Gear Honing Sources
Knowing where to obtain currencies and items like: Shards, Leap Stones, Destruction and Guardian Stone is crucial for progressing through item tiers. These materials are essential for the Gear Honing process. While Gear Honing Sources are scarce and easily depleted, there are ways to obtain them daily. So how does one go about farming these? Let's find out!
One Time Rewards
Clear story mode dungeons on Normal and Hard mode starting from Rohendel and onwards to get one time rewards in the form of Gherdia Elimination Rewards (Normal) and Gherdia Elimination Rewards (Hard). Utilize these to help your character growth. This can be done on all of your characters once.
Daily and Weekly Rewards
The main Gear Honing sources for most of these is provided through your daily and weekly tasks. Complete them every day to help build up the foundation of your character.
Chaos Dungeons
Each day you are given 100 Aura of Resonance, this is enough to get full rewards for two runs. Dismantle unusable leftover gear pieces and accessories for additional materials.
Important: Guardian and Destruction stones obtained here are tradable. Share these with your other characters through the Roster Storage or sell them on the Auction House for profit.
- Shards
- Leap Stones
- Destruction Stones
- Guardian Stones
Guardian Raids
Defeat the highest accessible item level Guardian twice and claim their Guardian Soul for the best reward. Repeated kills after the daily Soul limit will not yield any material rewards other than a couple basic fragments.
Important: All materials are tradable. Share these with your characters through the Roster Storage or sell them on the Auction House for profit.
- Guardian Stones
- Destruction Stones
- Leap Stones
Una's Tasks
Choose 3 daily and 3 weekly Una's Tasks to complete. Select ones that give Shards or Leap Stones depending on which resource you're short of. Use the search function to filter out not needed options. You can choose to do tasks that reward Silver on chars/alts you don't plan to hone anymore.
- Shards
- Leap Stones
Abyssal Dungeons
Complete Abyssal Dungeons. On the victory screen, purchase the Scar of Abyss Chest and obtain additional upgrade materials.
Important: Only purchase the bonus reward box if your character requires materials for progression within that tier, otherwise skip it.
- Shards
- Leap Stones
- Destruction Stones
- Guardian Stones

Weekly Material Exchange Vendors
These vendors provide upgrade materials for all item tiers within Lost Ark. It is essential to take advantage of them after obtaining your weekly reward sources.
Endless Chaos Exchange
Farming Chaos Dungeons after expending Aura of Resonance yields Perception Shard tokens. Exchange these to
Magick Scholar Jeneca near the
Chaos Dungeon entrance for upgrade materials with a weekly limit. This can be done on all of your characters!

Tip: Use your strongest character to farm the highest Chaos Dungeon accessible to you within that tier for the highest yield of tradable tokens. Store accumulated Perception Shards and Disorder Crystals in your Roster Storage for your alts to take advantage of.
Check the Chaos Dungeon Guide for more details on this content.
Guild Exchange
Visit the Sylmael Bloodstone Exchange vendor, available in all major cities. Trade your Sylmael Bloodstones obtained from completing guild related tasks for upgrade materials each week.
Check the Guild System Overview for more details.

Auction House
If the daily and weekly tasks are not enough to supplement your needs, the Auction House and Mari's Shop (F4) can be used to obtain the missing materials for Gold or Purple Crystals (cash shop currency).

Utilize all daily and weekly Gear Honing sources to gain materials for a steady character growth.
- Chaos Dungeons
- Guardian Raids
- Abyssal Dungeons
- Una's Tasks
- First time clear of Normal and Hard mode story dungeons
- Exchange Vendors
- Auction House and Mari's Shop
Written by Choilicious
Reviewed by Starlast