Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build Guide
Last Updated:March 8, 2025|Changelog
Welcome to the Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build Guide! If you played Archeage this is the Darkrunner of Throne and Liberty! Greatsword / Dagger at first glance may seem like just another Bruiser archetype however, thanks to passive skills like Vital Force and Cold Warrior its damage output is high even while stacking large amounts of HP.
With the ability to engage from over 24m and having access to 2 Binds, 2 Stuns, and 1 Prone, there's nobody you can't lockdown and kill, making for the perfect Melee Assassin.
End Game Greatsword / Dagger PvP Build
If you're interested in PvE, check out our Greatsword / Dagger PvE Build Guide!
Gear Progression
Should the opportunity arise to get Tevent's Massacre Blade, get them! These are the strongest Daggers for Greatsword / Dagger in PvP.
Set Effect Options
- 2 Pieces of Abyssal Beast for Hit Chance and Wildlands Protector for Evasion helps to reach the two important stats for many Gladiators.
- 4 Pieces of Wildlands Protector grants added survivability for some of the glass cannon users that are specifically building to counter your Evasions.
- Alternatively, getting 4 pieces of Chaos Harbinger helps to increase your Critical Hits and Critical Damage to really push the damage output as high as possible.
Consider the defensive and offensive breakpoints other classes can reach when building your gear.
- Melee
- Fully built Sword and Shield users reach 1500+ base Endurance.
- The amount varies depending on Trait Resonances and Runes.
- With the Palace Guard's Plate Armor item set, they will take even less damage. If you are targeting Sword and Shields, use the Shield Block Penetration Chance Rune Synergy.
- Greatswords can reach 2500+ base Melee Hit Chance fully geared without sacrificing damage.
- Spears can reach 2000+ base Melee Hit Chance before buffs.
- Fully built Sword and Shield users reach 1500+ base Endurance.
- Ranged
- Ranged Classes can reach 2000+ base Ranged and Magic Evasion or 1700+ Endurance pre-buffed without sacrificing damage. The specific numbers depend on the Runes the player slots and the Trait Resonance they use.
- Support
- If Bow / Wands follow the builds on this site, they can reach 2000+ Ranged and Magic Endurance with 500+ Heavy Attack Evasion. As mentioned above, these numbers differ depending on the Runes and Trait Resonance.
Considering the above, it's hard to find a one-size-fits-all solution. How you gear will entirely depend on the meta of your server.
- Is your server full of high Evasion users? Do you usually target those players? If so, build more Hit Chance.
- The new Greatsword Mastery, Vigorous Barrier helps to further increase your Melee Hit.
- Is your server more Endurance-focused? Are you trying to kill those Endurance users? If so, build more Critical Hit Chance. Lightning Infusion will help against opponents Endurance as well.
- Blood Fighter is an incredible new mastery, however it only works if you're landing your Critical Hits so stacking higher Critical Hit is integral on servers where Endurance becomes the meta.
- There is no "Best Build", Talandre Gear allows for a wide variety of builds leading to different metas depending on your Server.
- Use the builds as a base, and swap different pieces around to fit the stats needed to combat your Server's meta.
- AGS is limiting gear availability for the launch of Talandre so Loot Tables may not be fully correct at during the first month of Talandre in Global Servers.
All of these builds can be used with Tevent's Warblade of Despair and / or Tevent's Fangs of Fury at the sacrifice of around 150 Hit. There are additional items listed below that can be used as alternative options to regain the loss in Hit.
Why not Wraith Knight Set?
Mainly just because that set was added BEFORE Talandre and only has 3 stat lines. All "Post-Talandre" T2 items have 4 stat lines which means there's many other options to gain the set effects from Wraith Knight Set while gaining even more stats.
Early T2 Melee / Ranged Evasion
- All T2 items in this build are available within the first few weeks of the game and great to use as a transitional T2 Build.
- All pieces of the Wraith Knight Set come from 2 Star Dungeons.
- Elite Resistance Fighting Spirit Armor is from finishing the Talandre Quest Line.
- This build grants enough stats to quickly kill majority of the targets near the launch of Talandre.
Early T2 Ranged / Magic Evasion
- All T2 items in this build are available within the first few weeks of the game and great to use as a transitional T2 Build without wasting too many resources on sub-optimal T2 Items.
- Elite Resistance Bone Boots can be obtained by completing the Talandre Quest Line.
- The Dawn Mist Set drops from the same Open World Talandre Mobs, and from Level 50 Field Bosses.
- Void Stalker's Overcoat is from 2 Star Dungeons along with Open World Talandre Mobs.
- The T2 accessories added in this build are common T2 accessories found in most builds, one dropping from a 3-Star Dungeon, and another from a commonly farmed, Open World Dungeon.
T2 All Evasion Build
- This build is a great "All Around" type of build that maintains high defensive and offensive stats to ensure performance across all types of content regardless of the meta.
- Potential Evasion Stats:
- 3300+ Melee Evasion lowers the chances of getting peeled off an opponent when going in and attacking priority targets.
- 3100+ Ranged/Magic Evasion lowers the amount of splash damage from all the AoE damage on the field while engaging on priority targets as well!
T2 Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
- This build sacrifices Melee Evasion for added Offensive Stats along with increased Ranged / Magic Evasion.
- Potential Evasion Stats:
- 3200+ Ranged Evasion
- 3600+ Magic Evasion
- Offensive Stats:
- 2400+ Hit
- 1800+ Critical Hit
- 35% - 57% Critical Damage
- 820 Base Heavy Attack Chance
- This increases to over 1000 against Stunned/Bound Targets
Alternatives + Other Common Weapons / Armors
- Hit Alternatives
- Nether Overwatcher's Leather Pants
- Nether Overwatcher's Leather Gloves
- Great Tree Sap Necklace
- This can be obtained from Material Transformation as well as Precious Blessing Pouch: Nebula which drops from regular Nebula Island Monsters making it very obtainable
- Ogre King's Horned Helm
- Admiral's Combat Hat
- Elite Resistance Fighting Spirit Gloves
- Elite Resistance Bone Bandana
- Evasion Alternatives
- Elite Resistance Fighting Spirit Armor
- Nether Overwatcher's Leather Gloves
- Red Demonic Eye Bracelet
- Offensive Stats Alternatives
- Admiral's Directive Gloves
- Tree King's Ring
- Ogre King's Horned Helm
- Master Assassin's Belt
- Violent Demonic Beast's Fur Boots
- Critical Damage Reduction, Attack Speed or Shield Block Chance Pierce
- Critical Damage Reduction counters the Critical Damage Increase from Death Set and other sources.
- Shield Block Chance Pierce counters Sword and Shield Block Chance.
- Attack Speed is self-explanatory.
- Speeds up the casting time of charged skills like Guillotine Blade.
Melee Evasion Build
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
- Critical Damage Reduction, Attack Speed or Shield Block Chance Pierce
- Critical Damage Reduction counters the Critical Damage Increase from Death Set and other sources.
- Shield Block Chance Pierce counters Sword and Shield Block Chance.
- Attack Speed is self-explanatory.
- Speeds up the casting time of charged skills like Guillotine Blade.
Rune Building Philosophy
- Critical Damage Reduction, Attack Speed or Shield Block Chance Pierce
- Critical Damage Reduction counters the Critical Damage Increase from Death Set and other sources.
- Shield Block Chance Pierce counters Sword and Shield Block Chance.
- Attack Speed is self-explanatory.
- Speeds up the casting time of charged skills like Guillotine Blade.
If you find yourself constantly fighting Sword and Shield users, go with Shield Block Chance. If you hardly ever fight Sword and Shield users, go with the Attack Speed instead to get your combo off faster.
- Critical Damage Reduction, Attack Speed or Shield Block Chance Pierce
- Critical Damage Reduction counters the Critical Damage Increase from Death Set and other sources.
- Shield Block Chance Pierce counters Sword and Shield Block Chance.
- Attack Speed is self-explanatory.
- Speeds up the casting time of charged skills like Guillotine Blade.
- Critical Damage Reduction, Attack Speed or Shield Block Chance Pierce
- Critical Damage Reduction counters the Critical Damage Increase from Death Set and other sources.
- Shield Block Chance Pierce counters Sword and Shield Block Chance.
- Attack Speed is self-explanatory.
- Speeds up the casting time of charged skills like Guillotine Blade.
Priority Rune Stats
- Critical Damage Reduction, Attack Speed or Shield Block Chance Pierce
- Critical Damage Reduction counters the Critical Damage Increase from Death Set and other sources.
- Shield Block Chance Pierce counters Sword and Shield Block Chance.
- Attack Speed is self-explanatory.
- Speeds up the casting time of charged skills like Guillotine Blade.
Melee Evasion Build
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
Gear Sources
- Adentus's Barbaric Blade
- Adentus Field Boss
- Unshakeable Gold Ring
- Demonhoof Trackers in Syleus's Abyss 5th and 6th Floor
- Tycan's Bloodlust Belt
- Aridus Field Boss
- Valley of Slaughter Co-Op Dungeon
- Helm of the Field General
- Also obtained from Chernobog Field Boss
- Helm of the Field General
- Voidwastes Co-Op Dungeon
- Phantom Wolf Gloves
- Gauntlets of the Field General
- Also obtained from Aridus Field Boss
Melee Evasion Build
- Band of the Chosen One
- Island of Terror Co-Op Dungeon
- Black Lion Black Gaiters
- Temple of Slaughter Co-Op Dungeon
- Black Lion Dash
- Tyrant's Isle Co-Op Dungeon
- Slaughterer's Collar
- Complete Marienne's Recommended Necklace Collection Lithograph Book entry
- Kowazan and Lycan Kowazan Field Boss
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
- Phantom Wolf Tunic
- Island of Terror Co-Op Dungeon // Tyrant's Isle Co-Op Dungeon
- Shadow Harvester Boots
- Carmine Rage Island Co-Op Dungeon
- Shadow Harvester Trousers
- Torture Chamber of Screams Co-Op Dungeon (Releases Dec 5, 2024)
- Also drops from Junobote Field Boss
- Torture Chamber of Screams Co-Op Dungeon (Releases Dec 5, 2024)
- Heroic Hood of the Resistance
- Complete Crown Blessed by Moonlight Lithograph Book entry.
- Black Boars in Purelight Hill
- Skillful Shock Bracelet
- Can also use Skillful Charging Bracelet.
- Costs Arena Coin x9 from the Arena Vendor in Kastleton.
- Win Arenas to complete the Weekly Arena Wins Missions, and receive Arena Coin to purchase the item.
Melee Evasion Build
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
Global Launch
Melee Evasion Build
Global Launch
Ranged / Magic Evasion Build
Melee Evasion
No Field Boss Required PvP Build
Ranged / Magic Evasion
No Field Boss Required PvP Build
Skill Builds, Rotations, and Mastery
Greatsword / Dagger has multiple different ways of securing kills. Your playstyle doesn't change too much between Large Scale and Small Scale PvP. In Large Scale your positioning is key! Getting caught out alone or before your guild engages can be very detrimental. As a potential engage, you can take advantage of the chaos and land AoE stun with Devastating Smash which can result in your group getting a big push towards winning the fight. In Small Scale PvP it's easier to spot the animation for the AoE Stun, these single target combos tend to be more successful.
The greatsword mastery, Power Grip, has a bad translation. It lowers HP gained from the passive by half and adds Weapon Damage based on the passive's skill level.
- Combine skills from both combos to prevent being stuck waiting for cooldowns.
- Use DaVinci's Courage and Camouflage Cloak at your own discretion. Only you can determine when to use it offensively or defensively.
- Camouflage Cloak can still be used offensively, but be careful not to get yourself in a precarious situation when it's not up.
Ranged AOE Stun Engage
- DaVinci's Courage
- Devastating Smash
- Frost Cleaving
- Skip if this isn't slotted.
- Normally once players start to reach higher gear, their defenses are higher, and this falls off in damage until T2 Weapons.
- Skip if this isn't slotted.
- Guillotine Blade
- Increase your engage distance to over 24m+ away!
- First use Precision Dash to jump to the enemy frontline.
- Then use Devastating Smash to jump into the backline.
Single Target Combo
- Precision Dash or Shadow Strike
- Ascending Slash
- Can use Stunning Blow as well here.
- Guillotine Blade
- Death Blow
- This is an execution skill meaning it does more damage once they're below a certain health threshold.
- Stunning Blow can be used in place of Ascending Slash
- Prone is the strongest CC possible as most users cannot break it with a trinket compared to Stun.
Extended Combo
- Precision Dash or Shadow Strike
- Ascending Slash
- Guillotine Blade
- Stunning Blow
- Cruel Smite
- Death Blow
- This is an execution skill meaning it does more damage once they're below a certain health threshold.
- Making use of the additional CC to continue the combo, this ensures the target is below 30% HP before using Death Blow to get that added execute damage.
Skill Prioritization
- This is a general list of skills used across all forms of content that's recommended to upgrade.
- Should there be a skill here that you don't ever plan to use in your build, skip it.
- Use Quality Skill Growth Books to upgrade your skills from Green to Blue in the order shown below. Once all skills below are Green, use the rest on other skills used in the builds above.
- Use Rare Skill Growth Books to upgrade your skills from Blue to Purple in the order shown below. Once all skills below are Blue, use the rest on other skills used in the builds above.
- Prioritize getting all these skills to blue first before getting them to purple. These are universal skills you always use.
- Upgrade the rest of your skills as you play the game.
Guardians are special transformations that add offensive or defensive buffs or attacks to your character for 30 seconds. You'll have a few options for Guardians when it comes to PVE.
- Lady Knight Kamarshea - This guardian lowers your cooldown while also giving you a damage shield equal to 50% of your maximum Mana. This is a strong defensive guardian whenever you find yourself struggling to survive.
- Pale Nemesis Hartach - This guardian allows you to go stealth after killing somebody within 5 seconds. This can be incredibly useful before you receive your Tevent's Massacre Blade to avoid aggro.
- Greatsword / Dagger allows you to play like a Bruiser and/or a Melee Assassin in Throne and Liberty!
- Greatsword's skills allow you to stack high amounts of Heavy Attack Chance, Hit, and Skill Damage Boost!
- Dagger's Passives allow you to have a high amount of Critical Hit and Critical Hit Damage.
Written by Bloo
Reviewed by Dredscythe