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Icy Legoros Guardian Raid Guide

Last Updated:March 3, 2024

Icy Legoros Introduction

Icy Legoros is the third Raid Level 1 Guardian and you need to be at least 380 Item Level to enter this Guardian Raid. This Guardian drops Tier 1 Accessories, Upgrade Materials and Ability Stones as well as rare drops including Runes, Engraving Books and Cards. It takes 10% more damage from Lightning Element skills.

This Guardian has a smaller pool of attacks compared to the first two TIER 1 Guardians and doesn't have any enrage or low HP related attack modifications. Instead you have to face a highly agile Guardian with very few stationary moments. Once caught in it's combo attacks, Legoros can chain CC you for a longer period of time. Getting hit by the Freezing Breath attack can be fatal if Legoros decides to follow up with the High Impact Jump, don't get caught in this combo!

The safest spot to stay is behind Legoros but it's mobility makes it hard to do a full skill rotation, especially if you play a class with long skill casting animations. Luckily all the combo attacks are predictable once you get used to the attack animations of the Guardian.

This Guardian guide assumes you know the basics of a Guardian Raid. Check out the General Guardian Raid Guide to learn more.

Special Interactions & Patterns

Counterable Charge

Counterable Charge

Counter attack is possible during the Charge attack pattern. At the start of this attack animation, the Guardian glows blue. The player has a short window to cast a skill with a Counter Attack affix while standing in front of the Guardian. If you manage to pull this off fast enough, the Guardian's attack will be interrupted and staggered for a few seconds. This gives you and your team a short window to use buffs and deal additional damage.


After staggering Legoros by using skills with a Stagger affix, the Guardian uses an AoE attack as soon as it recovers from the staggered state. Make sure to take a few steps away from Legoros once it starts to recover. This recovery AoE can be also cast mid fight. An icy aura effect surrounds Legoros shortly before it uses this attack, watch for this to avoid getting hit.

General Patterns

Stationary Swipe
Moving Swipe
Backwards Jump
Freezing Breath
High Impact Jump
Triple Jump

Stationary Swipe

Legoros faces a player and does a single swipe attack. This is a simple and low damage attack which causes stagger on hit.

Moving Swipe

Legoros swipes twice while moving towards a player. Legoros can do this attack up to two times in a row. On hit the player is staggered and knocked back.

Backwards Jump

Legoros jumps backwards. This attack deals no damage but the Guardian can combo it with any other attacks afterwards which, increasing the chance of you getting hit. Make sure to follow Legoros and close the gap between you and the guardian as fast as possible.

Freezing Breath

Legoros jumps backwards in a spinning motion and performs a frost breath attack towards the Guardian's initial location that freezes the player. This attack is easier to avoid if you dodge towards the left or right side of Legoros.

High Impact Jump

Legoros looks up and roars briefly towards the sky before performing a jump attack. The landing area is highlighted, make sure to jump away immediately. On hit the player takes high damage and is knocked up. This attack also applies dizzy CC effect on players close to the edge of the landing area.

Triple Jump

The Guardian chases after a player while performing a triple Jump combo. The first two jumps are done in quick succession and only cause stagger on hit, but the last and final jump deals more damage and knocks down the player. The third jump attack is cast by Legoros after a short delay which gives you enough time to move away if were hit by the second jump. Run away from your teammates to prevent any collateral damage.

Gameplay Video


Written by Perciculum
Reviewed by Facefoot

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