Voidwastes Dungeon Guide
Last Updated:December 5, 2024|Changelog
The Voidwastes is set in the same exact setting as the Cursed Wasteland dungeon, with the same mobs and mini-bosses. It's arguably an easier dungeon than Cursed Wasteland due to it being extremely nerfed compared to the Korean launch version.
Since their arrival in Solisium, Shaikal and his Diabolica minions have been slaughtering people in Solisium. The Dark Grand Elder Ahzreil desired to control and weaponize Shaikal through casting domination magic. Unfortunately, the monster absorbed his power and transformed into Shakarux, an ultimate being of darkness.
Voidwastes Boss - Shakarux
Shakarux is the final boss you encounter.
Position Setup
- Before the boss, set up pins on each horn/spike. Each party member is designated a pin.
- When the fight begins, 3 lasers will spawn from 2 horns.
- Pin 1/2 will work together to block the laser from reaching the boss.
- Pin 3/4 and Pin 5/6 will do the same.
- You cannot let the stacks reach 30 on either yourself or the boss, so routinely switch who is blocking the laser before stacks get too high.
- Ideally, the pair should be a melee user and a ranged user.
Attack Pattern
- At 90%, he will do the Breath mechanic regardless of his attack pattern.
- The boss has a set attack pattern, assuming no aggro is lost, but there is no repeating pattern between Breaths.
- You only need to remember that the boss will use its Breath mechanic after 2 instances of yellow puddles.
- This does not have to happen immediately after an instance of puddles are dropped.
- Just know you will never reach 3 instances of puddles before the boss uses its Breath mechanic.
- The 1st time the boss uses its Yellow Eye mechanic, the Breath mechanic will follow right afterward.
- Here is an example of switching whoever blocks the laser.
- A Red Eye appears on the furthest player.
- After the Red Eye disappears, an AoE black hole spawns underneath the location.
- Under 40% health, the two furthest players will receive the Red Eye.
- Once the Red Eye appears, move away from the rest of your party and go towards the center of the lasers.
- Wait for the Red Eye to disappear, and then immediately run away.
- Lasers stop. Glowing cracks appear on the floor.
- A Yellow Orb appears on the closest player.
- 2 horns will have Yellow Orbs appear over them.
- The person with the Yellow Orb must position themselves in line with the boss and the horn with the Yellow Orb.
- After the boss glows yellow, then the boss will lock onto that position for it's initial breath attack.
- After locking in, the player must move so that breath destroys the 2 horns with the orbs in the back.
- Under 40%, the boss will do this mechanic twice in a row.
- A Yellow Eye appears all players.
- After a certain time, all players take damage.
- Get close to the boss so your healer can AoE heal everyone with Clay's Salvation.
Voidwastes Mini-Bosses
There are the same mini-bosses as in Cursed Wasteland with the same mechanics.


The 3rd page is on top of the pillars. You will have to fly down.
Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Nymphellas