulet for how common it appears to be. High demand for Energy Shield + Mana builds in the current meta is causing it's price to be higher than anticipated. This makes it a likely victim of future balance changes and build meta shifts. Be sure to double check it's price (using Exalted Orb listings). You are likely to get a lot of Ungil's Harmony while chancing for Everlasting Gaze. While these are typically worthless, you can disenchant them for a 1/10th Orb of Chance refund.
Final Rating: A decent target that is likely to change.
Solar Amulet
- Fireflower - Low to Very High Value (Corruption Target)
- Beacon of Azis - Very Low Value
Fireflower is a somewhat low base value Unique Amulet with a potential 1 to 4 +Levels to Fire Skills. While a +4 is worth a fair bit more on trade, the real value is in successful Vaal Orb gambles. The outcome for Unique that "Divines" the roll ranges to potentially higher than normal can produce a +5 or +6 to Fire Skill Levels Amulet, which has Very High trade value. Beacon of Azis is about twice as common as Fireflower and is fairly worthless on trade. Another factor you should keep in mind is that Solar Amulets are a good base to craft into Rares (especially with 15 Spirit Implicit rolls), so deleting them with Chance Orbs has an added opportunity cost.
Final Rating: A potentially exciting gamble opportunity where you're most likely to break even at best. But what if it works...
Moulded Mitts
- Atziri's Acuity - Moderate Value.
Atziri's Acuity are moderately rare and offer a decent market value, especially Uncorrupted and with good Affix rolls. Instant leech is an extremely powerful mechanic, though the value of it and Critical Strike can be highly dependent on current meta builds. Before you commit any Chance Orbs, be sure to double check it's price with the trade site's Misc Filter for Corrupted set to No.
Note that Hateforge is a boss drop and cannot be chanced, despite also being on the Moulded Mitts base.
Final Rating: Fairly rare and a price highly dependent on build meta may make Atziri's Acuity an occasionally good choice.
Gold Amulet
- Eye of Chayula - Low Value.
- Serpent's Egg - Very Low to Low Value.
Both of these Amulets are likely to be worth a bit more in a fresh economy but quickly see a price drop for one simple reason — they are niche. Both Amulets can be powerful on the right build, and players will pay a premium early on to get their build online. But long term competition for purchases dies down leaving the value dropping steadily over time (outside of unexpected meta fluctuations). Eye of Chayula is quite rare, so your odds of chancing one are not too great, but Serpent's Egg is reasonably common.
Final Rating: A possibly profitable niche chancing target in a fresh economy (especially if you expect a popular build will be using one). Profits quickly evaporate as the market supply increases.
Low Item Level Attuned Wands
- Lifesprig - Moderate Value (for Level Requirements below 5).
Lifesprigs that drop at endgame have high level requirements, making them useless for leveling new characters. This is because of a quirk with granted skills on items. Lifesprigs that have an item level of 5 or less only require level 3 to equip. Good leveling items that can be used from a low level can be quite valuable, especially in a fresh economy. Look out for any item level 1 to 5 Normal Rarity Attuned Wands while you level. Remember that the vendors reset every level up! Profit potential of items like this are likely to drop as more people become aware of it — but look out for other similar examples!
Final Rating: A cute, niche, but limited option.
Grinding Gear Games sets the ratio of Divine Orbs to Exalted Orbs on the official trade site manually. This results in them sometimes being out of sync with the current real rates. Divine Orb listings can rise to the top of search results over far cheaper Exalted Orb listing prices. Avoid this by setting the buyout price to Exalted Orbs in filters if you suspect this is happening.
Why So Few Weapons and Armour?
In Path of Exile 2's Early Access the most high value Chanceable Unique items are predominantly Rings, Amulets and Belts. There are powerful Armour and Weapons in the game but many are boss drops or otherwise not available with Orbs of Chance. This is due to many of them being on higher level Base Item Types that are simply not available yet. Currently, "Advanced" and "Expert" bases exist as a stop-gap measure while Act 4, 5 and 6 are not present. The Advanced and Expert bases will eventually be replaced with the missing bases — making them chanceable.
Guaranteed Profits for Orb of Chances
The only surefire way to produce a profit with an Orb of Chance is to sell it. The risk-free approach is to use the Currency Exchange to convert them to Exalted Orbs. You can then spend the Currency on the gear you want. Of course, with this strategy you never get that big win moment. Many people prefer the slow and steady approach that eventually gets them to their goals, consider if this is what you would prefer.
Orbs of Chance in Solo Self Found
There are many common, useful Unique items that are not economically feasible to use Orb of Chance orbs to create. In Solo Self Found you are freed from the shackles of the economy. This means you can chance for whatever you want that you think could be useful for you. Here are some suggestions of approaches:
- Refer to your build guide and any recommended Uniques it has.
- Chance for powerful Utility Uniques that you could use in a variety of builds.
- Chance for powerful leveling Uniques (see our guide) for leveling alternate characters.
- Chance for the high power gamble Uniques for fun (the items on this list)!
How to Add Chancing Bases to Your Loot Filter
Loot Filters are an essential tool that you should take advantage of when hunting Normal bases to Chance Orb. A Filter lets you ensure that Normal bases you want to see aren't hidden, and can even highlight them to make them easier to see. To get a Loot Filter and customize it to display desired bases follow these steps:
- Go to Filterblade.
- Create a new Filter.
- Select a Strictness. Semi-strict is the recommend starting place for newer players. Higher strictness filters hide more items.
- Select a style (color scheme), if desired.
- Navigate to "Customize" at the top of the screen.
- Open the "Chancing" option under "Basics".
- Open the "Chancing Bases" sub-section.
- Check if your desired base already in the list. If it is not, then add it by typing in the text box and clicking "Add".
- Optionally, customize the colors, size, and other display features of the chancing category.
- Make any other changes you want to your Loot Filter. You can use the "Simulate" option at the top of the page to test.
- Click "Export to PoE" at the top of the page and follow the instructions to sync (or download) your Loot Filter!

To decide the best Unique Items to target when using your Orb of Chances in Path of Exile 2 you need to consider the price of Chance Orbs, the value of the Uniques, their Rarity, and your risk tolerance. This guide has given you the knowledge and some suggested options for choosing a strategy right for you.
- Choosing a moderately common Unique is likely the most satisfying strategy for many PoE 2 players. Especially when there are several good outcomes on the same base! The Emerald Ring is a good example of this with two decently valuable options that aren't exceedingly Rare.
- Tier 0 Uniques like Dream Fragments and Astramentis are extremely rare. You should only Chance for them if you are comfortable with that fact.
- In Solo Self Found chance for what's useful, rather than what's valuable in trade.
- The only surefire way to not lose currency on a Chance Orb is the sell it via the Currency Exchange.
Written by: ZIGGYD
Content Reviewed by: Jerrin
Language Reviewed by: Tenkiei