Death’s Abyss Dungeon Guide
Last Updated:September 28, 2024|Changelog
Death's Abyss is set in the first Open World Dungeon, Syleus's Abyss, as the name suggests. This dungeon works exactly like the Level 30 Dungeon, Reaper's Abyss. The only difference is that the final boss, Karnix, and some mini-bosses have more in-depth mechanics.
There really isn't a special route for speed running Death's Abyss other than hugging the left or right wall and skipping mobs. For the 2nd objective, where you must pull 2 levers, a person with a dagger can use Camouflage Cloak to skip past enemies and pull one of the levers. The rest of the team can clear the other side.
The Arkeum Legion sent one expedition after another into Syleus's Abyss, desperate to harness the dark power residing within. None were prepared to face the countless monsters roaming the passageways, nor navigate the labyrinth. Every expedition failed. Upon discovering Heliber, the Legion seized on the idea of using him to gain control over the Abyss. They eventually managed to capture him, imprisoning him in a stone casket. Yet even stone could not hold Heliber forever, and when he broke free of his prison, he was even stronger than before. The sole Arkeum Shadowmancer to survive the encounter called upon the specter Karnix for help.
Boss - Karnix
Positioning and teamwork are critical to this boss fight. The Tank should position themselves on one side of the boss and the DPS on the other side. The boss regularly performs a large cone attack on the aggroed target that damages everything behind them.
Attack Pattern
Teleport ➔ AoE Fury Attack ➔ Death Sentence Mechanic ➔ AoE Fury Attack ➔ Teleport
- The first teleport targets the furthest player and does a cone attack.
- The second teleport targets the next furthest player and does a cone attack.
- The final teleport targets the next closest player and does a Fury Attack that stuns nearby players.
- Since the boss teleports to the furthest player, the tank and one Ranged DPS should be your designated players. Every time the boss teleports, get as close to him as possible to avoid the cone attack; this also makes it easier to spin the boss away from your party.
- When the boss teleports, he always teleports back to the furthest person, so the tank and designated Ranged DPS should not chase the boss around.
- The third teleport, which is a Fury Attack, does not take him to the furthest player and is often on the tank or whoever has aggro.
- Occurs after the 1st AoE Fury Attack.
- A voice line occurs: "Chase them to the ends of the Abyss!"
- Above 30% health, 3 players receive blue orbs above their head. 3 spinning scythes come out from the boss and chase players.
- Below 30% health, 5 players receive blue orbs and 5 scythes spawn.
- After around 10 seconds, one player receives a bubble. All players must gather in the bubble to soak damage from the upcoming attack.
- After the bubble mechanic is completed, 1 or 2 AoE Fury Attacks occurs immediately afterward.
- If the boss was pulled to a wall during the Teleport phase, this mechanic is slightly easier as you can just run to the opposite side.
- After 5 seconds of running along the outer edge, start making your way back to the center. Take care not to use too much stamina.
- After around 10 seconds, a player receives a bubble on them. All players should have already made their way to the center of the arena. Stack on the player with the bubble to spread the damage from the upcoming boss attack.
- Get ready to block 1-2 Fury Attacks right after.
Special Mobs
Enchanted Arkeum Arbiter
The Enchanted Arkeum Arbiter can completely wipe parties even though it's not a boss. His windup attack deals a significant amount of damage if not interrupted.
The telegraph here is when he says the voice line: "I'll wipe you all!" You must hard-CC the boss to interrupt the windup. If your party misses all CC, you can also just hide behind a wall and use line of sight to avoid the attack.

Death's Abyss Mini-Bosses
Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer
Make sure you have hard CC for this first miniboss.
- After the 3rd attack in her attack pattern, a voice line occurs: "I will end your life!"
- She lifts three players into the air. These players are not able to use any skills.
- The other three players must CC the boss during this time, to prevent her from killing the incapacitated players.

Elite Arkeum Riot Squad Captain
This 2nd miniboss requires enough DPS and hard CC.
- A voice line occurs: "Impossible!"
- The Riot Squad Captain gains a blue shield. Deal enough damage to break the blue shield.
- Afterward, the boss shouts, "Die!" Interrupt the boss by hard CCing him to prevent significant AoE damage.
Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Nymphellas