Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build Guide
Last Updated:December 6, 2024|Changelog
Welcome to the Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build Guide! If you played Archeage this is the Darkrunner of Throne and Liberty! Greatsword / Dagger at first glance may seem like just another Bruiser archetype however, thanks to passive skills like Vital Force and Cold Warrior its damage output is high even while stacking large amounts of HP.
With the ability to engage from over 24m and having access to 2 Binds, 2 Stuns, and 1 Prone, there's nobody you can't lockdown and kill, making for the perfect Melee Assassin. Oh, and did I mention Precision Dash isn't even considered a Fury Attack so no pesky "Perfect Block" notices!
End Game Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build
If you're interested in PvE, check out our Greatsword / Dagger PvE Build Guide!
Skill Builds
Some skills appear different in the Tooltip due to its Skill Specialization.
- Frost Cleaving = Gaia Crash
- Cruel Smite = Valiant Brawl
Active Skills
Damage Skills
- Brutal Incision - This is the closest thing to an execute you have! Use it as a finisher after dealing 60-70% damage to your opponent's health!
- Guillotine Blade - This should be used almost exclusively after landing a Stun due to its cast time.
- Gaia Crash - While not listed in the Skill Build, this is a great alternative AoE damage option to use early on with the Frost Cleaving Skill Specialization.
- Players don't have high Melee Defense earlier on so the damage is pretty decent.
- This skill really comes online once T2 Weapons are introduced to the game.
Mobility / Utility
- Phantom Smokescreen - This is a great skill to use when finding yourself under focus fire from Ranged and Magic users!
- Precision Dash - This is a perfect skill to catch players from far away! Within a second, you can easily close a gap from over 30m away!
- Camouflage Cloak - Perfect for navigating the battlefield potentially unnoticed but also as a partial CC Cleanse!
- DaVinci's Courage - While this can be used offensively, you can also use it whenever you're low health for a quick emergency heal!
- Stunning Blow - Fairly fast animation. Great to use after Shadow Strike.
- Ascending Slash - With enough Attack Speed, players with higher ping have difficulty blocking this when followed up directly after Precision Dash.
- Devastating Smash - This is your ranged Stun! This is one of the easier skills to dodge.
- Shadow Strike - Use this to setup your Stunning Blow because with decent Attack Speed, it can be hard for players to react and block in time.
Passive Skills
- Vital Force - Greatsword builds tend to lean towards having higher Health, so you get the best of both worlds. Tankier and more damage thanks to this passive!
- Cold Warrior - With the combination of Stunning Blow this passive is a no brainer!
- Robust Constitution - This synergizes well with Vital Force.
- Shadow Walker - This skill is perfect to help you increase your Ranged and Magic Evasion.
- Wrathful Edge - Dagger allows for high Critical Hit, so there's no reason not to take this.
- Assassin's Instincts - Because you're sacrificing some Dexterity Stat Points for increased Health and Heavy Attack in Strength, this helps you to maintain high Critical Hit.
- Raging Frenzy - In almost all types of PvP, there are 3+ enemies so you can almost guarantee this is procced outside of 1v1's.
- Assassin's Step - This is a great way to assist in disengaging with the added Move Speed!
Active Skills
Damage Skills
- The main difference between this build and the Large-Scale version is just a change of Skill Specialization points.
- The core skills are the same, this version just puts a bigger emphasis on Death Blow and making use of its Skill Specialization options.
Skill Prioritization
- This is a general list of skills used across all forms of content that's recommended to upgrade.
- Should there be a skill here that you don't ever plan to use in your build, skip it.
- Use Quality Skill Growth Books to upgrade your skills from Green to Blue in the order shown below. Once all skills below are Green, use the rest on other skills used in the builds above.
- Use Rare Skill Growth Books to upgrade your skills from Blue to Purple in the order shown below. Once all skills below are Blue, use the rest on other skills used in the builds above.
- Prioritize getting all these skills to blue first before getting them to purple. These are universal skills you always use.
- Upgrade the rest of your skills as you play the game.
PvP Gameplay and Skill Rotation
Greatsword / Dagger has multiple different ways of securing kills. Your playstyle doesn't change too much between Large Scale and Small Scale PvP. In Large Scale your positioning is key! Getting caught out alone or before your guild engages can be very detrimental.As a potential engage, you can take advantage of the chaos and land AoE stun with Devastating Smash which can result in your group getting a big push towards winning the fight. In Small Scale PvP it's easier to spot the animation for the AoE Stun, these single target combos tend to be more successful.
Ranged AOE Stun Engage
- DaVinci's Courage
- Devastating Smash
- Frost Cleaving
- Skip if this isn't slotted.
- Normally once players start to reach higher gear, their defenses are higher, and this falls off in damage until T2 Weapons.
- Skip if this isn't slotted.
- Guillotine Blade
- Increase your engage distance to over 24m+ away!
- First use Precision Dash to jump to the enemy frontline.
- Then use Devastating Smash to jump into the backline.
Single Target Prone Combo
- Precision Dash or Shadow Strike
- Ascending Slash
- Guillotine Blade
- Brutal Incision
- This is an execution skill meaning it does more damage once they're below a certain health threshold.
- If they aren't 40-50% HP, followup with the Stun Combo first.
- This is an execution skill meaning it does more damage once they're below a certain health threshold.
- If these damage skills are on cooldown, use Cruel Smite and Death Blow
Single Target Stun Combo
- Stunning Blow
- Cruel Smite
- In the Small Scale / Arena PvP Build, this skill is called Valiant Brawl
- Death Blow
- Chain any of these combos after the other together when fighting tankier targets.
- Guillotine Blade is a great alternative skill to use when the target is stunned as well.
- Be careful of your surroundings because this skill does have a wind-up time.
- This skill does have higher damage than Death Blow but the wind-up time means there's more risk of the something interrupting the cast.
- The Dagger's Weapon Wastery named, Master of Evasion gives you an additional 105 Evasion while you have a dagger as your active weapon.
- To capitalize on this bonus, set your dagger as your primary weapon during neutral portions of the fights.
- Having Daggers as your primary weapon also grants increased movement speed during portions of the fights where you aren't using Greatsword Skills.
- Combine skills from both combos to prevent being stuck waiting for cooldowns.
- Use DaVinci's Courage and Camouflage Cloak at your own discretion. Only you can determine when to use it offensively or defensively.
- Camouflage Cloak can still be used offensively, but be careful not to get yourself in a precarious situation when it's not up.
Stat Priorities
Use the following stat priorities when playing a Greatsword / Dagger build in PVP:
- Primary Stats
- Strength,
- Secondary Stats
- Perception, and Dexterity
At level 50, you have 49 Stat Points to distribute however you see fit, and gear gives additional stat points that you cannot change. It's free to reset the 49 Stat Points so that you can "respec" whenever you need to as you progress and swap out items. Above are the main Stats to prioritize.
You get bonuses for every 10 Stat Points you invest from 30 to 60. You invest our points based on acquiring these bonuses.
Greatsword / Dagger gains a number of buffs when stacking HP. The Greatsword's skills and passives also allow you to reach high amounts of Heavy Attack Chance. Due to these reasons, Strength is one of the most valuable Stat Attributes to stack.
Early Game
This gear is the same as your leveling gear. If you want to learn more about the leveling process, check out our Greatsword / Dagger Leveling Guide! Your first goal is to hit 30 Strength for the added HP. Next, you get 30 Dexterity for increased Weapon Damage and Attack Speed. After that, you can put the rest of your points into Perception to help with some added Hit. However, early on, most players won't have much Melee Evasion.
Mid Game Gear
Your first goal is to hit 30 Strength. Higher HP synergizes with Vital Force. 30 Dexterity is your next step so that you can reach a high amount of Critical Hit, Attack Speed. Then toss some points into Perception until you reach 40, this grants us increased Hit and Buff Duration which works on skills like DaVinci's Courage and Precision Dash.
End Game
At Purple Gear, you can reach all of our desired Stat Breakpoints. First, 60 Strength for the added HP, and Heavy Attack Chance. Next, 50 Perception which gives increased Hit and Buff Duration. The added Range is a bonus as it increases range of your engagement skills.
Gear Progression
Should the opportunity arise to get Tevent's Despair Blade and/or Tevent's Massacre Blade, get them! These are the strongest weapons for Greatsword / Dagger in PvP.
- The next time these builds will be revamped entirely will be when T2 Epic gear comes out.
- With the confirmation of runes, more build variations were added on November 26th. The variations included were the 4-piece Death Set for more damage.
- No more changes are planned to be made to this gear until T2 gear comes in January or earlier.
- Rune Synergies will still work with any gear.
Early Game Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build
If you followed our Leveling Guide for Greatsword / Dagger, you may have some of these pieces already.
Most of this gear is replaced very quickly so don't stress too much unless you plan on PvP'ing a lot in the first week or two of the game.
Don't go out of your way to trait this build out UNLESS you plan on PvP'ing in the first week.
Gear Sources
- Elite Resistance Broadsword or Elite Resistance Knife is obtained from the Main Story Quest.
- Whichever one wasn't obtained, can be receive by completing their Lithograph Book entries.
- Bigger, Better Greatswords
- Sharp Blades that Cut Through Darkness
- Whichever one wasn't obtained, can be receive by completing their Lithograph Book entries.
- Elite Resistance Visor
- Chapter 6 Main Story Quest Reward
- Complete Overhead Protection Lithograph Book entry
- Sandworm in Sandworm Lair
- Orc Brawler in Fonos Basin
- Elite Gladiator's Cloak
- Orc Spearmaster in Akidu Valley
- Living Armor Foot Soldier in Syleus's Abyss 3rd and 4th Floor
- Dark Destruction Iron Gloves
- Death's Abyss Co-Op Dungeon
- Cave of Desperation Co-Op Dungeon
- Special Resistance Tactical Armor
- Chapter 10 Main Story Quest Reward
- Gallu Archer in Shattered Temple
- Complete Armor of Unfaltering Protection Lithograph Book entry
- Elite Resistance Leather Pants
- Chapter 8 Main Story Quest Reward
- Complete Slayers' Reliable Pants Lithograph Book entry
- Hermit Crab in Daybreak Shore
- Kotori in Purelight Hill
- Moonlight Grace Leather Boots
- Chapter 9 Main Story Quest Reward
- Complete Power that Pushes Through Lithograph Book entry
- Specter's Abyss Co-Op Dungeon
- Cave of Destruction Co-Op Dungeon
- Sluggish Zombie in Ruins of Turayne
- Lethal Fortune Ring
- Complete Rustic Mother Nature Rings Lithograph Book entry
- Cursed Wasteland Co-Op Dungeon
Melee Evasion
Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build
Ranged / Magic Evasion
Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build
- Both these builds can work however, the Melee Evasion build requires less Purple Gear and will be easier to trait.
- Deadeye's Cloak is a good alternative cloak for added Hit and Critical Hit at the sacrifice of some Melee Evasion.
- Many players ask if they should go Melee or Ranged / Magic Evasion and the truth is, it just depends on the server and which weapon combinations are the most popular on that server.
- During PvP content, if you find yourself constantly getting focused by Melee Users, then Melee Evasion would be the route to go.
- Most players that want to take part in Arenas tend to prefer Melee Evasion builds as well.
- If you're unsure which evasion to build still, stick with Melee Evasion build as the build itself is easier to obtain. Take some time to consider which path you want to take for End-Game Gear.
Gear Sources
- Focusing on obtaining Weapons first will be a huge upgrade in Damage.
- Magnaduke's Berserk Blade
- Butcher's Canyon Co-Op Dungeon
- Lequirus's Thorny Edge
- Cave of Destruction Co-Op Dungeon
- If luck isn't on your side just craft them with Dimensional Essence: Salvation Tokens by doing all the T1 Dungeons.
- Each Weapon requires 2 of these to craft.
- Magnaduke's Berserk Blade
Melee Evasion Build
- Nightslayer's Mantle
- Mitran / Contaminated Mitran in Purelight Hill
- Impure Witch's Linen Pants
- Acid Ants in Ant's Nest Open World Dungeon
- Elite Retainer's Belt
- Gray Lycan / Greyclaw Sentries in Grayclaw Forest
- Shade Wizards in Temple of Sylaveth
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
- Flying Dragon Breath Mask
- Cursed Wasteland Co-Op Dungeon
- Roaring Temple Co-Op Dungeon
- Ghost Wolf Alter Ego Armor
- Tyrant's Isle Co-Op Dungeon
- Beast King's Gilded Bracers
- Cave of Destruction Co-Op Dungeon
- Hermit's Shroud
- Complete Cloak that Protected a Hero Lithograph Book entry
- Dark Enforcer in Shadowed Crypt
- Special Resistance Hawk Gloves
- Complete Blessed Moonlight Touch Lithograph Book entry
- Gallu Archers in Shattered Temple
- Abyss Conqueror's Necklace
- Craft Recipe: Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss
- Eternal Ring of Dimension
- Craft Recipe: Precious Epic Accessory Selection Chest
- Battlefield Gladiator's Belt
- Living Armor Lancers in Syleus's Abyss 3rd and 4th Floor
- Hover over the Weapons and Accessories to see the recommended Runes.
- Runes can be somewhat situational based on the desired stats and various counters. The ones recommended are Universal Rune Synergies that help in most scenarios.
- For non-rune builds, visit the dropdown at the bottom.
Melee Evasion Build
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
- The Melee Evasion build optimizes your Melee Heavy Attack Chance while ensuring high amounts of Melee and Ranged Evasion.
- Most Armor Sets that increase damage output tend to have Ranged / Magic Evasion Traits.
- This Ranged / Magic Evasion build grants increased Critical Damage while reaching 1800+ Ranged / Magic Evasion.
- Fully trait your blue gear before transferring over to purple gear. A fully traited blue piece will give you 960 Blessings for you to use.
- Use Dungeon Weapons until you're able to get Adentus's Gargantuan Greatsword.
- Duke Magna's Provoking Warblade = More Survivability
- Duke Magna's Fury Warblade = More Damage
Rune Building Philosophy
- Critical Damage Reduction, Attack Speed or Shield Block Chance Pierce
- Critical Damage Reduction counters the Critical Damage Increase from Death Set and other sources.
- Shield Block Chance Pierce counters Sword and Shield Block Chance.
- Attack Speed is self-explanatory.
- Speeds up the casting time of charged skills like Guillotine Blade.
If you find yourself constantly fighting Sword and Shield users, go with Shield Block Chance. If you hardly ever fight Sword and Shield users, go with the Attack Speed instead to get your combo off faster.
- + PER helps to get +60 Perception if you desire.
- + DEX is purely an offensive Rune Synergy effect.
- + STR is helpful to hit 60 Strength if you need it.
- Max Health or Critical Hit Damage Reduction Rune Synergies
- A higher health pool will give you more effective HP than Critical Hit Damage Reduction.
Priority Rune Stats
- Attack Runes
- Hit Chance, Skill Damage Boost, and Heavy Attack Chance
- Greatsword can already reach upwards of 900+ Heavy Attack Chance with its passives so it's less of a priority than the other two due to the low amounts of Heavy Attack Evasion users can get currently.
- Hit Chance, Skill Damage Boost, and Heavy Attack Chance
- Defense Runes
- Evasion, Max Health, Heavy Attack Evasion
- Support Runes
- Skill Damage Resistance and Healing Received
No Runes Versions
Gear Sources
Melee Evasion Build
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
Global Launch
Melee Evasion Build
Global Launch
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
Melee Evasion
No Field Boss Required PvP Build
Ranged / Magic Evasion
No Field Boss Required PvP Build
Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. You'll have a few options for Guardians when it comes to PVE.
- Lady Knight Kamarshea - This guardian lowers your cooldown while also giving you a damage shield equal to 50% of your maximum Mana. This is a strong defensive guardian whenever you find yourself struggling to survive.
- Pale Nemesis Hartach - This guardian allows you to go stealth after killing somebody within 5 seconds. This can be incredibly useful before you receive your Tevent's Massacre Blade to avoid aggro.
- Greatsword / Dagger allows you to play like a Bruiser and/or a Melee Assassin in Throne and Liberty!
- Greatsword's skills allow you to stack high amounts of Heavy Attack Chance, Hit, and Skill Damage Boost!
- Dagger's Passives allow you to have a high amount of Critical Hit and Critical Hit Damage.
- Precision Dash isn't considered a Fury Attack so you can bind somebody without the risk of them performing a "perfect block"!
Written by Bloo
Reviewed by Dredscythe