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Lumerus Guardian Raid Guide

Last Updated:March 3, 2024

Lumerus Introduction

Lumerus is the second Raid Level 1 Guardian and you need to be at least 340 Item Level to enter this Guardian Raid. This Guardian drops Tier 1 Accessories, Upgrade Materials and Ability Stones as well as rare drops including Runes, Engraving Books and Cards. It takes 10% more damage from Dark Element skills.

Similar to the first Guardian Ur'nil, Lumerus has simple and predictable attack patterns. The majority of his attacks target Players in front and to the sides of the Guardian. Staying further away from Lumerus increases the chance of getting hit by big AoE attacks so try to stay close. Behind Lumerus is not only the safest spot but also enhances your skills with the Back Attack modifier.

This is the first Guardian encounter that introduces pattern changes based on the HP of the Guardian. Once the Guardian has low HP (<30%) some of the attack patterns are modified and enhanced.

This Guardian guide assumes you know the basics of a Guardian Raid. Check out the General Guardian Raid Guide to learn more.

Special Interactions & Patterns

Counterable Charge

Counterable Charge

Counter attack is possible during the Charge attack pattern. At the start of this attack animation, the Guardian glows blue. The player has a short window to cast a skill with a Counter Attack affix while standing in front of the Guardian. If you manage to pull this off fast enough, the Guardian's attack will be interrupted and staggered for a few seconds. This gives you and your team a short window to use buffs and deal additional damage.

General Patterns

Backwards Jump
Triple Swipe


Lumerus swipes once with a paw dealing low damage and staggering the player on hit. This is an attack with a quick animation which makes it hard to dodge.


Lumerus unleashes a powerful breath attack in front of him which can hit and knock back a player more than once.
Instead of dodging away, it is easier to avoid getting hit if you dodge to the sides.


The Guardian leaps forward and releases 3 light beams once the Guardian hits the ground. This attack deals a decent amount of damage and knocks the player up on hit.

Backwards Jump

Lumerus jumps backwards. This attack deals no damage but the Guardian can combo it with any other attacks afterwards, increasing the chance of you getting hit. Make sure to follow Lumerus and close the gap between you and the Guardian as fast as possible.


Lumerus breathes into the ground and spawns geysers at random locations. Pay attention to the ground and move away immediately if you see light cracks below you. This attack staggers the player and deals continuous damage if on or near a geyser. This skill has a long attack animation time which gives you and your team valuable seconds to deal damage.



After wiggling it's head a few times, Lumerus sends out 3 shockwaves around him. Each shock wave covers a bigger area than the previous one and the 3rd shockwave knocks down players and deals massive damage. Get to the safe spot behind Lumerus before the 3rd shockwave comes even if you have to take hits from the first 2 shockwaves.

This attack is added to the attack pool of Lumerus once his HP drops below 20%. Lumerus jumps in place and channels light energy that is unleashed in a massive AoE attack. To avoid getting hit by this attack, you have to go to the safe spot behind Lumerus or run far away from the Guardian.

This attack is one of the most common reasons for a team wipe. In worst case scenarios, you can use Time Stop Potion to avoid taking any damage.

Triple Swipe


The Guardian initiates this attack with 2 staggering small paw attacks and finishes the combo with a big 180 degree attack. The last hit deals a lot of damage and knocks the player up.

Once Lumerus's HP is below 30%, the triple slam automatically casts the Geysers attack at the end of the combo.

Gameplay Video


Written by Perciculum
Reviewed by Facefoot

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