Staff / Crossbow PvE Build Guide
Last Updated:March 7, 2025|Changelog
Welcome to the Staff / Crossbow PvE Build Guide! The build centers around Mother Nature's Protest to capitalize on the projectile-heavy nature of both weapons.
This build works by making sure all your projectile skills like Quick Fire and Fireball Barrage come off Cooldown as quickly as possible. Selfless Diffusion and High Focus aims to do just that, but you need to party with Deadly Marker Longbow users for even more Cooldown reduction and more damage.
As you are trying to spam your skills, high Mana Regen is a must. Make sure to use Inner Peace cancel tech and Mana Exchange as much as possible so that your Mana doesn't become an issue.
Skill build advice was given by Scytheologies. You can check out his Twitch and his YouTube.
T2 End Game Staff / Crossbow PvE Build
If you're interested in the Leveling Guide, check out our Staff/Crossbow Leveling Build Guide!
Gear Progression
Chaos Harbinger Set
- The 6-Pc Murderous Chaos set is chosen for the extra Critical Hit Chance at 2-Pc and Critical Hit Damage increase at 4-Pc.
- Alternatively, you can settle for 4-Pc Chaos Harbinger and go for the 2-Pc set below:
- 2-Pc Ancient King's Armor with the Ancient King's Armor: Solar Stone for the Active Skill.
- All pre-Talandre builds will be revamped once it releases.
- They will use T2 Blue gear instead.
2-Pc Nether
4-Pc Transcendent
No Field Boss Staff / Crossbow PvP Build
Field Boss Staff / Crossbow PvP Build
Stats and Gearing Logic
- Both weapons offer Species Damage Boost, which is the perfect weapon for PvE.
- You will want to stay within a 10m radius for Annihilator to proc.
- Because of this, the 2-Pc Spectral Overseer Set is excellent to go for, and you also can go for the 2-Pc Abyss Slayer Set for higher Max Damage.
- Accessories have the Max Mana trait to gain more Max Damage from Judge.
- Your Mana Regen is supplemented with Mana Spring.
Gear Sources
- Coming soon. Mouse over the item piece and look on the right-hand side for the drop location.
No Field Boss Staff / Crossbow PvP Build
Field Boss Staff / Crossbow PvP Build
Stats and Gearing Logic
- Both weapons offer Species Damage Boost, which is the perfect weapon for PvE.
- Accessories have the Max Mana trait to gain more Max Damage from Judge.
- Your Mana Regen is supplemented with Mana Spring.
Gear Sources
- Coming soon. Mouse over the item piece and look on the right-hand side for the drop location.
Skill Builds
Fire Bomb Staff / Crossbow PvE Build
Ice Spear Staff / Crossbow PvE Build
- Ensure Mother Nature's Protest is always activated.
- Cancel your Inner Peace cast with Rupturing Parry for the Mana Efficiency buff.
- After the entire rotation, your Selfless Diffusion has probably worn off, and your Judgment Lightning, Chain Thunder, and Focused Fire Bombs are off cooldown. As a result, you can cast them immediately during downtime.
- For AoE PvE Mobbing like Abyss Dungeons, etc, it's all largely the same apart from just switching into the AoE Lightning specs, grouping it all, and just lightning spamming + Firebomb charge with the amount of cooldown you get hitting multiple targets.
- Mother Nature's Protest applies Burn with every hit, which triggers Flame Condensation. The Burn damage is based on the skill level of Focused Fire Bombs.
- You use Focused Fire Bombs and Judgment Lightning whenever they're up.
- Quick Fire comes off cooldown quickly, so make sure to spam it as much as possible.
- Spam Mana Exchange as much as possible for more mana.
- Try and time Mortal Mark with your projectile skills if you see them coming off Cooldown momentarily.
Fire Bomb Starting Rotation
- Mother Nature's Protest (If not already activated)
- High Focus
- Focused Fire Bombs
- Inner Peace (Cancel with block)
- Rupturing Parry (Block cancel)
- Selfless Diffusion
- Mortal Mark
- Quick Fire
- Judgment Lightning at the end of previous cast
- Fireball Barrage
- Nimble Leap (Cancels previous animation)
- Chain Thunder
- Quick Fire
- Nimble Leap
- Quick Fire
Mana Sustain Combo
Using Rupturing Parry cancels Inner Peace, but you still get the Mana Efficiency buff. Always use it when you know you have to cast multiple skills.
- Inner Peace
- Rupturing Parry
Ice Spear Staff / Crossbow PvE Build
- Burn and Ice Spear Bombardment synergiz well with each other due to the new mastery passive, Heat Fusion
Ice Spear Starting Rotation
- Mother Nature's Protest (If not already activated)
- High Focus
- Inner Peace (Cancel with block)
- Rupturing Parry (Block cancel)
- Selfless Diffusion
- Mortal Mark
- Quick Fire
- Judgment Lightning at the end of previous cast
- Ice Spear Bombardment
- Nimble Leap (Cancels previous animation)
- Chain Thunder
- Quick Fire
- Fireball Barrage
- Nimble Leap to cancel previous animation
- Quick Fire
Mana Sustain Combo
Using Rupturing Parry cancels Inner Peace, but you still get the Mana Efficiency buff. Always use it when you know you have to cast multiple skills.
- Inner Peace
- Rupturing Parry
Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. These are the recommended Guardians for this class.
- Shade Revenant Stheno is THE DPS Guardian in PvE. No other explanation is required.
- Lady Knight Kamarshea is a useful Guardian while you learn new dungeons. It helps in dangerous situations as an emergency button to survive mechanics that deal a significant amount of damage. Not many other situations arise where this is necessary.
- Staff and Crossbow synergize well due to the projectile nature of their skills as Mother Nature's Protest proc on every cast of those skills.
- Your End Game build focuses on stacking Mana Regena, Cooldown Speed, and Bonus Damage.
- Run as much Dexterity as possible to make sure your skills are cast as quickly as possible.
Written by Yaen
Reviewed by Tenkiei and Bloo