Gear & Crafting
Boneshatter Juggernaut Endgame Gear Progression, Budget Items, Jewels & Crafting.
Core Items
The equipment shown is core to the build. Resistances and Stats can be exchanged and swapped around, BUT you must obtain all Implicits, Anoints, Crafts, Flasks and all other modifiers shown.
This is a highly optimized Build, requiring triple T2+ modifiers on every single Rare slot. You must follow the guide's instructions when crafting, or purchase your item off the Trade Site.
Main Hand
Item: Big Axe
As Boneshatter Juggernaut is a Physical Attack build, obtain as much Physical Damage on your Axe Prefixes as possible. For your Suffixes, increased Attack Speed and Double Damage are the best modifiers.
Crafting Guide: If you need help Crafting this upgraded Axe check out our article by Spicy Sushi.
Item: Gape Horn
Your Helmet is a great spot on your Boneshatter Juggernaut Gear to obtain triple T1 Suffixes and Life. Do this by purchasing a Fractured Base Resistance or Accuracy Base and spamming a Resistance Essence until you land a third Resistance or Accuracy. Finish your Helmet by obtaining the While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life and 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage eldritch implicit modifiers. Make sure to use Greater Eldritch Ember and Greater Eldritch Ichor to obtain better versions of these mods.
Body Armor
Item: The Fourth Vow
There is no other Body Armor to use on this build. The Divine Flesh + The Fourth Vow combination provides the most mitigation against the most difficult content in the game BUT requires you to reach 80% Chaos Resistance. This is because Endgame Bosses have Elemental Penetration which goes right through your Resistances to deal as much damage as possible. Since 50% of the Elemental Damage you take is instead converted to Chaos, and then mitigated with Armour, we greatly reduce the power of that deadly Penetration.
Important Corruptions to get would be:
- (3-5)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while stationary
- (40-50)% increased Damage
- +1% to all maximum Resistances
- You take 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
Item: Tanu Ahi
Continue to use Tanu Ahi as it's a great source of the super powerful Adrenaline Buff (100% increased Damage, 25% Attack/Cast/Movement Speed and 10% additional Physical Damage Reduction) and the Onslaught Buff (20% Attack/Cast/Movement Speed).
Important Corruptions to get would be:
- (8-10)% increased Attack Speed
- +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
- +2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems (Put Aura's in Gloves with this Corruption)
- +2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems (Put Aura's in Gloves with this Corruption)
Item: Fractured Base + Shock Avoid essence
Thanks to Eldritch implicits and the Shrieking Essence of Torment you can craft up to 90% chance to Avoid being Shocked on your Boots. This enables you to be fully Ailment immune with the 12% granted on the passive skill tree, combined with Stormshroud.
Crafting Guide:
- Purchase a Fractured Resistance pair of Boots
- Spam Shrieking Essence of Torment until you land another T1 Resistance. You should now have 3 high Tier Suffixes
- Use Eldritch Eldritch Chaos Orb, Eldritch Exalted Orb and Eldritch Orb of Annulment until you obtain 25% or more Movement Speed OR T3+ Life.
- Finish your Implicits using Greater Eldritch Ember and Greater Eldritch Ichor for slightly higher tiers of these modifiers.
Item: Ashes of the Stars
Ashes provides everything you could want from an Amulet. It allows you to fit in Arctic Armour and scales your Divergent Boneshatter to give additional increased Attack Speed and all other alt Quality Gems to provide more Damage and Defense.
Item: Spirit Turn and Gloom Coil
Try to obtain one 15% of damage Recouped as Life roll on a Ring. This is about all you can fit in with how tight the Stats and Resistances are.
Rings are your Boneshatter Juggernaut's main source of Chaos Resistance, Elemental Resistances, Accuracy and Attributes on gear. The Expedition vendor, Rog, can reliably make triple T1 Suffix rings. So it shouldn't be too expensive to craft or buy a good triple T1 Suffix base. Once you have a good Suffix Amethyst Ring base, you can craft: "Suffixes Cannot be Changed" on the crafting bench and proceed to using a Veiled Chaos Orb to gain a veiled Prefix. Before unveiling, block Mana with the Crafting Bench and look for Life as your unveil. To finish the ring, you Craft Non-Channelling Skills have -7 to Total Mana Cost. If you need to squeeze extra Resistances out of your Gear, using Prismatic Catalyst on both Rings can help.
Item: Corpse Bind
A good Stygian Vise allows the use of an Abyss Jewel with Corrupted Blood Immunity on it, which saves you from having to purchase that Corruption on an expensive Unique Jewel. All your looking for here is triple T1 Resistances, Crafted Life and then you can Prismatic Catalyst on the final product if you need to squeeze as much Resistances out as possible.
Flasks provide a massive amount of defense and damage. Roll, use and enchant all your flasks following these combinations:
- Prepared Divine Life Flask of Alleviation
- Progenesis
- Granite Flask
- Jade Flask
- Quicksilver Flask
Enchant your flasks with Instilling Orbs:
- Used when Charges Reach Full
Ensure your Flasks have this Prefix:
- Gain 3 Charges when you are Hit by an Enemy
Have 1 of each of these Suffixes:
- Increased Evasion during Flask effect.
- Increased Armor during Flask effect.
- Reduced Effect of Curses on you during Flask effect.
- Increased Attack Speed during Flask effect.
Watcher's Eye
Item: Watcher's Eye
A Watcher's Eye can obtain either extra damage or survival for your build. Think of which one you prefer, or what modifiers you can afford from the trade link. The most important modifier for Damage is the Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride and for Defences it's 8% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by Determination
Cluster Jewel
The Large Cluster Jewel grants Impale Chance, Accuracy and damage as well as an extra jewel socket to place your Unique Jewels into. The best cluster jewel type for the build grants Added Small Passive Skills grant: Axe Attacks deal 12% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments. You can choose a combination of the following;
- Run Through
- Vicious Skewering
- Fuel the Fight
- Aggressive Defence
- Smite the Weak
- Martial Prowess
- Feed the Fury
Impossible Escape
Purchase an Impossible Escape with the Imbalanced Guard Keystone. Allocate Prismatic Skin, Soul of Steel, Kinetic Impacts and Eagle Eye.
Glorious Vanity
Purchase a Glorious Vanity in the name of Xibaqua. Use the Good Timeless Jewel tool to find one with one of the following modifiers on the Art of the Gladiator.
- (7-10)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills.
- (3-4)% additional Physical Damage Reduction
- +1% to maximum Chaos Resistance.
- (2-4)% chance to deal Double Damage.
Natural Affinity
Purchase and socket a Natural Affinity. Since Juggernaut's Unstoppable prevents this from affecting you, you gain additional damage and Defence.
Craft the Boots outlined above, and socket a Stormshroud to become fully immune to Elemental Ailments.