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Chromanium Guardian Raid Guide

Last Updated:March 3, 2024

Chromanium Introduction

Chromanium is the first Guardian of Raid Level 2 and you need to be at least 460 Item Level to enter this Guardian Raid. This Guardian drops Tier 1 Accessories, Upgrade Materials and Ability Stones as well as rare drops including Runes, Engraving Books and Cards. It takes 10% more damage from Fire Element skills.

This Guardian is the first one with a mandatory Part Destruction mechanic. This means that a part of the Guardian must be destroyed to progress through the phases. In this case Chromanium's hard shell reduces all damage taken until it's destroyed. To destroy the shell use skills and Battle Items with a Weak Point attribute. You can speed up this process by using the Corrosive Bomb and Destruction Bomb but make sure to not waste your awakening skills until the shell is broken.

Aside from this new Part Destruction mechanic, Chromanium is a slow guardian with mostly frontal attacks. This gives you enough time to focus on back attack damage and dodging during the 3 phase fight. Phase 1 lasts until you break the shell. Once the shell is broken, Phase 2 starts and additional skills are added to the attack pool. Chormanium enters Phase 3 around 20-30% HP. During this phase, a few skills are modified and amplified, but nothing too exciting happens.

This Guardian guide assumes you know the basics of a Guardian Raid. Check out the General Guardian Raid Guide to learn more.

Special Interactions & Patterns

Counterable Frontal Slam
Shell Break

Counterable Frontal Slam

Counter attack is possible during the Charge attack pattern. At the start of this attack animation, the Guardian glows blue. The player has a short window to cast a skill with a Counter Attack affix while standing in front of the Guardian. If you manage to pull this off fast enough, the Guardian's attack will be interrupted and staggered for a few seconds. This gives you and your team a short window to use buffs and deal additional damage.

The Guardian lifts its front feet and slams them to the ground, sending out a forward shock wave. The shock wave deals low damage and knocks up the player.

Shell Break

Once you have dealt enough Weak Point damage with proper skills and Battle Items, the shell of the Guardian breaks. From that point on Chromanium takes normal damage.

Don't mistake the shell break animation with the Stagger animation. The best way to differentiate between both animations are the broken shell fragments which will be scattered around the Guardian once you destroy the shell. These doesn't exist during the Stagger animation.

General Patterns

Side Slam
Stationary Jump
Barrage Bombardment
Tracking Orb
Cardinal Orbs

Side Slam

This attack pattern is similar to Counterable Frontal Slam. But this time the Guardian targets the areas to the left or right and causes knock up on hit.


180° Breath

An easy to dodge breath attack that hits everyone in front of the Guardian in a straight line. It has a long reach which is why you should always try to dodge to the sides and not away from Chromanium.

The long breathe in animation while tracking the targeted player with its entire body is an unmistakable animation for the Breath attack and its variants. There is enough time between the breaths to jump or move away from the AoE. Don't panic and turn the Guardian towards your teammates if you are being targeted.

This variation targets a bigger area in front of the Guardian. Chromanium turns its head slightly to the left and then slowly towards the right side while breathing out.

Because of the bigger AoE, it is even more important to position the AoE properly if you are the targeted player. The Guardian always starts the breath animation from the left, so dodge or move towards the right side to avoid getting hit.



Chromanium jumps towards an area in front of him knocking players up and dealing medium damage on impact.

The attack animation is pretty slow which gives you enough time to move away from in front of the Guardian.

Chromanium jumps twice in a row and deals damage after each impact. Everything else is similar to the normal jump.

Be aware that these two Jump attack variants have no internal cooldown like the other attacks. Which means the Guardian can redo these variations successively.

Stationary Jump


A simple jump attack to a specified location, dealing damage and knocking up everyone around the Guardian. The swirl effect on the front feet is an indicator for this attack.

This attack by itself is not dangerous but Chromanium can follow up with a more dangerous attack.

After performing the Stationary Jump you need to pay close attention to the front feet of Chromanium. If the Guardian spreads them out while standing still, then you need to run far away from the Guardian. Because shortly after, he will jump again and summon stone pillars around himself. These pierce the ground and deal massive damage to everyone around the guardian.

This skill is one of the most common reasons for a team wipe. You must pay attention to the Guardians movement to avoid wiping!



A huge orb is shot into the air. The impact area is briefly highlighted before the orb hits the ground. This attack deals massive damage and can one shot you, so make sure to dodge away from the impact point as soon as possible.

Be aware that this attack can be cast successively.

During phase 3, the orb won't disappear after hitting the ground. Instead it remains on the ground and pulsates frequently dealing damage to nearby players.

Barrage Bombardment

Instead of one big orb, the Guardian shoots multiple small orbs with a smaller AoE. These orbs don't deal much damage but knock down the player on hit.

You can either move away a few steps and wait until the Barrage is over. Or take the risk, stay close to the Guardian and deal damage while dodging the Barrage.

Tracking Orb

The animation of this attack looks similar to Bombardment but instead of shooting a red orb, the Guardian shoots a white orb. The white orb starts to track and follow a player once it hits the ground. If the orb hits a player it explodes, dealing damage and stunning the player. To avoid getting hit you simply need to run away for a few seconds until the orb disappears.

Cardinal Orbs


Chromanium applies a slow debuff on everyone and summons 4 pulsating orbs around him at each cardinal direction. These orbs remain on the ground for a few seconds and deal damage to players nearby.

The slow debuff and the initial roar of the Guardian are the indicator for this attack and give you enough time to move towards any of the ordinal directions. The ordinal directions are the safe spot until the summoned orbs disappear or the Guardian jumps away to a different area.

During phase 3, the orbs pull nearby players immediately towards the core. So make sure to dodge out of the spawning area of the orbs.

Gameplay Video


Written by Perciculum
Reviewed by Facefoot

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