Carmine Rage Island Guide
Last Updated:December 25, 2024|Changelog
Carmine Rage Island is a 2 Star dungeon featuring two mini-Bosses and a Final Boss. The dungeon is quite fast but the mechanics can be confusing at first, so be sure to read on to become a pro in no time!
Boss - Gaitan
Gaitan is the final boss of Carmine Rage Island. If a ranged DPS pulls aggro, they should immediately run into Melee range of the Boss. If not, Gaitan will charge at the person with aggro, stunning all targets in his path. Before entering the fight
Position Setup
Before entering the fight, assign positions for each player to stand in once the Pillars Mechanic starts. Also determine who will be the two furthest players during the normal Attack Pattern in order to properly bait the 2nd Cone Slam as well as the Charge in Gaitan's rotation.
Attack Pattern
The Pillar + Memory Mechanic happens automatically at 90% HP, regardless of the Attack Pattern. It will also occur at 40% HP if you get there before the 2nd rotation occurs. After 90%, it will start its Attack Pattern from the beginning, as listed below. (Beware that you have very little time to coordinate when the mechanic happens at 90%)
- Slash x2
- Small Spin (Melee needs to dodge)
- Cone Slam (Towards Tank)
- Fury Attack
- Slash
- Cone Slam (Towards the furthest target)
- Slash (1 or 2x)
- Charge x3
- 1st towards furthest target
- 2nd towards next furthest
- 3rd towards tank (if aggro is held properly)
- Large Spin (Stack under the boss)
- Fury Attack (after the spin ends)
- Pillar Mechanic (on 2nd rotation of this attack pattern)
Range Bait
- Gaitan teleports to the center of the boss arena and spawns 4 pillars in set spots along the perimeter.
- After teleporting, Gaitan selects the 4 furthest players to chain to each pillar. Each player will be targeted with a cone AOE in the order of furthest distance from the boss.
- The furthest player is selected for first cone. They receive a yellow eye above their head.
- The 2nd furthest is assigned the Red Axe and receives the second cone. Refer to the Red Axe tab for more details.
- The 3rd furthest is selected for the third cone.
- The 4th furthest is selected for the fourth cone.
- The two closest players are not tethered and are free to move.
- After the 1st player receives the yellow eye, Gaitan then re-selects the new furthest player to send a Spinning Axe towards. Refer to the Spinning Axe tab for more details.
- After the Spinning Axe is sent out, Gaitan starts his cone AOE attacks.
- Each cone will break the pillar the player is attached to, stunning them briefly.
- Refer to step 2 for the order.
- After 4 slams, the mechanic will end and the boss will move back to the start of the listed Attack Pattern.
- Players must coordinate ahead of time what order they are to stand in.
- Place a ranged DPS as furthest.
- Place a Tank as second furthest.
- Place a Healer as closest.
- For the 4 players chained to pillars, the boss will always do his AOE cone in order of furthest player to closest.
- The 1st player must run towards the 4th player. The boss will target the 2nd player afterwards, so you do not want to be stunned near the 2nd player.
- For the 2nd, 3rd and 4th player, always run towards where he has slammed previously.
- As Gaitan selects the four furthest people to be tethered to pillars, he selects the second furthest to also receive the Red Axe Debuff.
- This debuff lasts until the mechanic ends and even a bit afterwards.
- Assign your Tank to be the 2nd furthest target. They are going to have the easiest time dealing with the DOT debuff.
- As a Healer, make sure to pay attention to the person marked with this debuff so you can heal them when necessary.
- After Gaitan assigns all targets to be tethered to pillars, he selects the new furthest target and sends a Spinning Axe to continually chase after them.
- After the second AOE Cone attack, this axe will explode leaving an AOE damage puddle on the ground.
- When Gaitan selects players for pillars, assign the second closest person to be in charge of baiting this axe, freeing up the closest person (your healer) to take care of everything else.
- As soon as you see the yellow marker above the furthest targets head, you can go out to the edge to bait the Spinning Axe. You don't need to wait until the players are pulled to their respective pillars.
- Ideally bait the Spinning Axe towards the 2nd Pillar or 4th Pillar. After the 1st Pillar is broken, move into the zone it used to be in to avoid accidentally running into Gaitan's AOE cone.
- This only occurs during the second time the mechanic happens.
- After Gaitan assigns all targets to be tethered to pillars, he selects the closest target to receive a DOT debuff in the form of a Blue Axe above the players head.
- This mechanic will wear off after Gaitan finishes his fourth AOE Cone attack.
- Assign your healer to be the closest target for this mechanic. They will not be tethered and can easily keep themselves alive while also helping with the Red Axe.
- During Gaitan's normal Attack Pattern, it is necessary to bait two different attacks that target the furthest player: The Cone Slam and the Charge.
- Although the Cone Slam appears twice in Gaitan's Attack Pattern, you only need to range bait the 2nd one.
- The first two Charge attacks will target the furthest target from Gaitan's current position.
- The third Charge attack will always target the Tank.
- When baiting both the Cone Slam and the Charge, make sure there aren't any players between you and the boss so they can avoid unnecessary damage.
- Keep in mind that to block the Charge, you must use a dodge roll. A standing block will not work.
Special Mobs
Red Goblins
On your way to the first mini-boss of Carmine Rage Island, you will encounter a group of six Red Goblins: Mean, Stubborn, Cowardly, Greedy, Grumpy, and Cheeky. A player is randomly selected to receive a Red Eye above their head, letting them know which Goblin is the correct one to kill (the marked player will see it highlighted with a red pillar of light). After each Goblin is killed, a new player is selected. After all Goblins are killed, the path to the next area is unlocked.
If a Goblin is killed while it is NOT marked, it will explode damaging all players.

Carmine Rage Island Mini-Bosses
Below are a complete list of the mini-bosses in Carmine Rage Island.
Red Goblin Shaman
- At the start of the fight, each player is assigned a Shape/Color above their head. These same Shapes/Colors will appear briefly on 6 pillars spread in a circle around the edges of the arena. Players have a short amount of time to memorize where each Shape/Color is before they disappear.
- After the Shapes/Colors disappear from the pillars, the player must remember which pillar matches their Shape/Color and interact with it, giving them a shield.
- If a player interacts with the wrong pillar, they are briefly stunned.
- After a set amount of time, the boss will spawn into the arena, doing a high-damage AOE attack. The only way to avoid this attack is to get the shield from your pillar.
- If the fight progresses long enough, the boss will repeat this mechanic with new Shapes/Colors.
Red Goblin Bomber
- Periodically throughout the fight, the boss will throw out Exploding Pots.
- Each pot has a timer above indicating how much time is left before they explode.
- These pots must be pushed off of the boss platform by either hitting it with attacks or pushing it with a skill such as Strategic Rush.
- After the boss has taken enough damage, he will lay out a Large Exploding Pot in the center of the platform.
- This pot can not be pushed, so use the floating Pylon to hook over to the next platform to avoid the explosion.
- After the Large Exploding Pot explodes, the platform it was on is destroyed.

Codex Exploration Quests
Goblin King Gaitan (Collection Codex Pages)

Written by Nymphellas
Reviewed by Yaen