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Torture Chamber Dungeon Guide

Last Updated:December 5, 2024|Changelog

Welcome to the Torture Chamber of Secrets. The final boss, Kaligras, uses a predictable attack pattern as well as an all-new party mechanic.

Boss - Kaligras

Kaligras is the final boss of this dungeon. His mechanic rotation is set and does not change.

Attack Pattern
Numbers Mechanic
Eye Method
Numbers Mechanic
No Eye Method

At 90%, he will do the Numbers mechanic regardless of his current attack pattern.

  • Lines on Tank
    • Tank needs to side-step
  • Arrows on Random Targets
  • 3 Cone AoEs, 2 on furthest targets and 1 on closest
    • The targets are marked with a red marker
    • The red marker blinks 4 times in total
    • The Cone AoE is locked on the position of the 3rd blink
    • Dash away after the 3rd blink
  • Spinning Scythes
    • When the boss disappears, all players should gather towards the center
    • The tank should use Stalwart Bastion to reduce the damage of each tick
    • Any additional Damage Reduction and Skill Damage Resistance also help to reduce the damage taken.
  • Kidnap
    • 2 players must stand in front of the kidnapped person and block the Fury Attack
  • Rolling Fury Attack
  • Crossbow Mechanic - "Try not to die too quickly, okay?
    • The furthest person is targeted.
    • The targeted person must stand behind the tank so the tank so they can absorb all the damage.
    • If the targeted person has no idea what to do, the tank must stand before the target.
  • Numbers Mechanic
Torture Chamber Kaligras Attack Pattern


  1. At 90% Health or after Crossbow Mechanic.


  2. 3 to 5 players will aggro zombies.
    • Above a certain health percentage, 3 players aggro a zombie each.
    • Below a certain health percentage, 5 players aggro a zombie each.
  3. Each player with aggro has a hidden number from 1 to 3 or 1 to 5.
  4. Players must lead the zombies from closest to furthest from Kaligras, with 1 being the closest.
    • The position of the zombies is what matters, not the player.
    • The player could be number 5 and be the furthest player from the boss, but nothing will happen if their zombie isn't the furthest.
    • You will be given 3 chances to have all zombies stand in the correct order.
    • Each chance is telegraphed by blue lightning being called down.
    • Zombies standing in the correct order when lightning was called down will successfully lock into place.
  5. Successfully blocking Fury Attacks grants you a closed eye above your head.
    • When you interact with a full Red Tank, as shown in the 1st video, your eye will open, allowing you to see the numbers above the zombies.
  6. Placing pins down on the arena may help the positioning of numbers, as shown in the 2nd video.
No Pins

No Eye Method

  1. You can still complete the mechanic without the Eye (something you need to know how to do in Challenge Dungeons).
  2. If you have 3 numbers only, this is relatively simple.
    • 3 players stand in 3 positions.
    • If no players are locked into place at the time of lightning, that means none of the zombie positions were correct.
    • After, only 2 players should swap their zombie position. The 3rd should stay still.
    • When the 2nd lightning is called, whether someone's position is correct or not, everyone should immediately know which position to stand in afterward.
      • In the worst-case scenario, if no one's position is still correct, that means 2 people have eliminated 2 incorrect positions, and the only position left is the correct one.
  3. The same process repeats for up to 5 numbers. It's all about the process of elimination.
Island of Terror Mechanic

Torture Chamber Jailer Mech

Description (Watch the video clip.)

  • 1 person interacts with a buff or board and transforms into a Jailer.
  • The Jailer must write down the symbols that they see near the stairs.
    • The order in which the symbols are written is the order in which the party must complete the next mechanic.
  • The Jailer opens the gates and uses the 3rd ability to see the symbols in each room.
    • You will see 1 of the 4 symbols in each room
  • Press one of the buttons in a room to start the mechanic.
    • The 1st room that you must unlock is the room with the 1st symbol.
    • The 2nd room you must unlock is the room with the 2nd symbol.
    • Etc.
  • The most common way players can do this is to write down which room the symbol is in, in chat. Watch the video to see what I mean.

Torture Chamber Codex

  1. Screaming Truth 1
  2. Screaming Truth 2
  3. Screaming Truth 3 (Next to elevator)


Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Nymphellas


  • December 3, 2024
    Published for Throne and Liberty global launch.

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