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Renown System

Last Updated:March 4, 2025|Changelog

The Renown system is a critical part of the progression for all Characters in Diablo 4. It serves as your reputation within the different Sanctuary Zones and is split into 5 stages. It grants Gold, additional Skill Points, Potion Charges, Murmuring Obol capacity increases, and Paragon Points. Renown is account-wide and the benefits are permanent, so once you complete all five levels, you do not have to do it again. But doing it that first time is crucial!


Renown System Rewards

Renown System

Each main Zone has its own Renown counter. At certain thresholds, the points you have collected unlock rewards. The stages are split up into 5 sections, which are split into account-wide and individual character rewards. To unlock the final 2 stages, you need to reach level 60. With all Renown boards completed, all characters on your account receive 12 Skill Points, 6 Potion Charges, 480 Obol capacity, and 24 extra Paragon Points.

Image 342 900 X 248
Renown Rewards Fractured Peaks

Reward Stages

Each stage requires a certain amount of Renown points to be unlocked. Each character starts at 0 points in all zones. These stages can easily be reached without completing every single objective in a zone.

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5
200 points300 points350 points400 points450 points
200 total500 total850 total1250 total1700 total

Collecting Renown Points

Renown System

Each zone has more than enough objectives to complete all 5 stages of its board without completing every single one.

D 4 Renown Rewards 2 900 X 157
Renown Objectives

Tips & Tricks

Renown System
  • Focus on completing stages 1-4 early, as they are fast and grant a lot of extra power.
  • Find the route that combines as many objectives as possible:
  • Events and Cellars don't contribute to Renown, so you can skip them.


  • Collect points in each zone to complete the 5 reward stages by collecting Waypoints, discovering new sub-zones, finding Altars of Lilith, or completing Strongholds, Side Quests, and Dungeons.
  • The system gives a global Skill Point and Paragon Point bonus to all characters on your account.
  • Each Character starts with 0 points in all zones. Complete their progress to gain large boosts in experience and Gold.
  • Skip cellars and Events if you're trying to complete the stages as quickly as possible.
  • With Season 2, the whole Renown system is account-wide, meaning you only need to unlock it once!


Written by Avarilyn

Written by Teo1904

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