Past Regrets Side Quest Guide
Last Updated:July 24, 2023|Changelog
Learn all about the rewards, starting location, and how to complete the Past Regrets Side Quest.
Quest Information
Region: Hawezar
Zone: Blightmarsh
Started by: Taissa
Quest-Chain: A Question of Self (2 of 3)
Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 8:00 Minutes
Item Rewards: Gem Cache
After A Question of Self Side Quest
Quest Map and Quest Objectives
- Speak with Timue
- Collect the Mark of the Conclave
- Meet Taissa at the Tree of Whispers
- Collect Oracle Eyes from Nangari Oracles: 4
- Bring the Oracle Eyes to Taissa
- Enter the Eldritch Conclave
- Speak with Taissa
- Light the Braziers: 4
- Speak with Timue

Quest Rundown
In this section we write a detailed rundown of all quest objectives:
- Speak with Timue - Travel to Timue's Hovel in the southeast portion of Blightmarsh and talk to Timue.
- Collect the Mark of the Conclave - Click the shimmering Old Trunk in Timue's Hovel. Pick up Mark of the Conclave.
- Meet Taissa at the Tree of Whispers - Travel to the Tree of Whispers in the northern part of The Writhing Mire and speak with Taissa to give her the Mark of the Conclave. Taissa now follows you.
- Collect Oracle Eyes from Nangari Oracles - Kill Nangari Oracle Snakes and pick up 4 Oracle Eyes that they drop in The Writhing Mire.
- Bring the Oracle Eyes to Taissa - Speak with Taissa back at the Tree of Whispers.
- Enter the Eldritch Conclave - Enter the Eldritch Conclave that appears after speaking with Taissa.
- Speak with Taissa - Travel further into the Eldritch Conclave and talk to Taissa.
- Light the Braziers - Click the 4 Light Braziers that are shimmering. Wait until Timue enters the area.
- Speak with Timue - Talk to Timue. This completes the quest and will automatically begin A Series of Steps side quest.
Key Locations and NPCs
Objective 1Speak with Timue in her hovel in southeast Blightmarsh

Written by DarkHumility
Reviewed by Facefoot