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Alberhastic Guardian Raid Guide

Last Updated:March 3, 2024

Alberhastic Introduction

Alberhastic is the last Raid Level 4 Guardian and you need to be at least 1080 Item Level to enter this Guardian Raid. This Guardian drops Tier 2 Accessories, Upgrade Materials and Ability Stones as well as rare drops including Runes, Engraving Books and Cards. It takes 10% more damage from Water Element skills.

Alberhastic is one of the most mechanically heavy Guardians with several one shot patterns you must execute properly. We will focus in this guide only on the important core skills of this Guardian. Depending on which shape he takes, he changes his play style and skill set. Alberhastic frequently summons Energy Orbs around him that need to be destroyed as soon as possible, otherwise the boss gets buffed!

This Guardian guide assumes you know the basics of a Guardian Raid. Check out the General Guardian Raid Guide to learn more.

Special Interactions & Patterns

Shape Transformation
Energy Orb
Stagger Check
Silver or Gold
Blue Tornados

Shape Transformation

In total, this Guardian has 5 different shapes. The first time you encounter him, he is on his “normal” shape. The other 4 include 2 melee claw shapes and 2 shapes where he is able to fly. The shapes dictate which 1 shot mechanic the boss can perform during specific situations.

He transforms into one of the 4 other shapes a few seconds after the initial encounter. He can do it again later in battle or after he escapes to a different area.

Energy Orbs

The Guardian frequently spawns Energy Orbs at random nearby locations. These orbs are highlighted on the minimap as yellow dots. Focus down the orbs as soon as possible, otherwise the Guardian consumes it and gets buffed for the rest of the battle. If Alberhastic consumes too many of the orbs, he will start to one shot players even with his normal attacks.

If you manage to destroy the orb before it gets consumed, it will leave behind a blue orb. Picking it up before it disappears grants the player a Damage Reduction buff with a decent duration. With this buff the next hit you take will deal almost no damage. If you failed to prevent a one shot mechanic, this blue buff can help you survive it.

Once you destroy an Energy Orb, the entire party gets a stacking debuff. Upon obtaining the 3rd stack, everyone will burn for 20 seconds. This Burn deals decent damage, use Panacea to remove it as soon as you get the 3rd debuff stack.

Stagger Check

This unique Stagger Check mechanic is different from the one you have encountered so far. You have to pay close attention to when the Stagger Check begins. During the fight the Guardian will suddenly glow blue, which is the indicator for the start. Your goal is to focus on Stagger damage skills and Combat Items to incapacitate Alberhastic before he casts another one shot mechanic. If you succeed the Stagger Check, the follow-up one shot mechanic will have a safe spot.

While you are focusing on the Stagger Check the Guardian continues using his normal attacks. This might be difficult to manage for some groups, in which case you should use a Taunting Scarecrow. Once the Guardian focuses his attention towards the Taunting Scarecrow, use that opportunity to deal as much Stagger damage as possible.

Silver or Gold

The Guardian frequently spawns silver and gold orbs which follow a predefined path before they disappear. If a player gets hit by one they will obtain a golden or silver aura displayed below their feet. Once you have an aura you can change the color of it by getting hit by an orb of a different color. Be careful, getting hit by an orb of the same color as your aura does not only deal damage but also stuns you for a few seconds.

You can safely ignore the orbs until the Guardian flashes with a huge silver or golden circle below him. When this happens note which color the Guardian is flashing and get the opposite aura. If the Guardian had the silver circle below him, then you need to obtain the golden aura. Don't panic, after he reveals the circle color there will be at least 2 waves of golden and silver orb spawns. About 30 second after the reveal, the boss casts a massive spirit bomb which will deal high damage to everyone who doesn't have the correct aura. If you couldn't obtain the correct aura or got the wrong one accidentally, you need to run far away from the boss before he even starts to cast the spirit bomb. Otherwise, you might not be able to out run the area in time.

Blue Tornados

Alberhastic summons 4 blue tornadoes around him. These tornadoes are stationary and lift the player up into the air on contact. When this happens the player receives a debuff that prevents being lifted by the tornadoes for few seconds. Make sure to not get hit by the tornadoes too early.

A few seconds after spawning the tornadoes, the Guardian flies up and smashes back to the ground. This attack deals high damage to everyone in range that isn't airborne. To prevent the one shot, jump into one of the blue tornadoes as soon as the Guardian flies up.

If you got the debuff by mistake, use Panacea to remove it before you walk into a blue tornado.

General Patterns

Pierce Stagger Check
Grab Stagger Check
Fire Eruption
Phantom Dash
Seal Circle
Chasing Tornados

Pierce Stagger Check

This attack is a Stagger Check only used while he is in a shape that has a spear as the weapon. The Guardian pierces a player and slowly lifts him up into the air. Meanwhile, the party members need to use Stagger damage skills and Combat Items to liberate the pierced player. If it takes too long, Alberhastic starts to smash the player multiple times to the ground which can kill squishy classes easily.

Grab Stagger Check

This attack is a Stagger check used while the Guardian is in his winged shape. The Guardian grabs a player with his claws and hovers in the air. In specific intervals, the Guardian will smash the player towards the ground and lift them back in the air. Meanwhile, the party members need to use Stagger damage skills and Combat Items to liberate the grabbed player. It doesn't require much Stagger damage but the tricky part is Alberhastic can only take damage for a brief moment while he is smashing the grabbed player to the ground. So you have to time your skills and Combat Items well.

If you take too long Alberhastic lifts up one final time before he crashes back to the ground, dealing massive damage to everyone in a big AoE.

Fire Eruption

Alberhastic summons a big fire circle below him, which erupts after a second to deal damage and knock up the players on it. There are 2 variants of this attack, one of it has a small safe zone in the center and the other one doesn't. If the Guardian has a spear in his hand, then he usually summons the circle with the safe spot.


The Guardian locks onto one player and shoots either 1 or 3 consecutive lasers towards them. On hit, the lasers deal massive damage and cause a knock up. If you are the targeted player, avoid running into your teammates.

Phantom Dash

The Guardian summons multiple waves of dashing Phantoms in front of him. This attack has a long animation time which should be used to get behind the Guardian and deal as much uninterrupted damage as possible. If you play a Gunlancer, don't taunt and interrupt this attack!

Seal Circle

Alberhastic summons a circle around him which lasts for a few seconds and follows the Guardian. You have to stay in the circle, otherwise you will be silenced and won't be able to use any skills.

Chasing Tornados

An attack only used while the Guardian is in his winged shape. Up to 2 tornadoes spawn and start to chase a player(s). On contact, they deal continuous damage to the player. If you are getting chased by a tornado, avoid running into other teammates.

Guide Video


Written by Perciculum
Reviewed by Facefoot

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