Learn all about the rewards, starting location, and how to complete the Pyre of Ash Side Quest.
Quest Information
Region: Scosglen Zone: Highland Wilds Started by: Troben the Innkeeper Quest-Chain: Claws at the Throat |
Quest Rewards and Duration Renown: 30 Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level Duration: 00:10 Minutes |
Follow up to the Claws at the Throat Side Quest.
Quest Map and Quest Objectives
- Speak to Torben about Blackweald Company.
- Find the source of the smoke.
- Enter the Embered Recess.
- Investigate the Embered Recess.
- Defeat the Blackweald ambushers.
- Speak with Torben the Innkeeper.
Quest Rundown
- Speak to Torben about Blackweald Company - Travel to the marked location and speak to Torben the Innkeeper.
- Find the source of the smoke - Travel to the marked area on the map. Look for a small camp with a cellar.
- Enter the Embered Recess - Enter the cellar through the stairs.
- Investigate the Embered Recess - Explore the cellar to find the Charred Pyre. Click it.
- Defeat the Blackweald ambushers - Defeat the small ambush that occurs.
- Speak with Torben the Innkeeper - Speak with Torben. This completes the Pyre of Ash Side Quest.
Key Locations and NPCs
Start NPC
Written by Dredscythe
Reviewed by Facefoot