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The Snare Side Quest Guide

Last Updated: August 18, 2023

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Learn all about the rewards, starting location, and how to complete The Snare Side Quest.

Quest Information

Region: Scosglen
Zone: The Downs
Started by: Complete First Among Wolves
Quest-Chain: First Among Wolves
Quest Rewards and Duration
Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 00:10 Minutes

Follow up to First Among Wolves Side Quest.

Quest Map and Quest Objectives

  1. Find the Druid Totem.
  2. Complete the blood ritual in The Harrowfields.
  3. Slay Enraged Goatmen inside the ritual circle.
  4. Take the Vial of Khazra Blood.
  5. Complete the blood ritual in The Wraithstead.
  6. Slay Enraged Werewolves inside the ritual circle.
  7. Take the Vial of Khazra Blood.
  8. Speak with Artair at Wraithstead.
Click for detailed Quest Objective Map

Quest Rundown

  1. Find the Druid Totem - Travel North to the marked area on the map. Along the western edge, you find a small stone altar with a Worn Carving on it. Click on it to receive the Druid Totem.
  2. Complete the blood ritual in The Harrowfields - Travel East to the marked location on the map. You find a small collection of assorted items that make up a Druid Ritual Site. Click on it to move to the next objective.
  3. Slay Enraged Goatmen inside the ritual circle - A red outline surrounds the ritual site. Goatmen spawn around you and must be killed within the circle to count. Continue to defeat them until the objective is complete.
  4. Take the Vial of Khazra Blood - Once the ritual is complete, the Druid Ritual Site you clicked before allows you to take the Vial of Khazra Blood from it. Click it.
  5. Complete the blood ritual in The Wraithstead- Travel East to the marked location on the map. You find another Druid Ritual Site. Click on it to move to the next objective.
  6. Slay Enraged Werewolves inside the ritual circle - Just as before with the Goatmen, kill Werewolves inside the red circle. Continue to defeat them until the objective is complete.
  7. Take the Vial of Khazra Blood - Once the ritual is complete, the Druid Ritual Site allows you to take the Vial of Werewolf Blood from it. Click it.
  8. Speak with Artair at Wraithstead - Travel just West and talk to Artair. This completes the Side Quest.

Key Locations and NPCs

Objective 1 - Worn Carving for the Druid Totem
Objective 1 - Worn Carving for the Druid Totem


Written by Dredscythe
Reviewed by Facefoot

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