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Gargadeth Guardian Raid Guide

Last Updated:October 8, 2024


Gargadeth is the second Raid Level 7 Guardian, with an Item Level requirement of 1600. He drops Tier 3 Accessories, Bracelets, Ability Stones, Radiant Honor Leapstone and Upgrade Materials, as well as rare drops including Engraving Books. An additional Legendary Galewind rune is also obtainable.

Recommended Battle Items: Flare, Pheromone Essence, Sacred Charm and Dark Grenade

Weakness: Earth

This Guardian guide assumes you know the basics of a Guardian Raid. Check out the General Guardian Raid Guide to learn more.

Raid Mechanics

Raid mechanics cover the passive mechanics that are persistent through the entire raid.

Crown Enhancement
Crown Destruction

Certain patterns (Counter & Tongue attacks) can lead to the player being swallowed by the boss. In this case, the swallowed players will remain in Gargadeth's mouth for a long time. Players outside can't liberate the swallowed player(s). Additionally, every time someone gets swallowed, the boss recovers a small amount of HP and his patterns become enhanced until the swallowed players are free.


  1. Around 30 seconds after starting the fight, the boss summons a lightning storm around him.
  2. The crown appears out of his mouth and starts to hover over his head.
  3. He slams the ground and deals damage to nearby players.
    • Boss can use this pattern frequently, but he won't slam the ground again after the first time.

What to do

  1. Once the lightning storm disappears, move a few steps away from the guardian.


  1. This pattern occurs ~2 minutes after Crown Enhancement.
  2. Boss looks towards the center of the battle area and teleports to that spot.
  3. Gargadeth burrows underground.
  4. Golden orbs appear around the center.
  5. Gargadeth reappears on the uniquely colored circle and swallows players standing on it.
  6. Swallowed players should complete a Quick Time Event (QTE).
  7. Boss falls to the ground and drops his crown, which can be destroyed using Weak Point skills.

What to do

  1. Destroy golden orbs to reveal and identify the uniquely colored circle to group up on it. It can be either blue or red.
  2. Once you got swallowed, succeed either the typing or the spacebar spam test to get a 65% Attack Power, 20% Attack and Movement Speed buff for 40 seconds.
    • If you don't stand on the correct spot to get swallowed, you will take massive damage and start to float in the air for a few seconds.
    • The mechanic ends when the first player to succeed the QTE does so, granting every swallowed player the buff.
  3. After succeeding the QTE, you can destroy the crown using Weak Point skills. Similar to Nacrasena, once you destroy the crown, the boss will be in a weakened state and can only perform simple patterns. As soon as the buff you received earlier runs out, the boss will attempt to escape to a different area.
    • Most parties won't destroy the crown to prevent the boss from escaping. If you are confident in your ability to kill the boss within 40 seconds after destruction, go for it!

Counter and Tongue Patterns

Backward Kicks
Jump Counter
Portal Rush
Backwards Jump
Turn Attack


  1. Gargadeth jumps while turning 180° and does a simple backwards kick.
  2. The boss glows blue.
  3. He performs an enhanced backwards kick.

What to do

  1. As soon as you see the boss turning around and kicking backwards, move towards his front to Counter.
  2. If you fail the Counter, avoid standing behind the boss.


  1. Boss jumps up to two times towards a player.
  2. He glows blue before leaping towards the same player.
  3. Players standing in his path will be swallowed.

What to do

  1. There are only 2 patterns which include a jump, so as soon as you see the boss jumping towards a player, prepare to Counter.
  2. If you fail the Counter, don't stand in front of him to avoid getting swallowed.


  1. The boss opens a portal and dashes into it.
  2. After a short delay, the boss reappears in front of a random player and flashes blue.
  3. He charges towards that player and swallows everyone on his path.

What to do

  1. Group up as soon as possible and Counter him as soon as he reappears.
  2. If you are not confident in Countering the boss, dodge to the sides after he reappears.


  1. The boss turns towards a player and jumps backwards away from him.
  2. Upon landing, cone-shaped shockwaves appear from each of his legs, paralyzing players for 5 seconds.
  3. Boss uses a tongue attack towards the player and swallows everyone on hit.

What to do

  1. Either move to the sides or use spacebar to avoid getting swallowed.


  1. The boss slowly turns 180°.
  2. At the end of the turn animation, he performs a tongue attack towards his front.

What to do

  1. Either move to the sides or use spacebar to avoid getting swallowed.

General Patterns

Call Lightning
Blue Orbs
Side attacks


  1. Gargadeth looks up and shoots 3 orbs.
  2. 3 orbs fall down on a random player.
  3. The orbs create a poison puddle upon hitting the ground, with the third orb knocking players up as well.

What to do

  1. Identify the targeted player.
  2. That player should run away from teammates to place the puddles away from them.


  1. Gargadeth looks towards the ground.
  2. Golden orbs surrounded by lightning effects appear around the boss.
  3. After a brief delay, thunder strikes on each orb and deals damage in its radius.

What to do

  1. Group up if possible and destroy nearby orbs, creating a safe zone.
  2. Ignore the other orbs and focus on dealing damage to the boss.


  1. The boss remains stationary and summons moving blue orbs surrounded by lightning effects.
  2. Blue orbs frequently shoot projectiles towards random locations.
  3. The blue orbs explode and shock everyone in their radius.

What to do

  1. Keep dealing damage to the boss while staying outside the blue area surrounding the orbs.


  1. Variant 1:
    1. Boss lifts his right side and body slams towards that side.
    2. On hit, he stuns players, then turns around and performs a backwards kick.
  2. Variant 2:
    1. Boss lifts his left side first and starts to stomp left and right while causing lightning explosions on each side.

What to do

  1. Variant 1:
    1. Avoid getting stunned by moving away from his right side.
  2. Variant 2:
    1. Move to his front or back to continue dealing damage.


  1. Gargadeth summons a lightning orb in front of him and another on his side, then tracks the movements of a random player for a brief moment.
  2. The boss shoots a powerful laser out of both orbs, dealing high damage.

What to do

  1. Turn the boss away from your teammates and dodge to the side without an orb as soon as the boss slightly leans towards his back.


  1. The boss leans back for a brief moment.
  2. The boss spits a purple poison cloud towards his front, dealing high damage with each tick.

What to do

  1. Move to the sides or stick close to his head to avoid getting hit.


  1. Gargadeth hits a player with his right front leg and pushes them away.
  2. He stomps with his front legs and creates a Wi-Fi shaped shockwave towards his front.

What to do

  1. Move to the sides or stand on the safe area between him and the first Wi-Fi segment.


  1. Gargadeth slams the ground, sending out a shockwave while glowing blue.
  2. He floats towards the air before crashing forward to the ground, dealing massive damage.

What to do

  1. Option 1: Move closer to him to get pulled towards the air together with the boss, receiving the Upward Current buff. In this case, the buff negates the damage of the impact and resets your get-up skill, as you will be knocked down upon landing.
  2. Option 2: Wait until the last second before the boss floats up, then Spacebar close to him to receive the Upward Current buff without leaving the ground, negating the damage of the impact and avoiding the knockdown.
  3. Option 3: Use Super Armor and Damage Reduction skills to avoid getting knocked down and minimizing damage.


Written by Perciculum
Footage from Saintone

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